Conducted on
Prepared by
General Supplier Information
Name/Signature of auditor
1. Supplier Details
General information about the supplier
What items does the supplier manufacture or supply? (For Company and/or other customers)
What certification is/can be supplied with goods?
- General Certificate of Conformity
- 3.1 Test Certification (actual results)
- Test certification (general results)
- None
- Not discussed
Is the supplier ISO 9001 certified? Do they have other approvals / certifications?
Compliance Level
- Satisfactory
- Non-Conformance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Not Applicable
- Not audited
Improvement Action Required
Equipment issues
2. Equipment (Accuracy and capability)
Is equipment and machinery in use suitable for it's intended purpose, calibrated to ensure it's accuracy as necessary? Is equipment's performance repeatable to ensure reliability of the process?
Is equipment and machinery in use suitable, calibrated and capable? (Describe / Photograph).
Compliance Level
- Satisfactory
- Non-Conformance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Not Applicable
- Not audited
Improvement Action required
3. Tooling and Equipment (Condition)
Is Tooling and equipment in a condition to ensure good and reliable quality of output? If necessary is equipment regularly serviced or preventive maintenance applied to prevent deterioration?
Is equipment and tooling in good, serviceable condition, with suitable storage?
Compliance Level
- Satisfactory
- Non-Conformance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Not Applicable
- Not audited
Improvement Action required
4. Process (monitoring and measurement of product and process)
Are quality objectives and quality requirements defined for the product - including on receipt - (for example quality plans, specifications, work instructions, quality alerts). Are the required verification, validation and monitoring, measurement, inspection and test activities specific to the product carried out correctly. Are there suitable records of such inspections and tests? is the person responsible for the checks clearly identified? Are process parameters monitored and measured. Are records for all of these monitoring and measurement activities available?
Are all relevant checks and measurements being undertaken and suitably analysed? (Describe / Photograph).
Compliance Level
- Satisfactory
- Non-Conformance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Not Applicable
- Not audited
Improvement Action required
5. Process (Outsourcing)
Are any processes or parts of the process outsourced? if so, how are these controlled to ensure compliance to customer requirements, environmental compliance etc? Are Key Suppliers monitored? Are Certificates of Conformity / Analysis received for outsourced components?
How is the quality of the outsourced operation verified? How is the outsourced activity approved and controlled? -
Is anything outsourced? if so how is it controlled? (Describe / Photograph).
Compliance Level
- Satisfactory
- Non-Conformance
- Observation
- Opportunity for Improvement
- Not Applicable
- Not audited
Improvement Action required