Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Report Details

  • SHIFT:

  • Team Members on Duty and Locations posted

  • Security Master Keys tested & logged prior to handover

  • Give details

  • Security phone MUST be 80% charged when hand over to the next shift leader

  • why

  • Briefing/Praying conducted prior to the starting of shift

  • Inhouse guest list update from front office [Occupancy, Total No of guests, No. of Arrival & Departures left]

  • Handover complete from outgoing shift and incoming shift briefed on operation

  • Why

  • Key Checks Completed, ensure all keys returned from respective departments and holders {Afternoon Shift & Night Shift Leader only}

  • Why didnt you conduct the checks

  • Team member issue reported during the shift

  • Guest issue reported during the shift

  • Read & Checked emails {all security members}

  • Every contractors’ entries ID checked and logged down

  • Why?

  • 5 locker Inspections Conducted

  • Bag checks conducted on all team members and contractors leaving BOH after work

  • Breathalyser test randomly conducted to team members entering for duty or leaving BOH after duty and checklist documented and filled.

  • Why it hasnt been done

  • Opened Dry store and coolers outside normal operation hours only if SCM request paper is provided with relevant HOD’s approval. Director Ops must be notified and an email send to Karuna attach with the internal request form

  • Log books ruled up to 6 pages.

  • Float Handover conducted to oncoming shift

  • Contractor passes checked and updated next shift

  • All outgoing staff vehicles checked at H3

  • Why

  • All Road gates checked and secured and security lights switched on/off on time

  • Why werent they switched off

  • Hotel surveillance, monitoring and patrols reported during the shift and updated report on log book or whatsapp security ops group

  • OH&S issues noted & logged from patrols and relevant departments notified for action

  • Property pass forms checked during shift signed by team member, HOD and a Director attached with supportive documents

  • Company vehicle EZ192 physically inspected during the shift, ensure it is clean. Vehicle request form completed. Shift leader to notify Engineering if need mechanic’s attention

  • Update OHS & Incident Report book


  • Received & logged lost & found items on security report book and L&F report book

  • Checked office stationaries and other operation tools stock and notified supervisor if need to order through check scm

  • 1 hour of monitoring CCTV done. Also any faults or defects detected, to be noted done on CCTV file

  • Maintain security office clean and fresh prior to handover to the next shift

  • Internal Incident reports completed during the shift if any, and handover to oncoming shift leader.

  • Incident report numbers:

  • Random checks of fire indication board & fire safety equipments during patrols. Faults to be logged and notified Engineering coordinator

  • All office doors, meeting rooms, coolers, stores locked & secured during patrols (For afternoon and midnight shift only)

  • RT’s charged, Torches x2 should be ok for operation. Signed out & in both on log book provided

  • Name and signature of Shift Leader

  • Actual Date/Time of Handover:

  • Name of oncoming shift leader:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.