
  • Site Safety Inspection Report (SSIR)

  • Document No.

  • Job No. (Arcus Ref.)

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by Arcus Consulting LLP

  • Location
  • Personnel

Previous Inspection

  • Have all actions from the previous site inspection been closed out?

  • What date was the previous inspection completed?

  • What actions have not been closed out from the previous inspection?

1. Documentation

  • Is there a CPH&S Plan available?

  • Does the CPP reference the relevant works being undertaken?

  • Where an F10 is required, is it clearly displayed for workers to view?

  • Is the H&S Law Poster or information cards available to workers to read?

  • Is the 'Traffic Management Plan' displayed / held on site?

  • Is the 'Fire plan' displayed / held on site?

  • Assessor Note: Ensure that the Fire Action Plan describes what to do in the event of a fire and where to evacuate to. This should also include Fire Marshal details.

  • Assessor Note: The Emergency Plan should direct site personnel to the nearest hospital and should include emergency contact details.

  • Are emergency arrangements clear and able to be viewed by all operatives?

  • Are 'First Aid' location signs displayed / held on site?

  • Where applicable is the Waste Carriers License able to be inspected and valid?

  • Assessor Note: Public liability insurance must be relevant to the size and scale of works being undertaken i.e. £5-10 million

  • Are insurance certificates available, in-date and relevant to the size and scale of the works being undertaken?

  • Assessor Note: Permits 'effectively managed' includes permits reflecting works completed on site (Hot / Gas / Enclosed Space (Confined) / Permits to dig) and are permits being opened and closed out accordingly. Remember that all permits should be signed and should list the activities that are being undertaken.

  • Are permits to work systems being effectively managed?

  • Are there arrangements in place to sign in and out of site?

  • Assessor Note: As a minimum, we expect to see a scaffolding register that is updated weekly and this should be readily available. Remember it is not a legal requirement to have scaffold tags.

  • Are scaffolds being inspected in line with legal requirements?

  • Assessor Note: Daily plant inspection records should be kept readily available.

  • Is Plant being inspected in line with legal requirements?

  • Assessor Note: Are COSHH assessments in date, signed, reviewed by site manager and relevant to substances held on site? Are associated data sheets available?

  • Are there suitable and sufficient COSHH assessments available for hazardous substances on site?

  • Assessor Note: Lifting equipment inspected every six months minimum and loading capacity within appropriate tolerances.

  • Where appropriate, are there suitable lifting plans in place?

  • Is lifting equipment being inspected in line with legal requirements?

  • Assessor Note: Management survey should be provided to all work areas in line with Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. Contractor to ensure a full R&D survey is provided / reviewed prior to refurbishment / potential disturbance of ACM during works.

  • Have the operatives got access to asbestos survey information, relevant to the works they are undertaking?

  • Assessor Note: Occupational hazards include items such as respiratory, skin exposure, noise, HAV, Manual Handling etc.

  • Are relevant occupational health hazards being assessed?

  • Assessor Note: Is there a policy in place for lone working including relevant Risk assessments in place and being adhered to.

  • Are there procedures / processes in place to suitably manage lone working?

  • Assessor Note: Check there has been a Temporary works Designer and Coordinator appointed in writing.

  • Are there suitable arrangements in place to manage temporary works?

  • Assessor Note: Please list what the latest Toolbox Talk was in the notes.

  • Have Toolbox talks been delivered on site and can these be evidenced?

  • Please state the latest Toolbox Talk topic.

  • Are site rules being communicated with workers?

  • Is access equipment being inspected in line with statutory requirements?

2. Operative Check

    Operative Check
  • What is the name of Operative?

  • Assessor Note: Please state whether this is a Sub Contractor.

  • What Company does the Operative work for?

  • Has the operative signed in on site today?

  • Assessor Note: Remember to make sure that the operative has signed an induction register.

  • Has the operative been inducted to site?

  • Assessor Note: Make sure that the operative has signed a register to confirm that they have read and understood their Risk Assessments and Method Statements.

  • Has the operative read and understood their Risk Assessment(s)?

  • Are operatives asbestos awareness trained and are records able to be inspected?

  • Is the operative wearing the correct PPE, relevant to works taking place? (Include name of trade)

  • Does the operative know where the fire assembly point is in case of a fire / evacuation event?

  • Is the operative aware of where the first aid kit is located?

3. Site Operations

  • Assessor Note: Check the first Aid kit is fully stocked, contents being reviewed on site and where applicable, equipment within expiry date

  • Assessor Note: Check men at work signage for compliance jobs. / loading bay / scaffolding (Do not use) are utilised etc.

  • Is there a suitable First Aid kit available for use on site?

  • Is there a suitable and sufficient safety signage displayed on site?

  • Assessor Note: Check PAT testing in site office as well as hand and power tools being used on site

  • Is the electrical equipment seen on site (including tools), in good order?

  • Is there any plant and machinery seen being used on site in good state of repair with no visible defects?

  • Are there suitable arrangements in place to prevent unauthorised access to site?

  • Are interfacing public walkways, clear from site materials?

  • Is there safe access and egress to all working areas of the site?

  • Assessor Note: Ensure that the Traffic Management Plan is being adhered to.

  • Are there suitable arrangements in place to segregate plant/vehicles and pedestrians?

  • Are walkways free from obstructions and stored materials?

  • Assessor Note: This includes fire extinguishers and whether their inspection labels are in date.

  • Where required, is there suitable firefighting equipment seen and available?

  • Are smoking arrangements being adhered to?

  • Assessor Note: Remember ladders on scaffolding need to have a sufficient rise above their landing place, have a 75 degree angle and are fixed/tied to the scaffold.

  • Are ladders seen, the correct standard and in good working order?

  • Where seen, is work at height equipment being used correctly?

  • Are there suitable arrangements in place to prevent falls from height?

  • Assessor Note: Scaffold in good working order means adequate and clear scaffold signage, including hazard warnings, Check for cleanliness to prevent slips trips or falls, ladders or steps clear and free from debris, scaffold tags where used, are brick guards in place, is netting being used, are toe boards installed, are scaffolding boards damages or presenting trip hazards.

  • Is scaffolding seen, to be in good working order?

  • Are there suitable arrangements in place to prevent unauthorised access to scaffolding?

  • Are there suitable arrangements in place to prevent use of incomplete or unsafe scaffolding?

  • Is lifting equipment seen to be in good working order?

  • Is lifting equipment seen being used safely?

  • Assessor Note: Where cranes are in use, please confirm whether the Traffic Management Plan is being adhered to.

  • Where cranes are on site, do they have suitable conditions to operate safely?

  • Where applicable, are relevant occupational health hazards being adequately controlled?

  • Where Asbestos is being removed, is this being conducted by a licensed contractor?

  • Are hazardous materials being stored appropriately?

  • Are manual handling risks being suitably managed?

  • Where required, are there suitable spill kits etc. available to contain environmentally hazardous materials?

  • Assessor Note: Confined Spaces include manholes, shafts, pits/tanks, pipes/culverts, certain excavations, silo's and other confined/enclosed spaces.

  • Assessor Note: All work in confined spaces should be subject to a specific risk assessment and be carried out in accordance with Permit to Work/Enter and a safe system of work.

  • Assessor Note: Only appropriately trained and qualified persons who have undergone an accredited confined spaces entry course shall be permitted to enter a confined space, and only then if the correct checks have been made and the correct safety equipment (breathing apparatus, gas detection equipment, emergency escape equipment etc) are used.

  • Are confined spaces being adequately controlled?

  • Assessor Note: For excavations, remember to check whether suitable edge protection is in place.

  • Are excavation works being adequately controlled?

  • Assessor Note: Have relevant surveys been completed? Have areas been CAT scanned?

  • Have services been appropriately identified?

  • Assessor Note: Is suitable signage in place for road works? Where permission has been granted by the council for road closure, has the approval letter been displayed?

  • Are road works being adequately controlled?

4.0 Welfare

  • Assessor Note: Welfare items assessed are statutory requirements as per 'Schedule 2' of The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015

  • Assessor Note: A connection with mains drainage is always preferable to that of a chemical toilet.

  • Are suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences available?

  • Is there a supply of clean running hot and cold, or warm water?

  • Is there soap or other suitable means of cleaning available?

  • Are there suitable means in place for drying? (Towels, air dryer etc.)

  • Are the welfare areas well ventilated?

  • Are welfare areas well lit?

  • Are washing facilities available for both men and women? (Separate or able to be locked from inside?)

  • Assessor Note: A sufficient number of suitable cups or other drinking vessels must be provided, unless the supply of drinking water is in a jet from which persons can drink easily & Where necessary for reasons of health or safety, every supply of drinking water must be conspicuously marked by an appropriate sign.

  • Is there an adequate supply of drinking water?

  • Are there suitable and sufficient changing rooms available?

  • Where appropriate, is there suitable measures in place to<br>dry clothes?

  • Is there seating and available in the changing rooms?

  • Are rest rooms/areas available where appropriate?

  • Do rest rooms have an adequate number of table and chairs<br>(with backs) in proportion to the number of workers on site?

  • Where appropriate, are there arrangements in place for an<br>expectant mother to rest lying down?

  • Are there suitable arrangements in place to ensure meals<br>can be prepared and eaten? (means for boiling water and<br>maintained at a suitable temperature)

5.0 Housekeeping / Good Order

  • Assessor Note: Good order section refers to Site office, Site compound, Welfare, material storage. Note any areas of particularly poor order.

  • Is the site office in good order?

  • Is the welfare area in good order?

  • Is the material storage in good order?

  • Are the working areas in good order?

  • Are there suitable conditions underfoot?


Sign off

  • Person conducting this Inspection.

  • I sign to confirm that the contents of this report are a true and accurate reflection of the working conditions at the time of the inspection.

  • Site representative

  • I sign to confirm that the contents of this report are a true and accurate reflection of the working conditions at the time of the inspection.

  • inspection concluded at:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.