Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site and or property
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Site contact
Name of the responsible
Contact details of responsible person
The Building or Site
Building Classification
- 1
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Number of floors:
Any car parks and or basement/s:
Brief details of construction:
Occupancy type:
Site induction required?
Are any additional inductions and or site access requirements such a police and criminal record checks?
Is parking available for contractors?
Routine inspection, testing and preventative maintenance
Comments and observation:
Is the site fire assets and fire equipment maintained to AS1851.2012 QDC Mp6.1.<br>Please note this survey does not indicate compliance with all of the requirements of the Fire and Rescue Service Act 1990 or the Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008.
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Fire detection AS1851.6.2012
Fire indicator panel/s and location:
Is the system addressable or conventional:
Brief description of installation, batteries etc:
Outline baseline data that is available:
Logbooks on site for Fire Detection Systems?
Last annual test recorded:
Five yearly:
Outline any defects, non conformances record
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Sound system or Intercom system AS1851.6.2012
Location of MECP and or SECP:
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Outline of system configuration, make, model, batteries:
Logbooks on site for MECP and SECP?
Last annual test recorded:
Five yearly:
Outline any defects and non conformances recorded
Gaseous suppression special hazards AS1851.6.2012
Is there a gaseous suppression system on site? (if yes give details)
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Is the system delivery total flood or direct flood
Gaseous agent on site, installation date, details and location, include any baseline data available:
Logbook on site for Gaseous Suppression System?
Last annual test recorded:
Five yearly or ten yearly:
Outline any defects and non conformances recorded
Fire sprinkler system AS1851.2.2012
Is there sprinkler protection on site
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Brief description of installation, nominate dry pipe, wall wetter, deluge or sprinkler system:
Logbooks on site for fire sprinkler system?
Does the sprinkler system comply for monthly testing?
Is there a sprinkler block plan on site? (if yes please give details)
Last annual test recorded, and is there a form 72 available
Five yearly:
12 yearly:
25 yearly:
30 yearly:
Are fire pumpsets configured in the sprinkler configuration? (if yes give date of issue)
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Brief description of installation:
Logbooks on site for fire pumpsets?
Five yearly pump service:
10 yearly pump service:
Is there any fire water static storage tanks on site (if yes please outline details, eg size location)
Please provide tank information and data if available eg liner, capacity, infill available, ladder, hatch.
Is the tank listed and identified as confined space
Outline any defects and non conformances recorded
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Fire hydrant system AS1851.4.2012
Is there a fire hydrant system on site?
Is the fire hydrant an attack system (if yes please provide details)
Is the fire hydrant system a feed system? (if yes, please provide details)
Is there a fire hydrant block plan on site (if yes, please provide details such as location, flow requirements, system installation date, number of heads, etc)
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Are there any fire pumpsets configured to the fire hydrant system? (if yes please give details and location)
Brief description of installation:
Logbooks on site for fire pumpsets?
Does the fire pump set and or pump sets comply for monthly testing?
Five yearly pump service:
Ten yearly pump service:
Outline any defects or non conformances recorded
Is there any fire water static storage tanks on site, and is there evidence of the five yearly service?(if yes please provide details such as size and location)
Please record information and tank data if available, eg liner, size, infill available etc.
Is the tank listed as, and identified as confined space?
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Last annual test recorded and is there a form 72 available:
Fire extinguishers AS1851.15.2012
Are there fire extinguishers installed on site? ( if yes, please outline quantities, types and sizes)
Advise types of extinguishers on site:
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Are any extinguishers subject to harsh environments that require three yearly pressure testing? (if yes please outline)
Last annual test recorded:
Fire hose reels AS1851.14.2012
Are fire hose reels installed: (if yes please outline and quantity)
Last annual test recorded:
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Emergency eyewash and safety showers AS4775-2008
Is there any emergency eyewash stations on site? (if yes outline quantity and location)
Is there any safety showers on site? (if yes please outline and quantities)
Last annual test recorded:
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Cooking facilities and kitchen hood suppression systems AS3772-2008
Is there a kitchen suppression system installed ? (if yes, please outline system installation, location, agent)
Comments and observations:
Are reasonable measures taken to prevent cooking fires?
Are heads, vents, and ductwork cleaned regularly in accordance with AS1851.2.2005?
Is the agent wet chemical?
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Emergency and Exit Lighting AS2293
Does the building have lightning protection system if required? (if yes, please outline system )
Is there emergency and exit lighting register/logbook on site?
Last annual test recorded:
Comments and observations:
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Passive Fire and Smoke Containment Systems AS1851.17.2005
Is there a passive fire register on site? (if yes please outline)
Are there fire doors on site(if yes please outline, if no please outline)
Are there any sliding fire doors?
Comments and observations:
Last annual inspection recorded:
Is there an asbestos register available on site?
If there is an asbestos register, are their asbestos identification labels present?
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Alternate solutions
Is there any alternate solutions design on site? (if yes please outline)
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Dangerous Substances
Comments and observation:
Are dangerous substances present on the premises at time of observation?
Comments and observation:
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Systems interface and HVAC
Is a systems interface diagram or information available?
If yes please outline
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Are HVAC systems present(building over 25 metres)
Are there records of maintenance and testing of other fire protection systems not nominated above such as HVAC?
Evacuation routes
Do fire exits open in the direction of travel where necessary?
Have sliding or revolving doors been avoided as fire exits?
Are escape routes and paths of egress adequately protected and unobstructed on date of observation?
Comments and observation:
Are there emergency and evacuation diagrams present as per BFSR 2008?
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Evacuation planning, practice and instructions
Person responsible for fire safety if known and identified
Fire Emergency Management Plan in place and details recorded?
Does the fire and evacuation plan in the building acknowledge the alternate building solution
Is the Fire Emergency Plan readily available for staff to read?
Is the Fire Emergency Plan available to the enforcing authority?
Do routine in-house inspections of fire precautions take place?
Fire evacuation instructions
Are staff given instruction on induction?
Are there records of fire evacuation trials at intervals nominated as per BFSR 2008
Are there records of fire training as per BFSR 2008?
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Are staff with special responsibilities given appropriate training? Eg Fire Safety Advisors, Chief Wardens, Deputy Wardens?
Critical Defects
Are there any recorded critical defects noted against fire equipment or fire assets?
If yes please include brief description, and was the critical defect actioned within one month.
Comments and observations:
Is the annual Occupiers Statement be produced at time of observation
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Recommended date for re-assessment
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