Completed by:
Document No.
1 - Are relevant people aware of where I'm working?
"STOP" and reassess the task. Ensure adequate controls are in place
2 - Is the work area tidy and free of slip/trip hazards?
"STOP" and reassess the task. Ensure adequate controls are in place
3 - Do I know about any chemicals involved in this task?
"STOP" and reassess the task. Ensure adequate controls are in place.
4 - Has the weather conditions, work environment or poor lighting that could effect job safety been assessed?
"STOP" and reassess the task. Ensure adequate controls are in place.
5 - Do I have the right tools and equipment?
"STOP" and reassess the task. Ensure adequate controls are in place
6 - Have hot/cold/sharp/heavy or leaking risks been controlled?
"STOP" and reassess the task. Ensure adequate controls are in place
7 - Has the equipment been isolated and/or locked off where required?
"STOP" and reassess the task. Ensure adequate controls are in place
Enter Controls:
8 - Are strains/sprains/ manual handling hazards controlled?
"STOP" and reassess the task. Ensure adequate controls are in place
Enter Controls:
9 - Am I wearing the right PPE?
"STOP" and reassess the task. Ensure adequate controls are in place
Enter Controls:
10 - Am I prepared for an emergency?
"STOP" and reassess the task. Ensure adequate controls are in place
Enter Controls:
11 - Are chemicals/stored energy risks controlled?
"STOP"" a JSEA, SWP or relevant permit is required . "Contact your supervisor for assistance".
Enter Controls:
12 - Are entanglement/crushing/striking risks controlled?
"STOP"" a JSEA, SWP or relevant permit is required . "Contact your supervisor for assistance".
Enter Controls:
13 - Am I safe from falling or causing something to fall?
"STOP"" a JSEA, SWP or relevant permit is required . "Contact your supervisor for assistance".
Enter Controls:
14 - If the tasks you are about to perform is listed as High Risk, have you completed a JSEA or the relevant or trained in the relevant SWP?
"STOP"" a JSEA, SWP or relevant permit is required . "Contact your supervisor for assistance".
Enter Controls:
If task is reoccurring it must be risk ranked and added to JSEA register.
Required actions if response = NO