Title Page
Student Name
Grade Level
School Year (e.g S.Y 2018-2019)
Conducted on
Observed by
Academic / Instructional Behaviors
Attentive to instructions and tasks
Follows along with instruction/ task
Constructively contributes to class
Organized work and work habits
Works carefully and neatly
Completes tasks
Work willingly and without frustration
Social Behaviors
Friendly and respectful toward adults
Friendly and respectful toward peers
Interacts appropriately with peers in a social setting
Interacts appropriately with peers in an academic setting
Respects others' safety and personal space
Engages with peers
General Behavior and Conduct
Exceptional work ethic
Excellent manners
Positive role model
Shows great concern for school
Involved in school activities
General Observations / Recommendations
Name & Signature of Teacher