Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


Previous Report Closed Out

  • Select outcome

Health & Safety Measures

  • Risk assessments and method statements

Permits, permissions, licenses

  • Buried services. Confined space. Isolation of services. Work at height.

Traffic Management Plan

  • Is there an approved traffic management plan in place?

  • Have appropriate traffic signs, barriers and warning lights as per the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions (TSRGD) been implemented?

  • Pedestrian footpaths are safely diverted or alternative routes have been provided?

  • Are road closures, diversions and pedestrian footpath closures clearly segregated and signposted?

PPE / Safety Equipment

  • PPE Compliance: Site Rules / Work activists. Documented PPE issue and replacement records?

Underground Services

  • HSG47: Guidance: CAT & Genny available and calibrated? Suitably qualified persons? Safe equipment available and in use? Hand digging only permitted within 500mm of services?

Planning & Notification

  • Have SurveyEng coordinated with local authorities and utility companies?

  • Has a street works license been issued? (NRSWA 1991: Section 50: requires the obtaining of a street works license if the work involves placing apparatus in the street)

  • Have the street authority been given advanced notice?

  • Is there evidence of the street authority consenting to the notice?

  • Is there records of the work, including the dates and times of the closures?

  • Have coordination meetings been held with the local authority to discuss the impact of closures and the arrangements for managing traffic?

  • Any part of the street which is broken up or open, or is obstructed by plant or materials used or deposited in connection with the works, is adequately guarded and lit?

Fire / Flammables / Emergency

  • Select Outcome

First Aid

  • Select outcome

Training & Competency (CSCS, Skills cards, Buried services, Street works, SSSTS, SMSTS)

  • Select outcome

Communication / Consultation / Toolbox Talks

  • Daily Activity / Pre-start briefs / Toolbox talks

Supervision & Instruction

  • Adequate supervision of work activities. Evidence of supervisor site inspections.

Accident / Hazard / Near-miss reporting

  • Evidence of process and effective reporting

Confined Space

  • Permit in place and being followed? Rescue equipment available and serviced? Training & competency. Emergency plan.

Edge Protection

  • Select outcome

Sign off

  • Findings have been discussed with Foreman

  • Any comments from Foreman/Supervisor

  • Completed by

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.