Inspection Information

  • Conducted On:

  • Location:

  • Statoil Site Representative:

  • Statoil Safety Representative:

  • Contractors Working on Location:

  • Equipment on Location:

  • Status of Operations:

Inspection Check List


  • Safety Billboard in Place?

  • PPE & FRC's signage in Place at Entrance?

  • Lease Signs in Place?

  • No Smoking Signage at the Entrance of Location?

  • Confined Space Labels in Correct Location on Tanks?

  • Tanks Labeled with Placards in Place?

  • Chemical Pump Room Labeled?

  • LACT Unit Building Labeled?

  • Separator Building Labeled?

  • Saltwater Pump Room Labeled?

  • Heater Treater Building Labeled?

  • Generator Fuel Tank Labeled?

  • Electrical Room Labeled?

  • Electrical Breakers Properly Indicated?

  • Electrical Board Panels with Warning Labels in Place?

  • Pumping Unit Safety Warning Labels in Place?

  • All Containers Labeled with their Contents?

  • Hearing Protection Signage in Place?

  • Automatic Start Signage in Place?

  • Stay Off Berm Signage in Place?

Applicable Permits

  • JSA / SJA Completed with Contractor Sign-in Sheet?

  • Ground Disturbance Permit Completed?

  • Hot Work Permit Completed?

  • Confined Space Permit Completed and Posted?

  • Critical Lift Permit Completed?

General Site Inspection:

  • Interior / Exterior Berm in Place?

  • Drain Pinch Valve Closed and Secured with Lock & Chain?

  • Dead Man Marked / Visible and within its Life Expectancy?

  • Pumping Unit Safety Guards in Place, Ladders with Fall Protection Cage?

  • Ignitor Wire Functioning?

  • All Caps and Plugs in Place?

  • Plumbing Appeared to Teflon Tape on all Threads?

  • Heater Treater Ladder with Fall Protection Cage in Place?

  • Tanks, Walkways, Stairs Properly Grounded?

  • Grounds Available for Transport while Loading and Unloading?

  • Stairs and Catwalk Secured on Tanks with Two Threads Showing on Bolts?

  • Adequate Hand-Rails Provided on Stairs and Catwalk?

  • Windsock Up and Visible and in Good Shape?

  • Are Chemicals Stored Properly with MSDS Available?

  • Electrical Covers in Place?

  • Location Clean with Pathways Clear (No Obstructions)?

  • Stairs Exist Over all Interior Berms Where Needed?

  • Cam-Lock Nipples are in Place on all Transport Loading Outlets?

Contractor Inspection

  • All Crew Members Wearing Proper PPE & FRC's?

  • H2S Monitors Being Utilized?

  • Fall Protection Being Utilized?

  • Utilizing Safety Glasses/Grinding Shields while Grinding?

  • First Aid Kit Available on Location?

  • Fire Extinguishers Available with Monthly / Annual Inspection Completed?

  • Crew Utilizing Proper Tools for Job Functions?

  • Crew Using Proper Lifting Techniques?

  • Tools with Safety Guards in Place?

  • Good Housekeeping with Work Area Clean and Organized?

  • Crew Utilizing Proper Lockout / Tag Out?

  • Roll Over Protection in Place with No Obvious Defects?

  • Fire Watch Being Utilized?

  • Spotter Be Utilized while Equipment is in Operations?

  • Backup Alarms on Equipment Working Properly?

  • Does Contractor's Equipment on Location Appear to be free of any Fluid Leakage?

  • Does Contractor's Equipment on Location Have Seat Belts (Being Utilized by Operator)?

  • Are Pipe Thread Cuttings be Collected?

  • Are Chock Blocks Being Utilized?

  • Are Compressed Cylinder Tanks Secured Upright with Valve Caps in Place?

  • Proper Rigging Techniques are Being Utilized while Lifting Loads?

  • Inspected Tag Lines are Being Utilized when Lifting Loads?

  • Rigging Equipment Appears to be in Good Working Condition?

Contractors Excavating and Trenching

  • Caution Tape / Barriers Fencing Off Around Open Pits and Trenches?

  • All Bell Holes are Properly Sloped and/or Benched?

  • Ladders, Steps, or Ramps Located in Bell Hole so No More than 25ft of Lateral Travel is Required?

  • Excavated Soil, Other Material, Or Equipment are Stored at Least 2ft from the Edge of the Excavation?

General Facility Inspection (Office, Pipe Yard, SWD, Oil Facilities)

  • First Aid Kits are Up to Date and Available?

  • Eye Wash Station Up to Date and Available?

  • Hearing Protection Available?

  • Flammable Storage Cabinet Being Utilized?

  • MSDS Binders at Location with Updated MSDS Sheets?

  • Is Electrical Room free of stored Combustibles?

  • Is all Electrical Wiring Incased in Conduit with Covers in Place?

  • Are Rubber Mats in Place on Flooring of Electrical Building?

  • Oil Facility Pressure Relief Valve was in the Locked Open Position?

  • Are All Transformers Enclosed with Safety Barrier (Bollards)?

  • Underground Injection Control (UIC) Permit Available?

  • Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC) Available?

  • Facilities Response Plan (FRP) Available?

  • Fire Extinguishers Available with Monthly/ Annual Inspection Completed?

Additional Findings

Additional Findings or Concerns:

  • Issue #1:

  • Add media

  • Issue #2:

  • Add media

  • Issue #3:

  • Add media

  • Issue #4:

  • Add media

  • Issue #5:

  • Add media

  • Issue #6:

  • Add media

  • Issue #7:

  • Add media

  • Issue #8:

  • Add media

  • Issue #9:

  • Add media

  • Issue #10:

  • Add media


  • Statoil Safety Representative:

  • Add signature

  • Consultant / Company Man:

  • Add signature

  • Contractor Supervisor / Foreman:

  • Add signature

  • Person In Charge (PIC):

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.