Sussex Healthcare Internal kitchen Audit
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Wayne Brumwell
Personal Hygiene
Have all food handlers undergone food hygiene awareness or basic food hygiene training?
Are staff wearing suitable protective footwear?
Hair restraints are worn?
Employees wear clean and proper uniform?
Fingernails are short unpolished and clean "no artificial nails worn"?
Jewelry is limited to a plain ring, such as a wedding band?
Hands are washed properly, frequently and at appropriate times?
Are there adequate first aid facilities?
Burns, wounds, sores or scabs, or splints and on hands are bandaged or blue waterproof plaster and completely covered with a foodservice glove while handling food?
Eating, drinking, chewing gum, smoking or using tobacco are allowed only in designated areas?
Hand sinks are clean, unobstructed and operational?
Hand sinks are stocked with soap, disposable towels and warm water. Hand washing poster is present?
Food Preperation
Equipment, utensils and contact surfaces are properly washed, rinsed and sanitized before and after every use?
Frozed food is thawed under refrigeration or cold running water?
Preparation is planned so ingredients are kept out of the temperature danger zone to the extent possible?
Procedures are in place to prevent cross-contamination?
Food is handled with suitable utensils, such as single use gloves or tongs?
Food is cooked to the required safe internal temperature for the appropriate time. (75 degrees Celsius for at least 30 seconds)The temperature is tested with a calibrated food thermometer?
Hot Holding
Are all foods and raw ingredients purchased from the normal suppliers? (Exceptions-fresh fish, bakery products and fresh fruit and vegetables)
Hot holding is clean?
Food is heated to the required safe internal temperature before placing in hot holding? Hold holding units are not used to reheat Potentially hazardous foods?
Hot holding unit is pre-heated before hot food is placed in unit?
Temperature of hot food being held is at at or above 63 degrees Celsius?
Food is protected from contamination?
Refrigerator and Freezer
Refrigerators are kept clean and organized?
Do the freezers need defrosting?
Is raw meat stored at the bottom of fridge in a container to minimize cross-contamination?
Temperature of cold food being held between 1-5 degrees Celsius
Food is protected from contamination?
Cardboard/wooden containers not used in refridgerators
Are temperatures of fridges and freezers monitored and recorded twice daily?
Thermometers are available and accurate?
Refrigerator and freezers are kept clean and neat?
Proper chilling procedures are used?
All food is properly wrapped, labeled and correctly dated?
The FIFO method of inventory management is used?
Food Storage and Dry Storage
Food is stored at least 6" off floor? (including oil)
Temperature of dry storage area kept at 10-21 degrees Celsius?
Ambient air temperature is monitored and documented at beginning and end of each shift?
All food is labeled with name and received date?
Open bags of food are stored in containers with tight fitting lids and labeled and dated accordingly?
The FIFO method is used?
Are all allergen products stored properly?
Food is protected from contamination?
There are no bulging or leaking canned goods?
Cleaning and Sanitizing
All food surfaces are clean?
Chemicals are clearly labeled and stored away from food and food related supplies?
Is there adequate personal protective equipment for cleaning tasks?
Are all hand sinks fitted with a soap and paper towel dispenser?
Does the cleaning schedules reflect the cleanliness of kitchen and stores?
Are all hand washing sinks fitted with a soap and paper towel dispenser?
Dishwasher is working properly?
Water temperatures are correct for wash and rinse?
Are there separate toilets for kitchen staff?
Are the toilets being cleaned and well maintained?
Utensils and Equipment
All small equipment and utensils, including cutting boards and knives, are cleaned and sanitized between uses?
Small equipment and utensils are washed, sanitized and air dried?
Is all equipment, baking trays and utensils in good, clean working order with no rust or chips?
Work surfaces and utensils are clean?
Thermometers are cleaned and sanitized after each use?
Probe calibration record?
Are probe/thermometer wipes being used?
Can opener is clean and rust free?
Drawers and racks are clean and tidy?
Clean utensils are handled in manner to prevent contamination of areas that will be in direct contact with food or a persons mouth?
Large Equipment
Is the cooker being cleaned regularly?
Is the blender clean and in good order?
Food slicer is broken down, clean and sanitized before and aftervevery use?
Extractor fans and filters are clean?
Is the food mixer clean and in good working order?
Is the fryer kept clean and oil filtered and changed regularly?
Is all equipment in good working order?
Rubbish Storage and Disposal
Recyclables are removed from the kitchen to a designated area
Kitchen rubbish bins are kept clean?
Do all waste bins have lids?
Rubbish bins are emptied as necessary?
Waste food is emptied regularly and disposed of in the correct way?
Is used oil disposed of in the correct way?
Pest Control
No evidence of pests is present?
Is there is a regular schedule of pest control by a license contractor
Is there a insect killer installed in kitchen and when was it last emptied?
Records kept?
Paper work evidence
Are Fridge temperatures documented?
Are cooking temperatures documented?
Are cooling and reheating temperatures documented?
Are Freezer temperatures documented?
Are hot-holding temperatures documented?
Are frozen delivery temperatures documented?
Are chilled and dry goods delivery temperatures documented?
Are opening and closing checks documented?
Are there people we support meetings?
Are there pictorial menus available for the people we support?
Are all allergies documented?
Are weight charts for the people we support documented and up to date?
Are special dietary requirements documented for the people we support?
Has the safer food better business guide been filled in?
Are risk assessments up to date relevant and signed by all kitchen staff and home manager?
Is there a cleaning of the extractor fans certificate?
Are there weekly/monthly and quarterly cleaning schedules being monitored and documented?
Are there meal-check (feedback) forms being used and documented accordingly?
When was the last environmental health report and what was the outcome?
Are fly screens in place and in good repair?
Is there an annual gas safety check?
Are all the wall, floors, doors and ceilings free from dirt or debris?
Have all reported maintenance issues been dealt with satisfactory?
Does the menu reflect the people we support?
Is there an alternative choice menu for the people we support?
Are fresh seasonal produce being used where possible?
Is frozen produce kept to a bare-minimum?
Is the current menu nutritionally balanced?
Dining experience
Are dining tables provided with clean, ironed table cloths and napkins?
Is there adequate crockery and cutlery?
Are dining tables being supplied with condiments?
Is there fruit bowls and bread baskets being provided in the dining area?
Are there daily and alternative choice menus being displayed on dining tables?
Do you know how long you can keep food in a hot plate?
Do you know the minimum temperature that food can be kept in hot-holding?
Do you know how long buffet food can be left out?
Do you Know what H.A.C.C.P stands for?
Do you know what C.O.S.H.H stands for?
Do you know the maximum amount of time allowed to cool cooked foods before putting in a fridge?
Do you know the ideal temperature that bacteria grows? (the danger zone)
Do you know what the temperature should be for re-heated foods?
Do you know the minimum core temperature that food must be cooked at?
Do you know the maximum temperature a fridge should be?
Do you know what the minimum temperature of a freezer should be kept at?
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