
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Previous review

  • Are there any outstanding issues from last review?

  • Enter date of last review.


  • Car parks clearly marked

  • No staff cars utilising car spaces

  • No rubbish visible

  • Gardens and nature strips kept neat and tidy and free of rubbish

  • Exterior signage is consistent with brand guidelines and in good condition. Lighting is working properly.

  • External POS/signage reflects current campaign/promotion

  • Externally displayed stock is in excellent condition, well presented, secured and ticketed

  • Building is painted well and free of graffiti and cobwebs

  • No pallets visible to customers

  • Store looks ready and inviting for business

  • Entrance doors clean & clear of stickers and posters

  • Customer entrance is clear from obstructions

  • Company vehicle is signed correctly, as per brand guidelines


  • No unauthorised supplier stands, displays or POS material in use

  • Only approved fixtures and fittings used in store

  • Floors painted in agreed colours

  • Floors, walls, shelves and windows clean and free of dust and dirt

  • Counter/service area free from clutter and customer friendly

  • Clearly defined refund and privacy policy visible to all customers

  • Lighting is adequate in all areas

  • Bulk bins are suitably merchandised and ticketed. Only approved bins being used.

  • Promotional ends are suitably merchandised and ticketed. Ends should tie in with promotions where possible. Maximum of three products merchandised vertically with showcard above.

  • Aisles spacing is adequate. 1.2m preferred, 900mm minimum.

  • Aisles have no obstacles or obstructions. This includes products on display (i.e. bulk buy bins or bulk stacks).

  • Approved category signs used in store

  • Categories layout matches company master plan

  • Power Tool and OPE zones merchandised correctly and fully stocked

  • Clearance stickers are used to exit obsolete stock and have Pronto number written on them

  • Does the store offer customer drinking facilities (i.e. cold water, tea/coffee)?


  • Storeroom/receiving area is clean and tidy with no safety hazards

  • Items stored above shoulder height on pallets in pallet racking are wrapped and/or strapped appropriately. Pallets are undamaged and correctly "locked in" to racking.

  • Customer orders are well organised and kept in a suitable area, out of sight of customers.

  • Supplier returns are well organised and kept in a suitable area, out of sight of customers. Returns are processed in a timely fashion.

  • Cardboard is placed in a suitable refuse area

  • Forklift operators have correct licenses. A register should be kept to ensure currency of licenses.


  • All office areas clean and tidy

  • Negative stock on hand balances are actioned daily and well maintained

  • Evidence of reviewing manual price updates daily

  • Automatic ordering is actioned at least weekly

  • Yearly stocktakes or monthly rolling stocktakes are completed and recorded

  • Local area marketing plans are available for current financial year

  • Franchisee prepares annual budget. Ideally with daily, weekly and monthly breakdown.

  • Does the store have a current financial business plan?

Staff Members

  • Are staff in correct uniform

  • All staff have name badges (or names embroidered) visible on outer upper garments. Lanyards are acceptable, providing they are in good condition and easy for customers to see (i.e. not obscured by jumper or jacket).

  • Do staff acknowledge customers upon entry to store?

  • Are staff positioned strategically around the store and not all behind the counter?

  • Does the store have a high conversion rate for insiders

  • Does the store conduct performance reviews at least yearly? Sight recent review documents.

  • Is there a minimum quarterly staff training/meeting held complete with agenda and minutes?

  • Is there a current staff roster displayed? Ideally rosters will be provided 1-2 weeks in advance.

  • Have staff been given a job description or a list of duties and responsibilities relevant to their role?

  • Are staff aware of daily/weekly targets?

  • Are staff room facilities clean and tidy?

  • Staff are provided with a locker or similar secure storage area for personal effects. Ideally this area will be covered by store's CCTV.

  • Are staff facilities adequately supplied with coffee, tea, etc.?

  • Toilets and washroom areas are clean and tidy. Soap/hand cleaner and paper towel or air dryer are available.


  • Safety ladders being used where required and are in good working order

  • Are all fire exits free from debris and obstructions?

  • Are fire extinguishers easily locatable and not obstructed?

  • Fire extinguishers have been inspected within last six months and tagged in accordance with requirements

  • Are designated walkways and aisles free from obstructions?

  • Store has an OH&S champion

  • OH&S Champion maintains a list of topics covered and regularly discusses relevant topics

  • Warehouse shelving is safe and secure (i.e. bolted to the ground and safety clips on all beams)

  • Electrical cords used by store have been tested and tagged in last twelve months. All cords should be free of damage.

  • Forklift area is clearly marked and barriers in place to stop individuals from entering during mobile plant operation

  • Store has a first aid kit that is fully maintained with all items in date

  • Staff have access and are aware of the first aid kit

  • Store has an injury record book kept at first aid area

  • Does the store have a current first aid trained staff member? Please record names of trained first aiders.

  • Evacuation procedures are current and on display

  • Are staff aware of evacuation procedures. Ask a sample of staff members to provide details to confirm understanding.

  • Signature of person completing the SOBB

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.