Title Page

  • Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • External Area on Site?

  • Entrance area not stained, no gum build up

  • All exterior lighting working, no burned out bulbs

  • Exterior signage in good repair, no burned out bulbs or missing sign components

  • Awnings and frame free of dirt, stains, cobwebs, not torn or weathered, no holes or broken pieces

  • Exterior of building is in good repair, no broken tiles, sidewalks/concrete surfaces

  • Exterior windows clean and streak free, sills clean and in good repair

  • Doors close quietly with no more than 1/4" gap and in good repair

Front Counter Area

  • Thresholds clean and in good repair

  • Walkway area - Floors, walls, baseboards: clean, in good repair, lights working

  • POS Terminals and printers are in proper working condition

  • Counter tops are clean with no worn surfaces, organised with only Slims approved POS materials

  • Marketing materials current, properly displayed and in good repair

  • Menu boards are properly displayed and in good repair

  • Cups properly stocked and organised, appropriate stock levels for trade

  • All supplies are organised and properly stored/labelled

  • Shake machine is clean with correctly filled in label

  • All Shake supplies available and labelled correctly, clean and tidy

Dining Room

  • Lobby Floor is clean and free of debris, not sticky or slippery

  • Baseboards and corner trim are clean and maintained

  • All tables have 4 feet and are properly levelled

  • Ice Machine clean and in good repair

  • Interior windows and sills clean, in good repair

  • Tables clean and properly maintained with no worn sufaces

  • All chairs are clean, properly maintained and pushed in

  • Booths are free of rips/tears and clean

  • Highchairs are clean, properly maintained and stored - minimum of 3 on site

  • Ceiling is maintained, not dusty, no stains, no missing tiles

  • Air Vents are clean and free of dust/debris

  • All lights are working with no burned out bulbs, at proper lighting level

  • Light fixtures are free of grease, dust, no worn or frayed wires

  • Temperature appropriate for dining comfort

  • Music is on correct station and at appropriate level for time of the day

  • TVs are on appropriate stations

  • Bins are clean inside and out, properly maintained

  • Lobby soda machine and spouts clean and in proper working order

  • Soda machine has all flavours/items available

  • Condiment station is stocked, clean and neatly organised

  • Cabinets and doors are clean and in good repair

  • Table numbers are in good conditions and current

  • All kiosks working, clean and properly stocked


  • Customer toilets on site?

  • Restroom hallway - Floors, walls, baseboards, ceiling: clean, in good repairs, lights working

  • All restroom areas free of foul odours

  • All restrooms - Walls baseboards, floors, doors: clean, in good repair

  • All restrooms - Trash, sink, partitions, urinals, toilets: working, clean and in good repair

  • All restrooms - Fan, lights: working, clean in good repair

  • All restrooms - Stocked with soap and toilet paper

  • All restrooms - Baby changing station clean, stocked and straps working, safety sticker in place

Kitchen - Stations

  • Kitchen - Floors, doors, walls, ceilings: clean, lights working, in good repair

  • Fryers: clean, in good repair, all working

  • Fryers: fill levels not exceeding the fill line

  • Fryers: proper temperature and cook times, oil quality acceptable, filtering amounts appropriate to trade levels

  • Freezer: clean, stocked and in good repair (gaskets)

  • Freezer is at proper temperature and record maintained in kitchen diary

  • Vent hood: clean and in good repair, drip pans changed weekly

  • Ansul system caps in place, free of grease, pipes secured firmly to hood, fire extinguishers charged and in date, hung and easily accessible

  • Refrigeration: Clean, organised, proper temp, doors, handles, seals, racks clean and in good repair

  • Toaster and/or flat top: clean, proper setting, in good repair

  • Heat lamps are properly functioning with no burned out elements/bulbs

  • Drop table: set up properly, clean and free of debris and grease

  • Wing sauce buckets in good repair

  • Cutting boards are clean, sanitised and free of grooves

  • Bain marie is clean and holding at correct temperature

Kitchen - Prep Area

  • Prep area - Floors/baseboards, walls, ceiling: clean, lights working, in good repair

  • Prep tables and shelves: clean, organised, in good repair

  • Recipes available, clean, current and in good condition

  • No rubbish stored at back door

  • Bonzer can opener is clean and in good repair

Potwash area

  • Floors/baseboards are clean of excess debris and grease

  • Grease Trap: Clean, properly covered, regularly emptied, no clogs, no odour

  • Walls and shelves: clean and in good repair

  • Hand sink: soap, blue roll, in good repair

  • All dishes clean, free of label residue

  • All colour coded items stored separately in closed containers

Kitchen - Walk-ins

  • Walk in fridge: racks, shelving clean, everything stored properly, temperature correct

  • Walk in fridge: door and lighting working, lights have covers, fan guards clean, in good repair

  • All products in walk-in cooler is correctly labelled using FIFO

  • Walk in freezer: shelves clean, rotated, stored properly

  • Walk in freezer floor free of excess debris and grease

  • Walk in freezer door and lighting working fan guards clean, in good repair

  • All products in walk in freezer correctly labelled using FIFO

  • Walk in freezer holding proper temperature (-18 or below), recorded in kitchen diary

Guest Engagement

  • Manager touching tables, asking specific questions relevant to their food, beverages and overall dining experience

  • Staff engaging with guests upon entry

  • Staff assisting guests using kiosks

  • Staff asking guests to complete feed it back survey

  • Staff asking if there is anything else they can get when delivering the food tables?

BOH Behaviours

  • Maintaining a clean and sanitised work environment

  • Properly following all procedures in preparation of food

  • Knowledgable on cook times, temps and product prep

  • Food production level matches guest flow

  • Breast currently on hand

  • Temperature above 75c

  • Breading to correct standard

  • Wings currently on hand

  • Temperature above 75c

  • Tenders currently on hand

  • Temperature above 75c

  • Breading to correct standard

  • Portion control cup in place for Fries?

Label checks

  • Labels filled out properly for all food items

  • Labels filled out properly for all defrost items including "D"

  • Labels filled out properly for all chicken products

  • Open products with original containers are properly labelled with open dates and times if required


  • Only approved chemicals available for use on site

  • Handsoap available at each dispenser

  • Dishwasher in working order, clean, all chemicals available, temperature >82c

  • Sanitiser bottles at proper concentration, stored off the floor, not hanging on bins or above food

  • RTE and NRTE cutting boards, knives, utensils stored separately

  • Staff area clean and tidy

  • Chemical storage clean and tidy

  • Back door area clean and tidy

  • Storage areas clean and tidy

  • Staff toilets clean and tidy

Food safety/hygiene at work

  • Bare hand contact with raw chicken not observed

  • Hand washing practices executed properly

  • Hand washing sinks accessible, clean, stocked with soap and blue roll at all times

  • Hand washing signs at all hand washing sinks

  • No eating observed in food service/prep areas

  • Team member items stored in a designated area away from food

  • No phones observed being used by staff for personal reason during shift

  • All team members clean, no odour, presentable appearance, nails neat and clean

Food Prep and Handling

  • Food contact surfaces are in good condition/clean

  • Foods not in use are covered or protected in storage

  • All products stored at least 6 inches off of the floor

  • Food is properly stored in fridges/freezers to prevent cross contamination

Food and Beverage quality

  • All sauces weigh 45g +/-5g and have correct sticker and dated correctly

  • Take photo of food item being served to guest 1

  • Take photo of food item being served to guest 2

  • Take photo of food item being served to guest 3

  • Team portioning Mac and Cheese correctly

  • Team portioning fries correctly


  • First aid kits available and stocked with adequate supplies

  • Safe locked at all times

  • Safety and security practices adhered to regarding cash control

  • Surefoot 100% complete for all members of staff


  • No overdue flow modules


  • Score above 9 for previous 7 days?


  • Grab Bag available and fully stocked?

  • CCTV Time correct?

Critical Section

  • Allergen management - is the process being followed correctly?<br>• Incorrect storage of any allergy or gluten free equipment (GF accredited sites)<br>• Flow Training – Records and team knowledge of process in house. Food Allergen training more than 3 days<br>since start date.<br>• Team are unable to explain or are witnessed not following company process for preparing an allergen dish

  • Are the correct temperature controls being followed? <br>• Food not held at the correct temperature in Chill wells (under 8)– and no 4 hour rule in place<br>• Hot food not held to 63 degrees – and lack of 2hr rule in place to discard<br>• Any temp control breaches against HACCP<br>• Food not cooked to temperature (as per HACCP)<br>• Frozen food defrosted ambiently<br>• Fresh or Frozen food held outside acceptable temp range in refrigeration/ freezer units<br>• Food not cooled to refrigeration temps within 90 mins<br>

  • Are you satisfied there Is there no evidence of falsification of documentation? • Evidence of any documentation being falsified<br>• Large gaps or insufficient records in daily due diligence checks<br>• Quarterly Ops manager Audit not completed within the last quarter or 3 month period

  • Are you satisfied there no outstanding actions from previous FoodAlert/Surefoot audit?

  • Are you satisfied there is no evidence of pest activity?<br>• Evidence of any Pest activity in food preparation or food storage areas<br>• Any evidence of droppings in food prep or food storage areas<br>• Failure to close down any housekeeping actions within 14 days of the most recent pest visit report (Pest<br>Alert portal) <br>• Manager falsifying pest checks daily when there is clear evidence of site pest activity.

  • Are you satisfied there are no labelling issues?<br>• One or more high risk products out of date/ unlabelled (use by date)<br>• Three or more low risk products out of date/ unlabelled (best before)<br>• Evidence of any relabeling of food/ Shelf life extension<br>• Shelf life chart/ day dot guide not being followed<br>

  • Are you satisfied there is no evidence of poor hygiene? • Evidence of poor or no hand washing demonstrated by the team<br>• Evidence of poor personal hygiene e.g dirty uniform, not complying by Personal hygiene rules<br>• No hot water and not following company policy<br>• No Blueroll/ anti bac soap available

  • Does the restaurant comply with fire safety?<br>• Fire Risk Assessment missing/ out of date (more than 1 month overdue on internal annual assessment<br>review)<br>• No Fire Marshall on site (Flow training)<br>• 6 monthly Fire Drill more than 1 month overdue<br>• Weekly Fire alarm tests missing for 2 or more weeks<br>• Monthly Emergency lighting test missing for more than 1 month<br>• Fire Exits blocked<br>• Any other significant fire risk

  • Is training up to date?<br>• Any team member working who hasn’t completed FS2 and HS2 – Within 7 days of employment start date<br>(Day 8 is overdue)<br>• Any team member working who hasn’t completed Food Allergens module – Within 3 days of employment<br>start date (Day 4 is overdue)<br>• Proof of Risk Assessment training for employees working (within 2 weeks of employment)<br>• Young Persons RA is place for under 18’s from Day 1

  • Are cleanliness standards being complied with?<br>• Cleaning standards throughout are extremely poor<br>• Evidence that Cleaning tasks are not being completed sufficiently – signing off tasks with clear evidence they<br>were not completed<br>

  • Are you satisfied there is no evidence that food has been contaminated with physical, chemical or biological contaminants?

  • Are you satisfied there is no evidence that Critical Control Points as identified in the HACCP being not followed e.g Evidence of deliveries being<br>received and packaging is damaged?

  • Are you satisfied there are no safety risks?<br>• Any immediate danger to health/ dangerous working practices. E.g Electrical hazards, Trip Hazards, Manual<br>handling.<br>• Control measures specified in Risk assessments not being followed

  • Are E-coli controls being followed?<br>• Measures not in place to reduce the risk of E-coli cross contamination. E.g Raw meat/ NRTE foods such as<br>unwashed fruit, veg being stored above RTE foods

Extra media

  • Add any extra pictures here

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.