Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Scissor Lift Details
Note: Serial Number - Plant Number ( to identify the unit) and other relevant details.
Take picture or unit and location.
WorkSafe recommends and expects:
That the manufacturer's operation manual is followed.
Where the task intended for the scissor lift is outside of or not covered by the recommendations in the operation manual, then the machines suitability for the task should be confirmed by the supplier, manufacturer or a competent person, before the task commences.
Where the system of work involves the scissor lift working in proximity to other mobile plant or vehicles, then control measures should be in place to ensure the risks associated with entanglement, collision or collapse are eliminated, before the task commences.
Has a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) been prepared in consultation with all those who are involved
Standard Phrase 0936
Does the SWMS of the task(s) include the identification of all likely hazards including;
Standard Phrase 0936
Overturning - Ground slope - recent excavations that have been backfilled - underground infrastructure (pipes that may collapse)
Standard phrase: 0058
An assessment of the associated risks and acceptable control measures to be put in place
Standard phrase: 0936
Have all workers involved with the tasks been inducted / trained in the JSAs
Standard phrase: 0245
Are the work activities supervised and monitored, as necessary, to insure that the SWMS are effective and work is undertaken safely
Standard phrase: 0245 Or 0934 Employee not working in accordance with SWMS
Is there a system (in line with manufacturers expectations) for undertaking pre-start inspections
Standard phrase: 0810 Inspection of plant pre use or Standard Phrase 1054 poorly maintained plant or Standard Phrase 0059 plant risk
Has housekeeping hazards such as slip, trip or fall or collision been controlled
Standard phrase: 0542- housekeeping
If and when the original work method or procedure is changed, that;
Have all new hazards been identified, in consultation with all those who are involved
Standard phrase: 0936 SWMS inadequate
Have all this SWMS been reviewed and modified as necessary, in consultation with all those who are involved and
Standard phrase: 0936 SWMS inadequate
Have all relevant workers been reinducted / trained in new SWMS
Standard phrase: 0245 adequate instruction training supervision provision