
  • Trainee:

  • Licence and DC:

  • Conducted on

  • Mentored by:

  • Date:03/01/2019

Visitor host required equipment

  • Does the visitor host have all required equipment (Scanner,ear piece & two - way) to perform the inherent requirements of their role?yes

Section 1.1: Scanner operation.

  • The scanner is used to validate tickets, keep a record of passenger movement and to ascertain the seating capacity of the incoming bus.
    For reconciliation purposes scanners must be connected via Wi-Fi to our system and all details of which stop, the bus number and the departure time are to be kept accurate.

  • 1:1. Scanner Operation:<br>Establish awareness of differing ticket types and vouchers.<br>Explain the staff travel allowances / concessions i.e. Jetstar, Air Asia, Air China staff travel conditions.<br>Instruct and ensure the trainee is conversant in turning the scanner on.<br>Demonstrate and ascertain log on process is achieved using the trainees details.<br>Instruct on how to set stop and ascertain that scanner is connected to system correctly.<br>Log onto a bus number and view the seating capacity details prior to moving into the scanning window. Ensure trainee is conversant in this process.<br>Using these details action pre scanning ensuring the bus is ready to load on arrival, this assists in rapid loading enabling queue movement in a timely manner.<br>Move through the queue pre scanning tickets whenever practicable.<br>The trainee is to be aware that the pre scanning process is extremely important during busy periods where queues may at times number in the hundreds.<br>Manually instruct on how to enter a ticket number when barcodes are unable to be scanned. (use any ticket for demonstration)<br>Show how to read MPOS data on daily tally scanned for the particular stop you are training at.<br>Instruct on the need to activate the overload bus if PAX numbers exceed the buses seating capacity.

  • Mentor initial:

  • Trainee initial:

Section 1.2: Bus loading practises.

  • Bus loading is to be controlled by the driver as far as luggage stowage is concerned however the Visitor Host controls passenger numbers.
    In situations where there is a need the Visitor Host may allow standing passengers on board a vehicle if practicable and safe (average 6 PAX only). Standing passengers are quite often Airport Staff and shall be given entry when required.
    When loading follow the points below

  • Trainee loads through both doors where possible.<br>In busy periods trainee keeps moving and reassessing PAX numbers to available space.<br>Trainee smiles, is positive and enjoys the customer interaction.<br>Trainee keeps talking…moving on always to the next person therefore avoiding conflict. Follows/understands the H.E.A.T principles for conflict situation management.<br>Ensure the trainee knows not to take things personally.

  • Mentor initial:

  • Trainee initial:

Section 1.3 Customer liaison:

  • Instruct on the need to deal with any customer issues promptly, professionally and courteously.
    Giving directions, assistance and advice on travel options is relatively easy; when an issue presents that you are not sure of delegate it to someone who has the answers.
    •Accommodation enquiries can be directed through the SkyBus Link desk.
    •Disability assistance on SX arrival can be directed through Travellers Aid or Airport support personnel. Once you have passenger details (name, destination, assistance required) pass them onto the ticket booth requesting they call and action Travellers Aid.(Skybus Link)
    •Complaints regarding service delivery to the Complaints portal on website or to relevant CSM (Shisheer Manohar).
    •Bus availability, travel time etc. through Operations control room.
    Conflict resolution must be addressed through the methods presented during Skybus “in house” training.
    Major conflict/aggression is addressed through the relevant security channels i.e. SX Security, Avalon Airport Security or Police.

  • Trainee: -<br>Seeks to assist those who seem confused or lost and offers assistance.<br>Is aware of SkyBus Link service functions and hours of operation.<br>Can explain Travellers Aid and how to action this service. When a customer needs assistance from Travellers Aid the trainee understands to seek the following information.<br>•Name of passenger<br>•Assistance required (mobility, guidance, luggage assistance)<br>•Destination. (i.e. Frankston Line, Taxi Rank)<br>Uses heads up tool and operations communication to keep service delivery at an optimum.<br>Is aware of the complaint’s procedure for both Staff and PAX.<br>Understands conflict resolution practises and escalation process for outside help.

  • Mentor initial:

  • Trainee initial:

Section 1.4 Kerbside management.

  • IIntroduce the trainee to the Kerb at Avalon.
    Introduce the trainee to the CSO's at Avalon for future reference when covering the desk duties. Instruct on how to contact the SkyBus Link office for utilisation if required during busy periods.
    Show the trainee how to corral people in the relevant area and commence pre-scanning for the next bus. At the Airport PAX are corralled in specific areas and can be pre scanned in these areas prior to bus arrival. Instruct and assist the trainee in the communication technique between Operations Control Room for delayed flights, overloads and other issues requiring Operations assistance.
    Using the techniques gained from the ‘in house’ customer service training endeavour to provide that little bit extra on the kerb. Use continual updates and friendly banter to deliver an enjoyable customer experience. Enjoy interacting with people and have fun.
    Move through the queue and greet everybody in general, avoid getting stuck for too long with any single person whilst ensuring you provide a point of focus and interest to all awaiting the next bus.
    Where required assist those in need with their luggage, pass this luggage to the driver for stowage and assist the passenger to a seat or again, request the driver’s assistance in this process.
    When the opportunity presents load parents with prams or those with special needs first. At the Airport position these PAX accordingly prior to the bus arriving at the stop again to ensure a timely loading process.
    When PAX overflows or service delays occur, ensure the trainee is instructed on how to manage schedule adjustments and Taxi assistance if needed to maintain service delivery in a timely manner.

  • Trainee has:-<br>Knowledge and practise of corralling PAX at the Avalon Airport terminal.<br>Trainee is conversant in the SkyBus Link service’s function and assistance and the actioning of the service.<br>Employs friendly banter, greets and thanks PAX for their business and enjoys interacting with people.<br>Assists with luggage and loading as required.<br>Is able to give ETA on next bus arrival and travel time to destination.<br>Trainees interaction with customers is friendly, open and welcoming.

  • Driver / Bus movement practises.<br>Trainee conversant with the Avalon coordination demands regarding bus usage and actioning appropriate bus movement. Aware of overflow needs and actions appropriate movements as required. <br>Trainee is alert to driver utilisation requirements and manages drivers appropriately.<br>Seeks authority to utilise taxi’s if required due to PAX demands for Geelong service.<br>Trainee has competence in Geelong Shuttle and Aircrew transfer service management and keeps buses moving on schedule for both Avalon Express, Geelong Shuttle and Aircrew transfers.<br>Trainee is signed off to drive on all AVL service routes. <br>Bus movement from the kerb is actioned as required to keep service delivery flowing in a timely manner.

  • Mentor initial:

  • Trainee initial:

Section 2: Staff Management.

  • TThe visitor host is responsible for all staff at the stop including CSO’s. Utilise the SkyBus Link Visitor Host if needed urgently by contacting the SBL booth, Operations Control Room or Shisheer Manohar. Utilise additional staff for ticket sales if needed and ensure all staff deliver a quality customer experience at all times.
    During busy periods if the visitor host has assistance they can utilise those available as scanner operators, luggage loading assistants or customer management officers, nobody is to stand on the kerb as an observer if possible (unless conducting assessments etc.)

  • Trainee fully conversant with: -<br>•Assistance with queue management and corralling.<br>•Scanning.<br>•Communication with customers.<br>•Loading / assisting with loading of buses in service.<br>•Customer service delivery ensuring a quality experience.<br>•CSO accountability. Utilisation of CSO Staff as required.<br>•Staff internal complaints and issues, to be identified and managed per policy and procedure processes.

  • Mentor initial:

  • Trainee initial:

Section 3: General Duties.

  • Avalon Visitor Host duties include CSO responsibilities in selling tickets and maintaining the booth’s readiness for next shift operations.
    As such the Avalon Visitor Host is to be conversant in the CSO role and is required to complete the relevant areas of the CSO training program.
    Avalon Visitor Host’s will also conduct checks of the staff lunchroom to ensure stock levels are maintained, house keeping is appropriate and action any relevant support required to ensure smooth running of the Avalon operations.

  • Trainee is conversant in -<br>Ticketing and POS machine operation<br>E Kiosk management.<br>Cash handling and management of floats<br>Prosegur processes.<br>Lunchroom maintenance and knows how to action cleaning and stock level replenishment as required to ensure all is prepared for each shift.

  • Mentor initial:

  • Trainee initial:


  • Avalon Visitor Host training program has been completed, all sections have been delivered and acknowledged as received. Audit of competency has been conducted and assessment result recorded below.

  • Training completion assessment:

  • NOTES:

  • Mentor Signature:

  • Trainee Signature:


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