Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
The size and the color of the letters are adequate
The amount of information in the presentation was adequate
The presentation is arranged in a coherent, logic and clear way
The information presented is relevant and pertinent to the project
The presentation included visual aid ( photos, graphs, diagrams, etc.)
The oral presentation was clear, fluid and with an adequate tone
The presenter captured the interest and attention of the audiences
The presentation was made in a creative and original way
Lean Tools
The lean tool selected was the correct one for the prob presented
The team demonstrated full knowledge in the tool used
The problem definition answered the basic question (what, when, where, who and how)
The business case was directed to attend a business need
An investigation was performed and acquired data that support possible causes
The team was effective identifying the potential root cause of the problem
Key criteria were used in the process for the data collection
A Process map or process data was used to understand the current state and identified the opportunities
An statistical analysis of the data was performed
The conclusions obtained attended the reduction or elimination of the problem
Prioritization criteria was shown for the selection of the possible solutions based on the conclusion
The process was standardized and it shows a sustainable improvement
The team implemented the 5S methodology
The team implemented CIL methodology
It is evident the use of different visual aids (boards, standard work, Kansan, Centerlines, etc)
A cost analysis vs benefit was performed and it shows the viability of the project
There is evidence of a considerable reduction in some of the 8 wastes
There is evidence of a considerable reduction in operation costs
There is evidence of considerable improvement in any of the KPI’s
The expected benefits were obtained in the project
There is evidence of some benefit in another area like safety, environmental, workplace environment, etc.
These benefit were estimated or quantified
The solution was reapplied to other areas
The necessary resources were identified to implement the project (MOC, budget, time, etc.)
Key personnel were involved and participated of the process in the implementation plan
The implementation of the project with the expected scope was achieved
Additional alternatives were evaluated in cases where the identified solution could not be implemented