
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Landlord & Tenant - vacant units presentation and lettability

  • Physically inspect 5 vacant units to ensure that they are in a presentable and lettable condition

  • Check that dilapidations letters have been sent to each vacating tenant

Operational Management - Dilapidations

  • For the last 3 tenant vacations confirm that dilapidations were completed satisfactorily

Operational Management - Utility meter reads

  • For the last 3 tenant vacations above, check and confirm the vacancy notification forms have the meter numbers and readings recorded.

  • For the last 3 new occupations, check and confirm that the initial occupancy record has been raised correctly I.e that meter numbers and readings have been recorded correctly, electrical/gas installation certificate numbers have been included on the form along with condition of the unit.

  • If units are now occupied, check the initial occupancy record for the new tenant to see what condition the new tenant took the unit

  • Check that new tenant has signed initial occupancy form

Operational Management - Business Rates

  • Does the Manager understand how they can reduce Workspace's empty rates liabilities

  • How does the manager organise/diarise any rates liabilities that are impending

  • Is the Manager able to use the VOA website to check for current rating assessments

  • Does the Manager understand small business rates relief and advise tenants when units are viewed

  • If using empty units for landlords storage, are photographs taken on the day that we take occupation and the day we vacate

Operational Management - Estate Management

  • Are cleaning checks carried out on daily basis

  • Are toilets clean and presentable with cleaning sheets in the back of cubicle doors? Are cleaning sheets up to date and blank copies available

  • Are shower facilities clean and adequate

  • Are there advertising inserts in the toilet cubicles? Are these up to date

  • Are the common areas clean and presentable

  • Are the building windows unbroken and clean

  • Is the exterior of the building clean and presentable

  • Is the car park area clean, presentable and clearly marked

  • Are the cycle/facilities adequate

  • Are there disclaimers displayed for cycles

  • Are there disclaimers displayed for vehicular parking

  • Are the Centre ground clean and presentable

  • If CCTV is present, is the CCTV signage displayed and in the correct places

Operational Management - Sustainability/recycling

  • Is the recycling area clean, tidy and adequately sign posted

  • Are there sufficient recycling bins placed around the Centre I.e. Kitchens, cafe's and receptions to encourage recycling

  • Have all tenants received a cardboard recycling bin and clear bags for their units

  • Do tenants receive information on what to recycle, location of recycling bins and all other relevant information regarding recycling within the tenant handbook

  • Does the Manager know the current recycling rate for their Centre and for Workspace as a whole

  • Does the Manager regularly communicate information about recycling and current recycling rates to encourage and motivate tenants into using the recycling facilities. What method is used to do this

  • Are the number of bins and frequencies regularly reviewed to ensure efficiency and encourage reduction in the generation of waste

  • Are the general refuse bins checked to see that no recycling materials are being placed inside. If so, are tenants that are responsible informed

  • What is being recycled? Is this adequte

  • Is the Manager aware of hazardous waste procedures. Is the Manager aware of what cannot be placed in the refuse bins

Operational Management - Sustainability

  • Is the lighting in the common areas corridors and stairwells controlled by sensors or timers

  • Is the lighting in the common area toilets, kitchens, showers controlled by sensors or timers

  • Is the exterior estate lighting on sensors or timers

  • If the answer to the 3 questions above is yes, to timers, what times are the timers set to

  • Are the heating boilers on timers? If so, what are time settings

  • Have you lowered the boiler temperature to save on energy

  • Have the radiators got valves to control temperatures. Have these been turned down in common areas

  • How are the timers and sensors for all of the above checked to ensure that they are working correctly and efficiently

  • Does the Manager turn off the equipment in the office when not in use, and when they leave for the day

  • Do you close blinds to keep out heat rather than turning on fans and air conditioning

  • Are energy saving bulbs used where possible

  • If there are no timers or sensors in the common areas, what steps is the Manager taking to save energy

  • Is the Manager monitoring utility consumption

  • Does the tenant handbook given to new tenants, include information on energy and water saving reduction schemes that are in place. Does it also include any information about community events/business networking initiatives

  • If the Centre has night guard security, do the guards switch off power in the common areas where possible when the building is empty? Do they also check all water taps to ensure that none are left running or leaking. Check security assignment instructions

  • What provisions are installed to save water I.e. Save a flush for toilets, push taps and timers etc.

  • Does the Centre provide adequate facilities to encourage the use of cycling/running/walking to work I.e. Bike racks and shower facilities

  • When a new tenant takes occupation, does the Manager explain and demonstrate the heating, ventilation, lighting and water services within the premises, explaining the efficiency controls and how best to obtain maximum benefit from any controls installed

  • Does the Manager have anything established to support local initiatives in the community

Customer Care -Occupancy

  • Does the Manager provide a viewing pack when completing viewings

  • Do new tenants receive a welcome to Workspace letter and welcome pack. Check and confirm

  • Are all unit keys handed over to the new occupier. Check that no vacant unit keys are kept on site

  • Do new tenants receive a tenant handbook. Inspect handbook to see if appropriate and up to date

  • Is the tenant directory/tenant signage up to date? Check last 3 new tenant occupancies are listed on the building directory if applicable, and their unit signage has been updated with their company name

  • Do the tenants receive newsletters bi/monthly. Ask to see the newsletter, to see if appropriate and adequte

  • What events are held for the tenants during the year

Front of house - Reception/ Estate Office/ Conference rooms

  • Is the reception/Managers office clean, tidy and presentable

  • Is the marketing material on display and up to date. Check display

  • Is the reception handbook completed properly and up to date

  • Is there a parcel disclaimer displayed

  • Is the parcel receipt book completed properly, with signatures from all parties

  • Are the parcels/packages kept secure whilst awaiting for collection/where are they kept

  • Are the conference rooms clean, tidy and presentable?

  • Are the vacant unit keys/building keys labelled and coded?

  • Is there a master key for unit/s, if so where is it kept

  • Is the relief handover template being used for hangovers

  • Who holds the safe key and where is it kept

  • Where are the staff files kept? Are they locked in a secure place? Who holds keys?

  • Is the CCTV monitor displaying the correct date and time, and out if view of the public eye

  • Does the Centre Manager understand the CCTV policy with relation to the Data Protection Act? Ask and confirm the procedures in relation to who can view the CCTV

Budget and Finance - Contracts/quotations

  • By questioning the Manager find out:

  • Are there any local contracts in place?

  • Who is the contract owner?

  • Is it WSG service contract?

  • Who signed the contract?

  • Was the required number of tenders obtained?

  • What was the result of the tender process and why?

  • Select date

  • Add signature

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