
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

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  • Personnel

Workplace Violence Risk Factors:

  • Do employees exchange money with the public?

  • Do employees deliver passengers or goods?

  • Do employees have contact with the public?

  • Do employees work alone?

  • Do employees work late at night or during early morning hours?

  • Is the workplace often understaffed?

  • Is the workplace located in an area with a high crime rate?

  • Have neighboring facilities and businesses experienced violence or crime?

  • Do employees enter areas with a high crime rate?

  • Do employees operate from a mobile workplace (patrol vehicle, work van, etc...)?

  • Do employees perform jobs that might put them in conflict with others?

  • Do employees ever perform duties that could upset people (deny benefits, confiscate property, terminate child custody, etc...)?

  • Do employees deal with people known or suspected of having a history of violence?

  • Do any employees or supervisors have a history of assault, verbal abuse, harassment, or other threatening behavior?

  • Other risk factors - please describe:

  • Risk Factor
  • Add notes:

  • Add media

Work Areas:

  • Who is responsible for building security?

  • Are workers told or can they identify who is responsible for security?

  • Are name tags or ID badges required for for all employees (omitting personal information such as last name and home address)?

  • Are authorized visitors to the building required to wear ID badges?

  • Are visitors or clients escorted to offices for appointments?

  • Are workers notified of past violent acts in the workplace?

  • Are trained security personnel accessible to workers in a timely manner?

  • Are trained counseling personnel accessible to workers in a timely manner?

  • Do security and/or counseling personnel have sufficient authority to take all necessary action to ensure worker safety?

  • Are bullet-resistant windows or similar barriers used when money is exchanged with the public?

  • Is there an established liaison with local law enforcement, emergency services, and counseling agencies?

  • Are areas where money is exchanged visible to others who could help in an emergency?

  • Is a limited amount of cash kept on hand, with appropriate signs posted?

  • Are employees given maps and clear directions in order to navigate the areas where they will be working?

  • Are floor plans posted showing building entrances, exits, and location of security personnel?

  • Are these floor plans visible only to staff and not outsiders?

  • Is additional emergency information posted, such as telephone numbers?

  • Are there enough exits and adequate routes of escape?

  • Can exit doors be opened only from the inside to prevent unauthorized entry?

  • Is the lighting adequate to see clearly in indoor areas?

  • Are there employee-only work areas that are separate from public areas?

  • Is access to work areas only through a reception area?

  • Are reception and work areas designed to prevent unauthorized entry?

  • Is public access to the building controlled?

  • Could someone hear a worker who calls for help?

  • Can employees observe patients or clients in waiting areas?

  • Do areas used for patient or client interviews allow co-workers to observe any problems?

  • Are waiting areas and work areas free of objects that could be used as weapons?

  • Are chairs and furniture secured to prevent their use as weapons?

  • Is furniture in waiting areas and work areas arranged to prevent entrapment of workers?

  • Are patient or client waiting areas designed to maximize comfort and minimize stress?

  • Are patients or clients in waiting areas clearly informed how to use the department's services to minimize frustration?

  • Are waiting times for patient or client services kept short to minimize frustration?

  • Are private, locked restrooms available for employees?

  • Is there a secure place for workers to store personal belongings?

  • Are special security measures taken to protect people who work late at night (escorts, locked entrances, etc...)?

  • If weapons are on-site are they secured and stored in a location that is physically separated from patient or client access areas?

Exterior Building Areas:

  • Do workers feel safe walking to and from the workplace?

  • Are the entrances to the building clearly visible from the street?

  • Is the area surrounding the building free of bushes or other hiding places?

  • Is lighting bright and effective in outside areas?

  • Are security personnel provided outside the building?

  • Is video surveillance provided outside the building?

  • Are remote areas secured during off shifts?

  • Is a buddy escort system required during off shifts?

  • Are all exterior walkways visible to security personnel or managers?

Parking Areas:

  • Is there a nearby parking lot reserved for employees only?

  • Is the parking lot attended or otherwise secured?

  • Is the parking lot free of blind spots and is landscaping trimmed back to prevent hiding places?

  • Is there enough lighting to see clearly in the parking lot and when walking to/from the building?

  • Are security escorts available to employees walking to and from the parking lot?

Security Measures:

  • Physical barriers (plexiglass partitions, bullet-resistant customer window, etc...)?

  • Proximity card access?

  • Security cameras or closed-circuit TV in high-risk areas?

  • Panic buttons?

  • Alarm systems?

  • Metal detectors?

  • Security Screening devices?

  • Door locks?

  • Perimeter door panic locks?

  • Internal telephone system to contact emergency assistance?

  • Telephone system with an outside line programmed for 911?

  • Telephone system emergency intercom system in place?

  • Two-way radios, pagers, or cellular telephones?

  • Security mirrors (e.g., convex mirrors)?

  • Secured entry (e.g., "buzzers")?

  • Personal alarm devices?

  • "Drop safes" to limit the amount of cash on hand?

  • Fire alarm pulls?

  • Broken windows repaired promptly?

  • Security systems, locks, panic buttons, etc. tested on a regular basis and repaired promptly when necessary?


  • Is a site specific Workplace Security/Violence Plan in place?

  • Are there standard operating procedures in place to handle specific anticipated scenarios?

  • Are workers trained in the emergency response plan (for example, escape routes, and notifying the proper authorities)?

  • Are workers trained to report violent incidents or threats?

  • Are workers trained in how to handle difficult clients or patients?

  • Are workers trained in ways to prevent or defuse potentially violent situations?

  • Are workers trained in personal safety?

  • Are workers trained in self defense?

Field Work:

    Are field activities away from the office conducted?

Field Work - Staffing:

  • Is assistance provided to workers in the field in a timely manner when requested?

  • Are escorts or "buddies" provided for people who work in potentially dangerous situations?

Field Work - Training:

  • Are workers briefed about the area in which they will be working (gang colors, neighborhood culture, language, drug activity, etc...)?

  • Can workers effectively communicate with people they meet in the field (same language, etc...)

  • Are people who work in the field late at night or early mornings advised about special precautions to take?

Field Work - Work Environment:

  • Is there enough lighting to see clearly in all areas where workers must go?

  • Are there safe places for workers to eat, use the restroom, store valuables, etc...?

  • Are there safe places where workers can go for protection in an emergency?

  • Is safe parking readily available for employees in the field?

Field Work - Security Measures:

  • Are workers provided two-way radios, pagers, or cellular phones?

  • Are workers provided with personal alarm devices or portable panic buttons?

  • Are vehicle door and window locks controlled by the driver?

  • Are vehicles equipped with physical barriers (plexiglass partitions, etc...)?

  • Are workers using Fleet vehicles?

  • Are Fleet vehicles equipped with GPS?

Field Work - Work Procedures:

  • Are employees given maps and clear directions for covering the areas they will be working?

  • Are employees given alternative routes to use in neighborhoods with a high crime rate?

  • Does a policy exist to allow employees to refuse service to clients or customers (in the home, etc...) in a hazardous situation?

  • Has a liaison with law enforcement been established?

  • Do workers avoid carrying unnecessary items that someone could use as a weapon against them?

  • Does the employer provide a safe vehicle or other transportation for use in the field?e

  • Does the employer require workers to utilize Fleet vehicles for field use?

  • Are vehicles used in the field routinely inspected and kept in good working condition?

  • Is there always someone who knows where each field worker is?

  • Is there a check in time system in use for field workers?

  • Are name tags required for workers in the field (omitting personal information such as last name)?

  • Are field workers notified of past violent acts by particular clients, patients, etc...?

Field Work - Are Special precautions taken when workers:

  • Have to take something away from people (remove children from home)?

  • Have contact with people who behave violently?

  • Have contact with people with known medical issues?

  • Use vehicles or wear clothing marked with the name of an organization that the public may strongly dislike?

  • Perform duties inside people's homes?

  • Have contact with dangerous animals

Activity Certification:

  • Facility/Site Representitive(s):

  • Representitive:
  • Title:

  • Add signature

  • Analyst(s):

  • Analyst:
  • Title:

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.