Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
- Chris Jackson
- Hugh Mavin
- Matt Zemek
Stop and Think Through The Task
Have you received induction training?
Can the task cause injury or damage if conducted incorrectly?
If YES, is there a procedure/JSEA/SWMS for this task?
Do you know the company’s health & safety rules?
Do I have a clear plan to complete the task safely?
Are you familiar with how to report hazards & incidents?
Is a Work Permit required e.g high risk work
Are there emergency facilities and an evacuation procedure/route for the site?
Do you have access to appropriate emergency and first aid equipment?
Have you asked the person in charge about all relevant hazards?
Do you have the correct procedures and equipment to do the work safely?
Is there appropriate separation of vehicles and people during the proposed work?
Is all required electrical/mechanical equipment in a safe condition?
Are hazardous/dangerous substances used and stored according to their safety data sheets?
Have you consulted with workers about the task and the safe way to do it?
Do you have all necessary PPE?
Have you got a safe way of getting in and out of your work area?
Have any manual handling risks been identified and accessed?
Have I identified all STORED energies?
Identifying the Hazards
Do I have to isolate to control an energy source?
Am I fit to perform this task (aware, rested, alert)?
Could weather/environmental conditions affect this task?
Could this task introduce new hazards
Could this task impact on the environment?
Is the work area neat and tidy (clear access)?
Can I slip, trip or fall?
Can I strain or over-exert myself?
Can I be caugh in, on or between anything?
Can something fall on/strike me or others?
Have I looked close/wide/above/below the area for hazards?
Do I need assistance/help to do this task?
Are there other hazards to consider before commencing?
Assess the Risk
Description of Hazard:
Manage the Hazard
Controls Implemented to Reduce Risk
Risk Rating
Proceed and Monitor
Have all hazards been rated LOW/Medium? If 'No', inform your SUPERVISOR immediately
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