
  • Module No. 箱号

  • Project 项目

  • Conducted on 检查于

  • Inspected by 由……检查

  • Construction crew 施工员

Corridor 走廊

  • Door 门 - Door frame mitre 门框拼角 - Cracked 裂痕?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Door frame 门框?

  • Electrical 电气 - Label all conduits in English 所有线管标示英文?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Complete all fire stopping 完成所有防火要求?

  • Make sure centre line is visible 确保中心线清晰可见?

  • Please type in other defects that are not on the list. 请输入不在本列表内的其他问题。

  • Extra defects 额外问题
  • First, choose the category of the defect? 首先选择问题的类别?

  • Second, Please type in the defect in details. 请输入问题的详细情况。

Entrance lobby(Left hand side) 门厅(左房)

  • Door 门 - Door seal, intumescent strip 密封胶条、防火条 - Damaged or short 破损或过短?

  • Door 门 - Door frame internal corner 门框内角 - Crack 裂痕?

  • Door 门 - Door leaf, door frame, architrave 门扇、门框、门收边 - Scratched, chipped, or dint and needs touching up 划伤,缺口,钉孔需修补?

  • Door 门 - Architrave mitre 收边拼角 - Crack and needs improving 有裂痕需修补?

  • Door 门 - Lock plate, lock keeper 锁片、撞片 - Gap or not flush 有缝或不平?

  • Door 门 - Operability 开关操作 - Not latching 门锁不能自动关紧?

  • Door 门 - Closer 闭门器 - Operability/need adjustment 闭门器需调节?

  • Door 门 - Closer 闭门器 - Not parallel 不平行?

  • Door 门 - Hardware 五金件 - Hinges, door stop, spy hole, security bar 合页、门碰、猫眼、安全扣?

  • Door 门 - Drop down seal 门底弹簧密封条 - Need adjustment需调整?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Door leaf, door frame, architrave 门扇、门框、门收边?

  • Door 门 - Door margin not even 门缝不均匀?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Around entry door 门框与收边一圈缝隙打胶?

  • Electrical 电气 - Switches 开关面板 - Card reader missing 插卡取电开关缺失?

  • Electrical 电气 - Switches 开关面板 - faceplates loose 开关面板松动?

  • Mirror 镜子 - Mirror Installation 穿衣镜安装?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Mirror 穿衣镜?

  • Furniture 家具 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Scratched chipped and needs touching up 划伤,缺口需修补?

  • Furniture 家具 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Joints not flush or too much gap 衣柜板缝不齐、缝大?

  • Furniture 家具 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Missing screw 少螺丝?

  • Furniture 家具 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Screw caps flush with panels 装饰盖是否装平?

  • Furniture 家具 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Clothes rail loose 挂衣杆松动?

  • Furniture 家具 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Glass of side panel 衣柜侧板玻璃松动?

  • Furniture 家具 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Small block against end rails loose or too much gap 衣柜导轨端部垫板松动,缝大 ?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Silicone around gap between wardrobe and ceiling/wall 家具与天花、墙面一圈缝隙打胶?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Silicone around gap between wardrobe and floor tiles 衣柜与地砖缝隙一圈打胶?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Wardrobe 衣柜?

  • Tiles 瓷砖 - Grouting 门厅地砖勾缝?

  • Tiles 瓷砖 - Damaged 门厅地砖损坏?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Floor tiles 门厅地砖?

  • Painting 油漆 - Hall way walls 门厅墙面 - Rough paint 打磨补漆?

  • Painting 油漆 - Hall way ceiling 吊顶 - Sanding and touch up 打磨补漆?

  • Painting 油漆 - Skirting 地脚线 - Sanding and touch up 打磨补漆?

  • Painting 油漆 - Skirting 地脚线 - Gap between skirting and architrave 地脚线与门收边缝隙修补、打胶?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Skirting 地脚线 - Caulking gap between skirting and wall 地脚线与墙面缝隙打可上油漆胶?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Skirting 地脚线 - Silicone around between skirting board and floor tiles 地脚线与门厅地砖一圈缝隙打胶?

  • Ceiling trim 天花勾搭板 - Ceiling trim installation 天花勾搭板安装?

  • Please type in other defects that are not on the list. 请输入不在本列表内的其他问题。

  • Extra defects 额外问题
  • First, choose the category of the defect? 首先选择问题的类别?

  • Second, Please type in the defect in details. 请输入问题的详细情况。

Bedroom(Left hand side) 卧室(左房)

  • Painting 油漆 - Wall around AC grille 空调出风口周边 - Sanding and touch up 打磨补漆?

  • Painting 油漆 - AC control wall 空调控制器墙面 - Sanding and touch up 打磨补漆?

  • Furniture 家具 - Bed/Headboard 床/床头板 - Damaged 损坏?

  • Furniture 家具 - Bed/Headboard 床/床头板 - Gap bigger than 2mm between bed head/wall 与墙面缝隙超过2毫米?

  • Furniture 家具 - Bed/Headboard 床/床头板 - Joints not flush/too much gap 床、床头板拼缝不齐,缝大?

  • Furniture 家具 - Bed/Headboard 床/床头板 - Blue cushion dirty or damaged 蓝色靠垫脏或破损 ?

  • Furniture 家具 - Bed/Headboard 床/床头板 - Small shelf on the corner loose or too much gap 墙角位置层板松动或离墙缝大 ?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Bed/Headboard 床/床头板?

  • Furniture 家具 - Bedside cabinet 床头柜 - Drawer operability 抽屉开关顺畅?

  • Furniture 家具 - Bedside cabinet 床头柜 - Cable hole cover not installed 线孔盖子安装 ?

  • Furniture 家具 - Bedside cabinet 床头柜 - Magnet not installed 抽屉磁性垫片安装 ?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Bedside cabinet 床头柜?

  • Painting 油漆 - Bulkhead above headboard 床头板上方筒灯造型 - Sanding and touch up 打磨补漆?

  • Painting 油漆 - Bulkhead above headboard 床头板上方筒灯造型 - Not straight 不直?

  • Painting 油漆 - Bedhead wall 床头板墙面 - Rough painting 打磨补漆?

  • Painting 油漆 - Bedhead wall 床头板墙面 - Cutting in not straight 分色线修直?

  • Furniture 家具 - Artwork installation 艺术画安装?

  • Windows 窗户 - Operability 开、关灵活?

  • Windows 窗户 - Scratched 划伤?

  • Windows 窗户 - Window black seal 窗户密封胶条 - Damaged or too short 破损或过短?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Windows/Windows frame 窗户/窗框?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Black silicone around glazing 窗玻璃黑色胶修整?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Around windows architraves 窗洞四周一圈打胶?

  • Painting 油漆 - Wall around windows 窗户周围墙面 - Sanding and touch up 打磨补漆?

  • Painting 油漆 - Pelmet 窗帘盒造型 - Sanding and touch up 打磨补漆?

  • Pelmet 窗帘盒造型 - Not straight/plumb 不直?

  • Furniture 家具 - Sofa bed installation 沙发床安装?

  • Furniture 家具 - Desk 书桌 - Chipped and needs touching up 碰伤需修补?

  • Mirror 镜子 - Above desk 书桌镜 - Chipped or not level 碰伤或不水平?

  • Furniture 家具 - TV unit 电视桌 - Chipped and needs touching up 碰伤需修补?

  • Furniture 家具 - TV unit 电视桌 - Shelf underneath loose 电视桌层板松动?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - TV unit, desk, mirror 书桌、电视桌、书桌镜?

  • Painting 油漆 - Desk wall 书桌墙面 - Rough paint 打磨补漆?

  • Door 门 - Interconnecting door 连接门 - Scratched and needs touching up 划伤需修补?

  • Door 门 - Interconnecting door 连接门 - Door seal, intumescent strip damaged or too short 密封胶条、防火条破损或过短?

  • Door 门 - Interconnecting door 连接门 - Gap on lock plate/lock keeper or not flush 锁片或撞片有缝或不平?

  • Door 门 - Inerconnecting door 连接门 - Drop down seal needs adjustment门底弹簧密封条需调整?

  • Door 门 - Interconnecting door 连接门 - Margins even 门缝均匀?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Interconnecting door leaf, architrave, door frame 连接门门框,收边,门扇?

  • Electrical 电气 - Switches/GPOs and lighting 开关、插座面板和灯具 - Not level 不水平?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Switches/GPOs and lighting 开关、插座面板和灯具?

  • Painting 油漆 - Skirting 地脚线 - Rough paint/screw holes打磨补漆、钉眼?

  • Painting 油漆 - Skirting 地脚线 - Gap between skirting and bed head/wardrobe 地脚线与床头板、衣柜缝隙打胶?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Skirting 地脚线 - Caulking gap between skirting and wall 地脚线与墙面缝隙打可上油漆胶?

  • Painting 油漆 - Ceiling finish 天花面漆 - Rough paint/roller mark 打磨补漆,滚筒印?

  • Painting 油漆 - Ceiling Internal corner sanding and touch up 天花阴角打磨补漆?

  • Carpet 地毯 - Lump besides trim 压条边地毯不平,鼓起?

  • Carpet 地毯 - Damage 破损?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Floor carpet 地毯?

  • Please type in other defects that are not on the list. 请输入不在本列表内的其他问题。

  • Extra defects 额外问题
  • First, choose the category of the defect? 首先选择问题的类别?

  • Second, Please type in the defect in details. 请输入问题的详细情况。

Bathroom(Left hand side) 卫生间(左房)

  • Door 门 - Sliding door 卫生间滑门 - Operability/not latching 开关操作,关不紧?

  • Door 门 - Sliding door 卫生间滑门 - Gap on lock plate/lock keeper or not flush 锁片、撞片有缝或不平?

  • Door 门 - Sliding door 卫生间滑门 - Architrave Joints not flush/too much gap 拼缝不平或缝大?

  • Door 门 - Sliding door 卫生间滑门 - Scratched 划伤?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Sliding door 卫生间滑门清洁?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Robe hook loose 挂衣钩松动?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Shower screen rail loose 淋浴屏风固定杆松动?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Shower screen 淋浴屏风?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Shower base gully cover missing 淋浴底座地漏盖子缺失?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Shower base 淋浴底座?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Shower rose loose 花洒松动?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Shower mixer 淋浴混合阀?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Soap holder washer exposed 肥皂架垫片外露?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Soap holder loose 肥皂架松动?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Grab rail loose 淋浴扶手松动?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Foot rest below shower mixer loose 踢脚棒松动?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - vanity top/basin 洗手柜台面、洗手盆?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Towel rail 毛巾架?

  • Mirror 镜子 - Above vanity 洗手盆上方?

  • Electrical 电气 - Extract cover loose 排气扇盖子松动?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Toilet loose 马桶松动?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Toilet cover missing 马桶盖子缺失?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Toilet roll holder loose 厕纸架松动?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Extra toilet roll holder loose 额外厕纸架松动?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Towl box 毛巾盒 - joints not flush or filthy 拼缝不平或脏?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Towl box 毛巾盒 - Screw caps missing or not flush 螺钉装饰盖未装或不平?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Sanitary 卫浴设施整体清洁?

  • Tiles 瓷砖 - Wall tiles 墙砖 - Chipped 崩边或缺口?

  • Tiles 瓷砖 - Wall tiles grouting need filling 墙砖勾缝不饱满?

  • Tiles 瓷砖 - Wall tiles grouting discoloration 墙砖勾缝色差?

  • Tiles 瓷砖 - Floor tiles 地砖 - Chipped 缺口或崩边?

  • Tiles 瓷砖 - Floor tiles grouting discolouration 地砖勾缝色差?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Tiles 瓷砖?

  • Painting 油漆 - Ceiling finish 天花面漆 - Sanding and touch up 打磨补漆?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Lights 射灯?

  • Please type in other defects that are not on the list. 请输入不在本列表内的其他问题。

  • Extra defects 额外问题
  • First, choose the category of the defect? 首先选择问题的类别?

  • Second, Please type in the defect in details. 请输入问题的详细情况。

Entrance lobby(Right hand side) 门厅(右房)

  • Door 门 - Door seal, intumescent strip 密封胶条、防火条 - Damaged or short 破损或过短?

  • Door 门 - Door frame internal corner 门框内角 - Crack 裂痕?

  • Door 门 - Door leaf, door frame, architrave 门扇、门框、门收边 - Scratched and needs touching up 划伤需修补?

  • Door 门 - Architrave mitre 收边拼角 - Crack and needs improving 有裂痕需修补?

  • Door 门 - Lock plate, lock keeper 锁片、撞片 - Gap or not flush 有缝或不平?

  • Door 门 - Lock plate, lock keeper 锁片、撞片 - Wrong screws 螺钉使用错误?

  • Door 门 - Operability 开关操作 - Not latching 门锁不能自动关紧?

  • Door 门 - Closer 闭门器 - Operability/need adjustment 闭门器力量过大,需调节?

  • Door 门 - Closer 闭门器 - Not parallel 不平行?

  • Door 门 - Hardware 五金件 - Hinges, door stop, spy hole, security bar 合页、门碰、猫眼、安全扣?

  • Door 门 - Door margins not even 门缝不齐?

  • Door 门 - Drop down seal 门底弹簧密封条 - Need adjustment需调整?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Door leaf, door frame, architrave 门扇、门框、门收边?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Around entry door 门框与收边一圈缝隙打胶?

  • Electrical 电气 - Switches 开关面板 - Card reader missing 插卡取电开关缺失?

  • Electrical 电气 - Switches 开关面板 - faceplates loose 开关面板松动?

  • Mirror 镜子 - Mirror Installation 穿衣镜安装?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Mirror 穿衣镜?

  • Furniture 家具 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Scratched and needs touching up 划伤需修补?

  • Furniture 家具 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Joints not flush or too much gap 衣柜板缝不齐、缝大?

  • Furniture 家具 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Missing screw 少螺丝?

  • Furniture 家具 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Screw caps flush with panels 装饰盖是否装平?

  • Furniture 家具 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Clothes rail loose 挂衣杆松动?

  • Furniture 家具 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Glass of side panel 衣柜侧板玻璃松动?

  • Furniture 家具 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Small block against end rails loose or too much gap 衣柜导轨端部垫板松动,缝大 ?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Silicone around gap between wardrobe and ceiling/wall 家具与天花、墙面一圈缝隙打胶?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Wardrobe 衣柜 - Silicone around gap between wardrobe and floor tiles 衣柜与地砖缝隙一圈打胶?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Wardrobe 衣柜?

  • Tiles 瓷砖 - Grouting 门厅地砖勾缝?

  • Tiles 瓷砖 - Damaged 门厅地砖损坏?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Floor tiles 地面瓷砖?

  • Painting 油漆 - Hall way walls 门厅墙面 - Rough paint 打磨补漆?

  • Painting 油漆 - Hall way ceiling 吊顶 - Sanding and touch up 打磨补漆?

  • Painting 油漆 - Skirting 地脚线 - Sanding and touch up 打磨补漆?

  • Painting 油漆 - Skirting 地脚线 - Gap between skirting and architrave 地脚线与门收边缝隙修补、打胶?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Skirting 地脚线 - Caulking gap between skirting and wall 地脚线与墙面缝隙打可上油漆胶?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Skirting 地脚线 - Silicone around between skirting board and floor tiles 地脚线与门厅地砖一圈缝隙打胶?

  • Ceiling trim 天花勾搭板 - Ceiling trim installation 天花勾搭板安装?

  • Please type in other defects that are not on the list. 请输入不在本列表内的其他问题。

  • Extra defects 额外问题
  • First, choose the category of the defect? 首先选择问题的类别?

  • Second, Please type in the defect in details. 请输入问题的详细情况。

Bedroom(Right hand side) 卧室(右房)

  • Painting 油漆 - Wall around AC grille 空调出风口周边 - Sanding and touch up 打磨补漆?

  • Painting 油漆 - AC control wall 空调控制器墙面 - Sanding and touch up 打磨补漆?

  • Furniture 家具 - Bed/Headboard 床/床头板 - Damaged 损坏?

  • Furniture 家具 - Bed/Headboard 床/床头板 - Gap bigger than 2mm between bed head/wall 与墙面缝隙超过2毫米?

  • Furniture 家具 - Bed/Headboard 床/床头板 - Joints not flush/too much gap 床、床头板拼缝不齐,缝大?

  • Furniture 家具 - Bed/Headboard 床/床头板 - Blue cushion dirty or damaged 蓝色靠垫脏或损坏?

  • Furniture 家具 - Bed/Headboard 床/床头板 - Small shelf in the corner loose or too much gap against the wall 墙角位置层板松动或离墙缝大?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Bed/Headboard 床/床头板?

  • Furniture 家具 - Bedside cabinet 床头柜 - Drawer operability 抽屉开关顺畅?

  • Furniture 家具 - Bedside cabinet 床头柜 - Cable hole cover not installed 线孔盖子安装 ?

  • Furniture 家具 - Bedside cabinet 床头柜 - Magnet not installed 抽屉磁性垫片安装 ?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Bedside cabinet 床头柜?

  • Painting 油漆 - Bulkhead above headboard 床头板上方筒灯造型 - Sanding and touch up 打磨补漆?

  • Painting 油漆 - Bulkhead above headboard 床头板上方筒灯造型 - Not straight 不直?

  • Painting 油漆 - Bedhead wall 床头板墙面 - Rough painting 打磨补漆?

  • Painting 油漆 - Bedhead wall 床头板墙面 - Cutting in not straight 分色线修直?

  • Furniture 家具 - Artwork installation 艺术画安装?

  • Windows 窗户 - Operability 开、关灵活?

  • Windows 窗户 - Scratched 划伤?

  • Windows 窗户 - Window black seal 窗户密封胶条 - Damaged or too short 破损或过短?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Windows/Windows frame 窗户/窗框?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Black silicone around glazing 窗玻璃黑色胶修整?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Around windows architraves 窗洞四周一圈打胶?

  • Painting 油漆 - Wall around windows 窗户周围墙面 - Sanding and touch up 打磨补漆?

  • Painting 油漆 - Pelmet 窗帘盒造型 - Sanding and touch up 打磨补漆?

  • Pelmet 窗帘盒造型 - Not straight/plumb 不直?

  • Furniture 家具 - Sofa bed installation 沙发床安装?

  • Furniture 家具 - Desk 书桌 - Chipped and needs touching up 碰伤需修补?

  • Mirror 镜子 - Above desk 书桌镜 - Chipped or not level 碰伤或不水平?

  • Furniture 家具 - TV unit 电视桌 - Chipped and needs touching up 碰伤需修补?

  • Furniture 家具 - TV unit 电视桌 - Shelf loose 层板松动?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - TV unit, desk, mirror 书桌、电视桌、书桌镜?

  • Painting 油漆 - Desk wall 书桌墙面 - Rough paint 打磨补漆?

  • Door 门 - Interconnecting door 连接门 - Scratched and needs touching up 划伤需修补?

  • Door 门 - Interconnecting door 连接门 - Door seal, intumescent strip damaged or too short 密封胶条、防火条破损或过短?

  • Door 门 - Interconnecting door 连接门 - Gap on lock plate/lock keeper or not flush 锁片或撞片有缝或不平?

  • Door 门 - Inerconnecting door 连接门 - Drop down seal needs adjustment门底弹簧密封条需调整?

  • Door 门 - Interconnecting door 连接门 - Margins even 门缝均匀?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Interconnecting door leaf, architrave, door frame 连接门门框,收边,门扇?

  • Electrical 电气 - Switches/GPOs and lighting 开关、插座面板和灯具 - Not level 不水平?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Switches/GPOs and lighting 开关、插座面板和灯具?

  • Painting 油漆 - Skirting 地脚线 - Rough paint/screw holes打磨补漆、钉眼?

  • Painting 油漆 - Skirting 地脚线 - Gap between skirting and bed head/wardrobe 地脚线与床头板、衣柜缝隙打胶?

  • Silicone 打胶 - Skirting 地脚线 - Caulking gap between skirting and wall 地脚线与墙面缝隙打可上油漆胶?

  • Painting 油漆 - Ceiling finish 天花面漆 - Rough paint/roller mark 打磨补漆,滚筒印?

  • Painting 油漆 - Ceiling Internal corner sanding and touch up 天花阴角打磨补漆?

  • Carpet 地毯 - Lump besides trim 压条边地毯不平,鼓起?

  • Carpet 地毯 - Damage 破损?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Floor carpet 地毯?

  • Please type in other defects that are not on the list. 请输入不在本列表内的其他问题。

  • Extra defects 额外问题
  • First, choose the category of the defect? 首先选择问题的类别?

  • Second, Please type in the defect in details. 请输入问题的详细情况。

Bathroom(Right hand side) 卫生间(右房)

  • Door 门 - Sliding door 卫生间滑门 - Operability/not latching 开关操作,关不紧?

  • Door 门 - Sliding door 卫生间滑门 - Gap on lock plate/lock keeper or not flush 锁片、撞片有缝或不平?

  • Door 门 - Sliding door 卫生间滑门 - Architrave Joints not flush/too much gap 拼缝不平或缝大?

  • Door 门 - Sliding door 卫生间滑门 - Scratched 划伤?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Sliding door 卫生间滑门清洁?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Robe hook loose 挂衣钩松动?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Shower screen rail loose 淋浴屏风固定杆松动?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Shower screen rail loose 淋浴屏风?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Shower base gully cover missing 淋浴底座地漏盖子缺失?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Shower base 淋浴底座?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Shower rose loose 花洒松动?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Shower mixer 淋浴混合阀?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Soap holder washer exposed 肥皂架垫片外露?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Soap holder loose 肥皂架松动?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Grab rail loose 淋浴扶手松动?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Foot rest below shower mixer loose 踢脚棒松动?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - vanity top/basin 洗手柜台面、洗手盆?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Towel rail 毛巾架?

  • Mirror 镜子 - Above vanity 洗手盆上方?

  • Electrical 电气 - Extract cover loose 排气扇盖子松动?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Toilet loose 马桶松动?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Toilet cover missing 马桶盖子缺失?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Toilet roll holder loose 厕纸架松动?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Extra toilet roll holder loose 额外厕纸架松动?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Towl box 毛巾盒 - joints not flush or filthy 拼缝不平或脏?

  • Sanitary 卫浴 - Towl box 毛巾盒 - Screw caps not flush 螺钉装饰盖帽不平?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Sanitary 卫浴设施整体清洁?

  • Tiles 瓷砖 - Wall tiles 墙砖 - Chipped 崩边或缺口?

  • Tiles 瓷砖 - Wall tiles grouting need filling 墙砖勾缝不饱满?

  • Tiles 瓷砖 - Wall tiles grouting discoloration 墙砖勾缝色差?

  • Tiles 瓷砖 - Floor tiles 地砖 - Chipped 缺口或崩边?

  • Tiles 瓷砖 - Floor tiles grouting discoloration 地砖勾缝色差?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - tiles 瓷砖?

  • Painting 油漆 - Ceiling finish 天花面漆 - Sanding and touch up 打磨补漆?

  • Cleaning 清洁 - Lights 射灯?

  • Please type in other defects that are not on the list. 请输入不在本列表内的其他问题。

  • Extra defects 额外问题
  • First, choose the category of the defect? 首先选择问题的类别?

  • Second, Please type in the defect in details. 请输入问题的详细情况。

Summary 总结

  • Please give a score on this Module (from 0 to 100): 请给该箱评分(0 - 100):

  • Inspector's comments: 检查者评价:

Sign Off 签名

  • Sign off - acceptance of the summary, findings & comments 签名 - 表示接受本清单中所有的总结、发现和评价

  • Inspector's signature 检验代表签名

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.