Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Inspection By:
Inspection Area
Weather Conditions:
1. Erosion and Sediment Control
Do silt control devices need to be installed, altered or maintained to adequately control sediment discharge?
Are stockpiles and bare areas adequately stabilised?
Is there any visible discolouration of site run-off water?
Do bounded areas (e.g. concrete washout) require cleaning out?
Are there visible concrete spills or run-off stains?
Are repairs needed on bunds or other controls?
Is there any area where sediment or contaminated water discharges from the site are uncontrolled?
Is mud / soil from vehicle wheels present on public roads?
2. Air Quality / Dust
Is visible dust generated by site work activities, stockpiles, disturbed areas or site roads?
Is plant and equipment producing visible emissions for longer than 10 seconds at a time?
3. Construction Noise and Vibration
Are high noise generating activities being undertaken?
Is noise likely to impact on nearby sensitive receptors?
Is work outside approved hours being undertaken without approval?
4. Waste Management
Is waste being deposited or stored in places other than designated areas and collection facilities?
Has any spillage of hazardous waste occurred on site?
Is the site in a generally unclean or untidy state? Is there any litter?
5. Protected Trees
If required, is hoarding / fencing around all trees which are protected?
Any unexpected damage to protected trees?
Arbourist inspections undertaken?
Materials stored beneath drip line of protected trees?
6. Hazardous Materials and Dangerous Goods
Has any contamination been uncovered on this site?
Are any hazardous materials or dangerous goods incorrectly stored on site?
Do storage containers of hazardous materials or dangerous goods met AS/NZS 2906:1999?
Are any hazardous materials or dangerous goods not labeled or incorrectly labeled?
Are containers of hazardous materials located in secondary containment?
Is onsite servicing and fuelling of plant and equipment carried out in an uncontrolled manner?
Are emergency spill kits onsite, and recently stocked?
8. Community Relations
Does the community need to be advised of pending operations likely to cause nuisance?
Other site specific inspections (list)