Title Page
Site name
Inspection date
Inspection conducted by
Department, Curriculum Area.
Access and Egress
Is safe access and egress to the building/area available?
Evidence which area is not available.
Are these arrangements suitable for individuals with additional needs?
Are there enough evacuation chairs/sliders?
Are they in good working condition?
Are evacuation chairs maintained to a schedule?
Are the chairs on an compliance list?
Do these access/egress arrangements consider adverse weather?
Explain why?
Are individuals on site easily identifiable as colleagues, learners, visitors or contractors?
Which group is not wearing ID badges?
Information and Communication
Is the audit a campus audit?
Is the Health and Safety Law Poster displayed and completed with correct details?
Is Employers Liability Insurance Certificate displayed and current?
Are policies (energy management, environmental, H&S, quality) displayed and current?
Are Statutory Notices displayed prominently? (e.g. no smoking, CCTV)
Is the Site Duty folder complete
Welfare/Work Environment
Is there a supply of fresh air? (with no drafts)
Evidence drafts
Is there sufficient lighting in the building/area?
Are light bulbs broken or missing
Is there sufficient space in the work area?
Are good housekeeping practices observed? (excess paper and rubbish removed)
Do staff know how to report spills?
Are spills cleaned up immediately?
Are toilets/changing facilities provided?
Are toilets cleaned to a schedule?
Where necessary are lockers provided for learners clothing and bags?
Is there a need for lockers?
Have lockers been requested?
Is a designated area for smoking with bins provided?
Risk Assessment and SSoW Review
Are Risk Assessments uploaded onto the shared drive
Are the risk assessments onsite?
Do they have risk assessments?
Are these suitable in date and sufficient for the tasks being undertaken?
When was the last review date?
Have all staff read and do they understand the risk assessment?
Is there a review and monitoring system in place to ensure they remain fit for purpose?
Waste and Environment
Are there any hazardous waste streams
Are they identified and segregated (e.g. chemicals, electrical, medical)
Are LEVs used?
Are filters in place?
Are these maintained?
Are records available?
Emergency Preparedness: Incidents
Do colleagues know how to report an incident, accident or near miss on TOPdesk?
Has there been any RCA in the last 6 months?
Give a brief description of the RCA
Emergency Preparedness: First Aid
Are there an adequate number of first aiders?
Are the first aid facilities suitable for the working environment? (e.g. eye wash, burns kit)
What facilities are missing
Are the first aid kits maintained?
Are products in date, sufficient stock levels, sterile?
What items are missing or out of date?
Are site first aiders and facility locations identifiable?
Emergency Preparedness: Fire
Do colleagues know what to do in the event of a fire?
Is the fire panel showing a fault
What is the fault showing
Are there weekly fire bells tests ?
Ask FM why there has been no tests
Is there suitable safety signage displayed indicating escape routes?
Are there a sufficient number of fire exits available?
Are they unobstructed?
What items are obstructing the exit?
Do they lead to a final place of safety with designated assembly points?
Is there a final place of safety?
Is there a fire assembly sign?
Is there emergency lighting?
is it working?
Is there any cooking or food preparation areas
Is there fire blankets?
Have any been ordered?
Are fire extinguishers regularly maintained?
Are fire extinguishers in the correctly sited?
Are Protected stairways clear of combustible materials
What items are in the stairway?
Who do they belong to?
Are there enough trained fire wardens on site?
Hazardous substances COSHH
Is there any COSHH?
Are all chemicals/hazardous substances clearly labelled?
Are all chemicals/hazardous substances securely stored?
Are COSHH assessments available for hazardous substances in the building/area?
Are they on the shared drive?
Where are they kept?
Are colleagues informed to report hazardous spillages immediately?
Are spill kits provided?
Is there any asbestos on site?
Are any ACMs clearly labelled and registered in the Asbestos Management Plan?
Are cleaning cupboards locked?
Do cleaning cupboards have safety signage?
Machinery and Equipment
Is there any machinery used?
Are all relevant colleagues and learners trained to use equipment/machinery safely?
Is all equipment and machinery regularly inspected and maintained?
Are records available?
Is there a procedure for reporting faulty machinery and equipment and taking it out of use?
Are dangerous machines operated only with their guards on?
Are SSOW available/attached to the machinery?
Electrical Safety
Are electrical items being P A Tested?
Has the item not PA tested been taken out of service?
Are there any overloaded plug sockets?
Has the area been made safe during the inspection?
Are colleagues informed to switch off all electric appliances before leaving work?
Are all leads adequately protected from damage?
Is access restricted to any high voltage electrical cupboards/storerooms
Are 'Danger' safety signs displayed?
Are all Plant rooms locked and accessed via a PTW system?
Gas Safety
Do colleagues know what to do in the event of a gas leak?
Are there any gas cylinders?
Are they regularly inspected?
Are there records available?
Personal Protective Equipment
is there a requirement for the use of PPE?
Is appropriate PPE provided for colleagues and learners?
Is there a process for replacing PPE once it becomes worn or damaged?
Are suitable processes in place to ensure learners are regularly provided with clean overalls?
Are facilities for the storage and cleaning of PPE provided?
Working from height
Is there any working from height?
Are colleagues trained to work from height?
Are training records available?
Do ladders have inspection tags?
Are they in date?
Safety Walks
Are safety walks being completed?
Who carried out the walk, DTL, HOD, VP,
Who are they reported to?