
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Cooking, Heating & Holding Temperatures

  • 1. Hot Dog internal temps for cooked and held products, 165*F or greater. Products cooked and held according to Sonic Procedures (CRITICAL).

  • N - Hot Dogs not held according to Sonic approved procedures but above 140 F.

  • N - Isolated incidents of improper tong storage (1-2 instances of improper storage) - (include detail of all instances in notes)

  • U - Cooking hot dogs on top of roller grill and holding on bottom.

  • U - Correct tongs are not being used on cooked/uncooked items (explain deficiency).

  • U - Hot Dog roller grill present but not working (explain deficiency).

  • U - Hot Dogs not cooked according to Sonic approved procedures.

  • U - Hot Dogs not cooked to 165°F or greater.

  • U - Not Serving and Holding Hot Dogs (140°F or higher).

  • U - Roller Grill not present.

  • U - Inconsistent compliance with tong storage (3 or more tongs not stored properly) - (include detail of all instances in notes)

  • 3. Chili internal temps for cooked and held products, 165*F or greater. Products cooked and held according to Sonic Procedures (CRITICAL).

  • N - Chili not held according to Sonic approved procedures (provide details).

  • U - Not Serving and Holding Chili at 140°F or higher.

  • U - Chili not cooked according to Sonic policy.

  • U - Chili not cooked to 165°F or greater.

  • 4. Fried product temperatures coming out of the fryer to be must be 165*F or higher. Slotted fryer basket will now be required when cooking Ultimate Chicken Fillet. At minimum, one 6 minute timer button must be programmed on fryers. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Isolated incidents of improper tong storage (1-2 instances of improper storage) - (include detail of all instances in notes)

  • U - Blanching or refrying of products observed.

  • U - Correct tongs are not being used on cooked/uncooked items (explain deficiency).

  • U - Product coming out of fryer is not 165°F or greater

  • U - Inconsistent compliance with tong storage (3 or more instances of improper storage) - (include detail of all instances in notes)

  • 5. Onion Ring Batter temperature should be at 40*F or less.

  • N - Ice added to Onion Ring Batter.

  • U - Batter not at 40°F or less (include temperature in notes).

  • U - Onion Ring batter and/or bread crumbs being reused.

  • 6. Walk-in freezer temperature should be 0*F (+/- 10). Internal thermometer must be present and in good working condition. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Internal thermometer not working properly, not present, or not food grade.

  • U - Walk-in freezer temperature is not 10°F or below (include temperature in notes).

  • 7. Walk-in cooler temperature must be 34*F to 38*F. Internal thermometer must be present and in good working condition. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Internal thermometer not working properly, not present, or not food grade.

  • N - Walk-in cooler temperature is 39°F or 40°F (include temperature in notes).

  • U - Walk-in cooler temperature is 41°F or above (include temperature in notes).

  • 8aa. Swamp/Grill freezer temperature should be 0*F (+/- 10*F). Swamp/Grill freezer product temperature is 10 F or less. Internal thermometer must be present and in good working condition [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Internal thermometer not working properly, not present, or not food grade.

  • U - Swamp/Grill freezer product temperature is not 10°F or below (include temperature in notes).

  • 9aa. Swamp Refrigerator protein product temperature is 34*F to 40*F. Internal thermometer must be present and in good working condition. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Internal thermometer not working properly, not present, or not food grade.

  • U - Swamp refrigerator product is not 40°F or below (include temperature in notes).

  • 10aa. Dresser product temperatures are 40*F or less. Internal thermometer is present and in good working condition. If using TPHC (Time as a Public Health Control) for sliced American cheese, TPHC must be filled out and procedures must be followed. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Internal thermometer not working properly, not present, or not food grade.

  • U - Mayonnaise temperature is not 40°F or below (include temperature in notes).

  • U - Lettuce temperature is not 40°F or below (include temperature in notes).

  • U - Tomatoes temperature is not 40°F or below (include temperature in notes).

  • U - Ranch temperature is not 40°F or below (include temperature in notes).

  • U – Protein product temperature is not 40°F or below (include temperature in notes).

  • U - TPHC Log/Procedures not being followed - {Cheese held on ice or a log kept.}(explain deficiency).

  • 11aa. Fountainette temperature is 34*F to 38*F. Fountainette product temperatures are 40*F or less. Internal thermometer is present and in good working condition. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Ice observed in 50/50 shake mix.

  • N - Ice observed in Strawberries.

  • N - Internal thermometer not working properly, not present, or not food grade.

  • U - 50/50 mix temperature is not 40°F or below (include temperature in notes).

  • U - Strawberry temperature is not 40°F or below (include temperature in notes).

  • 12. Potentially Hazardous Foods (PHF) held in the Front Swamp must be held at 40F or below. Foods include sliced/diced tomatoes and Cole Slaw. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • U - Cole Slaw temperature is not 40°F or below (include temperature in notes).

  • U - Tomatoes temperature (in front swamp) is not 40°F or below (include temperature in notes).

  • 13. APW, Round-up or like Cooker, Heat Wells, Warming Drawer, Hot Dog warming drawer, Prince Castle Holding and Heat Lamp product temperatures should be holding at 165 F or greater. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Product not held according to Sonic approved procedures but above 140 F.

  • U - Product in APW, Round Up or like cooker/heat wells is below 140°F (include temperature in notes).

  • U - Product in Prince Castle Holding Units is below 140°F (include temperature in notes).

  • U - Product in warming drawer is below 140°F (include temperature in notes).

  • U - Product not held according to Sonic approved procedures (provide details) and is below 140°F (include temperature in notes).

  • U - Product under heat lamp is below 140°F (include temperature in notes).

  • 14. Fryer temperature is 350*F (+/- 10*F)<br>

  • U - Fryer temperature not 350°F (+/- 10°F) - (include temperature in notes).

  • 15. Grill temperature zones are 450*F (+/- 30*F), 350 F (+/- 30*F), and 200 F (200*F minimum, 230*F maximum), Garland Clamshell Top 425*F (+/- 15*F), Garland Clamshell Bottom 350*F (+/- 10*F).<br>

  • U - 450°F section of the grill out of proper range (include temperature observed in notes).

  • U - 350°F section of the grill out of proper range (include temperature observed in notes).

  • U - 200°F section of the grill out of proper range (include temperature observed in notes).

  • U - Flat grill temperatures zone are not set up according to Sonic policy (200 F side closest to dresser).

  • U - Garland Clamshell Grill Bottom (350°F) out of proper range (include temperature observed in notes).

  • U - Garland Clamshell Grill Top (425°F) out of proper range (include temperature observed in notes)

  • U - Taylor Clamshell Grill bottom (335°F) out of proper range (include temperature observed in notes).

  • U - Taylor Clamshell Grill top (425°F) out of proper range (include temperature observed in notes)

  • 16. Internal Meat Temperature Log (monthly log) and Sonic Safe Log (daily log) completed per Sonic policy. Corrective actions documented. [CRITICAL]<br>

  • N - Meat Temperature log filled out 90-99%, including corrective actions.

  • N - Sonic Safe Temperature log filled out 90-99%, including corrective actions.

  • N - Sonic Safe Temp Log most current version not being used.

  • U - Meat Temperature log filled out 89% or less, including corrective actions.

  • U - Meat Temperature Log filled out for future dates/times.

  • U - Meat Temperature log is not filled out.

  • U - Meat Temperature log is not present.

  • U - Sonic Safe Temperature log filled out 89% or less, including corrective actions.

  • U - Sonic Safe Temperature Log filled out for future dates/times.

  • U - Sonic Safe Temperature log is not filled out.

  • U - Sonic Safe Temperature log is not present.

  • 17. Ice Cream and Shake Machine cabinets are 34*F to 38*F, product temperature is 40*F or less. Thermometer must be present and in good working condition. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Ice added to product.

  • N - Ice cream cabinet temperature is 39°F or 40°F (include temperature in notes).

  • N - Internal thermometer not working properly, not present, or not food grade.

  • N - Shake machine cabinet temperature is 39°F or 40°F (include temperature in notes).

  • U - Ice Cream machine cabinet temperature is not 38°F or below (include temperature in notes).

  • Soft Serve Machine

  • Shake Machine

  • U - Ice Cream machine product temperature is not 40°F or below (include temperature in notes).

  • Soft Serve Product

  • Shake Product

  • 18. Ice Cream and Shake Machine(s) must be clean, properly maintained and sanitized (Health Department).<br>

  • N - Ice Cream machine gaskets have food debris (not excessive) and/or not in good condition (minor tear).

  • N - Outside of the ice cream/shake machine has build-up (not excessive).

  • N - Ice Cream machine has fresh buildup.

  • N - Ice Cream machine transfer hoses has minimal debris buildup.

  • N - Shake machine gaskets have food debris (not excessive) and/or not in good condition (minor tear).

  • N - Shake machine transfer hoses has minimal debris buildup.

  • N- Shake machine has fresh buildup.

  • U - Outside of the ice cream/shake machine has excessive build-up.

  • U - Ice Cream machine gaskets have mold or excessive food debris and/or not in good condition (large tear).

  • U - Ice Cream machine has mold buildup.

  • U - Ice Cream machine has old or moderate to excessive buildup.

  • U - Ice Cream machine transfer hoses has mold buildup.

  • U - Ice Cream machine transfer hoses has old or moderate to excessive buildup.

  • U - Shake machine gaskets have mold or excessive food debris and/or not in good condition (large tear).

  • U - Shake machine has mold buildup.

  • U - Shake machine has old or moderate to excessive buildup

  • U - Shake machine transfer hoses has mold buildup.

  • U - Shake machine transfer hoses has old or moderate to excessive buildup.

Operational Procedures

  • 19. Correct grill procedures (including grill timers) for meat patties (4.0 & 2.0 oz.), bacon, ham, grilled chicken, eggs, sausage, burrito mix must be used. Mandatory done ness test performed. All products must be cooked to 165F or greater. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Bacon was not reheated prior to serving (if held at room temperature).

  • N - Isolated incidents of improper tong/spatula storage (1-2 instances of improper storage) - (include detail of all instances in notes).

  • U - Inconsistent compliance with tong/spatula storage (3 or more instances of improper storage) - (include detail of all instances in notes)

  • U - Mandatory doneness test not being performed (required only if cooked on flat grill).

  • U - Different product under same clamshell at same time (explain deficiency).

  • U - Grill procedures not being followed (explain deficiency).

  • U - Grill timer not present and/or not working.

  • U - Grill timer present but not in use.

  • U - Grilled product not being cooked to proper temperature (165°F or higher).

  • U - Holding product on the open zone of the Clamshell Grill

  • U - Product cooked on incorrect zone of grill.

  • U - Liquid egg being poured on 400F or 200F to start the cooking process.

  • U - Liquid Egg not cooked separately from sausage and/or steak on grill.

  • U - Cook and Hold 30 second sear not performed on 4oz meat patties.

  • U - Meat patties being cooked on the open zone of the Clamshell Grill.

  • U - Meat served directly from the 200°F zone.

  • U - Meat stacked on the 200°F zone.

  • U - Cook and Hold 2 second sear not performed on Jr meat patties .

  • U – Observed cooked product stored in any reach-in/walk-in cooler and/or freezers to be reheated prior to serving (explained deficiency).

  • U - Red spatula not used on cooked meat patties/bacon/ham/sausage.

  • U - Red tongs not used on uncooked meat patties/sausage/steak.

  • U - Stainless Steel tongs not used on cooked eggs/sausage.

  • U - White spatula used on uncooked product.

  • U - Yellow spatula not used on cooked eggs/grilled chicken/burrito mix/grilled onions.

  • U - Yellow tongs not used on uncooked grilled chicken.

  • 20. Correct dresser station procedures must be used. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Seals only partially removed on condiment jugs to be used for pouring (explain deficiency).

  • U - Mixing new product with old product.

  • U - Mold on condiment jugs

  • U - Pans/Squirt bottles not cleaned & sanitized prior to adding new product.

  • U - Utensils not cleaned & sanitized when product/pan is changed

  • 21. Employees are following Sonic 20/20 Rule. Sonic, State or Local glove requirements are followed. Must use paper towel to turn off faucet. Contagious Illness, Handwashing, & Food Tampering Policies must be completed within 1 week of hire date and renewed annually. Sonic Safe Elearning must be completed within 1 week of hire date and renewed annually. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • N - 1 or 2 instances of improper handwashing procedures, including not turning faucet off with paper towel (explain deficiency).

  • U - 3 or more instances of improper handwashing procedures, including not turning faucet off with paper towel (explain deficiency).

  • U - Drive-in team member not following pre-portioning procedures (explain deficiency).

  • U - Glove requirement not being followed (local or state regulations).

  • U - Hands being used on products instead of tongs.

  • U - Hands not washed after touching raw foods prior to touching ready to eat.

  • U - Sonic Double Hand washing policy not being followed.

  • U - Three compartment or vegetable sinks used for handwashing.

  • 22. Clean towels are being used, stored properly and in sanitizer. (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Isolated incident of incorrect towel storage (1 or 2 instances of improper storage) - (include detail of all instances in notes).

  • N - Towels not in good condition.

  • undefined

  • U - No consistent compliance with towel storage (3 or instances of improper storage) - (include detail of all instances in notes).

  • U - Same sanitizer towel(s) used at multipule stations (include details)

  • U - Towel at fountain and/or drive thru not being sanitized at least every 20 minutes.

  • 23. No cross-contamination is observed. Food and/or paper products cannot be stored in any restroom. Food products may not be held in any outside storage shed. [CRITICAL]<br>

  • N - Condensation in cooler dripping on packaging or cases.

  • N - Isolated incident of scoop policy not being followed (1 - 2 instances not meeting requirements) - (include details of all instances in notes).

  • U - Condensation in cooler dripping directly onto product.

  • U - Food and/or packaging stored in the restroom (provide details)

  • U - Food stored in any outside storage shed (provide details)

  • U - Manufacturers product containers being re-used to dispense or store another food.

  • U - Sanitizer solution is contaminating food/paper products (explain deficiency).

  • U - No consistent compliance with scoop policy (3 or more instances not meeting requirements) - (include details of all instances in notes)

  • U - Sonic cups being washed for reuse.

  • U - Uncooked Food Above Ready to Eat.

  • 24. Approved products used. [CRITICAL]:<br>

  • U - Product not approved by Sonic for service was observed in the drive-in.

  • U - Shell eggs observed in the drive-in.

  • U- Head lettuce observed in the drive-in.

  • 25. Food must be properly tempered (34-40*F) (chili, hot dogs, bacon, corn dogs, grilled chicken, eggs, strawberry topping, ham). [CRITICAL]<br>

  • U - Product tempered at room temperature.

  • U - Tempered product temperature is not between 34-40F.

  • 26. Product stored in walk-in & reach-in coolers and freezers are properly covered and dated. This includes tempered items. (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Food products (including tempered items) not being dated, rotated, covered or stored off floor 6 inches (2 - 5 instances) (explain deficiency).

  • U - Food products (including tempered items) not being dated, rotated, covered or stored off floor 6 inches (6 or more instances) (explain deficiency).

  • U - Lettuce/Sliced Onions in walk-in past the "best use by date" on packaging (provide details)

  • U - Tempered product being used past the discard date - tempered items only (provide details).

  • U - Food products being stored improperly (outside of freezer and/or refrigeration)(explain deficiency).

  • U - Milk and/or Apple Sauce out of date in any cooler (please note where).

General Food Safety

  • 27. Sanitizer is present at the designated locations and in the correct concentration and temperature. Bucket locations: ice Cream, fountain / Carhop, dresser, front swamp, grill. Sanitizer test strips are present and in use. Chlorsan and Citrus Delimer present in drive-in. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • N- 1 out of 5 sanitizer buckets missing, not at proper concentration, and/or water temperature is not correct.

  • U - 2 or more buckets missing, out of concentration, and/or water temperature is not correct.

  • U - Usable ChlorSan sanitizer strips not present.

  • U - Disinfectant is not available.

  • U - No ChlorSan available for cleaning Ice Cream and Shake machine.

  • U - No Citrus Delimer available for cleaning Ice Cream and Shake machine.

  • U - Usable Quat Sanitizer Strips not available (if applicable).

  • 28. Digital thermometer kit and probes are present and properly calibrated. [CRITICAL]<br>

  • N - Digital thermometer/product probe/grill surface probe not in good condition but able to take temperatures (explain deficiency).

  • U - Digital Thermometer/Product Probe/Grill Surface probe in disrepair, unable to take temperatures.

  • U - Thermocouple with Grill Surface probe not present.

  • U - Digital Thermometer or thermocouple with a product probe not present

  • U - Thermometer will not calibrate.

  • 29. Dry food products are properly stored, dated and rotated (per FIFO). Dry paper products are properly stored. All food and packaging must be off the floor at least 6 inches. (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Dry food products not dated, rotated, covered or stored off floor 6 inches (2 - 5 instances) (explain deficiency).

  • N - Storage shelving has notable rust buildup.

  • N - Storage shelving has food debris buildup (not excessive).

  • U - Dry food products not dated, rotated, covered or stored off floor 6 inches (6 or more instances) (explain deficiency).

  • U - Rust from storage shelving contaminating packaging and/or product.

  • U - Storage shelving excessive food debris buildup.

  • 30. Use only approved chemical products at the drive-in (no Bleach, Comet, Brillo, Dawn, Pesticides, Herbicides, etc).<br>

  • U - Unapproved chemicals (not including pesticides) observed in drive-in (explain deficiency)

  • 31. All cleaning chemicals and equipment are properly identified and stored away from food and paper products. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • U - Chemicals being held in a food container (explain deficiency).

  • U - Chemicals/Cleaning containers improperly labeled.

  • U - Cleaning chemicals/equipment stored improperly.

  • 32. Floors, drains, and baseboards are clean and in good condition. All threaded water connections must have proper back flow device. (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Mops, brooms, or brushes, etc. stored on the floor (provide details).

  • N - Mop stored in water and not in use

  • N - Floor drains not kept clean (not excessive) (attach pictures).

  • N - Floor tile not in good repair (attach pictures).

  • N - Plumbing not in good working condition with minor issues present (explain deficiency).

  • U - Plumbing not in good working condition with major issues present (explain deficiency).

  • U - Back flow prevention is not provided on a threaded water connection.

  • U - Excessive amount of food/grease build-up under equipment (attach pictures)

  • U - Floor drain(s) have excessive trash/food debris (attach picture).

  • U - Floor is heavily pitted and unable to be cleaned properly (attach pictures)

  • U - Floor tiles broken/low grout throughout the drive-in causing water to stand and food to build-up (attach pictures)

  • 33. Walls, doors, ceiling panels and vents are clean, in place, and in good repair. (Health Department)<br>

  • N - 4 or less screw holes in walls.

  • N - Vents have dust, grease, and/or rust buildup (attach pictures).

  • N - Walls with grease/food build-up (not excessive) (specify location in notes and attach pictures).

  • N - Ceiling tile soiled (not excessive) (attach pictures).

  • U - Ceiling tile heavily soiled or missing (attach pictures).

  • U - 5 or more screw holes in walls.

  • U - Holes in walls (describe deficiency) (attach pictures).

  • U - Paper products stored outside of master case directly on wood shelving in outside storage building (provide details).

  • U - Vents with excessive dust, grease, and/or rust buildup (attach picture)

  • U - Wall at 3 compartment sink has mold buildup (attach picture).

  • U - Wall(s) with mold or excessive grease build-up (specify location in notes) (attach pictures).

  • U - Walls and/or floors in outside storage building porous and not cleanable (provide details).

  • U - Wood doors/walls inside the drive-in (describe deficiency) (attach pictures).

  • U - Wood shelving being used to hold food products (provide details)

  • U - Wood shelving in outside storage building not painted and holding paper products AND no local jurisdiction letter of approval is present (provide details).

  • 34. Restrooms are clean, properly stocked with soap, sanitizer, towels and a trashcan with lid. (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Restroom(s) not clean with some notable build-up that is not excessive.

  • N - Restroom(s) not supplied with paper towels (must be in dispenser)

  • N - Restroom(s) not supplied with trash can (with lid)

  • N - Sign not present indicating Employees mush wash hands before returning to work.

  • U - No hot/cold water or no water at all in restroom (provide details).

  • U - Restroom(s) not supplied with hand soap.

  • U - Restrooms are not clean with excessive build-up present.

  • 35. Trash cans and dumpster areas are clean, covered and free from debris. (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Containers used for monitoring product waste not maintained in a clean manner (describe deficiency).

  • N - Dumpster/Grease trap lid not closed.

  • N - Grease build-up around grease dump area (not excessive).

  • N - Loose trash and debris around dumpster area (not excessive).

  • N - Trash cans have soil and/or grease build-up (not excessive).

  • N - Trash not emptied when full (trash must not be above the rim).

  • U - Containers used for monitoring product waste not maintained in a clean manner with organic growth present (describe deficiency).

  • U - Excessive/layered grease build-up around grease dump area.

  • U - Excessive/layered loose trash and debris around dumpster area.

  • U - Food Trash can(s) missing liner(s).

  • U - Trash cans have organic growth/mold or excessive soil and/or grease build-up.

  • 36. Light fixtures are shielded or covered. Coated bulbs may be used. (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Ensure end caps are placed on plastic tubing covering light bulbs that are not Shatterproof.

  • U - Several Lights not shielded or covered with a plastic or similar type material shield.

  • 37. Three compartment sinks are set up properly WHEN BEING USED: Wash, Rinse and Sanitizer. Wash temperature must be 110°F or above, Rinse 120°F or above, and sanitizer must be 75°F to 110°F. (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Back 3-compartment sinks not properly labeled.

  • U - Wash temperature below 110°F.

  • U - Sanitizer water is not between 75°F -110°F.

  • U - Chlorine based sanitizer concentration is not 100 ppm.

  • U - Quat Sanitizer is not 150 ppm - 350 ppm.

  • U - Three compartment sink not set up properly (Wash, Rinse, Sanitize).

  • 38. All food contact surfaces must be cleaned and sanitized at least every two hours. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • U - Food contact surface not cleaned and sanitized on a routine basis (explain deficiency).

  • U - Guest dining tables/chairs (patio and dining room) not disinfected after every use (explain deficiency).

  • 39. All equipment must be NSF certified/commercial grade, clean, in good condition, and properly maintained. (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Debris/grease build up on equipment (not excessive)(attach pictures).

  • U - Equipment not in good working condition.

  • U - Fryer baskets frayed causing a food safety issue (attach pictures).

  • U - Excessive food/grease build-up on equipment (attach pictures)

  • U - Food service equipment is not NSF/Commercial grade equipment.

  • U - Microwave observed in facility.

  • 40. All refrigeration/freezer units (including all shelving and light bulbs) are in good working condition and clean. (Health Department)<br>

  • N - 1 or 2 Gaskets have food debris (not excessive) and/or not in good condition.

  • N - Condensation dripping in cooler (NOT directly impacting product or packaging).

  • N - Dust buildup on condenser.

  • N - Equipment not in good working condition (not posing a food safety risk).

  • N - Floors in walk-in cooler/freezer not clean (not excessive)

  • N - Floors in walk-in cooler/freezer with minor damage

  • N - Inside of equipment is not clean (not excessive) (explain deficiency).

  • N - Light bulbs in WI not shielded and/or working (explain deficiency).

  • N - Shelving has notable rust buildup.

  • U - 3 or more Gaskets have excessive food debris and/or not in good condition (explain deficiency).

  • U - Floors in walk-in cooler/freezer have excessive build-up.

  • U - Floors in walk-in cooler/freezer not in good condition with significant damage present (explain deficiency).

  • U - Inside of equipment has excessive build-up (explain deficiency).

  • U - Inside of equipment not in good condition posing a food safety risk.

  • U - Mold build-up on condenser, gaskets, shelving, floor or walls (explain deficiency).

  • U - Rust from shelving units contaminating packaging and/or product.

  • 41. Utensils and storage containers are cleaned, food grade, NSF certified, in good condition and stored properly: tomato slicer, can opener, onion ring machine, food bins, cutting boards, utensils, cutting gloves, malt collars etc. Cracked cambro pans will be scored as a needs improvement, while broken cambro pans will be scored as unacceptable (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Batter Bin lids cracked.

  • N - Cambro pans cracked.

  • N - Malt Collars with visible food build-up/debris.

  • N - Prince Castle holding pans/lids cracked.

  • N - Single service Sonic cups used to store food.

  • N - Single service utensils (plastic silverware) used to dispense food.

  • N - Slicer/Dicer with visible food debris.

  • N - Storage containers are not NSF certified.

  • N - Utensils/pans with visible food debris (not excessive)

  • U - Batter Bin lids broken.

  • U - Cambro pans broken.

  • U - Malt Collars are not in good condition (chipped or cracked).

  • U - Malt Collars not washed, rinsed and sanitized after each use.

  • U - Malt/Shake mixer not cleaned & sanitized after each use.

  • U - Prince Castle holding pans with excessive buildup.

  • U - Prince Castle holding pans/lids broken.

  • U - Slicer, Dicer and/or Strainer broken causing a food safety risk

  • U - Utensils/pans with excessive visible food debris.

  • 42. Soft drink, ice machine and ice bin are free of soil and in good working order. Ice Scoops must be properly stored. (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Coke Machine/UDM nozzles have build-up (not mold or excessive).

  • N - Ice machine gaskets have debris (not mold or excessive) and/or not in good condition/cracking.

  • N - Ice machine has debris (not mold or excessive) and/or rust build-up.

  • N - Ice Machine Plastic sliding door cracked (describe deficiency).

  • N - Ice scoop stored in ice (1 or 2 instances).

  • N - Top cup not covered or marked as "Do not use".

  • U - Coke Machine/UDM nozzles have mold or excessive build-up.

  • U - Food product (coke cans, orange juice, etc.) stored directly in ice.

  • U - Ice machine gaskets have excessive debris and/or not in good condition/cracking creating a food safety risk.

  • U - Ice Machine Plastic sliding door broken (describe deficiency).

  • U - Ice scoop stored in ice (3 or more instances).

  • U - Main ice machine ice scoop stored on a soiled surface (explain deficiency).

  • U - Mold inside of ice machine or on gaskets.

  • 43. Ice bucket is NSF certified, clean, sanitized, in good condition, stored off the floor, and labeled as an “ice only” bucket. (Health Department)<br>

  • U - Ice bucket is not kept cleaned and/or stored off floor (even during filling).

  • U - Ice bucket not NSF certified or in disrepair.

Employee Hygiene

  • 44. Hand sinks in kitchen (1) and front (1) area are properly stocked with hot water, soap, sanitizer, towels and waste receptacles and the handwashing signs pictured below. Hand sinks and drains are in good working order. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Hand sink(s) being used for other purposes than hand washing.

  • N - Hand sink(s) not stocked with paper towels (must be in dispenser)

  • N - No hand sink in the back of the store.

  • N - Sonic approved hand wash sign not posted at hand sink(s).

  • U - Hand sink blocked by stationary object (explain deficiency).

  • U - Hand sink(s) not stocked with hand sanitizer

  • U - Hand sink(s) not stocked with hand soap

  • U - No hot/cold water or no water at all at hand sink(s) (provide details)

  • 45. Employees wearing clean uniforms and hair is restrained. Needs Improvement if only 1 or 2 violations. (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Isolated incident (1 or 2) of Employees/Management preparing food/drink not wearing hair restraint and/or clean uniform.

  • U - 3 or more Employees/Management preparing food/drink not wearing hair restraint and/or clean uniforms.

  • 46. No nail polish and/or jewelry, including watches, worn by food handlers. One smooth band, small non dangling earrings (not to exceed 2 per ear; any part of the ear is acceptable; jewels and stones allowed), small ear gauges (10 mm outside of ear; size of a dime), and one small nose stud worn in nostril are now allowed. No fingernails over ¼” in length. Bandages must be colored and covered. (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Isolated incident (1 or 2) of drive-in team member (including management) preparing food/drink not following Sonic Appearance policy

  • U - 3 or more drive-in team members (including management) preparing food/drink not following Sonic Appearance policy (explain deficiency)

  • U - Drive-in team members (including management) preparing food/drink with cut on finger/hand and not wearing colored band-aid and finger cot/glove - (explain deficiency)

  • 47. Employee personal items, including food and drinks are properly stored. (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Personal items (food, drink, etc.) not stored in designated area (outside of coolers).

  • N - Personal items not stored on the lowest shelf in the WI cooler.

  • U - Raw/Uncooked personal product observed for cooking on Sonic Equipment.

Pest Control

  • 48. No visible signs of infestation. Outside doors should be sealed and remain closed. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Back door not sealed properly, observed air gap.

  • N - Back door propped open due to delivery (explain deficiency).

  • N - Front door = Air gap due to negative air pressure in the drive-in causing a gap in the door.

  • N - Front door = Air gap due to seal deficiency or installation issues.

  • N - Outside storage unit door not sealed properly, observed air gap (When single service containers are present).

  • U - Observed house fly landing on food or on food contact areas of bun toaster table and/or dresser.

  • U - 5 or more house flies in the drive-in (explain deficiency).

  • U - Observed fruit/drain fly landing on food or on food contact areas of bun toaster table and/or dresser.

  • U - 5 or more fruit/drain flies in the drive-in (explain deficiency).

  • U - Drive-in door propped open (explain deficiency).

  • U - Fly strips, Sprays and/or pesticides present in facility (explain deficiency).

  • U - Observed rats/rodents in drive-in.

  • U - Observed roaches (dead or alive) and/or roach droppings in drive-in.

  • U - Outside storage unit door propped open when single service present (explain deficiency).

  • U - Signs of pest activity in outside storage units (roaches, rodents, droppings, other).

  • U - Visible signs of infestation or droppings observed.

  • 49. All pest control paperwork must be present in drive-in. Service contract, pest control reports, pest control applicator licenses, and certificate of insurance are on file.<br>

  • U - Amount of chemicals used at drive-in is not provided on the report.

  • U - No chemical(s) listed on the report.

  • U - No proof of pest control visit has occurred in the last 40 days.

  • U - No pest control service reports present at drive-in

  • U - Pest control paperwork expired beyond the 30 day grace period.

  • U - Service contract/certificate of insurance not present.


  • 50. Managers, Assistant Managers, or Person In Charge (PIC) are ServSafe Certified. [CRITICAL] (Health Department)<br>

  • N - Certificate is older than 4 years, but less than 5 years.

  • U - Asst. Mgr/Mgr/PIC not ServSafe certified (include name of person not certified).

  • U - Certificate is expired past 5 years

  • U - Certified personnel not present at the start of the audit (include name of person not certified).

  • 51. Current Sonic Operations Manual is present.

  • U - Manager/Asst Manager/PIC (person in charge) was not able to access Ops Manual via PartnerNet.

  • U - Sonic Operational Manual is not present.

  • 51a. Current Food Safety Audit Packet must be present (may be saved on computer desktop and / or hard copy printed).

  • U - Current round Food Safety Audit Packet not present for auditor observation.

  • 52. Star training documentation is present in drive-in. Check 2-3 employees training records. Must have Proficiency Checklist and Training Tracking Report. All employees must be re-certified since the beginning of the calendar year.

  • U - Could not access TOT ZONE system due to technical difficulties (store internet issues and/or TOT ZONE system issues). (Explain reason in notes)

  • U - MOD does not have proper access to information

  • U - Required courses are not completed within specified timeframe

  • U - Skill Builders are not readily available for team members

  • U - Station Aids are not displayed for team members

  • 52a. Required Sonic Food Safety Training is complete and available for all team Members (Critical) 4 Points

  • N - Sonic Safe course for one selected team member not present (please include team member name and hire date).

  • U - Could not access TOT ZONE system due to technical difficulties (store internet issues and/or TOT ZONE system issues). (Explain reason in notes)

  • U - Sonic Safe course for multiple selected team members not present (please include team member name and hire date).

  • 53. Historical temperature logs, (Internal Meat, and Sonic Safe) are recorded and corrective actions documented. [CRITICAL]<br>

  • N - Historical Meat Temperature log filled out 90-99% since last audit.

  • N - Historical Sonic Safe Temperature log filled out 90-99% since last audit.

  • N - Sonic Safe Temp Logs not signed by mgmt after all data and corrective actions taken.

  • N - 90% - 99% of corrective actions are not documented since last audit.

  • U - 89% or less of corrective actions are not documented since last audit.

  • U - Historical Meat Temperature log filled out 89% or less since last audit.

  • U - Historical Sonic Safe Temperature log filled out 89% or less since last audit.

  • 54. SDS sheets must be available for all chemicals including pesticides and sanitizer.<br>

  • N – Chemical training logs for one selected team member not present.

  • U - SDS sheets for cleaning chemicals and/or pesticides not provided.

  • U- Chemical training logs for multiple selected team members not present.

  • 54a. Does the DI have the SSDC SDS book?

  • 55. First Aid Kits must be present and properly stocked. Sonic Bodily Fluid Kits must be available in the drive in.<br>

  • U - Colored band-aids and/or gloves or finger cots are not present.

  • U - Bodily Fluid Kit beyond expiration.

  • U - Sonic Bodily Fluid kit not present and/or stocked properly.

  • 56. Current State / Local Health Permit is posted. Health inspections should be maintained on file in the drive-in for a period of at least one year.<br>

  • U - Health Inspections not on file

  • U - Health permit not present/expired (past 60 day grace period)

  • 57. Outside sewage and/or grease trap manhole covers are properly secured. (NO POINTS DEDUCTED)<br>

  • U - Grease trap cover not properly secured.

  • Additional Notes:

  • Manager on Duty

  • Supervisor (Auditor)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.