
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Service Educator Information

  • List of Educators Present at Time of Audit

  • The Two Year Qualified Person Present at Time of Audit

  • The Educational Leader is Present at Time of Audit

  • The Responsible Person Present at Time of Audit

Overview Of Service Audit

  • Provide an overview of service audit, include number or children and educators present during visit as well as the approved numbers.


  • Quality Area One Education Program and Practice
    This area assess's part 4.1 of Education and Care Services National Regulations - Educational program and practice. Looking at practices and implementation of:
    Educational program ~ Documenting of child assessments or evaluations for delivery of educational program ~ Information about educational program to be kept available ~ Information about educational program to be given to parents

Displayed throughout inside and outside areas

  • The Hours of operation are clearly displayed

  • Fee Information is clearly displayed

  • Service Contact information including an outside hours of operation contact number is clearly displayed

  • No Smoking display is at entrance to service and is clearly displayed

  • A current Plan or Program is displayed where parents/caregivers can clearly see

  • Both the QPCYWA and the individual Service Philosophy is displayed

  • The most current copy of the QPCYWA Policy and Procedures is available

  • The current Weeks Menu is displayed and is varied and nutritious and meets the PCYC Food & Nutrition Policy

  • There is evidence of individual documentation of children's learning

  • There are community contact information available for families?

  • The SAC Open Door Policy is displayed

  • PCYC Membership - "Why Memberships important" Poster?

  • Does the service have displayed their Service Approval Certificate

  • Where Audit visit is whilst vacation care is operating; has the service their educator Break Notification displayed

  • The service has a display/poster inviting parent feedback on the program etc

  • The service has the QPCYWA Notice for Volunteers displayed

  • The service has a current roster displayed that reflects the educators on floor at time of visit

  • The service has all educators profiles display]ed - stating name, qualification, certified supervisor number and first aid/CPR/Anaphylaxis & Asthma Qualifications and Blue card details

  • The service has the Nominated Supervisor of the service Displayed

  • The service has the Responsible Person of the Shift/Session or Day displayed" and is accurate at the time of visit

  • The Educational Leader is clearly displayed

  • The service utilises the Educator Attendance Register

  • A sign in and out register for volunteers and visitors is in place and the educators direct person performing audit to sign in

  • The services has displayed the QPCYWA Vision and Mission Statement

  • Complaints and Comments notification is displayed along with contact numbers and names

  • QPCYWA Privacy Policy is displayed clearly

  • The service has prominently displayed either their NCAC Profile if not yet assessed or their NQS rating Displayed

  • Where a service has not been assessed under the new framework, they have displayed a notice "stating the Service has not been assessed under the new framework"

  • There is a map displayed in a prominent position outlined the approved/licensed areas o the service

  • The service has a comment box or similar in their service

  • Evidence of Environment and Sustainability Discussions and Activities are available

  • Indigenous art and displays as well as multicultural information reflection the children and community are displayed

  • The service has evidence of self worth and encouragement of children

  • The service has information on the National Quality Framework - My Time Our Place as well as language easily accessible to families etc.

  • There is a display or information on protective behaviours in the room

Parent Area Display and Information

  • The parent area is easily defined

  • The parent area is tidy and clean and information is in date

  • There is information available for families on infections

  • The latest copy of the Parent Handbook is available

  • There is a record format to record any compliance notices for families

  • Information on HubWorks! is available and displayed

  • There are parent induction packs available, [ask educator to provide an enrolment pack, then and there]; the pack must contain - handbook, service HubWorks! link to complete enrolment form; PCYC Membership form; Booking forms; All About Me/My Time Our PCYC booklet; Induction Form; latest newsletter and club information etc.

  • There is a copy of the PANOSH (Physical Activities and Nutrition in Outside School Hours) guide in place

Evidence of Practice

  • A variety of resources are set up in the room to engage all the children

  • There is an area for children to rest or sleep

  • The is an Educational Leader Profile displayed

  • The is an Educational Leader Profile was able to explain the Planning Cycle and provide evidence of connections between Question - Plan - Act/Do - Observe/Review

  • The children have free access to craft and play resource and a craft table or resource trolley or similar is available

  • The children have free access to outdoor play equipment and resources

  • The children have free access between indoor and outdoor play spaces

  • The service is able to provide evidence of program planning i.e. observation linked to questioning linked to planning linked to actions then around again to observations and so on

  • Children are encouraged by educators to explore the environment

  • There is evidence through activities or resources of science and learning resources

  • There is enough books, magazines and reading resources available for children

  • There is Evidence of interaction and activities relating to the environment

Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)

  • The Service have a Quality Improvement Plan in place

  • The QIP was reviewed within the last 6 months.

  • There is Evidence of continuing improvement i.e. have there been plans of improvement, progress, feedback and accomplishment

Rating Subtotal for Educational Program and Practice

  • In relation to QPCYWA expectations this area received the rating of 20=Exceptional; 15=Meets some Requirements; 10=Meets most Requirements and 0=Doesn't meet any.

  • Overall this service has been marked as. Using the following slide scale Red Service is indicated with a score between 0 and 20 Amber Service is indicated with a score between 21 and 120 Green Service is indicated with a score between 121 and 149 Gold Service is indicated with a score of 150 points


  • Quality Area Two - Children's Health and Safety
    This section is to meet Education and Care Services National Regulations: Part 4.2 - Health, safety and wellbeing of children looking at practices and implementation of:
    ~ Good Health, hygiene and safe food practices ~ Provision of Food and Beverages ~ Children's sleep and rest ~ Tobacco, drub and alcohol-free environment ~ Incidents, injury, trauma and illness procedures ~ Infectious diseases ~ First Aid kits ~ Medical Conditions Policy ~ Administration of medication ~ Emergencies and Communication ~ Collection of children from premises and excursions ~ Conduct of risk assessment for excursion

Display, condition and Information available in Kitchen/Food Preparation area

  • There are hand washing (5 steps) information/sign displayed

  • There is information or a display on correct storage of food

  • There is a chopping board guide in place and the correct boards are used for food preparation by the educators (Reg 77)

  • There is a guide for food preparation displayed

  • Benches are clean and free of clutter

  • There is a food handling guided displayed

  • There are notifications including photos of children with allergies; these have been reviewed in the last 12 months

  • Where there are children with Asthma and Anaphylaxis there are management guides displayed in an area easily accessed by educators

  • There is a first aid kit available that is stocked with enough resources to meet the needs of the number of children in care

  • All children's medication is in date

  • The medication kit is easily accessible and signed

  • Children requiring medication have medication permission forms in place that are accurately completed and utilised

  • The medication kit is kept out of reach of children

  • The resources in the medication kit are in date <br>

  • There is a soils bucket available

  • There are laundry facilities or access to them available. Is there record that indicates when towels etc are laundered

  • A cleaning and maintenance record in place and utilised daily.

  • Children attending extra curricular activities have parent permission slips in place authorising educators to escort them to and from activities (Reg 99)

  • Occupational Health and Safety Information/Folder is available for staff (QPCYWA OHS Manual 2012 - 1.2 OHS Strategic Planning - 6.5 Implementing OHS Strategic Plans) including who is the Safety Warden and does a member of SAC sit on OHS Committee to ensure that SAC is considered in managing safety.

Resources and further information displayed

  • There is a service specific, working telephone at the service (not a staff member/s private mobile)

  • Where there is a child with Anaphylaxis a notice is displayed in parent area for families

  • Where the service has had a case of an infectious illness they have notified families using the service.

  • There is an infection exclusion guide or information displayed for families

  • There is an immunisation guide or information available for families

  • Diligent Supervision Poster is in place in staff area

  • There are Indoor/Outdoor Supervision Guides in place

  • There is information available on healthy eating and lunch box suggestions etc

  • Evacuation and Lockdown procedures are displayed as well as an map of evacuation route and meeting place

Practice, Documentation and Evidence

  • A educator attendance record is in place and is Utilised

  • The ratio of educator to child was met during the service audit

  • There is a two year qualified person present as well as a nominated/certified supervisor on the premises

  • An Educator was on the premises during the service audit with an up to date First Aid (three yearly) and CPR (yearly), and the Documentation is Current and Certified

  • (January 2013) An educator on the premises holds with a current Asthma (yearly) and Anaphylaxis (three years) and the Documentation is Certified

  • Roll Call was done within 10 minutes of the school bell ringing of an afternoon, and the Educators aware of all children in enrolled on the day.

  • The educators follow correct sanitising process before preparing, serving and completing food preparation

  • Roll call is done at the start of each session and educators use HubWorks! utilisation sheet to record attendance

  • Medication Forms are utilised and educators are able to provide correct practice of application and dispensing of medication.

  • Allergy Management Notifications are in place and up to date

  • An evacuation and lockdown drill has been completed in the last three months (one should be done each term and each vacation care period)

  • Service has an area set aside for children to rest, sleep or relaxation

  • Educators do not use their personal phones whilst rostered

  • The educators are aware of what an NL01 Form is and when to utilise it

  • The educators practice good hygiene practices in food preparation

  • The educators are aware of what SI01 form is, and the reporting procedure

  • The educators are aware of 7.2.1 form and the reporting procedures

  • Detailed Excursion Risk Assessments are in place and developed/completed prior to excursions


  • Educators are aware of any parenting orders for children in care

  • The administration area is easily defined <br>

  • Emergency contacts i.e. club, local police, poisons hot line, branch manager, school contact/administration etc is near phone

  • There is information available for families (head lice. colds and infections) and is updated regularly?

  • Administration area/desk is clean and well organised.

  • The children and staff files are secure in a locked facility

  • The Operation Officer has randomly selected 10 children's files and found them complete; i.e. children's enrolment form that is complete and current (updated in the last twelve months), any parenting orders, escort forms, medication forms etc.

  • A copy of the Child Protection Act 1999 is available for educators

  • There is a copy of Know Your Food Business or Information on preparation/delivering and storage available for educators

  • PCYC Newsletters, Newsflash and QCAN newsletters are available for all educators

  • There is a copy of the staff handbook available for educators

  • There are training opportunities displayed and educators are invited to attend either at their expense or through training budget

  • A copy of the latest Policy and Procedures is available for educators

  • A copy of the National Child Care Legislation is a available for educators

  • Overall this service has been marked as. Using the following slide scale of 1 = Significant Improvement Required; 3 = Working Towards Natiional Quality Standard; 6 = Meets National Quality Standard; 10 = Exceeds National Quality Standard

Rating Subtotal for Children's Health and Safety

  • In relation to QPCYWA expectations this area received the rating of 20=Exceptional; 15=Meets some Requirements; 10=Meets most Requirements and 0=Doesn't meet any.

  • Overall this service has been marked as. Using the following slide scale Red Service is indicated with a score between 0 and 20 Amber Service is indicated with a score between 21 and 120 Green Service is indicated with a score between 121 and 149 Gold Service is indicated with a score of 150 points


  • Quality Area Three - Physical Environment
    This section is to meet Education and Care Services National Regulations: Part 4.3 - Physical Environment - Centre-based services and family day care services; looking at practices and implementation of:
    ~ Clean premises, furniture and equipment to be safe, clean and in good repair ~ Fencing ~ Furniture, materials and equipment ~ Laundry and hygiene facilities ~ Indoor and Outdoor space requirements ~ Toilet and hygiene facilities ~ Ventilation and natural light.

Resources and Equipment

  • There are enough resources available for the approved number of children in care (not just those currently enrolled)

  • There is evidence of resource/equipment loss, damage report and how they determine replacement

  • Service management plans are in place if necessary e.g. utilising additional outdoor spaces where the school or due to flood or damage is in place

  • There are enough seating and furniture available to meet the needs of the number of approved numbers

  • Furniture and equipment is safe and clean

  • There is shaded outside areas for the children

  • The room is lit and has natural light and is well ventilated

  • The children have free access to resources and equipment

  • There is ample play and exploration resources


  • Temperature (the room is cool or warm as needed) is Varied to Meet the Needs of the Children

  • Indoor Space is adequate to meet the number of approved places

  • The outdoor space is adequate to meet the needs of the approved numbers.

  • There are opportunities for exploration in the natural environment

  • The children are able to access both indoor and outdoor spaces at will

  • The room is set up to ensure the engagement of children

Rating Subtotal for Physical Environment

  • In relation to QPCYWA expectations this area received the rating of 20=Exceptional; 15=Meets some Requirements; 10=Meets most Requirements and 0=Doesn't meet any.

  • Overall this service has been marked as. Using the following slide scale Red Service is indicated with a score between 0 and 10 Amber Service is indicated with a score between 11 and 49 Green Service is indicated with a score between 50 and 59 Gold Service is indicated with a score of 60 points


  • Quality Area Four - Staffing Arrangements
    This section is to meet Education and Care Services National Regulations: Part 4.4 - Staffing Arrangements; looking at practices and implementation of:
    ~ The Educational Leader ~ Age and supervision requirements ~ Minimum number of educators required ~ Educational qualifications for educators ~ First Aid qualifications ! Approval and determination of qualifications ~ Staff and educator records - centre-based services ~ Staff and educator records - centre-based services.

  • There is a nominated supervisor or if they are not available a certified supervisor at the service at the time of visit

  • Has a Educator Profile been completed to accompany this audit? If yes please provide number of profiles completed.

  • The ratio of Educator to Child was met during the Visit.

  • All new educators/volunteers are mentored for at least the first week of employment and complete Educator Shift Assessments are available

  • There is a duty roster in place?

  • Professional development opportunities are provided to ALL educators?

  • Confidentiality agreement has been sighted and seen by all educators?

  • There is a copy of the Code of Conduct available for educators?

  • There is copy of the Code of Ethics available for educators

  • There is a secure place for educators belongings to be securely stored?

Rating Subtotal for Staffing and Arrangements

  • In relation to QPCYWA expectations this area received the rating of 20=Exceptional; 15=Meets some Requirements; 10=Meets most Requirements and 0=Doesn't meet any.

  • Overall this service has been marked as. Using the following slide scale Red Service is indicated with a score between 0 and 2 Amber Service is indicated with a score between 3 and 30 Green Service is indicated with a score between 31 and 34 Gold Service is indicated with a score of 35 points


  • Quality Area Five - Relationships with children
    This section is to meet Education and Care Services National Regulations: Part 4.6 - Relationships with children; looking at practices and implementation of:
    ~ Interactions with children ~ Relationships in groups.

Practice, Documentation and Evidence

  • All Educators interactions with each child are warm and responsive and trusting relationships have been build

  • Evidence of routine and children move between activities without prompting is in place

  • Displays or evidence of discussions with children on protective behaviours is evident

  • Evidence of Opportunities for Children to take on Leadership Roles is apparent

  • Educators utilise ways to encourage and build children's confidence

  • Routine is evident and Children move Confidently from Activity to Activity

  • Children have Provided Input into the Behaviour Rules and Expectations

  • Educators Interactions with Children is Positive and Respectful

  • Children have provided input into Purchasing Resources and there is evidence available

  • Educators use Positive Tones and Language when Communicating with children (Reg 155)

Rating Subtotal for Relationships with Children

  • In relation to QPCYWA expectations this area received the rating of 20=Exceptional; 15=Meets some Requirements; 10=Meets most Requirements and 0=Doesn't meet any.

  • Overall this service has been marked as. Using the following slide scale Red Service is indicated with a score between 0 and 9 Amber Service is indicated with a score between 10 and 25 Green Service is indicated with a score between 35 and 39 Gold Service is indicated with a score of 40 points


  • Quality Area Six- Collaborative Partnerships with Families and Communities
    This section is to meet Education and Care Services National Regulations: Part 4.7 - Collaborative Partnerships with families and communities; looking at practices and implementation of:
    ~ Access for parents.

  • Evidence of involvement within the Community is evident

  • The Service Regularly Invite Families into the Service

  • The Service has Evidence of Family input into the Service

  • The Service Regularly Submit Articles in the School Newsletter

  • The Service Publish Their Own Newsletter and make it Available to the School Community

  • The Service Regularly Invites Families to Share anything Interesting about their Culture or Work with the children

  • The Branch Manager Visits the Service Regularly

  • The Service Ensures that a SAC Management Report is Provided to the School each Month

Rating Subtotal for Collaborative Partnerships with Families and Communities.

  • In relation to QPCYWA expectations this area received the rating of 20=Exceptional; 15=Meets some Requirements; 10=Meets most Requirements and 0=Doesn't meet any.

  • Overall this service has been marked as. Using the following slide scale Red Service is indicated with a score between 0 and 4 Amber Service is indicated with a score between 5 and 35 Green Service is indicated with a score between 35 and 39 Gold Service is indicated with a score of 40 points


  • Quality Area Seven - Leadership and Service Management
    This section is to meet Education and Care Services National Regulations: Part 4.7- Leadership and Service Management; looking at practices and implementation of:
    ~ Management of services ~ Attendance and enrolment records ~ Record of service's compliance ~ Policy and Procedures ~ Information and record keeping requirements ~ Display and reporting of prescribed information ~ Insurance Information ~ Confidentiality and storage of records ~ Law and regulations to be available.

  • The Service has a Photo/Profile of their Branch Manager Displayed

Information and signage in staff room/coordinators

  • Educator inductions are evident

  • Educators are mentored by a senior staff member when commencing employment.

  • A staff notice board or folder is in place in staff room or area

  • Staff meetings are conducted regularly and records kept

  • The Operation Officer was asked to sign a visitor register and there is one in place

Rating Subtotal for Leadership and Service Management

  • In relation to QPCYWA expectations this area received the rating of 20=Exceptional; 15=Meets some Requirements; 10=Meets most Requirements and 0=Doesn't meet any.

  • Overall this service has been marked as. Using the following slide scale Red Service is indicated with a score between 0 and 4 Amber Service is indicated with a score between 5 and 29 Green Service is indicated with a score between 30 and 34 Gold Service is indicated with a score of 35 points

CCMS Compliance - Two weeks of child sign in and out sheets have been selected randomly and corresponding utilisation sheets/rolls.

  • The attendance records are correct

  • There is evidence, where families have not signed children out, that attempts have been made to attain signatures.

  • All educators signing children in or out have met the requirements as set out in the Childcare Services Handbook

  • A rating of 15 with all elements marked as Yes, must be indicated otherwise this service is non-compliant of Childcare Management Systems requirements.

SERVICE DEBT AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT - Some information is gathered prior to service visit.

  • The services current debt and utilisation is at

  • The management of debt (if applicable) was discussed with the following outcome

  • The service is following the current Fee Policy

  • The percentage of families utilising HubWorks! logins are

  • The service have added information to their HubWorks! sign on page.

  • Services with any debt registered at the time of the visit, will, regardless of meeting other requirements will be marked as an Amber service.

Questions asked of Educators

  • What is the service procedure for preparing afternoon tea/breakfast?

  • Can you explain what the regulatory requirements for children using toilet facilities?

  • Do you know what NQS stands for and where you would find information on it?

  • Where is a copy of your Policy and Procedures?

  • What is your service philosophy?

  • If a parent complained to you about a staff member what would you do?

  • Where would you find a copy of a medication form, and how would you complete it?

  • Can you name the five outcomes of the My Time Our Place framework?

  • Where would you find information on dealing with a snake in your service?

  • What is a SI01 Form?

  • When would you complete a Form 7.2.1?

  • Where is your assembly point in case of an evacuation?

  • If you had to ring 000 in an emergency, would you be able to advise the operator of the street name and best entrance for your service?

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