Audit Title
Store #
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Customer Area
Is the front door clean?
Are the neon signs on?
Are the floors spotless?
Are the dining room tables clean?
Is the music on?<br>If so, is the content and volume appropriate?
Is the soda area clean? Lids/straws/coffee items full?
Is the ice chute clean? The ice tray clean? Are the soda nozzles clean?
Is the chip rack and purse rail full and organized according to the chip chart?
Is the bottle drink fridge full and organized properly? Required items: Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Dassani Water, Simply juice, Milk, Chocolate Milk, Apple slices, X2, Honest kids, Gatorade
Is the coffee freshly brewed and ready to serve? Keurig display shows 2 flavors available
Is the Fuze tea brewed? Is the lid on it? Is the area clean? Does tea shows date & time on sticker.
Are the restrooms clean and stocked?
Are all garbage pails at acceptable levels? Are the insides of the cabinets clean and free of debris?
Are the following dust-free: Menu boards, Fans, Air vents, Neon signs & cords?
Items of note:
Service Area
Is all the Food Safety items checked? Prep labels? Temperatures? FIFO? Dates?
Is all food below the chill line and fully stocked? Sauces clean and filled?
Are freshly baked breads available of every type? Do they look amazing?
Are all the breads from yesterday thrown away by 9am?
Are there 2 bags of Flatbreads thawed out and ready to serve?
Are the cookies ready and on display in a clean and organized Cookie Holder?
Are the Omlettes and Egg Whites thawed and ready to serve?
Guacamole ready to serve?
Are the 3 cups sizes available? 21oz, 30oz, 40z? If there is a promotion is the 30oz cup the promotional cup? (Texans cup)
Is the SpeedOven clean and operational? Is the oven basket in useable condition?
Are the Oven and Proofer clean and operational?
Is the microwave clean and operational?<br>
Is the prep labeled correctly?
Is the prep being made to meet the Subway standard? Is the prep being rotated using FIFO?
Is the sanitizer being used in the sink? In the red pails?
Is all the food at least 6" off the ground?
Items of note:
Freezer <0
Refrigerator >33<40
Hotwell >140<165
Are all employees in uniform? (Subway shirt, Subway hat, Apron, Name Tag)
Are all employees saying "Hi or Welcome To Subway!"?
Are employees giving a receipt to every customer and informing them of the "Tell Subway" survey?
Are employees offering Deluxe to upsell?
Is the staff asking "is this OK for you?
Items of note:
Manager Tasks
Are the temperature logs completed for today?
Are the bread counts being done today?
Is the scale accessible, functional, and clean?
Does the restaurant have change? Singles?
Items of note:
DM Tasks
Does the money on the register match the deposit?
Are the unit counts accurately inputted into the register?
Do all transactions seem legitimate?
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