Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Tap to enter information
Tap to enter information
Is there a good standard of housekeeping in the work area?
Are there clear floor areas around the work stations, desks and other horizontal surfaces?
Are there well lit floors, carpets, stairways, corridors? Are they maintained, clean,free from obstructions and spillages to prevent slips, trips and falls?
Is appropriate footwear worn in the office environment?
Are means provided to keep electrical and telephone cables tidy?
Is there a process for mopping up spills and warning employees of slippy floors?
Is there a practice of keeping filing cabinets, desk drawers and cupboard doors closed when not in use?
Is there a practice of keeping the loads within the filing cabinets spread evenly?
Are warning signs affixed to filing cabinet drawers when required (where more than 1 drawer can be opened)?
Are goods stored safely on shelves (overloading, heavier goods at the bottom, no storage at height, no overloading)?
Are emergency exits, escape routes and fire points clearly signed?
Are sufficient staff trained in fire and emergency procedures and the correct use of fire fighting equipment?
Are minimum quantities of flammable liquids kept in the workplace?
Are there effective procedures to ensure that highly flammable liquids are kept in the correct container and labelled correctly?
Are arrangements in place for portable electrical appliances to ensure that they are visually checked at regular intervals, PAT tested as required, switched off and unplugged at night?
Are there means to prevent electrical sockets from being overloaded?
Are only trained staff used to repair electrical equipment?
Are arrangements in place to ensure that photocopiers are regularly maintained, visually checked and in adequate ventilated areas?
Are checks made to ensure that VDU workstations meet the DSE requirements?
Are desks/doors and any wooden furniture free from signs of cosmetic damage?
Are checks made to ensure that the policy on manual handling is met for those engaged in lifting and carrying tasks?
Are arrangements in place to ensure that any hazardous substances are only used as laid down in the COSHH policy?
Are checks made to ensure that the general office environment (ventilation/temperature/lighting/cleanliness/welfare facilities/overcrowding) are met?
Is tbere first aid equipment, procedures and personnel available to meet the first aid policy and is an up to date contacts list displayed?
Is the office fridge and general catering areas clean. Has the fridge been cleared of expired food?
Are fire extinguishers tagged and tested?
Do portable electrical appliances have labels with review dates?
Are relevant warnings and instructions on display adjacent to heating / cooking appliances?
Do taps and water dispensers turn off completely without drips?
Tap to enter information