Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are all chillers running between 1c and 5c?
Are all freezers operating at -18c or below?
Are there any items of food that are out of date?
Is the dry store clean, tidy and organised, with all open food items labelled correctly and/or decanted?
Are all items of food in all chillers labeled and covered with cling film?
Has the food diary been completed correctly?
Are there any no 'smiley faces', and if so have these been corrected?
Are there a minimum of 2 working food probes available, and these have been calibrated within the last 7 days?
Is there evidence that all the hand wash sinks have been used recently?
Are the hand wash sink stations fully stocked with blue roll and soap?
Have all the hand wash sinks have hot running water?
Are there any maintenance issues currently?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
Have food temperature checks been completed? (D6 & D7)
Has any cooling been completed, and if so has the diary been filled in?
Can a team member access StarChef and show you how to look for any allergen?
Is the overall kitchen cleanliness satisfactory?
Is the area pest free?
Are all team wearing the correct uniform?
Are all team wearing the correct non-slip shoes in the kitchen?
Back Yard
Is the back door to the kitchen closed, preventing pests from entering?
Are all the bins organised, with the lids closed?
Is the back gate closed?
Are there any food / drink deliveries to be put away that are currently there?
Is the overall cleanliness of the yard satisfactory?
Is the cellar door closed?
Front Of House
Have the opening and closing checks been filled in, in the diary?
Have the fridge & freezer temperatures been filled in?
Have all the bar nozzles been soaked and cleaned?
Has the slush machine been cleaned within the last 4 weeks?
Has the ice machine been cleaned within the last week?
Have all the funkin mixes been checked and labeled?
Has all fruit been day dotted and checked for spoilage?