
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Section 1. Site Security

  • a.       Perimeter fences, gates sound & maintained, known hazards fenced

  • b.      Access by children to hazards prevented from Married Quarters /crèches etc. within the wire

  • c.       Signs & Notices posted

  • d.      Site regularly patrolled especially hazard areas - water courses etc. (are patrols "lone workers"?)

  • e.      Security cameras operated

  • f.        Security lights installed

  • g.       Alarms installed

  • h.      Unused buildings locked, windows shuttered and key control in operation

  • i.         H&S performance considered in selection of private guards

  • j. Control of guard dogs

Section 2. Fire

  • a.       Fire patrols/fire wardens established

  • b.      Liaison with local brigade established - contact telephone numbers available to Duty Staff and in Guard Room

  • c.       No Smoking policy initiated

  • d.      Fire exits indicated and emergency lighting operable

  • e.      Alarms, sprinklers etc. maintained

  • f.        Secure storage of flammable and combustible materials

  • g.       Extinguishers available and maintained

  • h.      "Housekeeping" maintained to prevent flammable/combustible materials accumulating

  • i.         Emergency water supply tanks provided

  • j.        Signs & Notices posted

  • k. Access to high places restricted/controlled

Section 3. Explosives

  • a.       The site licensed

  • b.      Signs and Notices posted

  • c.       Policies for disposal/removal established

  • d.      Records of type/quantities of explosives used

  • e. Records available of Explosives Inspections/Audits

Section 4. Chemicals/Fuels/Oils

  • a.       List of substances held, stored or used

  • b.      Policy for further chemical holdings/storage

  • c.       Signs & Notices in place

  • d.      COSHH Assessments available on site for substances held/used and arrangements to review and maintain records of assessments

  • e.      Emergency procedures formulated

  • f.        Any chemically contaminated areas identified

  • g.       Chemicals segregated where appropriate

  • e. Secondary containment provided when appropriate (pollution protection).

Section 5. Biological

  • a.       Activities involving biological agents carried out on site

  • b.      Organisms involved and location of activity

  • c.       Contaminated areas identified

  • d.      Signs & Notices posted

  • e.      Organic waste disposal areas on site identified and controlled

  • f.        COSHH Assessments available on site and arrangements in place to maintain and review assessments

  • g.       Sewage tanks identified and policy for emptying/cleaning formulated

  • h.      Standing water treated/drained

  • i. Cooling towers, showers etc. treated for legionella

Section 6. Asbestos

  • a.       Asbestos register maintained

  • b.      Signs & Notices posted

  • c.       Policy formulated for removal/retention

  • d.      Licensed contractors used for removal

  • e. Information available to Contractors & Maintenance workers

7 Radiation

  • a.       Activities carried out on site involving the use/production of radioactive material

  • b.      Registers & records maintained

  • c.       Disposals recorded

  • d.      Signs & notices posted

  • e.      Radioactive contaminated areas identified

  • f. Exclusion zones/control of access

Section 8- Pathways and Roads Access and Egress

  • a.       Condition of roads, paths, gangways, stairs, bridges, etc. maintained

  • b.      Signs and Notices posted

  • c.       Emergency access routes operable and maintained

  • d.      Trip hazards & protruding object hazards removed

  • e.      Access to high places restricted

  • f.        Speed limits posted

  • g.       Street lighting

  • h.      Condition of doors, gates etc. monitored and maintained

  • i.         Hedges and ditches maintained

  • j.        Essential paths and roads included in ice and snow clearance plans

  • k. Speed reduction measures, traffic lights, controlled access onto main roads where appropriate

Section 9. Outdoor Plant & Equipment

  • a.       Ownership of plant identified and all plant included in Risk Assessments

  • b.      Accessible and/or decommissioned plant made safe/fenced/sealed - especially from children

  • c.       Measures to reduce plant noise where appropriate Plans for security of equipment in place (nights and weekends).

Section 10. Condition of Buildings and Estate

  • a.       Inspection & maintenance program in place

  • b.      Maintenance work monitored

  • c.       Signs & Notices posted

  • d.      Emergency procedures notified

  • e.      Derelict/demolished buildings secured against access especially by children

  • f. Dangerous/hazardous trees or shrubs (fire/falling)

Section 11. Site House-keeping

  • a.       Site clearance policy

  • b.      Approved waste removal Contractors employed

  • c.       Ground maintenance program

  • d. Shelves, racking and stacked/stored items maintained safely especially in open spaces accessible to children

Section 12. Confined Spaces

  • a.       Register of confined spaces maintained

  • b.      Unauthorized entry prevented by security and permit to work

  • c.       Policy formulated for removal/opening up.

  • d.      Inspection/maintenance program instituted with permit to work control

  • e.      Emergency procedures devised

  • f. Signs & Notices posted

Section 13. Electrical

  • a.       Position of below ground supply cables recorded

  • b.      Overhead supply cable runs maintained/protected/goal posts provided to warn of HV

  • c.       Isolation/shut off procedures effective

  • d.      Inspection/maintenance program in place

  • e.      PCBs identified and control/removal policy formulated

  • f.        Lightning conductors maintained

  • g. Signs & Notices posted

Section 14 .

  • a.       Effective shut off method whereabouts known and available

  • b.      Underground pipe runs recorded

  • c.       Inspection/maintenance procedures in place

  • d.      Access to deep storage tanks strictly controlled

  • e.      Signs & Notices posted

  • f. Liaison with Water Board maintained

Section 15. Gas

  • a.       Effective shut off method whereabouts known and available

  • b.      Underground pipe runs recorded

  • c.       Inspection/maintenance procedures in place

  • d.      Signs & Notices posted

  • e.      Liaison with Gas Authority maintained

  • f. Emergency plan formulated

Section 16. Pressurized Gas

  • a.       Quantities held & location of pressurized gas holdings recorded

  • b.      Storage methods secure and adequate

  • c.       Inspection/maintenance program in place

  • d.      Emergency procedures formulated

  • e.      Policy for removal formulated

  • f. Signs & Notices posted

Section 17. Storage Tanks

  • a.       Position of, substances and quantity held recorded

  • b.      Policy for emptying/removal/making inert

  • c.       Inspection/maintenance program in place

  • d.      Condition of containment bunds monitored

  • e.      Emergency plan formulated

  • f.        Signs & Notices posted

  • g. Consider Secondary Containment (pollution prevention)

Section 18. Falls & Falling Obj.

  • a.       Access to roofs, towers etc. strictly controlled

  • b.      Inspection/maintenance program for stairs, towers, masts etc

  • c.       Inspection pits filled, fenced, or securely covered

  • d.      Drain covers secure

  • e.      Crawler board areas of roofs identified

  • f.        Stability of towers/masts assured

  • g.       Signs & Notices posted

  • h. Storm drains Risk Assessments completed and any necessary action taken

Section 19. Contractors and Visitors

  • a.       Control/record of Contractors/Visitors coming on to site exercised at point of entry

  • b.      Contractors/Visitors informed of emergency procedures

  • c.       Risk Assessments completed for Contractors' work involving significant hazards

  • d.      CDM Regulations 1994 applied for Contractors where applicable

  • e.      Permit to Work and written Safe Systems of Work for Contractors strictly applied

  • f.        Contractors' compounds are included in Site Safety Tour program and meet requirements of Workplace Regulations

  • g. Exchange information with contractors(including, where appropriate, risk assessments)

Section 20. Emissions and Processes

  • a.       Hazardous/polluting Emissions identified and controlled:

  • i. Air

  • ii. Land (consider secondary containment)

  • iii. Water(consider secondary contrainment)

  • b.      Emission control policy established and in operation

  • c.       Process waste identified and controlled with proper storage and containment.

  • d.      Records of all transactions concerning waste

  • e. Monitoring of emissions/waste.

Section 21. Hazardous Flora and Fauna

  • a. Hazardous plants (poison ivy, oak,) etc.

  • b. Snakes venomous or non venomous Incests venomous or non venomous

  • c. Dangerous animals (large cats, wild boars, wolves, Bears present in area )

  • Date

  • Preparers Signature

  • Company of Preparer

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