Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Amenities and Floatation Areas
First aid kit checked?
Are fire extinguishers in good condition and unobstructed?
First aiders and fire warden information is available and up to date?
Is the noise level in a safe range?
Is there excess dust, liquid or gasses in the area?
Any other excess materials in area?
Is the building and fence in sound condition?
Is area notice/safety signage in good condition?
Exits are unobstructed and emergency exit signs are in place?
All door and gates have signage and can be closed?
Are there any electrical hazards?
Are there any hazards that could result in slips, trips, or falls?
Is the appropriate PPE being worn and other PPE being stored correctly?
Are there any protruding hazards?
Are chemicals stored correctly and MSDSs available?
Fruit Unloading Area and Press Mezzanine
Is the noise level at an adequate range?
Is there excess dust, liquid or gasses in the area?
Any other excess materials in area?
Are there any electrical hazards?
Are there any hazards that could result in slips, trips, or falls?
Are there any protruding hazards?
Is the appropriate PPE being worn and other PPE stored correctly?
Are fire extinguishers in good condition and unobstructed?
Engineering Workshop, Dry Goods, General Site and External Areas
Is the building and fence in sound condition?
Dry goods shelves in good order?
Are materials in dry goods stacked safely?
Are fire extinguishers in good condition and unobstructed?
Is the noise level in a safe range?
Are chemicals stored correctly and MSDSs available?
Are lock out padlocks and tags available and hanging on board?
Is spill kit stocked?
Is there excess dust, liquid or gasses in the area?
Any other excess materials in area?
Is area notice/safety signage in good condition?
Are there any electrical hazards?
Equipment is tagged and tested?
Are MSDSs current?
Is the appropriate PPE being worn and other PPE being stored correctly?
Contractors observed and inducted?