Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
general site observations
Are all pathways and walkways free from obstructions?
Are procedures in place for dealing with stress / anxiety?
Are all walking areas free from slip hazards?
Are correct manual handling procedures being utilised?
Is there a risk of electric shock / electrocution from electrical equipment on site?
Is there any lone working at the site?
Is there any working at height?
Is there welfare facilities available away from the general working area?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
Is there protection from environmental conditions? -ie. adverse weather
Pedestrian and Vehicle control
Are moving vehicles and pedestrians segregated / controlled?
Is there a procedure in place for the risk of vehicle collision with the marshals?
Is there a clean up procedure for oil / fuel spills from vehicles attending site?
Is traffic movement controlled by the marshalls?
Are there speed restrictions in place?
Do Marshalls wear high visibility clothing?
Is there dedicated vehicle traffic routes into and out of the testing site?
Is there risk of injury to staff from entry to the site by unauthorised persons?
Is CCTV coverage available for the whole site
Is there a risk of entry to the site by persons using false credentials?
Is there procedures for dealing with violence and aggression from staff or members of the public?
Infection prevention and Control (IPC)
Are Clinical waste bins / bags being used correctly?
Is PPE supplied to staff conducting work at the test site
Is PPE being worn and worn correctly in red zones?
Is donning and doffing defined in Green zones?
Is there a procedure for preventing contamination from RED zone to GREEN zone?
Are swabs bagged in to infectious diseases pouch BEFORE being passed into GREEN zone?
Is hand sanitization available to all staff? - i.e. antibacterial sprays and gels
Is there a procedure for raising the alarm in the event of a fire?
Is fire equipment available?
Is the fire equipment suitable for the perceived types of fire?