Client / Contractor
Conducted on
Prepared by
Current Crew:
Closest expiration date and name from First-aid kit:
AED is charged and has pads with it?
Expiration date of AED pads:
State labor poster is posted and is for the correct state?
Hard hats and safety glasses are stocked and meet ANSI standards?
Safety vests and shirts are worn and free of excessive mud?
Correct gloves are stocked and worn by all employees?
Ear plugs and dust mask are stocked and worn when required?
Hard hat mounted face shield is worn when required?
Welding helmet is worn when welding?
Welding gloves and sleeves are stocked and worn?
Gas/Diesel cans are not plastic and are contained in a containment area in one place?
Visqueen is in place with no tears or leaks?
Spill kits are present and visible?
Fork lift has been inspected daily with logged documentation, has no leaks, and properly working brakes?
Pallet forks are free of major rust, have no cracks, and are certified?
Drill rig has a properly working e-stop, and has no major issues or leaks?
Mud system has a properly working e-stop, and has no major issues or leaks?
Track hoe/Excavator has been inspected daily with logged documentation, has no leaks, and properly working brakes?
Fire extinguisher is on all major equipment/DOT vehicles?
Fire extinguisher rating meets the ABC standard?
Fire extinguisher annual has been done less than one year ago, and has been inspected every 30 days with no missing parts?
Fire extinguisher has not been used, and if it has been used has been serviced since use?
All employees have been trained in the use of a fire extinguisher?
Fire extinguisher has been mounted securely with the proper bracket and 75 feet apart?
JSA copies are on rig for duration of the project, copies have been turned in to the office, and contractor has been given a copy if they requested it?
Wellness form has been turned in to the office?
Good Catch & BBS Cards are stocked and available to all employees?
SDS sheets are marked, available to all employees, and the location is well known?
First-aid kit is stocked and up to date?
Rig Number
Preparer signature:
Rig Supervisor (if different from preparer)