Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.1 Reconcile floats back to the issued amounts at the<br>time of the audit.
1.2 Verify banked and unbanked takings back to the<br>current week P&L. Ensure all relevant sections of<br>the P&L have been correctly entered.<br>
1.3 Ensure current and previous weeks float and<br>banking check sheets have been correctly<br>completed, including handover sections. (G4S and<br>drop safe sites must complete required bag number<br>sheet)<br>
1.4 Agree current weeks petty cash expenditure back to<br>the declared P&L totals. Ensure valid receipts have<br>been retained and receipt is attached to a signed<br>petty cash voucher.
1.5 Ensure current and previous weeks bankings agree<br>to the P&L and bankings have been completed daily<br>and in sequential order.<br>
2.1 Ensure PDQ trade and Gift Card sales have been<br>correctly declared on the weekly P&L. Daily PDQ<br>and Gift Card reports must be run & retained.<br>
2.2 Ensure PDQ and Gift Card transaction slips are<br>retained to the final till receipt and then attached to<br>the server reports. Ensure Keyed transactions are<br>supported with manual vouchers.
2.3 Ensure the restaurant holds at least four months of<br>PDQ slips and these are attached to the final till<br>receipts.<br>
3.1 Report whether the auditor's ID card was requested<br>at the start of the audit.
3.2 Review security arrangements at the restaurant<br>including all stock holding areas.<br>
3.3 Ensure an up to date Key Holders list is held in the<br>safe.
3.4 Ensure an up to date Alarm User ID list is held in the<br>safe. Ensure individual alarm codes or fobs are held<br>by users.
3.5 Ensure an up to date Safe User ID list is held in the<br>safe. Ensure individual safe codes are held by users.
3.6 Ensure that the current management team including<br>Supervisors & Senior Chefs have signed the<br>financial policy manual.<br>
3.7 Ensure current and aged personnel files are<br>securely held under management control.<br>
4.1 Are discounts from the current week supported with<br>written management explanations and has the<br>company discount procedures been followed.
4.2 Ensure all received monetary vouchers have been<br>cancelled.<br>
4.3 Ensure all voids are retained/explained & attached to<br>the daily void reports.
4.4 Ensure till and PDQ refunds are supported with a<br>detailed F.I.R form. Were refunds correctly<br>processed.<br>
5.1 Assess the closing stock results for food and liquor<br>to ensure that counts are accurate. With the aid of<br>the line check examine significant variances and<br>causes.
5.2 Ensure that current and previous week<br>delivery/invoice procedures have been followed on<br>the F&B system. Ensure credits are explained.<br>
5.3 Ensure current and previous week petty cash food &<br>liquor purchases and transfers have been correctly<br>entered/approved on the F&B system.<br>
5.4 Ensure that a credit ledger is in use and up to date<br>as of the audit.<br>
5.5 Ensure that End of Period stock counting<br>procedures are followed & manual counting sheets<br>are detailed with the required information<br>
5.6 Ensure current and previous week recorded<br>wastage for food and beverage is entered daily and<br>correctly categorised on to the system.
6.1 Ensure that previous week's gratuities and service<br>charge had been correctly processed through<br>Fourth People System.
6.2 Ensure Team Members listed on the latest HR report<br>have worked within the past four weeks. Is there<br>evidence of dormant Team Members.
6.3 Ensure that a written non-cash tip policy is held on<br>file.<br>
7.1 Ensure Team Members have the relevant<br>documentation to allow them to work in the U.K. and<br>have appropriate ID's held on file.<br>
7.2 Ensure front of house Team Members hold a signed,<br>up to date Customer Transaction Handling form.
7.3 Ensure reviewed Team Members hold a valid signed<br>contract and details have been completed.
7.4 Ensure that reviewed Team Member details have<br>been correctly declared on to the Fourth People<br>System.<br>