Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Job Number

Team Details

  • Name of Site Supervisor

  • Name of Team Leader

  • Number of Operatives on Site

  • Name of Subcontractor (if applicable)


  • Aborted Visit?

  • Please give reason


  • Has a site induction taken place?

  • Has the site induction been logged?

  • Is their a visitor's log for the site and has it been updated?

  • Employee identification cards available?

  • F10 Notification of Construction Project in file or displayed?

  • Safe digs and utility search results available on site?

  • Work instruction / job pack on site?

  • Risk Assessment completed for site?

  • Is the Risk Assessment dated within the last 12 months?

  • Have the RAMS been signed off at every step?

  • Have all employees read and understood the risk assessments and method statements relating to their work activity?

  • Is the H&S / Environment Policy displayed?

  • Is there a Near Miss poster / QR code displayed on site?

  • Have any near misses been reported?

  • Does the permit to work contain all the relevant information?

  • Do site operatives hold correct competency, training and / or accreditation?

  • Are there any qualified Streetworks operatives on site?

  • Is there a design available for temporary works?

  • Is there a temporary works coordinator?

  • Who is the temp works coordinator?

Site Safety

  • Is the site tidy (Good Housekeeping)?

  • Is access and egress to the site safe?

  • Is the site office clean and tidy and fit for purpose?

  • Is the site compound secure?

  • Are there any slip or trip hazards?

  • Is there a designated muster point?

  • Is there a designated smoking area and bin?

  • First Aid Kit - on site and fit for purpose, replenished etc and contains eye wash?

  • Is there a First Aider on site?

  • Fire Extinguisher(s) - on site and fit for purpose?

  • Are COSHH assessments available?

  • Are all chemicals and substances labelled and in their original containers?

  • Has an asbestos survey been carried out?

  • Welfare - suitable hand washing, drying / changing facilities and drinking water?

  • Please detail

  • CAT / Testing / Electrical equipment on site, functional and calibrated?

  • Are any portable electrical items on site PAT tested?

  • Services marked / pilot holes taken where necessary?

  • Have any underground services been identified?

  • Which underground services have been identified?

  • Hi Viz, Hard Hat and other required PPE worn?

  • Is PPE in good condition and fit for purpose?

  • Is the PPE in accordance with client policy?

  • If RPE is required, are the operatives face fitted and clean shaven?

  • Is there a Hand Arm Vibration (HAV) log on site and is it kept up to date?

  • Are vibration risks being managed?

  • Are there any open excavations on site?

  • Excavation(s) shored and safe where necessary?

  • Has a permit to dig been completed?

  • Is lighting on site sufficient for the works being carried out?

  • Is work being carried out within the agreed hours?


  • Are noise levels monitored?

  • Are operatives supplied with appropriate PPE (ear defenders)?

  • Are neighbours kept informed regarding noise producing activities?


  • Is dust controlled by minimising piles of earth etc?

  • Is dust controlled by dampening with water?

  • Is plant and equipment regularly maintained?

Accident Reporting

  • Is there an accident reporting procedure?

  • Please detail

  • Is there an accident book?

  • Is the accident book being completed?

Toolbox Talks

  • Have any site toolbox talks taken place?

  • Please detail

Signing Lighting and Guarding

  • Information / apology board on site?

  • Does the apology board show a permit number?

  • Has a traffic management plan been created showing entry, exit, offloading areas, refuelling areas etc?

  • Is signage displayed on Heras fencing / crowd barriers including team leader's details?

  • Is site safety signage suitable and sufficient?

  • Is the signing, lighting and guarding erected in accordance with the Chapter 8 red book, inclusive of sign sizes, distances and layout?

  • Vehicles and equipment positioned safely and segregated from pedestrian walkways?

  • Safety zones - lead in and exit tapers provided?

  • Cones and barriers - location, size, condition?

  • Pedestrian walkway - minimum width, ramps provided where required?

  • If works are causing an obstruction to the footpath, is there a 1m footway available?

  • Correct type of traffic management provided as per COP, if using traffic lights are Stop / Go boards available (in case of light failure)?

  • Stores and Materials guarded and stored securely?

Plant, Tools, Equipment and Vehicles

  • Correct plant, tools and equipment being used?

  • Is a daily plant check being completed?

  • Are records of statutory inspections available for plant and equipment where necessary?

  • Operatives trained in the use of plant, tools and equipment being used?

  • Can the operative(s) demonstrate competence in the use of a CAT and Genny?

  • Is there a competent banksman on site?

  • Plant, tools and equipment in good condition?

  • Vehicles displaying corporate livery (logos etc)?

  • Is the plant immobilised when left unattended?

  • Is there a procedure for control and issue of keys?

  • Are all plant safety features in place and in good repair - seatbelts, beacons etc?

  • Vehicles maintained in a clean and tidy condition?

  • Are all lifting operations carried out by a competent person?

  • Are all lifting operations appropriately planned?


  • Has it been erected by competent scaffolders?

  • Is a handover certificate available?

  • Are scaffolds inspected at periods not exceeding 7 days, or after scaffold is struck, weathered, altered etc?

  • Are inspections recorded?

  • Is a Scafftag system or similar in use?

  • Are there any ladders on site for access?

  • Are the ladder(s) in good condition and fit for purpose?


  • Spoil / waste segregated and sited correctly?

  • Drains covered / protected?

  • Fuel, oil storage - are materials stored 10m away from water courses?

  • Plant and equipment free from leaks?

  • Spill kit - on site and fit for purpose?

  • Contaminated land / water controls in place?

  • Liquid containers correctly labelled and stored?

  • Are dust, noise, odours and fumes adequately controlled?

  • If a Stihlsaw or Abrasive Wheel / Grinder is in use, has the dust been suppressed with water?

  • Tree protection measures in place?

  • Do site plans show nearby water courses / drainage systems etc?

  • Have measures been taken to prevent any pollution to identified water courses?

  • Waste carrier's licence - copy held?

  • Waste transfer notes - fully completed?

  • Fuel storage facilities, adequate, bunded (110%), drip trays etc?

Protected Species and Habitat

  • Has the presence of any designated ecological sites or protected species been established, and are controls in place?

  • Are any invasive species present on site and are measures in place to control?

  • Are any archaeological issues identified?

  • Please detail

  • Are any built heritage issues identified? ie. listed buildings

  • Please detail

Quality Assurance

  • Measuring and test equipment calibrated (records)?

  • Latest edition of documentation held?

  • Has the company received any complaints whilst working on this site?

  • If yes, has this been dealt with effectively?

Stop Work

  • Has the work been stopped for any reason?

  • Please detail

Sign Off -Auditor

  • Add signature

Sign Off - Lead Operative

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.