Title Page

  • Site Name

  • Date of Site Inspection

  • Inspection Completed By

  • Site Location

1.0 H&S Management

  • Site sign-in & sign-out register completed?

  • Number of operatives signed in Vs Operatives on site

  • Note name of identified operatives

  • Risk Assessments & Method Statements available and signed?

  • Are the Risk / Method / COSHH assessments all individually signed by A.C.Whyte operatives and counter signed by the site manager?

  • General Observations

  • Record observation

2.0 Welfare & Site Compound

  • Are welfare facilities, including toilets, maintained to an acceptable standard? Is there warm water, soap toilet roll and clean Urinals with arrangements for cleaning? (Female facilities available?)

  • General Storage Containers - Clean & Tidy?

  • What corrective action has been taken?

  • Render Storage Containers - Material stored safely and appropriately, maximum two tonne high for render materials

  • What corrective action have you taken?

  • General Observations

3.0 Work at Height

  • Do all scaffold uprights have adequate padding on all public pathways?

  • Are teader plates used on all pathways?

  • 7 Day Scaffold Inspections complete - none dated more than 7 days previously.

  • Regulation requires the inspection be completed at not more than 7-day intervals - what action have you taken?

  • Access ladders in good order?

  • What corrective action has been taken?

  • When walking all scaffolds are the Guard Rails adequate?

  • What has been done to correct the situation?

  • Inside toe-boards above doorways / Risk of Falling Items?

  • Safety Signage on Scaffolds Adequate?

  • General Observations

  • Record observation

4.0 Housekeeping & PPE

  • Is the site or working area generally kept tidy?

  • Personal Protective Equipment – Operatives observed wearing suitable PPE appropriate to the task, i.e., mixing, grinding etc?

  • General Observations

  • Record observation

5.0 Plant & Equipment

  • Operatives using water suppression for roofing works?

  • Mixing areas identified with ground protection?

  • General Observations

  • Record observation

6.0 General Safety Arrangements

  • Slips, trips & falls - e.g. damaged ladders - or obstructions of walkways etc.

  • HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES - e.g. high levels of dust, handling of substances without PPE, poor storage, damaged or open bags of render in gardens.

  • Are operatives clean shaven when mixing and using appropriate PPE

  • General observations

  • Record observation

7.0 Environmental

  • Gardens Tidy

Asbestos Management

  • Have Asbestos Refurbishment & Demolition Surveys been completed?

  • Have the R&D Surveys been printed and counter signed on site prior to works being authorised?

  • Have site operatives been briefed as to the presence of Asbestos?

  • When removing, has the Asbestos Sub-Contractor provided RAMS/PLAN and clearance certificates?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.