
  • Audit No.

  • Book No.

  • Client / Site

  • Other

  • Appointed from

  • Appointed to

  • Employer / designated person

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Personnel

Notes on practical use and application

  • 1 The SH&E representative must give reasonable notice to the employer before carrying out inspections.

    2 The SH&E representative may conduct inspections at such intervals as agreed upon with the employer, normally within one week after the SH&E committee meeting.

    3 Use the guideline checklist for unsafe conditions as a trigger for inspections.

    4 During inspection concentrate on unsafe conditions and unsafe acts, which may occur.

    5 Report potential hazards to the health and safety of employees immediately to the responsible appointed supervisor in control of that area.

    6 Report potential hazards and all other deviations to the employer or designated person for actions.

    7 The SH&E representative’s report must be taken to the SH&E committee meeting for discussion, endorsement and recommendations. The chairman of the SH&E committee meeting is to sign the inspection report on behalf of the members of the SH&E committee meeting.

    8 All deviations that are identified by the SH&E representative must be minuted in the statutory meeting minutes for further actions. These deviations must be retained in the minutes until they have been adequately addressed.

    9 A Department of Labour inspector can do an inspection on the SH&E representative’s inspection register at any time and sign such report in the register.

  • Checklist for the SH&E representative

    a) If indicated no, give description of deviation.

    b) Indicate all potential hazards with an X.

1. Condition of building / structures<br>

1. Condition of building /structures

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 1.1. Roofing

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 1.2. Walls and suport columns

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 1.3. Doorways and window frames

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 1.4. Gutters and down pipes

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 1.5. Fixed ladders

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 1.6. Concrete and steel structures

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 1.7. Pipelines

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 1.8. Tanks

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

2. Condition of floors

2. Condition of floors

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 2.1. Floor

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 2.2. Carpets

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 2.3. Roadways / walkways

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 2.4. Elevated platforms

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

3. Physical conditions of lighting

3. Physical condition of lighting

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 3.1. All bulbs / tubes in good working order

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 3.2. Windows and skylights kept clean

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

4. Ventilation

4. Ventilation

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 4.1. Are all air conditioners ducting inlets and outlets clear of obstruction

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 4.2. Are all abnornal heat or cold exposure hazards contained?

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

5. Facilities clean and hygienic

5. Facilities clean and hygienic

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

5.1. All facilities clean (tiles, floors, walls, fixtures and fittings)

  • 5.1.1. Soap, towels and toilet paper provided

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 5.1.2. Waste bins kept clean and contents removed regularly

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 5.1.3. Personal lockers and change rooms sufficient and tidy

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 5.1.4. Kitchen and canteens clean and vermin free

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 5.1.5. Sufficient waste bins provided

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

5.2. Authorised food areas

  • 5.2.1. Are change rooms, clothing lockers and the workplaces free of food

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 5.2.2. Provision made for food storage (lunch boxes, etc.)

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 5.2.3. Food consumed in authorised areas

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

6. Pollution

6. Pollution

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 6.1. Are areas free of visible pollution? ( E.g. oil leaking on ground, chemicals being spilled on the floor, etc. )

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

7. Stacking and storage

7. Stacking and storage

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 7.1. Is the stacking safe and tidy

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 7.2. Are shelves strong enough to safely hold load of equipment stacked on it

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 7.3. Walkways unobstructed

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 7.4. No materials protrude beyond demarcation

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 7.5. Employees aware of purpose and meaning

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

8. Yard and outside area

8. Yard and outside area

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 8.1. Is yard, outside areas and outlying areas near battery limits free of loose lying items and weeds

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 8.2. Is scrap and refuse removal system causing any health and safety threats

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

9. Lockout systems

9. Lockout systems

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 9.1. Are electrical lockout systems in place

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 9.2. All blank lists for positive isolation in place

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 9.3. Are lockout systems for pneumatic and hydraulic equipment in place

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 9.4. Are alarms and other Safety devices in a working condition?<br>

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 9.5. All relief (safety) valves physically locked or sealed

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 9.6. Do PSV's releasing to atmosphere, release to a safe place.<br>

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

Red Line on pressure gauges

  • 9.7. All pressure gauges marked with a red line on the dial of the pressure gauge (to correspond with set operating parameters).

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

10. Electrical equipment (portable)

10. Electrical equipment (portable)

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 10.1. Is portable electrical equipment safe for use?

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

11. Motorised equipment / bicycles

11. Motorised equipment / bicycles

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 11.1. Are vehicles etc. safety devices in safe condition?

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

12. Colour coding

12. Colour coding

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 12.1 Is all colour coding applied according to the Colour code

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

13. Guarding

13. Guarding

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 13.1. Are all hazardous moving parts on machinery within normal reach completely guarded?<br>

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 13.2. Is all dangerous work e.g. x-rays, high pressure cleaning, rigging work barricaded safely?

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

14. Labeling

14. Labeling

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 14.1. Are all electrical distribution boards and relevant equipment labelled and marked correctly?

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

15. Lifting gear

15. Lifting gear

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 15.1. Is all lifting gear in a safe condition?

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

16. Electrical installations

16. Electrical installations

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 16.1. Is all electrical equipment safe for use?

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 16.2. All main switches accessible (even when circuits are locked out)

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

17. Ladders, stairways, draw bridges and scaffolding

17. Ladders, stairways, draw bridges and scaffolding

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 17.1. Is the equipment in a safe condition?<br>

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 17.2. Is built scaffolding safe for use?

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?


  • 17.3. Are all stairways (including access steps to loading dock, etc) fitted with at least one handrail (4 Risers or more)

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

18. Hand tools / equipment

18. Hand tools / equipment

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 18.1. Are all hand tools/ equipment etc., safe for use?<br>

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 18.2. All trolleys, wheelbarrows, etc., in good condition?

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

19. Personal safety protective equipment

19. Personal safety protective equipment

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 19.1. Personal protective equipment safe to use (spot check)

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

20. Notices and signs

20. Notices and signs

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 20.1. Are all notices and signs clean and in good condition?

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 20.2. Ambulance points in place and in good state of repair

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

21. Fire fighting equipment / breathing apparatus

21. Fire fighting equipment / breathing apparatus

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 21.1. All extinguishers accessible

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 21.2. All hose reels accessible <br>

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 21.3. All hydrants accessible

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

22. Ergonomics

22. Ergonomics

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 22.1. Is operating equipment ergonomically accessible to operating and maintenance personnel.

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

23. Hazardous chemical substances

23. Hazardous chemical substances

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 23.1. Are all areas free of uncontrolled hazardous chemicals, fumes, and dust or radiation exposure threats?<br>

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 23.2. Emergency showers and eye wash equipment operational.

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

24. Sample points

24. Sample points

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 24.1. Are sample points marked clearly?<br>

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

  • 24.2. Does the layout of sample points promote safe operating by personnel?

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

25. Permit systems

25. Permit systems

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 25.1. Are work permits, excavations permits, and electrical isolation systems in place?

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

26. Other

26. Other

  • Are all items listed below in sound condition

  • 26.1. SH&E representative satisfied that all unsafe conditions have been reported.

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

27. Incidents / accidents

  • 27. Are you aware of all injuries incidents / accidents within your appointed area?

  • Notes

  • Potential Hazard?

Unsafe acts

Unsafe acts

  • Are there any unsafe acts you would like to report?

  • Description, potential hazard
  • Description

  • Is this a potential hazard?

Report by health and safety representative

  • Name an Signature of SH&E representative

  • Date

Endorsement by employer / designated person

  • Comments

  • Name and Signature of chairman of healthy and safety committee

  • Date

Endorsement by health and safety committee

  • Recommendations

  • Name and Signature of chairman of healthy and safety committee

  • Date

Acknowledgement by employer / designated person

  • Remarks

  • Name and Signature of employer / designated person

  • Date

Inspection by inspector of department of labour

  • Remarks

  • Name and Signature of Inspector

  • Date

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.