Detachment City
Detachment Country
Inspecting Officer
Begin Date
End Date
Document No.
Detachment Overview
Post Organization
Post Ambassador / Consular General
Regional Security Officer
Detachment Commander
Assistant Detachment Commander
Guard Workload Factor
Authorized Strength
On Hand Strength
Guard Workload Factor Calculation
Functional Area Manager: MCESG S-3
DSN 278-4852 - COM 703-784-4852 -
Inspection Date
Marine being inspected
a. Is the turnover binder current and is it maintained IAW GruO 3000.1_? (both hardcopy and electronic)
b. Does the binder contain the general and specific sections outlined in chapters 1 and 2 of GruO 3000.1_?
a. Is MOT/FOT certification/recertification being conducted in accordance with GruO 3000.1_
List of expired certifications
Name of MSG
Date gap of certification expiration (begin)
Date gap of certification expiration (end)
◦ Initial Certification prior to standing post and recert NLT 180 days from last certification date
b. Is FAMFIRE being conducted, documented, and reported as required? (GruO 3000.1_ )
List of expired FamFire certification
Name of MSG
Date gap of FamFire certification expiration (begin)
Date gap of FamFire certification expiration (end)
◦ 180 days from the last FAMFIRE date. (if not completed, approved waiver must be on hand)
c. Is the detachment quarterly training schedule prepared and published IAW GruO P1510.1_?
◦ Published 10 days prior to the start of each quarter?
◦ Includes: Date, time, event, location, uniform, reference, instructor, and alternate instructor?
d. Does DetBul 1510 meet the training requirements set forth in GruBul 1510 and RegBul 1510?
e. Does the Quarterly Training Record contain table of contents, quarterly training schedule (QTS), guard school notes, attendance rosters, and make-up training forms. (GruO 3000.1_ )
f. Has training that was not conducted been lined out and rescheduled on the QTS? (GruO 3000.1_ )
g. Are dIndividual Training Records (ITRs) properly prepared and maintained IAW GruO P1510.1_?
◦ Individual training cards
◦ MOT/FOT certifications
◦ Education Reports (BTR, MOL, MarineNet, certificates, TA Requests, Grade Reports)
◦ Messages (FAMFIRE)
h. Are the MSG schoolhouse lesson plans and presentations being utilized for MSG curriculum and is the detachment creating and maintaining lesson plans and presentations for all non-MSG schoolhouse classes? (GruO 3000.1_)
i. Is guard school being conducted properly (away from unauthorized personnel) and is the MCESG approved Guard School minutes format being utilized? (GruO 3000.1_ )
j. Are all Marines up to date with their annual training requirements and has the completed training been reported via MOL, MarineNet, or Unit Diary as required? (GruBul 1510)
k. Is contact reporting training being conducted quarterly IAW GruO 5370.3_?
l. Are Operational Risk Management (ORM) worksheets completed/signed for every major training event with the actual date the training occurred (FAMFIRE, CFT, PFT, etc.) and are blanketed ORM worksheets completed/signed for non-major events (basketball, jogging, softball, etc.)? (GruBul 1510)
a. Is the ISMT operational. If not operational, has the detachment taken action to remedy the issue?
b. Is the required ISMT training being completed and is it annotated appropriately on the ITCs? (GruO 1510.1_)
a. Have all Marines completed all required MCI's. (Prior to departing 1st Post)(GruO P1510.1_,)
◦ Personal Finance
◦ NBC-Individual Survival Measures
◦ Terrorism Awareness
◦ Semper Fit
◦ Leading Marines (now a MarineNet course)
b. Are all Marines enrolled in, or have completed, required grade equivelant PME? (GruO P1510.1_,)
c. Is the professional reading program in accordance with GruBul 1510? (report/guided discussion roster on hand)
a. Does the detachment have a system in place to track the tuition assistance process (requests, approval, grade submission, and repayment as necessary)
a. Has the Region CO assigned the detcomdr as the CPTR for the detachment in accordance with MCO 6100.13_?
◦Has the detcomdr assigned additional personnel as CPTR's to assist in his/her duties?
b. Conduct a PFT or CFT. Did the Training NCO execute the event IAW MCO 6110.3_?
◦Is the course in compliance with MCO 6110.3_?
NAVMC 11622
Detachment PFT / CFT average
c. Conduct a weigh-in with every member of the detachment. Was the weigh-in conducted IAW MCO 6110.3_?
◦Are all Marines within MC height/weight/BF% standards?
Functional Area Manager: MCESG S-3
DSN 278-4852 - COM 703-784-4852 -
Inspection Date
Marine being inspected
a. Is the turnover binder current and is it maintained IAW GruO 3000.1_? (both hardcopy and electronic)
b. Does the binder contain the general and specific sections outlined in chapters 1 and 3 of GruO 3000.1_?
2. POST 1
a. Are the guard orders signed by the current COM, RSO, and detcomdr and acknowledged by the region CO?
b. Do the guard orders provide specific information regarding mission, employment of deadly force/ROE's, and the continuum of force?
c. Do Marines check in and out with Post 1 and has Post 1 made the appropriate entry in the Recall Logbook?
◦Are only approved liberty buddies being utilized (contact report on file when applicable)?
d. Does the detcomdr conduct weekly after hours checks of Post 1? (verify Chron Log entries) (GruO P3501.1_)
e. Does Post 1 report deficiencies associated with post security equipment in an (IR) log specific to Post 1 equipment and has the Operations NCO followed up on the status of the repairs? (GruO 3000.1_)
f. Are MSGs ensuring that classified vaults, secure rooms, and containers are secured at the end of each day? (verified by post 1 via physical inspection or security systems)
g. Are "SY" inspections being conducted and annotated nightly? (GruO P3501.1) (rotate SY schedule)
h. Does Post 1 contain emergency response equipment to include; fire extinguishers, first aid kits, and mass trauma kits (commensurate with post medical requirements)? (GruO P3501.1)
i. Are mission essential phrases displayed in Post 1?
◦ Are mission essential phrase cards attached to each Marines response gear?
j. Is the evacuation binder located inside post 1 and does the binder include the following:
◦ Passport(s) w/extra visa photo’s.
◦ Personal effects inventories.
◦ Photo copy of local ID card (if applicable)
◦ Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC)
a. Does the detachment have the required OPLANs and have each of the OPLANs been reviewed and signed by the current T/O detcomdr and current RSO? (GruO P3501.1)
◦ Bomb Threat Plan to include post detonation
◦ Fire Plan (include location of post fire equipment (hydrants, hose reels, extinguishers, etc.))
◦ Internal Defense Plan (to include post evacuation plan and observation cards for OPs)
◦ Intruder Containment Plan
◦ MSGR Escape and Evacuation Plan
◦ Natural Disaster Plan
b. Are all OPLANs complete?
◦ Copy of the signed OPLAN (5 paragraph order format)
◦ Blank FragO Template
◦ Post 1 checklist
◦ Selectone Announcements
◦ Telephone numbers, call signs, brevity codes, routes, etc.
◦ Floor Warden lists
◦ CBRN Annex
◦ Floor plans of chancery (including: OPs, other pertitent info)
◦ Embassy/Consulate grounds overview diagram (guard posts, camera positions, entry points)
c. Are all OPLANs properly marked as Sensitive but Unclassified (SBU) or with the appropriate classification as determined by the RSO?
a. Has the Chief of Mission (COM) assigned all SPE to the detcomdr?
b. If applicable, has the authorization to store SPE in the MSGR been approved by the current COM, MCESG, and DS/DSS/IP in writing? (MOA, GruO P3501.1_) (approval stored with classified holdings)
◦ Has the detcomdr conducted weekly MSGR SPE inventories? (verify inventory sheet)
c. Has the detcomdr completed a SPE assignment letter for the detachment?
d. Is SPE stored in an approved container and inventoried daily?
e. Is SPE and ammunition inventoried by an RSO representative monthly and is there a chronological log book entry in RED ink confirming for the inventory? (GruO 3000.1_)
f. Is all ammunition accounted for and serviceable? (GruO 3000.1_) (Inspect MPG-120 expiration dates)h
g. Are all NAVMC 10774’s filled out correctly and do they match the ammunition inventory? (GruO 3000.1_)
h. Are SPE properly stored, functional, serviceable? (GruO 3501.1)
i. Is SPE maintenance being conducted?
◦ All SPE cleaned
◦ SPE cleaning log filled out
◦ Magazine maintenance/rotation being conducted
◦ PMCS books on hand
j. Are all SPE PMCS sheets maintained and completed quarterly and in conjunction with FAMFIRE? (GruO 3000.1_)
k. Can all Marines demonstrate proper upload and download procedures for SPE 1-3? (GruO P3501.1_)
l. Can all Marines recite the five safety rules?
m. Can all Marines recite the four SPE conditions for SPE 1-3? (GruO P3501.1_)
n. Can all Marines demonstrate immediate and remedial actions for SPE 1-3? (GruO P3501.1_)
o. Can all Marines demonstrate the individual SPE carries for SPE 1-3? (GruO P3501.1_)
a. When developing response drill training, does the detcomdr:u
◦ Review AAR's to identify lessons learned
◦ Identify the METs to be evaluated during the drill
◦ Determine the objective and endstate for the drill
a. Did the MSG on Post 1 demonstrate proficiency during the response drill? (GruO P3501.1_)
◦ Conducted appropriate immediate actions (pulled appropriate OPLAN, select tone, don gear, etc.)
◦ Notified chain of command
◦ Maintained positive communication (respond Marines, ID route, Command and Control)
◦ Issued the OP order
◦ Maintained situational awareness
◦ Tracked and recorded the timelineih
b. During the response drill, did the Marines: (GruO P3501.1_)
◦ Check for and identify use of alcohol/medication before leaving the response room?
◦ Conduct appropriate gear/equipment checks? (Pre/Post)
◦ Exhibit a solid working knowledge of the OPLAN?
◦ Use terrain, maneuver, escalation of force, and the limitations of their SPE during the response drill?
c. Was a de-brief conducted with all MSGs to identify shortfalls and lessons learned?
◦ Was an RSO representative present (GruO 3000.1_)?
d. Has the RSO attended at least one drill a month and provided input? (GruO P3501.1_)
a. Are response drill AARs prepared, reviewed, signed, and filed as required? (GruO 3000.1_)
◦ Are lessons learned incorporated into the QTS IOT improve deficiencies?
a. Does the response room meet the appropriate standards?
◦ Contain an approved clearing barrel?
◦ Display upload and download procedures?
◦ Meet the design requirements outlined in the 12-FAM (Size and Delay Capability)?
◦ Display response room procedures (gear/equipment and alcohol checks)?
Supply amd Logistics
Functional Area Manager: S-4 Officer
DSN 278-1253 - COM 703-784-1253 -
Inspection Date
Marine being inspected
a. Is the turnover binder current and is it maintained IAW GruO 3000.1_? (both hardcopy and electronic)
b. Does the binder contain the general and specific sections outlined in chapters 1 and 6 of GruO 3000.1_?
a. Is the Responsible Officer (RO) appointed in writing by the MCESG Commanding Officer? (GruO P4400.5_)
b. Is there a signed letter from the current detcomdr authorizing the current GSO to receive supplies on behalf of the detachment? (GruO P4400.5_)
c. Is an MCESG approved Equipment Custody Receipt (ECR) assigning individual equipment to each member of the detachment on hand and completed as required? (GruO P4400.5_,GruO 3000.1_)
a. Is the Requisition Logbook maintained and does it contain the appropriate entries? (GruO P4400.5_)
◦ Julian Date (Date Ordered)
◦ Document serial number
◦ Item name
◦ Quantity ordered
◦ Status and Date of status (in pencil until completed)
◦ Remarks
◦ Completion date, and highlighted when completed
b. Is all supply documentation on hand and does it reflect the information entered into the requisition logbook? (GruO P4400.5)
c. Are pending requisitions carried forward in the Requisition Logbook at the beginning of each fiscal year?
d. Are Supply Tracking Spreadsheets (STS) on hand and utilized for monthly reconciliations? (GruO P4400.5_)
e. Are all disposition documents on hand and being maintained for two years? (GruO P4400.5_)
◦ Disposition Request
◦ Disposition Instructions
◦ DD 1348s
◦ Shipping Documentation
f. Can the Supply NCO explain the Missing, Lost, Stolen, or Recoverable (MLSR) process. (MCO 4340.1_)
a. Is a personal property inventory for every Marine within the detachment (to include the detcomdr) maintained in the evacuation binder and updated semi-annually? (GruO 3000.1_)
Personal Property Inventories
a. Is the MCESG approved Detachment Property Listing (DPL) being utilized? (GruO 3000.1_)
b. Is the DPL inventoried semi-annually to account for items not listed on the CMR or NEPA list? (include items of value >$200, and all serialized items) (GruO P4400.5_, GruO 3000.1_)
c. Has all Marine Corps property been removed from the NEPA list? If not, are all items listed under the appropriate agency name (USMC, MSG, or 5732)? (GruO 3000.1_)
d. Has an annual NEPA inventory been conducted by the GSO and has the detcomdr verified and signed the inventory? (GruO 3000.1_)
a. Do all CMR "on hand" quantities reflect actual on hand quantities and are serial numbers correct? (GruO P4400.5_)
Consolidate Memorandum Receipt
◦ If no, has a Request for Invetigation (RFI) letter been submitted?
b. Does the detachment maintain copies of past CMR reconciliations for a period of no less than 16 months? (GruO P4400.5_)
c. Has the detcomdr (black ink) and IO (red ink) initialed the CMR in the lower right hand corner of every page and have both signed and dated the last page? (GruO P4400.5_)
d. Has a proper turnover of the CMR been conducted? (GruO P4400.5_)
◦ Within 15 days of appointment, has the RO conducted an inventory of the account and submitted the required acceptance letter. (An RO must be assigned at all times. In case of a Detcomdr gap, the A/ must accept the account)
Functional Area Manager: MCESG S-4
DSN 278-1253 - COM 703-784-1253 -
Inspection Date
Marine being inspected
a. Is the turnover binder current and is it maintained IAW GruO 3000.1_? (both hardcopy and electronic)
b. Does the binder contain the general and specific sections outlined in chapters 1 and 7 of GruO 3000.1_?
a. Are semi-annual inventories conducted and signed/dated by the detcomdr and NMPS NCO? (GruO 3000.1_)
b. Are all NMPS items accounted for and accessible to det members only? (GruO 3000.1_)
c. If the detachment has 8mm tapes on hand, has the NMPS NCO conducted annual reconciliations with NMPS? (GruO 3000.1_ requires all 8mm tapes to be returned to NMPS NLT 31 December 2013)
Chemical, Biological, Radialogical, Nuclear (CBRN) Defense
Functional Area Manager: MCESG CBRN Defense Officer
DSN 378-0468 - COM 703-432-0468 -
Inspection Date
Marine being inspected
a. Is the turnover binder current and is it maintained IAW GruO 3000.1_? (both hardcopy and electronic)
b. Does the binder contain the general and specific sections outlined in chapters 1 and 5 of GruO 3000.1_?
a. Do all SLIR "on hand" quantities reflect actual on hand quantities? (GruO 3400.3_, GruO 3000.1_)
◦ Are all lot/serial numbers listed and are they correct?
◦ Is all CBRN equipment serviceable and within the expiration date? (If expired, extension must be on file)
a. Have all detachment members completed the annual CBRN Defense test and required training? Has all documentation been submitted to the training NCO for entry into the appropriate ITRs? (GruBul 1510)
b. Is coordination made with the operations NCO to ensure CBRN scenarios are incorporated into response drills at least once per quarter? (GruO 3400.3_, GruO 1510)
a. Are vision correction inserts for gas masks present for all MSGs who wear prescription glasses? (GruO 3400.3_)
◦ If no, has the detcomdr ordered the inserts through MCESG CBRN (via region) as required?
b. Are Chemical Antidote Nerve Agent (CANA) injectors inventoried monthly by the detcomdr and one additional Marine? (GruO 3400.3_)
Morale, Welfare and Recreation
Functional Area Manager: MCESG SJA and S-3
DSN 278-4833/4852 - COM 703-784-4833/4852 -
Inspection Date
Marine being inspected
a. Is the turnover binder current and is it maintained IAW GruO 3000.1_? (both hardcopy and electronic)
b. Does the binder contain the general and specific sections outlined in chapters 1 and 9 of GruO 3000.1_?
a. Is there a letter signed by the Chief of Mission authorizing the dispensing of alcoholic beverages, and is it posted in the bar area? (GruO P7200.1_, GruO 1700.1_)
b. Are only personnel 21 years of age and older authorized to purchase, possess, serve, or consume alcohol in the MSGR. Is a notification of this policy posted in the bar area? (GruO 1700.1_)
c. Are bar hours of operations posted (1630 – 0300 daily)? (GruO 1700.1_, GruO 3000.1_)
a. Are the current detcomdr, A/, and MWR NCO listed on the official bank account signature cards? (GruO 3000.1_)
b. Does the MWR account have a Federal Employer ID number (US accounts)? (GruO P7200.1_)
c. Has the bank been notified in writing that the region CO is the successor in interest to the fund's account if the detachment is deactivated or evacuated? (GruO 7200.1_) (only required for local banks)
◦ If so, has the bank acknowledged receipt of that notification and recognized it?
d. Are two signatures on each check? (GruO P7200.1_)
e. Are bank statements held for two years? (GruO P7200._)
f. Are the bank statements, checkbook, and ledger reconciled monthly? Is a reconciliation sheet signed & dated by the MWR fund manager and detcomdr? (GruO P7200.1_)
g. Are all credit purchases (ie. running a tab at the commissary) conducted IAW GruO 7200.1_?
◦ Maintained in a credit purchase log
h. Are all funds/checkbook properly stored in a lockable cash box with access limited to the current fund manager and detcomdr? (GruO P7200.1_)
i. Was the fund manager changeover completed IAW GruO P7200.1_ and GruO 3000.1_?
◦ Changeover invoice and receipt completed (w/ both fund managers and detcomdr's signature)
◦ Logbook entry made accurately depicting changeover totals (w/ both fund managers and detcomdr's signature)
◦ Internet banking password changed if online banking is conducted
j. Is no more than $100 per Marine (according to T/O) on hand for more than three business days (this includes local and US currency combined)? (ie. T/O: 1/11 = $1200 equivalent)
a. Is the MWR ledger established and maintained IAW GruO P7200.1_, GruO 3000.1_)
◦ Transactions entered within 24 hours
◦ Pages numbered (top right hand corner)
◦ Appropriate headings (GruO P7200.1_ Chapter 5)
◦ First entry on every page, “balance brought forward”
◦ Last entry on every page, “balance carried forward”
◦ Bottom of every page lined out diagonally and initialed
◦ Ledger entry upon changeover of fund manager
◦ Bi-monthly audit ledger entry completed by the detcomdr
a. Are vouchers completed and maintained IAW GruO P7200.1_, GruO 3000.1_)?
◦ Voucher created for each transaction in the ledger?
◦ Vouchers numbered consecutively through CY (1-13, 2-13, etc.)?
◦ Fund manager and detcomdr signed and dated every voucher?
◦ Correction vouchers utilized when necessary?
◦ All vouchers maintained for two years?
◦ Does the voucher include payee signature confirming the amount paid? (bar bills, extraneous sales)
◦ Supporting documentation/receipt attached to voucher w/highlighted (voucher number , fund manager’s initials, date, and amount paid)
b. In the absence of a receipt, does the voucher include a statement in lieu of receipt with a signature from the Marine who purchased the item?
a. Are closed stock inventories conducted IAW GruO 3000.1_?
◦ Conducted weekly with detcomdr?
◦ Separate line item entry for each item?
◦ Inventories on hand since last inspection?
◦ Properly secured with hard liquor access restricted to detcomdr? (hard liquor can never be "open stock")
b. Are function tally sheets completed IAW GruO P7200.1_ and GruO 3000.1_(includes: pre/post inventories and cash counts with third party validation)?
a. Are sales accompanied by a signed receipt as part of or attached to the voucher? (GruO P7200.1_)
b. Are extraneous sales inventories conducted IAW GruO 3000.1_?
◦ Conducted weekly?
◦ Separate line item entry for each item?
◦ Inventories on hand since last inspection?
◦ Properly secured with access restricted to fund manager and detcomdr?
a. Has the detachment obtained proper approval for items exceeding the authorized amount? (GruO P7200._) (over $500: requires region approval, over $1000: requires MCESG approval)
a. Are all MWR tally sheets maintained IAW GruO P7200.1_?
◦ Tally sheet totaled and issued to the MSG for payment at the end of each month?
◦ Amount due paid by the 5th of each month?
◦ Tally sheet signed by the payee acknowledging amount paid?
◦ Signed tally sheets attached to voucher as supporting documentation?
Marine Corps Ball
Functional Area Manager: MCESG SJA and S-3
DSN 278-4833/4852 - COM 703-784-4833/4852 -
Inspection Date
Marine being inspected
a. Is the turnover binder current and is it maintained IAW GruO 3000.1_? (both hardcopy and electronic)
b. Does the binder contain the general and specific sections outlined in chapters 1 and 10 of GruO 3000.1_?
a. Is the Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) being utilized and is the detachment on track to execute the MC Ball as scheduled? (GruO P5060.1_)
b. Is the MCESG approved budget spreadsheet being utilized to track all expenses in order to determine ticket price and make payments as required?
c. Is the detachment utilizing a logbook/spreadsheet to track ticket sales?
d. Has the post contracting office/HR reviewed all Marine Corps Ball related contracts? (GruO P5060.1_)
e. Has the detcomdr signed all contracts for the Marine Corps Ball? (GruO P5060.1_)
f. Is the detachment rotating the location of the ball as required? (GruO 3000.1_) (max two years at same venue)
g. Has an After Action Report (AAR) been created within 30 days of the ball and maintained for a period of 2 years?
h. Have all bills been paid within 30 days of the ball? (GruO 3000.1_)
◦ Were sufficient funds on hand to pay all bills associated with the ball on the day of the event?
Functional Area Manager: MCESG S-3
DSN 278-4852 - COM 703-784-4852 -
Inspection Date
Marine being inspected
a. Is the turnover binder current and is it maintained IAW GruO 3000.1_? (both hardcopy and electronic)
b. Does the binder contain the general and specific sections outlined in chapters 1 and 13 of GruO 3000.1_?
a. Is access to the MSGR restricted to authorized personnel only? (Employees not authorized key/combo access)
b. Does the physical security of the MSGR meet all requirements outlined in the 12-FAH and MOA?
◦ Appropriate perimeter security based on current threat to include standoff distance from street
◦ Barred/grilled windows have escape capability (fire escape egress from 2nd deck)
◦ Mylar on all windows
◦ Hardened exterior doors
◦ Windows and doors FE/BR rated for on compound MSGRs
◦ Unicam locks on all exterior doors
◦ Adequate perimeter lighting
◦ Emergency backup power
c. Do all MSG bedrooms have adequate blackout curtains? (MOA)
d. Has a fire escape plan been established?
e. When necessary, is there a 24 hour local guard presence? (12 FAM)
f. Does the MSGR have a specified area (i.e. response room) w/ the following:
◦ Reliable communications with post 1 (radio and land line)
◦ Emergency rations and potable water (48 hour supply)
◦ Authorized protective equipment (MPG-120, body armor, helmet, etc.)
◦ Fire fighting equipment (extinguishers) and first aid kit
g. Is safety equipment in place on each floor and inspected IAW GruO 3000.1_? (smoke detectors, fire alarms, fire escape ladders, and fire extinguishers)
h. Does the MSGR have adequate means to communicate with post 1 and the detcomdr at all times? (primary/ secondary) (GruO 3000.1_)
i. Is a visitor logbook utilized to track personnel that visit the MSGR? (GruO 3000.1_)
◦ Does the logbook contain the required headings (Date, Full Name, Nationality, Sponsor, Time-In, Time-Out)?
◦ Are weekly MSGR afterhours checks being conducted by the detcomdr and annotated in red ink?
j. Are private areas clearly marked with access restricted to the detcomdr and MSGs? (GruO 3000.1_)
k. Does the MSGR NCO track work requests utilizing a work request logbook/tracker, and follow up on the status of repairs through completion? (GruO 3000.1_)
l. Are first aid kits placed in common areas, and inventoried semi-annually? (GruO 5100.1_) (Contents commensurate with post medical requirements and must include a tourniquet(s))
m. Is furniture serviceable and replaced as required? (P7000.1_, MOA)
a. Does the physical security of the detcomdr residence meet all requirements associated with security and habitability, and comparable to equivelant grade mission personnel? (GruO 5100.1_, 12-FAH)
b. Is furniture serviceable, replaced as required, and is it comparable to equivelant grade mission personnel?
a. Are all facilities maintenance requests/repairs and issues addressed and completed in a timely manner?
Vehicle Accountability
Functional Area Manager: MCESG S-4
DSN 278-1253 - COM 703-784-1253 -
Inspection Date
Marine being inspected
a. Is the turnover binder current and is it maintained IAW GruO 3000.1_? (both hardcopy and electronic)
b. Does the binder contain the general and specific sections outlined in chapters 1 and 4 of GruO 3000.1_?
a. Does each vehicle contain? (GruO 3000.1_)
◦ At least (1) fire extinguisher (inspected annually by GSO)
◦ Spare tire w/tire iron and jack
◦ Jumper cables
◦ GPS with key locations pre-loaded (If available for use in country)
b. Does each vehicle have a binder with the proper contents? (GruO 3000.1_)
◦ Map with directions to key locations (response routes, checkpoints, medical facilities, police stations, MSGR, Chancery, detcomdrs residence, safe areas) (GPS does not take the place of this requirement)
◦ Blank Marine Corps accident report form (SF 91) with instructions (GruO 3000.1_)
◦ Blank third party liability waivers and a copy of the signed waiver for all guests that have ridden in the MSG vehicle for the past year (GruO 3000.1_) (original waivers must remain in the turnover binder)
◦ Proof of insurance card (GruO 3000.1_, MOA)
◦ List of off limits establishments (reviewed by current RSO and detcomdr)
c. Does each vehicle glove compartment contain the proper contents? (GruO 3000.1_)
◦ Flashlight w/extra batteries
◦ Instruction covering what to do if involved in an accident (both local language and English)
◦ Digital Camera
d. Does each vehicle contain a safety box with the proper contents? (GruO 3000.1_)
◦ Flashlight w/extra batteries
◦ Box of Chem-lights
◦ Road guard vest
◦ Hazard Triangle
◦ First Aid Kit w/tourniquet (kit large enough to support vehicle occupancy)
◦ Pair of pliers
◦ Screw Driver
e. Are the safety box contents inventoried monthly by the current Vehicle NCO? (GruO 3000.1_)
a. Is the driver trip ticket properly filled out, maintained, and OF-108 initialed by the detcomdr weekly? (GruO 3000.1_)
◦ Does the driver fill out the daily PMCS checklist (to include fuel added) as required?
b. Does the vehicle NCO conduct weekly PMCS checks on all detachment vehicles? (GruO 3000.1_)
c. Does the vehicle NCO perform quarterly counseling's on all detachment drivers? (GruO 3000.1_)
d. Does the vehicle NCO/detachment commander coordinate all vehicle maintenance issues with the GSO/motor pool prior to maintenance being conducted? (GruO 3000.1_)
e. Is fuel consumption being tracked and reconciled with the detcomdr monthly? (GruO 3000.1_)
f. Are the detachment vehicles operational?
Functional Area Manager: MCESG SJA and S-3
DSN 278-4833/4852 - COM 703-784-4833/4852 -
Inspection Date
Marine being inspected
a. Is the turnover binder current and is it maintained IAW GruO 3000.1_? (both hardcopy and electronic)
b. Does the binder contain the general and specific sections outlined in chapters 1 and 8 of GruO 3000.1_?
a. Are the current detcomdr, A/, and mess NCO listed on the official bank account signature cards? (GruO 3000.1_)
b. Does the mess account have a Federal Employer ID number (US accounts)? (GruO P7200.1_)
c. Has the bank been notified in writing that the region CO is the successor in interest to the fund's account if the detachment is deactivated or evacuated? (GruO 7200.1_) (only required for local banks)
◦ If so, has the bank acknowledged receipt of that notification and recognized it?
d. Are two signatures on each check? (GruO P7200.1_)
e. Are bank statements held for two years? (GruO P7200._)
f. Are the bank statements, checkbook, and ledger reconciled monthly? Is a reconciliation sheet signed & dated by the mess fund manager and detcomdr? (GruO P7200.1_)
g. Are all credit purchases (ie. running a tab at the commissary) conducted IAW GruO 7200.1_?
◦ Maintained in a credit purchase log
h. Are all funds/checkbook properly stored in a lockable cash box with access limited to the current fund manager and detcomdr? (GruO P7200.1_)
i. Was the fund manager changeover completed IAW GruO P7200.1_ and GruO 3000.1_?
◦ Changeover invoice and receipt completed (w/ both fund managers and detcomdr's signature)
◦ Logbook entry made depicting changeover totals (w/ both fund managers and detcomdr's signature)
◦ Internet banking password changed if online banking is conducted
j. Is no more than $100 per Marine (according to T/O) on hand for more than three business days (this includes local and US currency combined)? (ie. T/O: 1/11 = $1200 equivalent)
a. Is the mess ledger established and maintained IAW GruO P7200.1_, GruO 3000.1_)
◦ Transactions entered within 24 hours
◦ Pages numbered (top right hand corner)
◦ Appropriate headings (GruO P7200.1_ Chapter 5)
◦ First entry on every page, “balance brought forward”
◦ Last entry on every page, “balance carried forward”
◦ Bottom of every page lined out diagonally and initialed
◦ Ledger entry upon changeover of fund manager
◦ Bi-monthly audit ledger entry completed by the detcomdr
a. Are vouchers completed and maintained IAW GruO P7200.1_, GruO 3000.1_)?
◦ Voucher created for each transaction in the ledger?
◦ Vouchers numbered consecutively through CY (1-13, 2-13, etc.)?
◦ Fund manager and detcomdr signed and dated every voucher?
◦ Correction vouchers utilized when necessary?
◦ All vouchers maintained for two years?
◦ When applicable, does the voucher include payee/recipient signature confirming the amount paid? (employee salary, mess bills, refunds, etc.)
◦ Supporting documentation/receipt attached to voucher w/highlighted (voucher number , fund manager’s initials, date, and amount paid)
b. In the absence of a receipt, does the voucher include a statement in lieu of receipt with a signature from the Marine who purchased the item?
a. Are all mess bills computed IAW GruO P3000.1_?
◦ Cost to feed worksheet utilized to compute amount due?
◦ The amount due does not exceed the individual BAS/COLA?
◦ Amount due paid by the 5th of each month?
◦ Mess bill signed by the payee acknowledging amount paid?
◦ Signed and dated mess bills (w/copies of checks) attached to voucher as supporting documentation?
a. Is the closed stock maintained IAW GruO 3000.1_?
◦ Inventories conducted weekly?
◦ Separate line item entry for each item?
◦ Inventories on hand since last inspection?
◦ Properly secured with access restricted to fund manager and detcomdr?
◦ Consists of water and a variety of foods to provide a healthy and well balanced diet for 30 days? (not solely MRE's)
◦ Expiration date inspected to avoid food and MRE spoilage?
a. Are written contracts for local employees IAW GruO P7200.1_?
◦ Length no more than one year?
◦ Written in both English and the employee/host country language? (or waiver on hand)
◦ Defines clear grounds for dismissal?
◦ Outlines medical coverage, bonus, and advance pay; and, is there a section that explains leave, retirement, and severance pay for employees? (Host Country Labor Laws)
◦ Bottom of each page initialed by the employee and the last page signed by the employee and each MSG?
b. Are all contracts (to include the original signed contract) on hand for all current employees?
c. Does the detachment use an LES for tracking employee pay and leave? (GruO P7200.1_ and GruO 3000.1_)
d. Are there sufficient funds set aside to pay current severance/retirement owed? (GruO P7200.1_)
e. Have annual physicals for all employees been conducted and reviewed by post medical IAW GruO 3000.1_?
◦ Chest x-ray for TB, HIV, blood, urine, and stool tests
◦ Have the results been reviewed and signed by post medical certifying the employee as fit for duty?
◦ Has the Mess NCO ensured that all employee medical records are maintained by the employee?
f. Are local police checks on hand for all employees? (completed by the RSO every five years) (GruO 3000.1_)
g. Is all former employees documentation maintained for five years after the employees last day of work, and is the justification/reason for termination on hand?
a. Is the mess area in a high state of police? (GruO 3000.1_)
b. Is a fire extinguisher and first aid kit located in the kitchen? (GruO 3000.1_)
c. Are menus posted? (GruO 3000.1_)
d. Does the Mess NCO periodically observe the preparation of meals to ensure cook is taking proper sanitary precautions? (GruO 3000.1_)
Functional Area Manager: MCESG Security Manager
DSN 278-2567 - COM 703-784-2567 -
Inspection Date
Marine being inspected
a. Is all classified material maintained by the detachment inventoried daily? (BnO 5510.3)
b. Are combo cards classified by the RSO; and properly controlled by the detcomdr? (BnO 5510.3)
c. Does the Post 1 safe have a copy of the MSGR response room safe combo in a sealed envelope and is the envelope accounted for during each shift change? (GruO P3501.1_)
d. On a semi-annual basis (between SAIs) has the detcomdr verified (through the RSO) the requirement to maintain all classified documents held by the detachment? (BnO 5510.3C)
e. Are classified documents properly marked? (classification, de-classification, portion markings, DTG, Page number, control number, cable number, originator, subject)? (BnO 5510.3C, SECNAV M-5510.36)
f. Are SFs 703, 704, and 705 cover sheets on hand and utilized when classified documents are removed from secure storage? (SECNAV M-5510.36)
a. Is the classified logbook serviceable and maintained IAW BnO 5510.3C?
◦ Contains the appropriate headings? (DTG/Date, Date Received, Control Number, number of pages, Cable Number, Classification, Originator, Subject, Disposition, Date destroyed, Signature x2)
b. Was a joint inventory conducted in conjunction with detcomdr turnover and was the appropriate entry entered into the classified logbook? (BnO 5510.3C)
c. Is the destruction of classified material properly conducted and acknowledged by two signatures in the classified material logbook? (BnO 5510.3C)
d. Are all items carried forward annually (calendar year) and annotated properly? (BnO 5510.3C)
a. Are only GSA approved security containers (with GSA label affixed on the front of the top drawer) used for storage of classified material? (SECNAV M-5510.36 10-2)
b. Are all security container combinations changed IAW BnO 5510.3C and SECNAV M-5510.36?
◦ When the container is first put into use?
◦ Annually by individuals who are authorized to change the combinitaion and possess the appropriate clearance?
◦ When a container has been subjected to compromise?
c. Is an SF 700 affixed inside each detachment security container and is it completed IAW SECNAV M-5510.36?
d. Is an SF 702 filled out properly for all security containers IAW SECNAV M-5510.36? (maintained on file for two years)
Functional Area Manager: Adjutant
DSN 278-4793 - COM 703-784-4793 -
Inspection Date
Marine being inspected
a. Is the turnover binder current and is it maintained IAW GruO 3000.1_? (both hardcopy and electronic)
b. Does the binder contain the general and specific sections outlined in chapters 1 and 11 of GruO 3000.1_?
a. Is the turnover binder current and is it maintained IAW GruO 3000.1_? (both hardcopy and electronic)
b. Does the detcomdr turnover binder contain the following:
◦ Table of contents
◦ Copy of all appointment and acceptance letters
◦ Points of Contact
◦ Desktop procedures w/detailed task list (daily, weekly, etc.)
◦ Joint detcomdr turnover (signed by both incoming and outgoing)
◦ Copy of last two SAI reports
a. Are all required detachment orders and bulletins on hand and in correct format? (MCO 5215.1K, GruO P5000.1_)
◦ DetO 1050 (Leave and Liberty)
◦ DetO 1510.1 (MOT/FOT)
◦ DetO 1510.2 (FAMFIRE/Range Procedures)
◦ DetO 1600 (Promulgation of Guard Orders)
◦ DetO 5605 (Distribution of Detachment Directives)
◦ DetO 11101 (MSGR Regulations)
◦ DetO 11200.1 (SPE in MSGR)
◦ DetBul 1306 (Assignment of Additional Duties)
◦ DetBul 1510 (Quarterly Training Schedule)
◦ DetBul 1601 (Watch/Duty Assignments)
◦ DetBul 5215 (Quarterly list of Effective Directives)
b. Does the detachment maintain an Official File copy and Master Directives copy (electronic or hard copy) for all detachment orders and bulletins? (SECNAV M5210.2)
c. Is the detachment updating and signing all NAVMC 10974 (Directives Review Cards) ? (MCO 5215.1K)
d. Are detachment directives being reviewed annually to validate currency and compliance with Marine Corps, MCESG, and region policy? (MCO 5215.1K)
e. Are directives cancelled properly? (Official File copy lined out diagonally, signed and dated, and filed in the appropriate SSIC)
a. Is all correspondence filed correctly (electronic or hard copy)? (SECNAVINST 5212.5,GruO P5000.1)
◦ Filed by SSIC?
◦ Filed in chronological order? (Newest to oldest)
◦ SSIC files labeled correctly?
◦ Files opened and closed correctly? (Calendar/Fiscal Year)
◦ Files maintained for the proper duration of time? (2 years/3 years (Fiscal))
◦ Files closed when exceeding 3/4 of an inch (hard copy only)?
a. Are each Marines Temporary Personnel Folders (TPFs) maintained IAW GruO P5000.1_ containing the following:
◦ Orders (PCS, TAD, leave, etc.)
◦ Leave and Earning Statements(LES). (Audited and signed by detcomdr and MSG monthly)
◦ Correspondence (NOK letter, medical release form, internet user agreement, orders review, etc.)
◦ Copy of current SGLI, RED, and BIR. (Audited and signed by detcomdr and MSG as required)
◦ Current Career Planning Contact Record.
◦ Current Record Of Service (ROS) (Cpl and below only).
◦ Current awards page from MOL (all Letters of Continuity should be included in this section)
◦ Copy of current Page 11 and 12 of SRB.
◦ Performance evaluation counselings IAW IRAM (do not include fitreps). (All counselings should be removed prior to MSG departing post unless counseling pertains to administrative/disciplinary action or BAT entry)
◦ Completed Join Checklist.
◦ NAVMC 1172 DEERS enrollment form (if applicable).
b. Are TPFs maintained in a security container with access restricted to the detcomdr and Admin NCO?
a. Does the detcomdr have written procedures in place and can he explain the entire urinalysis process? (administration, collection, shipping, results)
◦ Can the detcomdr access all references and systems required to conduct a urinalysis? (DPT-Lite, Orders)
b. Are urinalysis tests being conducted IAW GruO 5300.12_ and are all supporting documents on hand?
◦ Appointment Letters (SACO, urinalysis coordinator and observers)
◦ Urinalysis paperwork
◦ Shipping documentation
◦ Copy of all message traffic
◦ Results from the Navy Screening Lab
c. Does the detachment have sufficient urinalysis supplies on hand? (MCO P5300.12_)
◦ Are supplies maintained in a secure location with access limited to the urinalysis coordinator?
a. Does the detachment have access to the Investigations SmartPack on the MCESG Legal MCEITS page?
b. Does the detachment have all required legal publications (hard copy or electronic)? (GruO P5800.2_)
◦ Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM)
◦ Judge Advocate Manual (JAGMAN) (MCO P5800.7_)
◦ Legal Administration Manual (MCO P5800.16_)
◦ Article 31B Rights waiver
c. Can the detcomdr explain the procedures to follow when conducting searches? (GruO P5800.2_) (Only Region/MCESG CO can authorize)
◦ Is the detcomdr familiar with the three types of searches?
d. Can the detcomdr explain the procedures for conducting a Preliminary Inquiry? (GruO P5800.2_)
e. Can the detcomdr explain when a "Line of Duty/Misconduct" determination is required? (GruO P5800.2_)
a. If a Marine is injured, are required safety messages/reports submitted IAW GruO 5100.1_?
b. Can the detcomdr explain the purpose and submission requirements for the following reports:
◦ Operational Incident report (OIR)
◦ Region Commanders Critical Information Requirements (CCIR's)
◦ Ground Mishap report
a. Are contact reports submitted IAW GruO 5370.3_?
b. Is the detcomdr maintaining either a hard or electronic copy (PDF) of all contact reports for current MSGs? (GruO 5370.3_)
c. Upon check-in, has each Marine confirmed via signature that they have read and understand the contact reporting procedures? (GruO 5370.3_)
a. Can the detcomdr describe the BATs process? (GruO 5510.5_)
b. Are all BATs completed IAW GruO 5510.5_?
◦ Completed Quarterly and upon transfer of each MSG and detcomdr?
◦ “Yes” responses: include explanation in comments section?
◦ Includes DC post assignment recommendation w/explanation in comments section?
◦ Uploaded to MCEITS and hard copy destroyed?
a. Are all medical/dental records maintained by either the detcomdr or post medical IAW GruO P6000.2_?
b. Has each Marine and their family members checked in with the post medical and has the post medical staff reviewed/maintained all shot records. (GruO P6000.2_)
c. Is the detcomdr familiar with the HIV testing requirements and procedures outlined in GruO P6000.3_
◦ Are all MSG's current? (Required every 2 years at a minimum)
d. Can the detcomdr explain the medical evacuation/travel procedures IAW GruO P6000.2_?
Functional Area Manager: MCESG Comptroller
DSN 378-0347 - COM 703-432-0347 -
Inspection Date
Marine being inspected
a. Does the detcomdr maintain a fiscal binder containing all required sections outlined in GruO P7000.1_?
◦ Primary duties
◦ Fiscal POC information
◦ Advice of Allotments (AoA’s)
◦ Previous detachment budgets (locator sheet authorized)
◦ Previous Mid-Year Review (MYR) submissions
◦ Requests for additional funds
◦ End of Year information
◦ Correspondence/Guidance
◦ Obligation reports (COAST 60 and 62 reports)
◦ Lease information (MSGR and detcomdr residence)
◦ Utilities (all MSGR/detcomdr bills)
◦ Transportation (driver support, time and attendance, fuel, etc.)
◦ Office supplies
◦ Communications equipment/services (phone bills, MSG reimbursement)
◦ Language training
◦ Employee physicals
◦ Miscellaneous (include MCCS procedures, requests, receipts)
a. Does the detcomdr have access to COAST? (GruO P7000.1_)
b. Does the detcomdr authorize all funds from the 5732 account (for all non-recurring bills) prior to funds being obligated by post Budget and Fiscal section (B&F)? (GruO P7000.1_)(Stamped, signed, email approval, etc.)
c. Does every 5732 expenditure on the COAST 62 report have the appropriate supporting documentation to verify the amount paid? Have expenditures posted under the appropriate sub-object code? (GruO P7000.1_)
d. Does the detcomdr conduct monthly reconciliations with post B&F, comparing authorized expenses with the COAST 62 report? (GruO P7000.1_)
e. Does the detcomdr conduct an Un-Liquidated Obligations (ULO) validation quarterly and are funds de-obligated accordingly? (GruO P7000.1_)
f. Is every petty cash transaction being tracked and filed appropriately by the detcomdr? (GruO P7000.1_)
◦ Does the 62 report include a description of the item purchased vice listing "Petty Cash" only?
a. Are MCCS funds utilized in compliance with MCO P1700.27B and GruO P7000.1E?
b. Does the detcomdr have all requests/receipts for MCCS funds executed for the past three years? (GruO P7000.1_)
◦ Were all receipts submitted to the MCESG Comptroller within 10 days?
◦ Are all receipt totals converted into USD currency prior to Submission?
◦ If receipts cannot be located or were impractical to obtain has a Statement in Lieu of receipt been sent?
c. Is the MCCS debit card/check book maintained with access restricted to the detcomdr? (GruO P7000.1_)
Detachment Assessment
Evaluation and Performance
Daily Performance
Morale/Esprit de corps
Priority Issues
Priority I (Mission Critical). Priority I issues address vulnerabilities that affect mission accomplishment. If left unresolved, these issues may lead to mission failure. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Shortage of, outdated, or unserviceable ammunition.
(2) Insufficient or inoperable weapons as established by (5 FAH).
(3) Inoperable security equipment.
(4) Embassy security vulnerabilities/gaps that compromises the Marines ability to execute their primary or secondary mission. (RSO policy, LGF issues, cameras, sensors, alarms, barriers, etc.)
(5) GWLF in excess of 50 hours per week for more than one movement cycle.
(6) Housing that is unsafe or uninhabitable (per the MOA, 12 FAH/FAM, and 6 FAM). -
Priority II (Mission Enhancing). Priority II issues directly affect the detachment’s ability to accomplish its mission. If left unresolved, these issues may degrade, but not prevent mission accomplishment. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) GWLF between 42-50 hours per week for more than one movement cycle.
(2) Inadequate housing (habitability requirements).
(3) Unacceptable response time (more than 1 hour).
(4) Insufficient driver support for detachments that have no other feasible alternative transportation (taxi, subway, bus, bike) and whose MSGR is located more than three miles from the embassy.
(5) Inadequate security provided for the MSGR, Post 1 or embassy compound in accordance with the 12 FAH-5 or Physical Security Standards Handbook. -
Priority Issues (Submit Issue via ClassNet)
Priority Issue
Priority Issue Number (Reg X (001-YY))
Comments and Observations
Marine Support
Post Support
Inspection Report
1. Mission Capable
2. Mission Capable with Discrepancies
3. Mission Capable with Findings
a. Finding. A significant problem within the command that detracts from the unit’s readiness or mission accomplishment. Findings may involve or could lead to fraud, waste or abuse; involve issues of health, morale, or welfare of the unit’s Marines; or significantly deviates from higher headquarters policies and procedures. Automatic findings are as follows:
1. Failure to conduct MOT/FOT certification/recertification as required.
2. Failure to maintain FAMFIRE requirements for all Marines assigned to the detachment during the inspection period.
3. Failure to correct a discrepancy from the previous inspection.
4. Non Mission Capable -
I find that this detachment is
Post T/O Validation Report
Inspecting Officer Signature