Title Page

  • Customer Name

  • Customer Email

  • Customer Address

  • Completed On

  • Prepared by

  • Before Pictures Of all equipment being changed (If Applicable)

  • Photos of site (Drop sheets OR boots removed, work area protected with cardboard or drop sheets)


    Furnace Install

Clearances, Codes, and Manuals

  • Electrical Panel Clearance Requirements

    Screenshot 2023-03-25 at 5.15.00 PM.png
  • Venting Clearances

    Screenshot 2023-03-25 at 5.22.36 PM.png
  • Furnace Tilt for draining

    Screenshot 2023-03-25 at 5.34.07 PM.png
  • Furnace Clearances to Combustibles (Need 24" to the front of the unit for service)

    Screenshot 2023-03-25 at 5.36.00 PM.png


  • Furnace Rating Plate

  • Air Source Home Comfort Sticker is Attached to the Furnace

  • Furnace is level and sturdy?

  • Venting Completed (Clean glue joints, supported, and level)

  • Gas test tag, and company sticker affixed to furnace

  • Plenum Transition (Cross breaks, taped)

  • Confirm heating and cooling cycle is operational

  • Blower operating correctly

  • Gas piping is neat and tidy

  • Thermostat wire and high voltage wire (straight with no braids)

  • Unit is draining and venting properly

  • Furnace Completed Picture

  • Photo of Commission Sticker for the Furnace


  • Venting Terminations (Clean glue joints, level, smooth silicone seal)

Videos For The Customer

  • Video scripting: Hello CUSTOMER NAME, This is TECH NAME with Air Source Home Comfort. I just wanted to show you how to VIDEO TOPIC.

    Take your time and make sure the video isn't too rushed, this is added value.

  • How and when to change the filter (Direction of airflow, size, how to remove and place the door back)

  • In Case Of Emergency (Furnace Switch, How to turn off the gas)

  • Air Handler Install

Clearances, Codes, and Manuals

  • Electrical Panel Clearance Requirements

    Screenshot 2023-03-25 at 5.15.00 PM.png


  • Air Handler Rating Plate

  • Air Source Home Comfort Sticker is Attached to the Air Handler

  • Air Handler is level and sturdy?

  • Plenum Transition (Cross breaks, taped)

  • Confirm heating and cooling cycle is operational

  • Blower operating correctly

  • Thermostat wire and high voltage wire (straight with no braids)

  • Unit is draining and venting properly

  • Air Handler Completed Picture

Videos For The Customer

  • Video scripting: Hello CUSTOMER NAME, This is TECH NAME with Air Source Home Comfort. I just wanted to show you how to VIDEO TOPIC.

    Take your time and make sure the video isn't too rushed, this is added value.

  • How and when to change the filter (Direction of airflow, size, how to remove and place the door back)

  • Central Air Conditioner / Central Heat Pump
  • Air Source Sticker affixed to the furnace

Clearances, Codes, and Manuals

  • Clearances for proper operations

    Screenshot 2023-03-25 at 7.38.23 PM.png


  • Cased or Uncased Coil

  • Model and Serial

  • The coil is sloped slightly to the front for drainage

  • Holes on the coil door are sealed (silicone, or putty)

  • Lineset is neat and tidy (liquid line, vapour line, low voltage all parallel not twisted)

  • Filter Drier installed

  • Drain is neat, tubing is secured

  • The coil door is taped with a cross break (Photo of indoor install)

  • Model and Serial

  • Secured to the furnace

  • Transition to the cased coil is neat and tapes with cross breaks

  • Lineset is neat and tidy (liquid line, vapour line, low voltage all parallel not twisted)

  • Filter drier installed

  • Drain is neat, tubing is secured

  • Photo of indoor install


  • Condenser Rating Plate

  • Screening is hidden under the pad as much as possible

  • Unit is level (pad or brackets)

  • Liquid tight and disconnect is clean and tidy

  • Lineset is neat and tidy running (parallel and not twisted)

  • Photo of Completed AC / Heat Pump Installation (Outdoor)

AC / Heat Pump Commissioning Report

  • Photo of the Vacuum Gauge at 500 Microns or lower

  • Outdoor Ambient Temperature

  • Indoor Temperature

  • Temperature Above the Coil

  • Temperature Difference in Ferinheight

  • What is the total lineset length

  • Did You Have To Add Refrigerant?

  • How Much Refrigerant Was Added?

  • What Type of Metering Device is Used In the Indoor Coil?

  • What Type of Compressor Does This AC / Heat Pump Use?

  • What Does the Charge Chart Request in Subcooling?

  • What is the Subcooling of the Unit After Running for 10 Minutes

  • What Type of Compressor Does This AC / Heat Pump Use?

  • What Does the Charge Chart Request in Superheat?

  • What is the Superheat of the Unit After Running for 10 Minutes

Videos For The Customer

  • Video scripting: Hello CUSTOMER NAME, This is TECH NAME with Air Source Home Comfort. I just wanted to show you how to VIDEO TOPIC.

    Take your time and make sure the video isn't too rushed, this is added value.

    Winterizing the AC - We recommend either a piece of plywood on top with something heavy in the winter OR an AC cover to protect the unit in the winter.

  • (Outdoor) How to winterize your air conditioner (Cover in October, remove the cover in April)

  • (Indoor) Air Conditioner Power (off in October, on in April)

  • Ductless Air Conditioner / Ductless Heat Pump Indoor Head
  • The head unit is slightly tilted to allow for proper drainage

  • The drain has been tested to ensure proper drainage

  • Tested the thermostat / remote for proper operation

  • Photo of the indoor head unit installed & Photo of the model and serial number (Two photos)


  • Condenser Rating Plate

  • Screening is hidden under the pad as much as possible

  • Unit is level (pad or brackets)

  • Liquid tight and disconnect is clean and tidy

  • Lineset is neat and tidy running (parallel and not twisted)

Videos For The Customer

  • Video scripting: Hello CUSTOMER NAME, This is TECH NAME with Air Source Home Comfort. I just wanted to show you how to VIDEO TOPIC.

    Take your time and make sure the video isn't too rushed, this is added value.

    Winterizing the AC - We recommend either a piece of plywood on top with something heavy in the winter OR an AC cover to protect the unit in the winter.

  • (Outdoor) How to turn off the power outside at the disconnect if needed

  • (Indoor) How to use the remote control / thermostat

  • Hot Water Tank Installation Gas Fireplace Install
  • Clearances

    Screenshot 2023-04-28 at 8.05.59 AM.jpg


  • Fireplace Rating Plate

  • The fireplace is level and sturdy?

  • Venting Completed To Manufacturers Specifications?

  • Gas test tag affixed to fireplace

  • Confirm operation on/off (4 Cycles)

  • Complete a CO Test to Ensure the Fireplace is Fully Sealed (Photo of test)

  • Confirm proper flame colour and pattern to manufacturer specifications

  • Blower operating correctly

  • Fireplace Completed Picture


  • Venting Termination (Clean and smooth silicone bead around the top, and sides of the termination)

Videos For The Customer

  • In every video start using the following:
    "Hello this is NAME with Air Source Home Comfort, in this video, I am going to show you how to VIDEO TOPIC"
    Be friendly and take your time with the video.

  • How to adjust the blower speed (If Applicable)

  • How and when to change the batteries in your thermostat or remote (If Applicable)

  • In Case Of Emergency (Gas shut off)

  • How to light the fireplace and set up standing pilot for the cold months

Clearances, Codes, Installation Manuals

  • Clearance to combustibles and service clearance

    Screenshot 2023-03-25 at 7.49.30 PM.png
  • Venting termination clearances for hot water tanks

    Screenshot 2023-03-25 at 7.52.00 PM.png


  • Hot Water Tank Rating Plate

  • Hot Water Tank is level and sturdy

  • Venting Completed (Clean glue joints, supported, and level)

  • Gas test tag, and company sticker affixed to the hot water tank

  • High voltage wire is neat and tidy to get to the plug

  • Leak-checked plumbing connections

  • Ran the water tank, and tested the thermostatic control


  • Venting Terminations (Clean glue joints, level, smooth silicone seal)

Videos for the Customer

  • Video scripting: Hello CUSTOMER NAME, This is TECH NAME with Air Source Home Comfort. I just wanted to show you how to VIDEO TOPIC.

    Take your time and make sure the video isn't too rushed, this is added value.

  • Video showing how to turn off the gas and how to unplug

  • Video on how to increase and decrease the temperature

  • Tankless Water Heater

Clearances, Codes, and Manuals

  • Electrical Panel Clearance Requirements

    Screenshot 2023-03-25 at 5.15.00 PM.png
  • Venting Clearances

    Screenshot 2023-03-27 at 2.39.28 PM.png


  • Tankless Rating Plate

  • Venting Complete (Clean glue joints, supported, level)

  • Gas piping is neat and tidy

  • Drain for the tankless is supported and clean

  • Plumbing is neat and tidy

  • T and P valve is completed with stem 12" from the ground or less

  • Gas tag and company sticker affixed to the equipment

  • Plug cord is neatly bundled and secured

  • Photos of the completed installation (indoor)


  • Venting terminations are complete with smooth silicone seal

Videos for the Customer

  • Video scripting: Hello CUSTOMER NAME, This is TECH NAME with Air Source Home Comfort. I just wanted to show you how to VIDEO TOPIC.

    Take your time and make sure the video isn't too rushed, this is added value.

  • Video showing how to turn off the gas and how to unplug

  • Video on how to increase and decrease the temperature

  • Flow Through Humidifier
  • Humidifier Model and Serial

  • Humidifier is level and secure

  • 1/4" water line is neat and tidy

  • Low voltage wire is straight, and secure

  • Ducting is level, secure and taped

  • Tested the humidistat control, confirmed when in operation that the unit is draining

  • Photo of the humidifier installation

  • Video scripting: Hello CUSTOMER NAME, This is TECH NAME with Air Source Home Comfort. I just wanted to show you how to VIDEO TOPIC.

    Take your time and make sure the video isn't too rushed, this is added value.

  • (Customer Video) How to operate your new humidifier

  • Time and Material

Before Work is Commenced

Before Work Is Commenced Instructions

  • Complete a walk through of what the customer would like done and verify the job. Take videos explaining what needs to be done if necessary. The walk through points can either be bullet points or in longer sentences. Remember the customer will get a copy of this report and they do not get these notes in their report. You can collapse the instructions to hide this when you are showing the CX what you are going over.

  • Time Arrived to Site

  • Walk-Through With The Customer - What does the customer want done?

  • What do you (The Technician) estimate the job will take to complete the work outlined above? (Hours)

  • Customer Signature (approving the outlined scope of the job)

Work Completed

Work Completed Instructions

  • For the material, make sure it is detailed and include a misc section which will have screws, silicone, paint, all round etc. We want this to be detailed so we can justify our material pricing. We don't make a lot of money on the labour charge, we make it more on the material. The customer doesn't see these sections.

  • Time Work Was Completed (Leaving Site)

  • What Was Completed

  • Videos of What Was Completed

  • Material Used

  • End of Day (Return visit required)
  • Home is Clean and Tidy (video of the home when completed)

  • Restart all gas equipment if required

  • Show customer work progress and answer any questions

  • Shut off all lights on your way out of the home

  • Customer Satisfaction Signature

  • Technician Signature

  • Todays Date

  • End of Job
  • Home is Clean and Tidy (video of the home when completed)

  • Show customer new equipment and answer any questions

  • Restart all gas equipment if required

  • Shut off all lights on your way out of the home

  • Customer Satisfaction Signature

  • Technician Signature

  • Date

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.