Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
What 3 words location
Section 1 - Site Access & Egress
Is there adequate vehicle access into the site
Is there adequate vehicle egress from site
Is there sufficient space around the charging equipment for ventilation and cooling purposes
Is there adequate space for wheelchair access to the EVCP controls and between any two vehicles being charged
Have the requirements of PAS 1899 been met
Does the site have adequate charge point signage
Are the charging bay markings visible & in good condition
Do the number of charging bays match the design plan
Section 2 - Electric Vehicle Charge Points
Are the charge points energised
How many EV charge points are on site
Does the number of charge points match the design plan
Is there any damage to the charge points or feeder pillar
Is there adequate vehicle impact protection provided to equipment
What are the make/model/serial nos. of the charge points on site
Are all cable entry points sealed correctly
Are all supply cables glanded correctly
Number of 7kW AC sockets on site (please provide pictures)
Number of 22kW AC sockets on site (please provide pictures)
Number of 25/50/60/80kW DC sockets on site (please provide pictures)
Number of 150/160kW DC sockets on site (please provide pictures)
Section 3 - Supply Point
Is the supply point accessible
What rating is the main isolator switch
What is the earthing arrangement at the supply origin
What is the earthing arrangement at the EVCP
Is the protective equipotential bonding of the installation correct
What is the rating of the distribution or panel board (Amps)
How many spare ways are available within the distribution or panel board
Is there surge protection
Is there RCD protection
Is the RCD protection the correct type
Is there a requirement for PEN fault protection
Section 4 - Touch Potential
Are there any extraneous metal parts within 2.5m of the chargers/car/feeder pillar? (e.g. lamp posts, metal fences etc.)
Section 5 - Commissioning & Firmware
Are the charge points currently commissioned
Does the charge point have contactless payment terminals (>8kW)
Section 6 - Audit Outcome
Is the charging point installation compliant to BS 7671
Section 7-General Observations
Are there any additional observations relating to the installation
Electrical Supervisor Signature