Title Page
Document No.
Client/ Site
Checmical Safety, Storage & Hazardous Materials
Flammable/combustible liquids not stored/kept near exits (IFC 5704.3.3.3)
Quantities >10 gals stored in cabinets (IFC 5704.3.4.4)
No basement storage unless sprinklered (IFC 5704.3.5.1)
Storage exceeds Maximum Allowable Quantities (IFC Table 5003.1.1)
Compressed gas cylinder security (IFC 5303.5)
704 Label accurate/current (IFC 5003.5)
Proper separation of incompatible chemicals (IFC 5003.9.8)
Shelving equipped with restraints from falling (IFC 5003.9.9)
Sash closed when fume hood unattended (recognized standard)
Compressed gas cylinders secured with chain at least .25" (recognized standard)
All chemicals properly labeled (recognized standard)
All chemicals dated when first opened (recognized standard)
Chemicals shall not be stored in fume hood (recognized standard)
Construction Features & Fire Resistance
Fire rated construction present/maintained (IFC 703.1)
Rated fire doors operational & not blocked (IFC 703.2)
Exiting & Egress
Exits, aisles and corridors free of obstructions (IFC 1030.3)
Adequate number of exits (IFC 1004.1.1, 1015, 1021, 1104.24)
Exit signage present & operable (IFC 1011, 1104.3)
Emergency lighting present & operational (IFC 1006, 1104.5)
Exit corridors rated (IFC 1018.1, 1104.17)
Vertical openings of 2 or more stories shall be protected (IFC 1103.4)
Vertical openings of 3-5 stories protected with sprinklers (IFC 1103.4.2)
Electrical hazards (IFC 605.1, 605.6)
Electrical appliances, fixtures, cords in good condition (IFC 605.7)
Multiplug adapters per NFPA 70 (IFC 605.4)
Extension cords not a substitute for permanent wiring (IFC 605.9)
36" clearance for electrical panels (IFC 605.3)
GFCI outlets near water source (IFC 605.1)
Elevator Machine Room
Free of storage (ASME A17.1)
Portable fire extinguisher at least 2A:10B:C (ASME A17.1)
Kitchen Extinguishing & Suppression Systems
Kitchen hood system fuel shutoff (IFC 904.11.2)
Kitchen hood suppression system maintained (IFC 609.3, 904.11.6)
Occupant Load
Occupant load exceeded (IFC 1004, Table 1015.1)
Portable Fire Extinguishers
Readily accessible, not obstructed (IFC 906.5, 906.6)
Travel distance not exceeded (IFC 906.1, 906.3)
Tested/inspected annually (IFC 901.6.1)
Extinguishers must be mounted (IFC 906.7)
Sprinker Systems
Controls are readily accessible (IFC 509.2)
Wrench & spare sprinklers available (IFC 903.3.1)
Storage neat & orderly (IFC 315.3)
Combustibles prohibited in mechanical/electrical rooms (IFC 315.3.3)
Attic storage prohibited if unprotected (IFC 315.3.4)
Concealed space storage prohibited if unprotected (IFC 315.3.4)
Storage maintained, <2" ceiling unsprinkled, <18" sprinkled ((IFC 315.3.1)
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