Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
External Checks
Are all gates open and closed when required
Are all car park lights working correctly
Are all pitches clear of obstructions and are playable
Are all netting secure and intact
Are all lights switched on and off when required and working correctly
Are all bins emptied
Are all hand sanitizing stations in place and operable
Internal Checks
Is the alarm working correctly
Did you check the fire alarm panel
Are all fire extinguishers in place
Are all fire escape routes & fire exits cleared and alarmed
Are all windows & doors opened and closed when necessary
Are all lights switched on and off when required
Are all areas clean and clear of slip/trip hazards
Are all bins emptied
Are the changing rooms and toilets clean and clear of slip/trip hazards
Are all hand dryers off and paper towel present in all toilets
Are all hand sanitizing stations in place and operable
Emergency preparedness
Is there a member of staff present with first aid
Are there filled first aid boxes in place
Is there an AED in place and operable
Are staff aware of what to do in case of emergency
Are the emergency contact numbers displayed in all working areas