Document No.
Restaurant Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Person Spoken To
Restaurant Externals
Windows, doors and shop front - all clean, free from smears, dirt, cobwebs etc.<br>
What are the corrective actions?
All outside tables and chairs clean and undamaged. Table bases and chair legs clean and immaculately presented
What are the corrective actions?
Heaters are working, if gas powered there is enough gas
What are the corrective actions?
Outside litter free, with no cigarette butts or chewing gum, and regularly cleaned (sign off sheet in place). Windbreaks in good state of repair with logo facing outward
What are the corrective actions?
Take photo to highlight the issue
External Table Set Up
Napkins in the centre of the setting with cutlery on top, a water glass, salt and pepper and a REAL plant
What are the corrective actions?
External Marketing
Menu box clean and in good repair with the correct menu clearly displayed, A Board displaying the correct message
What are the corrective actions?
Signage in good repair with no damage to logos or lettering, illuminated at night only
What are the corrective actions?
No stickers, apart from scores on the doors. Cloud FM to be discreetly placed
What are the corrective actions?
Restaurant Interior
Atmosphere - pay attention to the details
All lights and fittings working, with shades clean and free of insects
What are the corrective actions?
Lights at the correct level for the time of day?
What are the corrective actions?
All displays are stocked ONLY with items we use, not contrived, no plastic or imitation items, no redundant stock
What needs changing?
Waiter stations clutter free, with extra food, drink and dessert menus to hand. Cheese wedge and clean grater. No cleaning materials on show and well maintained
What are the corrective actions?
Music played at a suitable level for the amount of guests, all speakers working and appropriate for the time of day
Restaurant at a comfortable temperature for our guests, if guests have jumpers on it's too cold! Doors and windows open whenever possible.
Table set up
Table Setup:
- placemats for each setting if the table is damaged or varnish worn
- cutlery in the centre on top of napkin
- small rocks glass to the top right of the napkin
- salt & pepper
- set menu table talker
Evening table set up - as per lunch but swap water glass for a 175ml wine glass at top right of placemat, and a candle -
All tables are clean and laid correctly
What are the corrective actions?
Level tables, no wobbles!
Tables aligned/straight
No plants or overpowering air freshners
Toilets regularly checked ensuring they are clean, tidy and dry
What are the corrective actions?
Mirrors clean and streak free
What are the corrective actions?
Sanitary Equipment all neat and working
What are the corrective actions?
Disabled toilet alarm working
Take a photo to evidence issues
Light bulbs and fittings all work