Title Page

  • Site / Project Name

  • Site / Project Address
  • Principal Contractor

  • Person in Charge of Site / Project

  • Conducted On

  • Completed By

  • Company Contact on Site

  • Brief Description of the Works

Health & Safety Inspection

CDM Role & Responsibilities

  • Are we the Principal Contractor (yes) or sub-contractor (no)?

  • Is the required documentation on site such as: Policy, Insurances, HSE Poster, F10, CPP?

  • Is there welfare on site?

  • Is the welfare clean and tidy?

  • Is there hot running water?

  • Is there drinking water available?

  • Is the welfare connected to an electrical supply?

  • Are the relevant documents (insurance, H&S policy, HSE poster) on display?

  • What can be improved if anything?

  • Has the site been secured to prevent unauthorised access?

  • Is there suitable signage in place advising others of the construction work?

  • Is there a site emergency plan?

  • Is there a muster point sign on site in a suitable location?

  • Irrespective of CDM role, are all employees inducted for the site?

  • If Principal Contractor, are there induction records available?

  • Have Tool Box Talks been carried out?

  • What was the last topic and date the TBT was completed?

Safe System of work - H&S documentation

  • Is there RAMS on site (electronic or hard copy)?

  • Are the RAMS signed by those working under them?

  • Are the RAMS relevant to the work?

  • Is a permit to work required for the work (issued by Principal Contractor)

  • What work being under taken requires a permit>

  • Are hazardous substances being used on site?

  • Are COSHH assessments in place for each substance?

  • Are the COSHH assessments signed by those using the hazardous substances?

  • Have you 'dip sampled' 2 substances to ensure there are COSHH assessments in place?

  • What was the names of the 2 substances?

Plant & Equipment

  • Have daily pre use checks been completed and recorded for any fork lift/ telehandler on site?

  • Have daily pre use checks been completed and recorded for any MEWPS on site?

  • Are all electrically powered tools 110V (yellow cable)?

  • Are all 110V tools PAT tested within the last 3 months?

  • Are all cables and extensions in good condition?

  • Are all battery powered tools in good condition?

  • How are the batteries being charged?

  • Are all hand tools in good condition?

Temporary Works

  • Is there temporary works on site?

  • What is/ are the temporary works?

  • Has the temporary works been entered onto a register?


  • What is the minimum PPE requirements for site?

  • Are all operatives wearing the required PPE?

  • Is their PPE in good condition?

  • Are FFP3 dust masks accessible?

  • Is hearing protection available?

  • Is eye protection available?

House keeping and material storage

  • Is the site tidy?

  • What can be improved?

  • Is there a storage container on site?

  • Is the container tidy?

  • What can be improved?

  • Are materials stored neatly and are easily accessible?

  • What can be improved?

  • Are works vans on site?

  • Are the inside of the vans tidy?

  • What can be improved (and driver of the van)?

Work at height

  • Are MEWPS (scissor lifts/ cherry pickers) being used?

  • Are the operators trained?

  • Has a daily pre use check been carried out and recorded for the MEWP?

  • Is the MEWP housed on suitable ground?

  • Are the operators hooked to a suitable anchor point in the basket (cherry picker)?

  • Is there suitable barriers around the base of the MEWP?

  • Is scaffolding being used?

  • Is the scaffold safe with no isues?

  • Are all Operatives aware not to alter, amend or dismantle any part of the scaffold?

  • Are step ladders being used?

  • Is/are the step ladder(s) in good condition?

  • Is/ are the step ladder(s) housed on firm level ground?

  • Is/ are the step ladder(s) being used correctly?

  • Are ladders being used?

  • Is/ are the ladder(s) in good condition?

  • Is/ are the ladder(s) being footed or tied off at the top?

  • Is/ are the ladder(s) extend past the area they are accessing by 1 meter or more (2-3 rungs)?

  • Do the client allow use of ladders on site?

  • Is the ladder at a suitable angle to the wall it is up against (1m out to 4m up)?

  • Is safety nets being installed?

  • Is there suitable RAMS on site for the erection, checking and dismantling of the nets?

  • Have the RAMs been read and signed?

  • Have pre use checks of the MEWP(S) been carried out and recorded?

  • If the nets are erected is there proof that they have been inspected in the last 7 days?

Lifting operations

  • Is lifting of materials taking place on site?

  • Has a pre use check of the crane been recorded by the operator?

  • Is there a lift plan on site (electronic or hard copy)?

  • Has the lift plan been signed by all those under taking the lift?

  • Are all lifting accessories in good condition?

  • Do all lifting accessories have an in date thorough examination certificate?

Noise, dust, vibration & manual handling

  • Is hearing protection being worn when using powered tools that exceed 85dB (states on the tools/ manufactures guidance)?

  • Is cutting of materials such as timber taking place or handing insulation?

  • Are FFP 3 dust masks being worn?

  • Is welding taking place on site?

  • Are air fed welders hood being worn or welders hood and suitable FFP3 mask?

  • Are vibrating tools being used on site?

  • What is in place to prevent over exposure to vibration on site?


  • Is there known to be asbestos on site?

  • Has an Asbestos survey been completed? (If NO stop work and notify management)

  • Have you read the survey? (if NO stop work and read the survey)

  • Having read the survey does the asbestos impact your work? (if it does STOP work)

  • Are all Operatives asbestos awareness trained?

Accidents, incidents, near misses & improvements

  • Has there been any incidents, accidents or near misses?

  • Is there any improvements those on site feel that can be made?


  • Any other good practice or areas for improvement?


  • What is the over all finding for the site (include explanation in the notes)?


  • Completed by (Name and Signature)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.