Title Page
Site conducted
Notification #
SAP Pole ID#
Please ensure SAP ID# matches information in MAPS+
Veg Tag #
Circuit #
Conducted on
Field Information
1. Is this a Cancelled A location?
2. What is the Canceled A scenario? (Please Include Pictures)
- Common Neutral
- Done on Arrival
- No Surge Arresters
- Tap Line Removed
- Primary Cut
- Primary Riser
- Absence of Transformer
- Absence of Pole
- Customer Denial
- De-Energized Location or No Service
- Duplicate Pole
- Pole Replacement Tag Found
- Unsafe Pole
- Other
Are you QEW Certified?
If QEW certified, please explain condition of pole to support 'Unsafe Pole' status and Please include pictures (IE Pole rot, Severe Cracks, Woodpecker Damage, 10% Lean, Fire Damage):
Please flag this notification for QEW certified personnel to inspect this pole and deem it 'Unsafe'.
Please make sure to write out EC tag for Unsafe Scenario of pole.
Please identify type of tag and include a picture:
Please briefly explain the CA scenario:
2. Upon accessing the location, were there any obstacles present? (Trees, un-crossable bridge, road washed out, etc.)
Please explain in detail any obstacles observed and pictures to support:
Did you have to hike to the pole?
How long was the distance? (approximate feet, yards, etc.)
3. Are there dog(s), pet(s), or any other animals present on the property?
Please capture info in MAPS+ and let customer know that if they have animals present near the work area, they will be asked to lock them up.
Please explain in detail what animals are present and what is their status:
4. Was there face-to-face contact made with customer during pre-field inspection?
Did you inform the customer of the work taking place at their property?
Did you inform the customer that different departments might need to access their property in the future to fully complete scope of work?
Was the customer confrontational or have an issue with work taking place on the property?
Please capture info in MAPS+ as an alert.
5. Will any adders be required?
For each Adder selected add a photo to support it.
Post Insulator Replacement (including existing cross-arm if applicable) - Does the pole have ceramic post insulators supporting weight of conductor spans (not jumpers)?
Was the pole installed between 1968 - 1976?
Please include replacement of the ceramic post insulators in the job scope.
Concrete Restoration?
Asphalt Restoration?
6. Is there a gate code or multiple gate codes?
Please list gate code or gate codes in detail:
If gate code were to change, is there an alternative means for us to access the property?
Please explain in detail what is the alternative method to gain access?
7. Is pre-coordination required to perform work? (IE Vegetation Trimming, Landscape)
Please briefly any items that require pre-coordination and include pictures:
8. What type of delineations have been placed? (White paint, white ribbon, etc.)
Please ensure a white "X" is placed above eye level at the pole.
9. Is the existing Transformer protection non exempt?
10. What type of riser is present? (Please include pictures)
- Electric Riser
- Phone Riser
- Cable Riser
- None
11. Are there Gray Services?
Are the gray services deteriorated / cracked /exposed?
12. Any minor GO 95 infractions? (Please include pictures.)
Please select all GO 95 Infractions and please include pictures (Only repairs/replacements that will take 15 minutes or less can be executed on day of Mobilization):
- Missing/Illegible High Voltage signs
- Missing or damaged visibility strips
- Exposed grounds
- Low conductor clearance
- Guy Indicators
- Missing or damaged guy markers
- Low or bent pole steps
- Bolt covers
- Items that restrict access
- Improper grounding
- Other
Please briefly explain 'other' GO 95 infractions and please include pictures:
Pre-Fielder's Signature