Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Person In Charge

  • PIC signature

Inspection Report

Entrance Area

  • Is the signage ON and in good condition?

  • Is the outlet entrance clean?

  • Is the outlet façade clean and polished?

  • Is the air curtain clean and free of dust?

  • Is the floor clean and free of spots and residues?

  • Is outlet's furniture clean and in good condition

Cashier Area

  • Is the system on and operating properly?

  • Is the Kiosk turned on and operating properly?

  • Are all aggregators' devices on and operating properly?

  • Are all legal and official paper available and valid?

  • Is the petty cash amount in accordance with the total?

Food Safety

  • Is the working station free of cross-contamination aspect?

  • No expired item spotted.

  • Does employees follow the FEFO standard?

  • No spoiled item kept on service

  • Are all products labeled as per the company's shelf life policy?

  • Do all fridges work in adequate storing temperature?

  • Do all freezers work in adequate storing temperature?

  • Adequate ice cream hopper temperature

  • Are all utensils clean with no excessive accumulation?

  • Are all equipment clean with no excessive accumulation?

  • No items or products left in danger zone

  • Is the ice-maker clean and free of residues and accumulations?

Operation & Service

  • Espresso machine "On" and calibrated.

  • Coffee day machine "On" and calibrated.

  • Ice cream machine "On" and clean.

  • Coffee grinder clean with the right grind.

  • Products are thawed following the right standards.

  • Products are dispatched with the standard presentation.

  • French toast procedure and timing respected

  • Cakes' build up is made up to standards.

  • Products are dispatched in their right packaging.

  • All drinks are made following the company's standards.

Store and Back area

  • Store area clean and organized.

  • All dry items are stored in the right way.

  • No overstock in dry items or packaging.

  • Employees' restroom clean and tidy.

  • Garbage bin empty & clean

  • Garbage thrown in the baladiya bin and nothing on sides

Staff Hygiene

  • Staff wearing full uniform.

  • Beard shaving policy abided.

  • Nails trimming policy abided.

  • Employees wearing gloves at any food contact.

  • Employees have valid baladiya cards

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.