Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Block Photo
How was access gained
Weather on inspection
External Areas
Exterior Condition
Roof Type
Roof Condition
- Good Condition - No issues seen during visit
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition, however there are some items to note
- Poor Condition - Evidence of poor condition - attention required
- Condition not seen at time of visit.
- N/A
External Elevations - Condition and Decoration
- Great Condition - No issues seen
- Good Condition - Some wear but still good condition
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition however some issues to note (please specify if works are needed)
- Poor Condition - Extensive wear; work required
- N/A
External Window Frames - Condition and Decoration
- Great Condition - No issues seen
- Good Condition - Some wear but still good condition
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition however some issues to note (please specify if works are needed)
- Poor Condition - Extensive wear; work required
- N/A
Guttering Condition and Cleanliness
- Great Condition - No issues seen
- Good Condition - Some wear but still good condition
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition however some issues to note (please specify if works are needed)
- Poor Condition - Extensive wear; work required
- N/A
Fascia and Soffits - condition/decoration/material
- Great Condition - No issues seen
- Good Condition - Some wear but still good condition
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition however some issues to note (please specify if works are needed)
- Poor Condition - Extensive wear; work required
- N/A
Downpipes, ACO drains - Clear and free-flowing? Grates on ACO drains secure?
- Great Condition - No issues seen
- Good Condition - Some wear but still good condition
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition however some issues to note (please specify if works are needed)
- Poor Condition - Extensive wear; work required
- N/A
Grounds and External Communal Areas
Boundary fences and walls
- Great Condition - No issues seen
- Good Condition - Some wear but still good condition
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition however some issues to note (please specify if works are needed)
- Poor Condition - Extensive wear; work required
- N/A
Car Park & Driveway - Condition/ line marking/ slip, tip, fall hazards?
Grounds/ Garden Maintenance
- Good Condition - Gardens/ grounds well looked after
- Fair Condition - Gardens are looked after however some issues have been noted
- Poor Condition - Gardens/ grounds are not being properly maintained (evidence required)
Hedge Condition
- Good Condition - No issues seen during visit
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition, however there are some items to note
- Poor Condition - Evidence of poor condition - attention required
- Condition not seen at time of visit.
- N/A
Tree Condition
- Good Condition - No issues seen during visit
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition, however there are some items to note
- Poor Condition - Evidence of poor condition - attention required
- Condition not seen at time of visit.
- N/A
Pathways - lifted or cracked slabs/risk of falls, trips or slips
Bike Store Condition - Decoration, Tidiness (free of waste?)
- Good Condition - No issues seen during visit
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition, however there are some items to note
- Poor Condition - Evidence of poor condition - attention required
- Condition not seen at time of visit.
- N/A
Bin Store Condition - Decoration, tidiness (free of excess waste?)
- Good Condition - No issues seen during visit
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition, however there are some items to note
- Poor Condition - Evidence of poor condition - attention required
- Condition not seen at time of visit.
- N/A
Gas meter box condition - note possible flat number of any needing attention
- Good Condition - No issues seen during visit
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition, however there are some items to note
- Poor Condition - Evidence of poor condition - attention required
- Condition not seen at time of visit.
- N/A
External Doors - Condition and Decoration
- Great Condition - No issues seen
- Good Condition - Some wear but still good condition
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition however some issues to note (please specify if works are needed)
- Poor Condition - Extensive wear; work required
- N/A
Additional installations
Car Lift - Condition and Operation? (please test the auto-dialler in any lifts)
- Good Condition - No issues seen during visit
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition, however there are some items to note
- Poor Condition - Evidence of poor condition - attention required
- Condition not seen at time of visit.
- N/A
Electric gate - Condition and Operation?
Intercom - trades entry operational?
Any further items noted or to be recorded from the inspection
Internal Areas
Internal Condition
Front door closing properly?
Decoration of internal communal areas - condition/marks to walls/damage to be repaired
- Great Condition - No issues seen
- Good Condition - Some wear but still good condition
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition however some issues to note (please specify if works are needed)
- Poor Condition - Extensive wear; work required
- N/A
Stairs - treads/nosings/handrails
- Great Condition - No issues seen
- Good Condition - Some wear but still good condition
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition however some issues to note (please specify if works are needed)
- Poor Condition - Extensive wear; work required
- N/A
Carpeting - mats/tears/loose carpet/condition
- Good Condition - No issues seen during visit
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition, however there are some items to note
- Poor Condition - Evidence of poor condition - attention required
- Condition not seen at time of visit.
- N/A
Lighting - operational/burnt out lights/switches
- Great Condition - No issues seen
- Good Condition - Some wear but still good condition
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition however some issues to note (please specify if works are needed)
- Poor Condition - Extensive wear; work required
- N/A
Cleaning - quality/log sheet completed/areas needing attention
- Good Condition - No issues seen during visit
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition, however there are some items to note
- Poor Condition - Evidence of poor condition - attention required
- Condition not seen at time of visit.
- N/A
Health and Safety
No Smoking Sign installed
Communal Hallways and Staircases free of items?
Emergency Lighting installed
Correct Property Manager details?
Testing Log Book on site
Log Book completed up to date?
Meter cupboards locked and clear of items?
Electric Meter number(s) and reading(s)
Additional Installations
Fire alarm - Any faults showing?
Automated Opening Vent - Is the vent closed?
Automated Opening Vent - Any faults showing?
Lift - Condition and Operation? (please test auto-dialler in any lifts)
- Good Condition - No issues seen during visit
- Fair Condition - Overall good condition, however there are some items to note
- Poor Condition - Evidence of poor condition - attention required
- Condition not seen at time of visit.
- N/A