Audit Title
Document No.
Prepared by
Name of Driver
Vehicle Registration Number
Conducted on
1a. Photograph of Vehicle being inspected
1b. Registration Due
1c. Certificate of Fitness Due
1d. Road User Charges Due
1e. Does Mileage of the vehicle match Road User Charges?<br>
1f. Is there a Transport Service Licence (TSL) displayed?
2. Vehicle
2a. Does the contractor's vehicle have a current WOF/COF Registration and Road User charges?
2b. Is there a current Vehicle Daily Inspection available and completed?
2c. Is the Drivers Log Book available and completed?
2d. Does the vehicle driver have the appropriate licence?
2e. Are handheld devices e.g. mobile phones, RT being used while vehicle is operating?
2f. Are all the emergency instructions and the contract list easily available in vehicle?
2g. Are there any visible leaks (oil, hydraulic fluid, leachate) coming from the vehicle?
2h. Are all lights, beacons, warning alarms, reversing alarms working and in good order?
Beacons on
2i. Is the cabin clean?
3. Traffic Safety
3a. Is there a trained TC, WCTL or STMS contactable?
3b. Is there a copy of the approved Traffic Management Plan (TMP) in the vehicle?
3c. Is the vehicle signage in accordance with the TMP?
4. Safety Equipment
4a. Is there an available SOP/JSA in the vehicle?
4b. Is there an appropriate Fire Extinguisher in the vehicle?
4c. Is an appropriate First Aid kit in the vehicle? And is it stocked?
4d. Is there Communications equipment in the vehicle?
5. Personal Safety
5a. Are all staff wearing the appropriate PPE?
5b. Is the Drivers Visibility obstructed?
5c. Is the drivers Entry and Exit obstructed?
6. Work Practices
6a. Do operators appear to be taking all precautions?
6b. Are all work practices consistent with contract specifications?
6c. Are obvious machinery moving parts covered and safety guards in place?
6d. Do staff attend toolbox meetings? (Check with Manager)
7. Hazards
7a. Does the vehicle carry an up to dare Hazard Register?
7b. Do staff have a process for identifying new hazards?
7c. Do staff understand Hazard Identification?
7d. Do staff understand Incident Reporting?
8. Specific to this work
8a. Is there a spill kit in the vehicle?
8b. Is there a dustpan and brush in the vehicle?
9. General
9a. Take photo's of vehicle
9b. Comments from the Auditor
9c. Has the Supervisor been contacted regarding Audit?
10. Signed Verification
Drivers Signature
Auditors Signature