Title Page
Select Frequency
Date Conducted
Conducted By
Please select frequency of inspections
Daily inspections should be completed on all days the centre is open and ideally be conducted prior to the centre opening
Please select day of inspection
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
Are there any trip hazards present either internally or externally
Have you been able to rectify the issue
Please take a photo and raise a maintenance request to Property Services
Are all fire escape routes readily available and not being used for storage
Clear the fire escape route of all stored items and maintain clear access at all times
Do all final fire exit doors operate correctly (push-bars operational and doors open easily)
Please raise a maintenance request to Property Services
Is there any new damage to windows or doors
Please raise a maintenance request to Property Services
Are there any visible signs of roof or gutter damage. (as viewed from ground level)
Please raise a maintenance request to Property Services
Are there any signs of any gutters being blocked
Please raise a maintenance request to Property Services
Are all drains and gullies clear and flowing okay
Please raise a maintenance request to Property Services
Are all services within the building functioning
Please raise a maintenance request to Property Services
Are there any other defects identified
Please detail the identified issues and, if relevant, raise a maintenance request to Property Services
Weekly Little Used Outlets Flushing
The following water outlets should be run for a minimum of 5 minutes each per week
Old Youth Bar Hot and Cold outlets
Please state the reason the outlet was not flushed
Fire Alarm Tests
Carryout a weekly fire alarm test using a different fire call point each week. Ensure all doors fitted with DOR GUARDS are in the open position
Please indicate which fire call point was used for this test. Refer to last weeks audit to check which call point should be used.
Entrance Lobby FCP1
Main Hall FCP2
Main Hall FCP3
Kitchen Rear Lobby FCP4
Upstairs Landing FCP5
Was the fire alarm test completed successfully
Please raise any issues to Property Services
Did the "DOR GUARDS operate correctly and all doors closed fully
Please raise any issues to Property Services
Emergency Light Tests
Emergency lights should be tested to ensure they operate correctly. To turn on the emergency lights either use the individual test points (Fish Key Socket) or isolate the power at the distribution board. Use the room number plan below to locate each emergency light
Please confirm the following Emergency Lights were tested
EL03 Room 022 - Electricity Store
EL25 External Light - Front Entrance
EL01 Room 001 - Entrance Lobby
EL02 Room 002 - Lobby - Above Door
EL04 Room 005 - Corridor
EL05 Room 006 - Male Toilet
EL06 Room 007 - Female Toilet
EL20 Room 009 - Hall - Above door to corridor
EL10 Room 009 - Hall - LH Final Exit Door
EL21 Room 009 - Hall - External LH Final Exit Door
EL11 Room 009 - Hall - RH Final Exit Door
EL22 Room 009 - Hall - External RH Final Exit Door
EL23 Room 009 - Hall - External Rear Final Exit Door
EL12 Room 009 - Hall - Exit to rear (single door)
EL14 Room 018 - Bar Area
EL15 Room 020 - Store
EL13 Room 017 - Lobby
EL24 Room 017 External
EL16 Room 021 - Garage
EL09 Room 016 - Kitchen
EL08 Room 015 - Meeting Room
EL07 Room 015 - Meeting Room above door
EL17 Room 101 - Stairs / Landing
EL18 Room 103 - Office
EL19 Room 102 - First Floor Meeting Room
EL26 Room 106 - Boiler Room
Did any of the lights fail to work during the test
Please raise an action to Property Services
Water Temperature Checks
Monthly temperature checks should be taken on identified SENTINAL outlets listed below
Where a submitted temperature highlights in RED inform NHDC Property Services via the help desk 01462 474427.
Ground Floor Male WC Room 006 - Basin HOT outlet
Ground Floor Male WC Room 006 - Basin COLD outlet
Ground Floor Kitchen Room 016 - Sink HOT outlet
Ground Floor Kitchen Room 016 - Sink COLD outlet
Ground Floor Kitchen - Room 016 - Hand wash Basin HOT outlet
1st Floor Boiler Room - Room 106 - Hot water cylinder flow
Fire Doors
All internal and final fire doors should be inspected for the following
Please confirm the following Fire Doors were Checked
Main Entrance Door
Ground Floor Cleaners Store
Ground Floor Male WC Door
Ground Floor Female WC Door
Ground Floor Meeting Room (main lobby entrance)
Ground Floor Main Hall (main lobby entrance)
Ground Floor Meeting Room to Hall Door
Ground Floor Hall Final Exit Door (rear of hall)
Ground Floor Hall Side Final Exit Door (single)
Ground Floor Hall Side Final Exit Door (double)
Ground Floor Meeting Room to Kitchen Door
Ground Floor Kitchen to Lobby Door
Ground Floor Hall Office (old bar) to Lobby Door
Ground Floor Lobby to WC Door
Ground Floor Lobby Final Exit Door
1st Floor Office Door
1st Floor Committee Room Door
1st Floor Store Door
1st Floor Roof Void Door
Where there any issues identified with the fire doors during the checks
Please raise an action to Property Services
Plant Room
Are there any visual leaks within the plant room
Please raise an action to Property Services
Is there a smell of gas
f you smell gas inside a property, there are several steps that you should take. Calling the National Gas Emergency Service number on 0800 111 999 will notify us of the problem, and we can give you some advice on what to do next. Before that, taking the following action will help keep you and the property safe:
DO open doors and windows to ventilate the property.
DO turn off the gas at the mains tap. This can usually be located near the gas meter and has a handle that can be turned 90 degrees. If the gas leak is in a cellar or basement, do not enter and instead evacuate the building.
If you suspect you have a gas leak or you smell gas, it is important that you don’t do any of the following as these could place you in further danger:
DON’T turn any power or light switches on or off.
DON’T light any sort of flame within the property.
DON’T use any appliances that could cause a spark.
Sometimes a gas leak can lead to you feeling physical symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, nausea and headaches. These symptoms should ease when you leave the property, however we’d advise that you visit your GP as a precaution if you’ve been exposed to a gas leak.
If you find yourself with these symptoms but can’t smell any gas, it could be a sign of a carbon monoxide leak.
If fitted, is the boiler/heating system pressure gauge showing between 1 and 2 bar?
Please raise an action to Property Services
Are there any warning lights or audible warnings present?
Please raise an action to Property Services
Fire Extinguishers
Confirm the following fire extinguishers have been checked
FEC05 Room 005 CO² Extinguisher
FEW06 Room 005 Water Extinguisher
FEW10 Room 009 Water Extinguisher
FEC11 Room 009 CO² Extinguisher
FEC18 Room 009 CO² Extinguisher
FEW19 Room 009 Water Extinguisher
FEC24 Room 016 CO² Extinguisher
FEC30 Room 018 CO² Extinguisher
FEW29 Room 017 Water Extinguisher
FEW37 Room 103 water Extinguisher
FEC38 Room 103 CO² Extinguisher
FEP45 Room 106 Powder Extinguisher
FEW41 Room 102 Water Extinguisher
FEC42 Room 102 CO² Extinguisher
Where there any issues identified during the checks
Raise an action to Property services
Inspection Sign Off