
  • Campus / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel in attendance

Stakeholders Follow-Up

Present Report to Stakeholders

  • Communicate the findings and recommendations of the security risk assessment to the relevant stakeholders. Arrange a meeting or presentation to discuss the report, answer questions, and address any concerns. Ensure that the information is presented in a clear and concise manner, focusing on key findings and actionable recommendations. The desired outcome of this task is to obtain stakeholder buy-in and support for the proposed security measures.

  • Name of Stakeholders that this report will be sent to


  • Site Security Measures Acceptable

Site Key Stakeholders

  • Group Director of Faculty and College Name

  • Property & Environment Manager Name

  • Health and Safety Officer Name

Nearest Emergency Services

  • Nearest police station

  • Nearest hospital

  • Nearest Fire Station

  • Nearest medical centre

Identify the Area of Interest

  • Identify the specific area or premises that will be the focus of the security risk assessment. Consider factors such as the size of the area, the type of premises, and any specific concerns or vulnerabilities. The outcome of this task is to have a clear understanding of the scope of the assessment and the area that needs to be evaluated.

Identify Potential Threats

  • Identify the potential threats or risks that the premises may face. Think about both internal and external threats, such as theft, vandalism, unauthorized access, natural disasters, and technological vulnerabilities. Consider any specific factors related to the premises that could increase the likelihood or impact of these threats. The outcome of this task is a comprehensive list of potential threats that need to be evaluated.

Evaluate Risk Levels of Identified Threats

Assess the risk levels associated with each identified threat. Consider the likelihood of the threat occurring, as well as the potential impact or consequences. This task is essential for prioritising and addressing the most significant threats first.

  • Theft

  • Vandalism

  • Unauthorised Access

  • Natural Disasters

  • Technological Vulnerabilities


  • Can effective use be made of radio messages to communicate with relevant <br>workers?

  • Can audible warnings be given to everyone using a public address system or megaphone?

  • Are there sufficient and suitable radios available for duty personnel for use in an emergency?

  • Do Duty Personnel have a College Mobile Telephone

  • Is TeamSOS on the Duty Manager phone

  • Do Lone Workers have a means of alarm?

  • Comments

  • Remedial Actions Required


  • Servicing Arrangements in place

  • Service Frequency

  • Has a CCTV coverage map been completed

  • Does CCTV cover internal and external areas?

  • Is there a CCTV Policy?

  • Are CCTV responsibilities detailed?

  • Is there a CCTV Log of use?

  • Name the primary CCTV access users

  • Is there a means of requesting CCTV footage/files?

  • Comments

  • Remedial Actions Required

External Physical Security Measures (i.e. fences, barriers, main entrance doors etc)

  • Is there adequate fencing surrounding the campus?

  • Can gates onto the campus be secured?

  • Can building external doors be secured in an emergency or already have maglocks fitted

  • Public access? Is this restricted on campus and only beyond Reception after booking in?

  • Lighting issues?

  • Carparks?

  • Estimated distance from staff car park to the place of work?

  • Comments

  • Remedial Actions Required

Internal Physical Security Measures (i.e. access control, suitable lighting, lockable doors etc)

  • Can intruders be prevented from bypassing Reception

  • Can building internal corridor doors be secured in an emergency or already have access control fitted

  • Can classroom, office, staffroom etc doors be locked from the inside

  • Can the doors be unlocked from the outside by authorised persons (in case of students locking themselves in the room)

  • Do corridors provide sufficient Line of Sight (LoS) by CCTV or Duty Personnel (i.e. no blind spots or items obscuring view)

  • Comments

  • Remedial Actions Required

Emergency Notification

  • Is there an emergency alarm i.e. Audible Lockdown alarm installed on campus

  • Has the Emergency Alarm been tested

  • If 'YES' state date of test

  • Was the test successful

  • Has the Lockdown procedures been communicated to staff and students?

  • Is there a Desktop Notification System?

  • Provide details

  • Has the Desktop Notification system been tested

  • State date of test

  • Was the test successful?

  • Comments

  • Remedial Actions Required

Business Continuity Policy and Plan (BCP)

  • Does the College have a Business Continuity Policy and Plan (BCP)

  • Have all departments been considered within the BCP?

  • Has the BCP been tested?

  • Has training been provided to managers and key personnel i.e. desktop exercises, Duty Manager training

  • Comments

  • Remedial Actions Required

Special Security Instructions

  • History of intruders or 'County Lines' issues

  • Provide details

  • History of violence against staff or students by students

  • Provide details

  • History of arson

  • Provide details

  • Comments

  • Remedial Actions Required

External Areas of High Risk

  • Is the bin area secure to avoid unauthorised access and possibility of arson?

  • Are areas containing 'attractive' or high value items secure?

  • Are there lifts accessible externally

  • Is the lift security controlled i.e. access by card reader

  • Comments

  • Remedial Actions Required

Risk Control Action Plan

  • Elimination and Substitution

  • Engineering Solutions

  • Administration and Training

  • Personal Protective Equipment

Site Maps / Diagrams

  • CCTV coverage map

  • Site Diagram / map

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.