Title Page

Faculty of SEBE, School of LES Bi-annual laboratory inspection

  • Is this audit being conducted on a

  • Which level of ka or building are you inspecting?

  • Which laboratory are you inspecting?

  • Which laboratory are you inspecting?

  • Which laboratory are you inspecting?

  • ka5.136 (Workshop)

  • NN1.100 (DGRS)

  • Which research group do you belong to?

  • Ka4.105

  • Which laboratory are you inspecting?

  • Which laboratory are you inspecting?

  • Which laboratory are you inspecting?

  • ka2.305/ ka2.305.1

  • Which laboratory are you inspecting?

  • Which laboratory are you inspecting?

  • ka4.203

  • ka2.103

  • ka2.311

  • Which laboratory are you inspecting?

  • Which laboratory are you inspecting?

  • ka2.303/303.01/303.02

  • Which laboratory are you inspecting?

  • ka2.105

  • ka4.201

  • Which laboratory are you inspecting?

  • ka4.107

  • ka4.503/ka4.503.1

  • Inspection team leader

  • Inspection team members
  • Inspection team member

  • Role in laboratory (lab supervisor, lab occupant, HSR, management representative etc.)

  • Conducted on

Laboratory Photo

  • Please use your device to take a photo or photos of your laboratory

1. Layout

  • 1.1 Lab is generally tidy with adequate space for work

  • 1.2 Walkways are clear with nothing obstructing access (at least 1m width)

  • 1.3 Lighting is adequate

  • 1.4 Noise level is acceptable/ adequately controlled

  • 1.5 Ventilation is adequate

  • 1.6 First aid kit is available or sign posted indicating nearby location

  • Has the first aid kit been checked in the last 12 months?

  • Actions

  • Action Plan
  • Action Plan

  • Person Responsible

  • Target completion date

  • Actions

  • Action Plan
  • Action Plan

  • Person Responsible

  • Target completion date

2. Emergency Procedures

  • 2.1 Written procedures posted (evacuation, fire etc.)

  • 2.2 Emergency and hazard signage is clearly visible

  • 2.3 Extinguisher of appropriate type easily accessible (not closer than 1m to fume cupboard) and has been serviced in the last 6 months

  • 2.4 Alarm can be heard in the area (if applicable)

  • Actions

  • Action Plan
  • Action Plan

  • Person Responsible

  • Target completion date

3. Manual Handling

  • 3.1 Frequently used items are within easy access between knee and shoulder

  • 3.2 Heavy items are stored at waist height

  • 3.3 Stepladders or safe steps are available to access seldom used items stored on high shelves

  • 3.4 Trolleys are available for heavy items and loads

  • 3.5 Stored items are adequately secured and stable

  • 3.6 Workstation set-ups are comfortable (e.g. microscopy)

  • Actions

  • Action Plan
  • Action Plan

  • Person Responsible

  • Target completion date

4. Electrical Safety

  • 4.1 Portable equipment has been tested within 12 months

  • 4.2 Power leads are in good condition

  • 4.3 Power leads are off the floor or placed away from walkways

  • 4.4 No double adapters are in use (power boards are acceptable)

  • 4.5 Faulty equipment has been tagged out

  • Actions

  • Action Plan
  • Action Plan

  • Person Responsible

  • Target completion date

5. General Laboratory

  • 5.1 Emergency procedures available and known

  • 5.2 Procedure, plant and equipment manuals are available

  • 5.3 Laboratory free of food and drink

  • 5.4 Benches are clean

  • 5.5 Sharps containers are available and not overfilled

  • 5.6 Signage of PPE requirements displayed

  • 5.7 Required PPE available, maintained and in good condition

  • 5.8 Has centrifuge maintenance been completed, including cleaning, checking o-seals and an accurate log kept for large centrifuges

  • Actions

  • Action Plan
  • Action Plan

  • Person Responsible

  • Target completion date

6. Chemical Safety

  • 6.1 Chemical inventory and SDS (MSDS) available

  • 6.2 HAZChem and other signage adequate

  • 6.3 Eyewashes and emergency showers are checked for flow at least once per month

  • 6.4 Safety carriers are available for transporting containers of 2L or greater

  • 6.5 Chemical quantities kept to a minimum outside safety cabinets (e.g. Class 3 max is 10L)

  • 6.6 Chemical waste containers are available, kept to a minimum size and labelled with DG Class Diamonds

  • 6.7 Waste is segregated and stored appropriately away from drains

  • Actions

  • Action Plan
  • Action Plan

  • Person Responsible

  • Target completion date

7. Chemical Storage

  • 7.1 Spill kits are available and maintained

  • 7.2 Containers are labelled with chemical name DG/ GHS diamonds

  • 7.3 Chemicals are stored correctly, bunded and segregated from all drains

  • 7.4 Chemicals kept in appropriate cabinets (no flammables in normal refrigerators)

  • 7.5 Flammable liquid cabinets are at least 3m from power points and other ignition sources

  • 7.6 Bottom shelf of chemical safety cabinets are clear of chemicals

  • 7.7 Area around and on top of safety cabinets is clear of all material i.e. no storage of combustible materials on or around cabinet

  • 7.8 Appropriate signage is in place and legible on safety cabinets

  • 7.9 Peroxide testing of peroxide forming chemicals is current (within 6 months)

  • 7.10 Chlorine testing of bleaches is current (within 6 months)

  • 7.11 Has picric acid been assessed within the last 6 months

  • Actions

  • Action Plan
  • Action Plan

  • Person Responsible

  • Target completion date

  • Does this laboratory contain a fume cupboards or Biosafety cabinets?

8. Fume Cupboards & Biosafety Cabinets

  • 8.1 Free of waste and clutter

  • 8.2 Tested within the previous 12 months

  • 8.3 Isolation switches identified and easily accessible

  • 8.4 Cleaned regularly

  • Actions

  • Action Plan
  • Action Plan

  • Person Responsible

  • Target completion date

  • Does this laboratory contain any ionising radiation?

9. Radiation Safety

  • 9.1 Radiation labelling and warning signage displayed

  • 9.2 Radioactive sources are labelled and monitored for leakage regularly

  • 9.3 Isotope use and waste log sheets are up to date

  • 9.4 Emergency procedures available and known

  • 9.5 Shielding available

  • Actions

  • Action Plan
  • Action Plan

  • Person Responsible

  • Target completion date

  • Does this laboratory contain any non-ionising radiation (lasers, UV etc.)?

10. Non-Ionising Radiation

  • 10.1 A laser hazard check has been completed by the RSO for any Class 3 or 4 lasers

  • 10.2 Appropriate warning signs are in place where lasers are in use

  • 10.3 All lasers are equipped with protective housings, safety interlocks, key controls, beam stops, attenuators and scanning safety guards as appropriate

  • 10.4 Laser operators are provided with wavelength specific eye protection

  • 10.5 Suitable eye protection and skin protection is worn by any persons exposed to ultraviolet radiation

  • Actions

  • Action Plan
  • Action Plan

  • Person Responsible

  • Target completion date

  • Does this lab contain gas cylinders or cryogenics?

11. Cylinder Safety & Cryogenics

  • 11.1 Gas cylinders are secured to benches/walls, and not on trolleys

  • 11.2 All gas cylinders are connected for use, not being stored in the area

  • 11.3 Gas lines are in good condition and turned off at cylinder when not in use

  • 11.4 Acetylene cylinders not used inside building

  • 11.5 Flashback arrestors used in fuel gas supply lines

  • 11.6 Specialised trolleys are available for moving gas cylinders

  • 11.7 All cylinders at least 3m away from ignition sources and combustible material

  • 11.8 Cryogenic liquids are stored in well ventilated areas

  • Actions

  • Action Plan
  • Action Plan

  • Person Responsible

  • Target completion date

  • Does this laboratory contain any plant?

12. Plant & Equipment

  • 12.1 Area around plant clean and access is clear

  • 12.2 Safe working instructions displayed close to plant

  • 12.3 Plant locked or cannot be accessed when left unattended

  • 12.4 Plant and equipment maintained and in good condition

  • 12.5 Emergency stops are in place and working

  • 12.6 Plant guarding is in place

  • 12.7 No sharp edges protruding into aisles or walkways

  • 12.8 If used, seating is appropriate and in good condition

  • 12.9 Pressure vessels labelled, tested and registered if required

  • Actions

  • Action Plan
  • Action Plan

  • Person Responsible

  • Target completion date


  • Do you have any OHS issues of concern in your laboratory that have not been highlighted by this audit?

  • Can you suggest any improvements to this audit?

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