Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

General Guidelines

  • 1 The Service & Product Review (SPR) is conducted to ensure that the property meets the global brand standards and operational standards set by The Ascott Limited.

  • 2 Existing properties are expected to be audited annually and new properties will be given 6 - 9 months time frame to put in place all operational processes and procedures before the first audit.

  • 3 Audits are to be based on facts observed and supporting documents produced.

  • 4 Critical Safety List - Any non conformance will constitute a Failure to the SPR audit.

  • 5 Crisis, General Health, Safety and Risk - Full Compliance with no exceptions.

  • 6 All approved waivers by Corporate needs to be sighted.

  • 7 'NA' is to be accorded only for the following situations: a Waiver is approved by Corporate Operational Excellence.
    b M&E equipment that are not present / required in the property (should substantiate with
    valid reason) or managed by body corporate / owner
    c Non compliance are not stipulated as compulsory in the Global Brand Standards or S&Gs
    d If local regulations do not permit.

  • 8 To confirm understanding, quiz at least 3 staff from different departments.

  • 9 Ensure that all written procedures are property specific and able to adhere to.

  • 10 Procedures must comply with local regulations or corporate guidelines whichever is more stringent

  • 11 Checking of Records should be: a Timeframe - Past 1 year records from the date of audit.
    b Allowance of 3 non-compliance for any irregularities such as:
    i) Inaccuracy
    ii) Incompleteness

  • 12 Apartments, Public Area and Heart of House Inspection
    a 2 apartments across different room types will be selected by auditor.
    b Depending on available room type to be inspected, to use the corresponding checklist
    c Brand, Quantity and Specification of Operating Equipment & Supplies must
    meet Brand Standards
    d The description below helps to list out what is acceptable and not acceptable

  • 13 NO 13th instruction???

  • 14 All worksheets are protected. Properties are expected to only fill in the scoring and any explanations to be provided in case on non-compliance.

  • 15 For any enquiries and dispute regarding audit results, you may write in to Ascott-CorporateOpExcellence@the-ascott.com

1. RISK & SECURITY MANAGEMENT: 1.1 Critical Fire, Life and Safety List-Mandatory 100%-15%

  • Properties are expected to score 100%. Any non-compliance is an immediate failure of the SPR. Reviewer must sample minimum 50% of the number of floors.


  • 1. For Any local non compliances to fire and safety codes that prompts non-renewal and non-issuance of fire licenses & permits. <br>Does property have a valid fire license & permits?<br>

  • 2. Is the Fire alarm in working condition and in automatic mode?<br>

  • 3. Is the fire pump or jockey pump operational and set in automatic mode?

  • 4. Are Sprinkler heads unplugged and not covered? Ie. No sprinklers are plugged or covered.<br><br>

  • 5. Are all Smoke detectors uncovered?<br>Provide a valid reason for any found to be covered

  • 6. Are all Smoke detectors functioning? Did Property address 3 or more faulty smoke detector within 24 hrs? Need to show records of follow up correspondence with vendor and rectification date.

  • 7. Can the Fire Hose Reel cabinets be opened immediately? <br>If no, is there an official notice sent to Property Manager and Vendor with a rectification deadline and if an action plan is in place as a precautionary measure?

  • 8. Are the Emergency Staircase fully accessible with no items found to be obstructing the passage?

  • 9. Are all Emergency exit doors free from obstruction and can be opened with ease?<br><br>(1 Red Card if any exit door found blocked or difficult or cannot open the door)

  • 10. Does all Emergency Exit Directional Sign point to the direction of an emergency exit door? <br>

  • 11. Are all escape route leading to Emergency Exit not obstructed partially with any unattended items, and Emergency Door is able to open easily. Full blockage or locked exit door constitutes an immediate failure as stated in point 9.<br>

  • 12. Is the PA system fully functional? If PA System is not functional, Property Manager must be informed and records must show that Vendor has been informed with a rectification date. NA - if no PA system. Associates must explain what do they do to ensure all guest leaves their room in times of evacuation?<br>

  • 13. Are all Firefighting items present? 0= 2 or more items that are not present. (Specify the items, cannot find in S&G)<br>

  • 14. Are all associates familiar with the location of the Evacuation Assembly Area (EAA) and Alternative Evacuation Assembly Area (EAA). Reviewers must quiz at least 1 staff from each department.<br>

  • 15. "Are any Fire extinguishers found discharged (Indicator in red zone) or damaged, or expired without any valid reason that makes it unuseable? <br>All Fire Extinguishers must have a record with inspection date(s) stated for the year. "<br>

  • 16. "Are all Emergency Lights found to be working? <br>(>3 faulty Emergency lights = 0) "<br>

  • 17. "Are all Exit Lights functioning? <br>(> 3 defective Exit Lights = 0) "<br>

1. RISK & SECURITY MANAGEMENT: 1.2 Crisis Management-10%

  • 1."All Associates know how to identify the different stage(s) of fire alarm. <br>(Quiz min. 3 different associates from at least 2 or more departments)"<br>

  • Please list staff quizzed

  • 2. "Are all Associates familiar with Emergency Colour codes that are posted in all operating departments? (E.g. Emergency Code - White, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red) <br>(Quiz min. 3 different associates from at least 2 or more departments)"<br>

  • Please list quizzed staff

  • 3. "Do all Associates know what to do when they see smoke or fire?<br>(Quiz min. 3 different associates from at least 2 or more departments) <br>Guidelines: Answer: smell smoke/see fire, remain calm, call emergency no. or reception) (Question: Ask do you fight fire or call emerg no. first; Answer: Call emerg. no.)?"<br>

  • Please list staff quizzed

  • 4. "Are all GSO and Guest Service managerial associates well versed in the procedures for role of Guest Service department once an emergency call is received?<br><br>Guidelines: Answer: Stop work, walk away, Ask 5 questions, alerts Sec & Eng radio, inform Property Mgr, get FCC Supply Box, clear driveway etc.<br>*Property Mgr / ARM are well versed in the actual procedures of evacuating the building.<br>Guidelines: Refer to CMM 3.4 - MIC@FCC, Make decision to evacuate, Supplies Box, control the situation, ensure proper evacuation announcement, assistance to the disabled guest, floor evacuation in place, office evacuation, ERT - one flashlight, red marker/chalk, MIC assign associate to call rooms, at Emergency Evacuation Area to have roll call, specific location for injured, assign media spokesmen, 2 sets of reports - 1) In house by room 2) In house by Name and 3) Arrival report, secure cash banks (floats) and update Country General Managers."<br>

  • 5. "Are all Guest Department Associates well versed in the evacuation procedures and the role of Guest Service department once an evacuation command is received? Guidelines: Answers: Ensure backup reports are available on Shared Drive/Local Drive - 1) In hse by room 2) in Hse by Name, & 3) Arrival report, Stationary: A4 pad & pens, FCC Supply Box, Lock any cash box, close all doors, proceed to EAA. Quiz all guest service associates on duty."

  • Please list staff quizzed

  • 6. "Can all Guest Service Associates explain what they are required to do once at the Evacuation Assembly Area?<br><br>Guidelines: Answer take roll call of associates, attend to guests, set up information centre, message board, be calm, no statements/responses to be given, always refer to Manager In Charge, follow instructions by Fire Chief. Quiz all guest service associates on duty."

  • Please list staff quizzed

  • 7. "Are all Engineering Associates well versed on their role during the Fire Evacuation? <br><br>Guidelines: Refer to CMM 3.6 - Shutting down any internal systems and working equipment, present@FCC, be part of the ERT and assist local Emergency Crews and Building Plans@EAA, roll call@EAA. Quiz many *min 1 technician, 1 supervisor and manager."

  • Please list staff quizzed

  • 8. "Are all Security Associates well versed on their role during the Fire Evacuation? (For properties with no security, Guest Service associates must be well-versed in this section) <br><br>Guidelines: Refer to CMM 3.7 - Attend to FCC panel, alert Engineering and other designated associates, Be part of the ERT, assist MIC, make manual announcement if auto failed, First Aid Box, Roll Call@ EAA). Quiz many *min 1 officer, 1 supervisor and manager."

  • Please list staff quizzed

  • 9. "Are all Housekeeping associates well versed on their role during the Fire Evacuation?<br><br>Guidelines: Refer to CMM 3.8 - Floor Register, do door to door evacuation, bring blankets and bath Towels, Roll Call@ EAA. Quiz many *min 1 atendant, 1 supervisor and manager."

  • Please list staff quizzed

  • 10. "Are all Associates familiar with medical procedure involving all departments, evacuation of guest, communication and activation of authorities?<br>(Quiz at least 1 staff from each operational department)"

  • Please list staff quizzed

  • 11. "Are all Associates are familiar with bomb threat procedure involving all departments, including evacuation, communication and activation of authorities?<br>(Quiz at least 1 staff from each operational department)"

  • Please list staff quizzed

  • 12. "Are Associates familiar with power failure & black out emergency procedure involve all departments, including search, evacuation, communication and activation of authorities?<br>(Quiz at least 1 staff from each operational department)"

  • Please list staff quizzed

  • 13. "Are all Guest Service Associates (include officers, interns, outsource GS) well versed in what to do if they are approached and a robbery is instigated? <br><br>Guidelines: Quiz all associates on duty. Answers: Remain calm, observe the robber physical characteristics, follow instructions of robber - do not offer info, tell robber what you are doing every movement, do not jeopardize own safety, Lock doors after robber leave, call the police, call MIC or property mgr., write down all the description and whole incident, do not touch anything until police arrives. Note: All GS associates should memorize and be familiar with it."

  • 14. "Are all Associates familiar with the nearest location of fire extinguisher, hose reel, fire call point and emergency exits.<br> (Quiz at least 1 staff from each operational department)"

  • Please list staff quizzed

  • 15. "Does Property Fire Evacuation flow chart includes key personnel and authorities phone number must be up to date?<br>(Quiz at least 1 staff from each operational department)"

  • Please list staff quizzed

  • 16. Public Address system with proper evacuation announcement verbiage (refer to CMM 3.4) has been posted at the Public Address system controls. This is to ensure that in the event that the Public Address system auto announcement is not working, associates are able to use the verbiage to manually announce. If NA, please explain how property communicates.

  • 17. Fire Command Centre (FCC) / Emergency Response centre has been established and is known to all associates working at the property. (Quiz at least 1 staff from each operational department)

  • Please list staff quizzed

  • 18. All Fire Alarms are investigated in accordance with the property's Fire Emergency Plan. All Fire Alarm activation are duly recorded and made available for viewing.

  • 19. There is an active Safety & Emergency Committee and ERT, and their task are clearly define. There should be a detailed roster to inform staff of their role (Show roster, flowchart and clearly display). Note: At all times, staff should not compromise their personal safety if the fire is too big to put out.

  • 20. All security staff (including outsourced staff) must be trained in First Aid within 120 days of being hired and each department must have at least one staff trained in first aid by a certified/ approved organisation. (Show records of training. Renewed upon expiry)

  • 21. FCC Supply Box is fully stocked and items are useable and not missing. See required items and quantities below:

  • 6 A4 writing pads

  • 6 writing pens

  • 6 Red broad tip markers

  • 6 masking tape rolls

  • 1 pack white chalk

  • 6 flashlights with battery

  • 6 sets of spare battery

  • 3 scissors

  • 1 small water

  • Updated Emergency contact number form

  • FCC Supply Box is fully stocked and items are useable and not missing. <br><br>(quiz staff) Refer to CMM - 2.2 and 3.3

  • Please list staff quizzed

  • 22. Fire fighting equipment is located near/in the FCC Room. See required items and quantities below. ALL items required to compliant.

  • Min. 1 High Powered Spot Light - (Check working or not)

  • Min. 1 Wheel Chair on Standby

  • 2 x Safety Vest - Perforated Fluorescent jacket with Phosphorescent white Stripes for visibility day or night

  • 1 x Fire Blanket

  • 1 First Aid kit Bag

  • 1 x Crow Bar (3-4ft) - Preferably 4 ft

  • 2 Portable Extinguisher (1 x Dry Powder, 1 x Co2)

  • Confirm every department listed below has a first aid box with correct items & quantities (Depts that share the same office space need only to have 1 set)

  • 23. All associates know where the first aid stations or first aid boxes are located in the property.<br>

  • Checking Front of the House?

  • Confirm the following items and quantities are in first aid box (non-expired). There should be no further items kept in box

  • Water proof Plasters min 6pcs

  • Triangle Bandages - min 1 pc

  • Wound Dressing - min 1pc

  • Rubber Gloves - min 6pcs

  • Safety Pins - min 6pcs

  • Stainless Steel Tweezers - 1 pc

  • Stainless Steel Scissors - 1pc

  • Face mask - min 6 pcs

  • Cotton Balls - min 6pcs

  • Porous surgical tape - 10mm check the size

  • Thermometer - 1 pc

  • Crepe Bandage - 1 pc

  • Gauze swabs - 6pc

  • Alcohol Free Cleaning Wipes * (Eg.Wet wipes) 1 packet

  • Antiseptic Cream * 1pc

  • Antiseptic Cleaning lotion (e.g. Dettol) * - 1pc

  • Checking Heart of the Home (HK, ENG & Security)?

  • Confirm the following items and quantities are in first aid box (non-expired). There should be no further items kept in box

  • Water proof Plasters min 6pcs

  • Triangle Bandages - min 1 pc

  • Wound Dressing - min 1pc

  • Rubber Gloves - min 6pcs

  • Safety Pins - min 6pcs

  • Stainless Steel Tweezers - 1 pc

  • Stainless Steel Scissors - 1pc

  • Face mask - min 6 pcs

  • Cotton Balls - min 6pcs

  • Porous surgical tape - 10mm check the size

  • Thermometer - 1 pc

  • Crepe Bandage - 1 pc

  • Gauze swabs - 6pc

  • Alcohol Free Cleaning Wipes * (Eg.Wet wipes) 1 packet

  • Antiseptic Cream * 1pc

  • Antiseptic Cleaning lotion (e.g. Dettol) * - 1pc

  • Checking FCC?

  • Confirm the following items and quantities are in first aid box (non-expired). There should be no further items kept in box

  • Water proof Plasters min 6pcs

  • Triangle Bandages - min 1 pc

  • Wound Dressing - min 1pc

  • Rubber Gloves - min 6pcs

  • Safety Pins - min 6pcs

  • Stainless Steel Tweezers - 1 pc

  • Stainless Steel Scissors - 1pc

  • Face mask - min 6 pcs

  • Cotton Balls - min 6pcs

  • Porous surgical tape - 10mm check the size

  • Thermometer - 1 pc

  • Crepe Bandage - 1 pc

  • Gauze swabs - 6pc

  • Alcohol Free Cleaning Wipes * (Eg.Wet wipes) 1 packet

  • Antiseptic Cream * 1pc

  • Antiseptic Cleaning lotion (e.g. Dettol) * - 1pc

  • Checking Common Facilities Areas?

  • Confirm the following items and quantities are in first aid box (non-expired). There should be no further items kept in box

  • Water proof Plasters min 6pcs

  • Triangle Bandages - min 1 pc

  • Wound Dressing - min 1pc

  • Rubber Gloves - min 6pcs

  • Safety Pins - min 6pcs

  • Stainless Steel Tweezers - 1 pc

  • Stainless Steel Scissors - 1pc

  • Face mask - min 6 pcs

  • Cotton Balls - min 6pcs

  • Porous surgical tape - 10mm check the size

  • Thermometer - 1 pc

  • Crepe Bandage - 1 pc

  • Gauze swabs - 6pc

  • Alcohol Free Cleaning Wipes * (Eg.Wet wipes) 1 packet

  • Antiseptic Cream * 1pc

  • Antiseptic Cleaning lotion (e.g. Dettol) * - 1pc

  • 24. Every department has a first aid box with the necessary supplies (non expired). (There should not be any other items not listed below kept in box) (Depts that share the same office space need only to have 1 set)

  • 25. Properties with AED (Automated External Defibrillator) present are to have an AED Guide present and a monthly maintenance check is done. If AED is present ensure that at least one security personnel is certified to operate AED across all shifts. (Answers: check battery okay, check cables and housing undamaged, check expiry date on Pad, CPR Mask, Scissors, Gloves, Razor, Towel, no audible sound beeping.) Item Checklist from certified/ approved organisation (NA - If AED is not required by local law/regulation)<br>

  • 26. Are all Fire hose reels are in good condition (free from cuts, gouges, scorch marks, punctured holes and clean).

  • 27. Exit doors for fire escapes that are one way and will require a key or keycard (if electronic) to access from the staircase (fire escape route). SOP (key or keycard) needs to brought along during alarm investigation.<br>

  • 28. "Fire Control Board does not remain in an isolated mode for more than 8 hours. Record of when call was made to the vendor and what actions are being done to rectify the situation must be written in the Security daily log book if it is isolated. <br><br>Guidelines: Check fire panel to confirm any isolation."<br>

  • 29. Property Manager and Guest Service Manager have been notified by email or any official dated communication within one hour of the isolation of the Fire Board.

  • 30. Quarterly Fire and Environmental Health and Safety Committee Meetings are conducted. (Show minutes of meetings.) *Fire drill post mortem minutes has to be in the Capitaland EHS standard template format.

  • 31. "Quarterly drills are mandatory. Out of the 4 drills annually, 2 should be fire related with at least 1 full fire drill conducted involving Local Fire Authorities. Other 2 drills can be non-fire related nominated by the property (include total power failure, mantrap, earthquake, In Place Protection, etc). <br>Drills are recorded in ETS system by ETS surveyors. <br>Photograph and reports/minutes must be provided as evidence with date and time/duration clearly stated. <br><br>Note: Fire Drill post mortem minutes should be in CapitaLand EHS standard template. All outstanding items in fire drill post mortem should be followed up and evidence of closure reflected in the next fire drill minutes. All other drills should be recorded in a standard drill format and available for sighting by the reviewer."

1 RISK & SECURITY MANAGEMENT: 1.3 General Health, Safety and Risk -10%

  • 1. "Are items in all storerooms stacked safely?<br> i.e. no items protruding out from shelves and the heaviest and bulkiest items are on the bottom."

  • 2. Sprinkler heads are not obstructed in storerooms by not storing materials higher than 50cm from the ceiling. Storeroom items must be properly stack and does not caused any danger.<br>Sprinkler heads are not obstructed in storerooms by not storing materials higher than 50cm from the ceiling.

  • 3. Are Safety strips/markers installed on all clear glass panels and doors (including mirrors if necessary) to prevent guest walking into them?

  • 4. Are any physical structure that poses a potential safety hazard to guest and Associates addressed? Including sliding or hinged glass doors or windows should be secured properly. Flooring (indoor or outdoor steps with gradient to be clearly defined.

  • 5. Are Lift Lobby and Room Fire Escape Plans correctly worded and floor plan orientation is correct as per signage guidelines?

  • 6. "Property has implemented access control measures for the main entrance door, side entrances, staff entrances, carpark, registration of contractors, suppliers, staff entry (e.g. operating hours of main entrance door, access of visitors / suppliers / contractors)<br><br>Guidelines: Reviewers should quiz property manager and security managers to identify logic behind the set perimeters (eg. after 10pm main sliding door should be locked) and provide recommendations in this section if any access control is found to be lacking."<br>

  • 7. House telephones, if available in public areas, are programmed for direct ring-down to a 24-hour staffed location and not capable of direct dialing to apartments / rooms. NA- if no house phones are available.<br>

  • 8. "Associates should be trained and tested on-site on the proper and safe usage of chemicals and tools before being deployed. Chemical store should be inspected to include spill kits, stock card and kept organised with no cross contamination of chemicals spotted. Chemicals should be properly dispensed with chemical dispensers. <br><br>Guidelines: Training records on chemical handling and chemical store should be inspected. Note: There could be more than 1 chemical store (swimming pool chemicals, houskeeping chemicals.)"<br>

  • 9. Chemical storerooms must be well ventilated and have water hook up and drainage. Warning Signage (on main door) and Safety Data Sheet must be displayed and all chemical containers are clearly labelled. Note: Spill Kits should be available in the chemical storeroom.

  • 10. Spill Kits inventory should be checked once a month and recorded. Note: Quantity should be stated.<br>

  • 11. "Properties should have an EHS policy circulated to all staff. All associates should be aware of the EHS Policy. Quiz associates.<br>(• Carry out exemplary Environmental, Health and Safety practices to minimise pollution and health and safety risks<br>• Seek continual improvement on its Environmental, Health and Safety performance<br>• Comply with pertinent legislations and other requirements<br>• Implement the CapitaLand Sustainable Buildings Guidelines and Occupational Health and Safety programmes)"<br>

  • 12. The Security department has a procedure for proper handing over of duties/keys for each shift. If no security, the department that controls the keys need to have the procedure.<br>

  • 13. Access to keys is controlled and a Key Record book must be updated, initialed and witnessed against any issuance or returned. (show log). Note: If property has a digital key press that provides key log reading when keys are removed, viewing of log access is fine.<br>

  • 14. Incident Record Logbook/E-Records and Incident Reports with clear investigations findings should be present and available. All Incident Reports should be filed within 24 hours of occurrence and incident findings should be completed and signed by PM within 3 days. There should be no conflict of interests on who leads the investigation and PM to appoint lead investigator.<br>

  • 15. An electronic (watchman tour system) or manual clocking system is used to record regular patrol movements. Provide clocking records for previous 12 weeks. (Check clock timing). NA, if no security department.<br>

  • 16. Department that control the access of suppliers and contractors into the property should provide records of suppliers and contractors entering the building. Security passes (serialised) must be worn by the contractors at all times. If ID is collected, properties should only collect last 3 digit of the ID (GDPR compliant)<br>

  • 17. "All Associates follows a standard operating procedure when a key/key card is found near the entrance of an apartment/room main door lockset or public area. (Quiz Associate)<br><br>Guidelines: Bring keycard to reception, read keycard to check validity and room number (if active), check/inform guest of lost keycard, overwrite keycards and issue new keycards to guest."<br>

  • 18. All Associates follows a standard operating procedure when an apartment/room door is found ajar/open. (Quiz Associate) <br>

  • 19. All Associate follow a standard operating procedure when a guest stands at the door and request to open the apartment/room door. (Quiz Housekeeping Associate)<br>

  • 20. All Security personnel are issued a Pocket Book. (must have time/date/location/occurrence and page no.) Old ones kept for 3 months storage) No blank off, should be cross off) No torn off page. Pocket books for off-duty security personnel should be kept in office. NA, if no security dept.<br>

  • 21. The Security Manager or Manager assigned by PM or PM accompanied by another Associate (from the Human Resource department if applicable)/Property Manager will conduct regular staff locker checks. Show records of quarterly locker inspection and associate locker inventory list.<br>

  • 22. The CCTV systems are fully operational and functional. Ensure it has at least 30 days recording for playback (e.g. safe drop box, reception area, lobby, entrance) <br>

  • 23. All Associate follow the standard operating procedures when conducting an apartment / room visit. E.g. positioning themselves in front of the security viewer with name tag and / or brand pin visible, ensuring that door is fully closed when leaving.<br>

  • 24. The Property keeps a Manager-On-Duty communication log, Public Area and Apartment/room inspection checklist on a daily basis. (Show hard/soft copies of records.) (recommended 3 apartments/rooms daily)<br>

  • 25. Property should have proper Master Key and Emergency Key control systems. Unused Master Keys and Emergency Key are sealed with some secured way (eg. RFID wallet) in new envelopes and all keycards should be refreshed quarterly.<br>

  • 26. The Property has a procedure for Opening of Safes, Storage of Safe Decoder Machine and Associate understands the procedure. Note: SOP to be defined and approved by the Property Manager. It should be kept in a dual key lock drawer or separate the items in different depts.<br>

  • 27. The Property has a procedure for Portable Programmer (for electronic card keys only.) and Associate understand the procedure. Note: SOP to be defined and approved by the Property Manager. It should be kept in a dual key lock drawer or separate the items in different depts.<br>

  • 28. "Lost and Found storeroom is clean and in good condition, no open food containers or perishables are kept. (Perishables - max 3 days, Non-valuables - (<S$100) min 2 months, Valuables - min 6 months). Cash & valuables are to be kept by Property Manager. (Check Log) <br>Note: Photos of valuable items to be taken and kept in HSKP Dept and a copy given to RM. Lost and Found records are kept and items that are destroyed, disposed or given out are properly documented (1 year records). If local authorities laws are more stringent, to follow local law. If not TAL standards will need to be followed."<br>

  • 29. All operating licenses, permits and relevant insurance policies and vital records are valid. Maintained on site with the Property Manager. Note: Any licences that Landlord applies, a copy to be kept by PM. (Show documents if applicable) Total of (no. a to l) is only 1 mark.

  • Operational / Hotel License

  • Company Registration License

  • Tax Registration License (Get a softcopy from Finance)

  • F&B License (if running F&B outlet)

  • Satellite TV / Cable TV License

  • Advertising License (for billboards on property)

  • Electrical system certificate

  • Fire Certificate

  • Swimming Pool licences

  • Property Insurance - Property Damage & Business Interruption

  • Property Insurance - Products & Public Liability

  • Property Insurance - Terrorism

  • Confirm all operating licenses, permits and relevant insurance policies and vital records are valid and maintained on site with the Property Manager. <br><br>Note: Any licences that Landlord applies, a copy to be kept by PM. (Show documents if applicable) ALL items required to be compliant

1. RISK & SECURITY MANAGEMENT: 1.4 Food Hygiene Inspection-5%

Food and Beverage

  • Do you operate a venue on site that serves food and beverage eg. Restaurant, Conference facility, breakfast room?

  • PERSONAL HYGIENE 1. Are food handlers fit for work and show no symptoms of illness? (e.g. diarrhoea and vomiting)<br>

  • 2. Are clean clothes or aprons worn during food preparation and food service?<br>

  • 3. There is no jewelry worn?<br>

  • 4. Are hair kept tidy and covered with clean caps or hair nets where appropriate?<br>

  • 5. Are fingernails kept short, clean, unpolished and without nail accessories?<br>

  • 6. Are sores, wounds or cuts on hands, if any, covered with waterproof and brightly-coloured plaster?

  • 7. Are hands washed thoroughly with soap and water frequently and at appropriate times?<br>

  • 8. Are food handled with clean utensils and gloves?

  • 9. Are disposable gloves changed regularly and/ or in between tasks?

  • RECEIVING: 10. Are receiving area clean and free of food debris, boxes and other refuse?<br>

  • 11. Are food supplies obtained from licensed or approved sources?<br>

  • 12. Are incoming food supplies visually inspected upon receipt?<br>

  • 13. Are incoming chilled and frozen products arrived at appropriate temperature?<br>

  • 14. Are raw and ready-to-eat food well separated and properly contained?<br>

  • 15. Are all food supplies promptly moved to proper storage areas?<br>

  • FOOD STORAGE AREA: 16. Are food storage area clean, free of pests, dry, well-ventilated and in good state of repair?<br>

  • 17. Are dry goods (e.g. canned food and drinks) and other food items stored neatly on shelves, off the floor and away from walls?<br>

  • 18. Are food protected from contamination; packaging is intact and no products are found with signs of spoilage?<br>

  • 19. Are food packaging and storage containers are properly labelled, indicating the content and date of expiry?<br>

  • 20. Are proper stock rotation system such as the First-Expired-First-Out (FEFO) system used for inventory management?<br>

  • 21. Are non-food items (e.g. insecticides, detergents and other chemicals) not stored together with the food items?<br>

  • 22. Are personal belongings kept separately in the staff locker area or cabinet, away from the food storage area?<br>

  • 23. Are freezers and chillers maintained at the correct temperature: chiller 0°C to 4°C; and freezer not above -12°C.

  • 24. Are freezers and chillers kept clean and well-maintained?<br>

  • 25. Are food storage units not overstocked to allow good air circulation?<br>

  • 26. Are walk-in freezers and chillers, food items stored neatly on shelves and off the floor?<br>

  • 27. Are food items properly wrapped/ covered in proper containers and properly labelled, indicating the content and date of expiry?

  • 28. Are proper stock rotation system such as the First-Expired-First-Out (FEFO) system used for inventory management?<br>

  • 29. Are cooked / ready-to-eat food stored above raw food?<br>

  • 30. Are temperatures of the freezers and chillers monitored with a functioning and calibrated thermometer?

  • 31. Are food preparation area clean, free of pests and in good state of repair?<br>

  • 32. Are hand washing facilities easily accessible, in good working condition and soap is provided?<br>

  • 33. Are food not prepared on the floor, near drain or near/ in toilet?<br>

  • 34. Are ingredients used clean and washed thoroughly before cooking?<br>

  • 35. Are frozen food thawed in chiller, microwave or under running water?<br>

  • 36. Are proper work flow and segregation of areas with no criss-crossing between raw and cooked / ready-to-eat food areas?<br>

  • 37. Are proper separation of cooked food / ready-to-eat food, raw meat, seafood and vegetable to avoid cross-contamination?<br>

  • 38. Are different colour chopping boards, knives and other utensils are used for cooked / ready-to-eat and raw food?<br>

  • 39. Are food cooked thoroughly to the required core temperature?<br>

  • 40. Are food cooled rapidly before refrigeration?<br>

  • 41. Are Ice machine kept clean and well-maintained?<br>

  • 42. Are only ice stored in the ice machine to prevent contamination of the ice?<br>

  • 43. Are equipment, exhaust hood, crockery and utensils kept clean and well-maintained?<br>

  • 44. Are dirty / soiled equipment, crockery and utensils washed immediately after use?<br>

  • 45. Are equipment, crockery and utensils not chipped, broken or cracked?<br>

  • 46. Are adequate number of covered refuse pedal bins available and refuse are properly managed and disposed?<br>

  • 47. Are refuse bins properly lined with plastic bags and covered at all times?<br>

  • 48. Are refuse properly bagged before disposing it at the waste disposal area / bin centre?<br>

  • 49. Are food items properly wrapped / covered in proper containers and protected from contamination?<br>

  • 50. Are cold dishes held at 0°C to 4°C?<br>

  • 51. Are hot dishes held above 60°C?<br>

  • 52. Are cold and / or hot holding units kept clean and well-maintained?

  • 53. Are refreshment area, including walls and pillars, kept clean and free of pests?<br>

  • 54. Are fixtures (e.g. fans and lightings) and furniture (e.g. tables and chairs) kept clean?<br>

  • 55. Are refreshment area and table cleaning system in place?<br>

  • 56. Are refreshment area free from unwanted articles (e.g. carton boxes)?<br>

  • 57. Are refreshment area free of birds and animals (e.g. dogs or cats)?<br>

  • 58. Are waste disposal area / bin centre clean, free of pests and free of spillage?<br>

  • 59. Are refuse bags disposed into the refuse bulk bin and not placed on the floor?<br>

  • 60. Are refuse bulk bins kept closed at all times?<br>

  • 61. Are toilets used by associated clean, dry and well-ventilated?<br>

  • 62. Are basic amenities such as soap, toilet paper, hand dryer/ paper towel and waste bins made available?<br>

  • 63. Are toilet fittings facilities in good working condition?<br>

  • 64. Are the records and documents to maintain present and sighted? a • Daily temperature monitoring record (Chiller)<br>b • Daily temperature monitoring record (Freezer)<br>c • Daily temperature monitoring record (Cooked food)<br>d • Daily temperature monitoring record (Hot/cold Holding Temperature)<br>e • Supplies receiving form<br>f • Cleaning and maintenance records for equipment, ventilation and exhaust system<br>g • Pest control record<br><br>

  • Training & Certification<br>Depending on local regulatory requirements 65. Do all food handlers have Basic Food Hygiene certificate and a valid Refresher Food Hygiene certificate (if applicable).<br>

  • 66. Do the Food Hygiene Officer have a Food Hygiene Officer certificate (If appliable)

  • Applicable to all F&B outlets (Both In-House & Outsourced) <br>67. Do the outlet have a valid Food and Beverage License issued by local licensing authority? (if applicable)<br>

  • 68. Do the property, if serving alcohol, have an Alcohol license (if applicable)<br>

  • 69. Do the outlet have an hygiene certificate issued by local licensing authority? (if applicable)<br>

  • 70. Do the property, if serving alcohol, have a valid alcohol service license? (if applicable)<br>

2. PROPERTY QUAITY ASSURANCE: 2.1 Pre-Arrival & Transport 5%

Telephone Reservations

  • 1. When calling the property, is the on-hold message in line with brand messaging?<br>Drop Safe access to ensure dual access keys preferably by GSM and Finance / ARM / Property Manager.

  • 2. Was the Associate (GS/Reservations) able to advise the availability at the property, make recommendations for room type and successfully complete a reservation?<br>

  • 3. Did Associate verify with caller about their ASR membership status?<br>

  • 4. Did Associate automatically offer to extend written email confirmation after reservations were made?<br>

  • 5. Did the Associate used the standard greetings using brand specific verbiage? <br>"Standard External Greeting: <br>“Good morning / afternoon / evening, (Property Name). How may I assist you?”"<br>Local Touch: “Sawadee Krup, (Property Name). How may I assist you?” <br>Using with Associate Names: “Good morning / afternoon / evening, (Property Name), this is (name), how may I assist you?”<br>French Touch: “Citadines Apart'hotels, (Property Name), Bonjour / Bonsoir, (first name), a votre service”<br>"Standard Internal Greeting: <br>“Good morning/afternoon/evening, (Department name). How may I assist you?”"<br>Local Touch: “Sawadee Krup, (Department Name). How may I assist you?” <br>Using with Associate Names: “Good morning / afternoon / evening, (Department Name), this is (name), how may I assist you?”<br>French Touch: “(Department Name), Bonjour / Bonsoir, (first name), a votre service”<br><br>

Walk In Enquiries

  • 7. Are GS Associates able to conduct a proper site inspection in absence of the Sales & Marketing Department and outside of office hours?<br>

  • 8. Are GS Associates able to explain the Unique Selling Points , key features, common areas, facilities and amenities during site inspection using a professional tone of voice?<br>

  • 9. Are there property sales fact sheet and business cards of sales team available for walk-in enquiries?<br>

  • 10. For properties that accept pets, is there a written pet policy and did property brief guest on the policy? Quiz Associate. (NA, if not applicable) <br>

  • 11. Did Associate provide clear directions or offers to escort guests within the property when directions are requested? (Quiz Associate)<br>

Email Reservations

  • 12. "Do Associates reply to guest emails within 24 hours and attends to Queries/ Requests/ Bookings?<br>E.g: Guests request for Airport Limousine transfer/ city tour options prior to arrival/ Booking availabilities. Check email correspondences."<br>

  • 13. Did Associate respond with a professional tone, and replies with correct information?<br>

Transportation Arrangements:

  • 14. Did Driver arrive early to receive guest at the property/Airport? (NA, if no airport pickup.)<br>

  • 15. Did Driver dressed appropriately and appears presentable to the guest?<br>

  • 16. Did Driver hold a placard bearing the brand logo according to brand standards with the guest name accurately spelled at the arrival hall. (Printed/Digital)<br>

  • 17. Did Driver proactively open vehicle and property doors, assist in loading and unloading of luggage/baggages? (NA – if door and valet services are not provided)<br>

  • 18. Is the exterior and interior of vehicle in an excellent condition and clean?<br>

  • 19. Are there any conflicting brand imagery or offensive material in vehicle or collaterals within?<br>

  • 20. Is there a procedure in place for airport transfers or other transport arrangements? (Show Records & Quiz Associate) Note: SOP to be approved and signed by RM.<br>

  • 21. Is the car odour free? <br>

  • 22. Is water provided? If yes, bottles provided should not be plastic bottles.<br>

2. PROPERTY QUAITY ASSURANCE: 2.2 Arrival-Welcome Experience, Check In-10%

Property Entrance & Reception

  • 1. Is the building sky signage visible to both pedestrians and approaching vehicles from within 1km of the vicinity?<br>

  • 2. Is the entrance monolith visible to both pedestrians and approaching vehicles at the entrance of the property?<br>

  • 3. Is the identity pylon visible to both pedestrians and approaching vehicles at the entry point of the property? <br>

  • 4. Is the banner signage visible to pedestrians and vehicular traffic on both directions of the street.<br>

  • 5. Is the medallion signage visible to pedestrians and vehicles approaching the property?<br>

  • 6. Is the bandeau signage visible to pedestrians and vehicles approaching the property?<br>

  • 7. Is the canopy signage visible to both pedestrians and approaching vehicles at the walk-in entry point and the drop-off area of the property?<br>

  • 8. Is the direction sign on the off-site identity panel clear and located at eye level?<br>

  • 9. Is there a car park signage and is the direction sign clear?<br>

  • 10. Is the direction sign on the street directional signage clear?<br>

  • 11. Is the exterior of the property well maintained in its presentation?<br>

  • 12. Are the property fencing or wall lights fixture within in good working condition and are not damaged?<br><br>

  • 13. Is the walkway & driveway easily accessible? Was area Clear and Clean?<br>

  • 14. Are plants outside main entrance presentable and well balance and not mix and match on both side of entrance? <br>

  • 15. Are standing ashtrays cleaned with not more than 3 cigarette butts present? (If Applicable)<br>

  • 16. Is the entrance wall signage or wall address plate placed next to the property entrance correct as per Brand Corporate Identity?<br>

  • 17. Is the brand logo and safety marker vinyl strip applied on entrance doors and glass panels?<br>

  • 18. Are entrance doors, frame & glass free of marks/oil black stains?<br>

  • 19. Are entrance doors' hardware in good condition (no squeaky sound)?<br>

  • 20. Are carpet on lobby floor free of thick dust/stains/well vacuumed?<br>

  • 21. Are all walls and ceilings in good condition, clean, free of dust & cobwebs. Are wall skirtings not damaged?<br>

  • 22. Are all lights functional and no rusty covers sighted? Are lamp shades or covers not dusty?<br>

  • 23. "Are Lobby Brand signature décor or experience present?<br><br>Ascott - Lobby Installation Art - Is there any décor and statement art installations present?(At least one art piece featuring designs inspired by the locale and the artistic theme of the property)<br>Oakwood - Oakroom Lobby - Is the lobby bright and airy with plush couches or armchairs and with a wooden centrepiece to resemble a living room experience.<br>Citadines - Cafe check-in experience - Are you served with at least one complimentary fresh coffee (i.e. no instant coffee) as welcome drink.<br>- Is the cafe incorporated within lobby area, near reception counter? (Both in house or outsourced accepted, integrated services accepted - Grab and Go)<br>- Is ""For the Love Of Coffee"" logo visible at the lobby? (E.g. on coffee mugs, coasters, posters etc)<br>Somerset - Lobby wall feature - Is there a nature inspired centrepiece?"<br>

  • 24. Is all furniture in good condition, free of signs of wear and tear and throw pillows (if any), arranged neatly?<br>

  • 25. Are windows free of marks / nicks?<br>

  • 26. Are plants in the lobby presentable with no dust?<br>

  • 27. "Does the lobby and reception area smell appropriate with no musky and unpleasant smell? Ensure Brand Scent is installed accordance to Brand Guidelines. For TCC/TUC, brand does not have a prescribed scent, score 1 if property lobby/reception smells pleasant.<br><br>Brand Scents - Ascott Absolute, Oakwood Oasis, Citadines Zest, Somerset Serenity Scents (Applicable when roll out is completed, estimated 1H 2025)"<br>

  • 28. "Is the music played in the property in accordance with the brand guidelines? Ascott - Classical Music or Piano/ Violin Instrumentals<br>Oakwood - Bossa Nova or Lounge Jazz<br>Somerset - Uplifting or New-age Music<br>Citadines - Café Jazz or Funk<br>Music shall be played in the lobby only, from 0630 to 2300hrs. (NA, if brand not listed)."<br>

  • 29. "Are videos for digital displays (lift lobby screens, public area screens, in-room TV) loaded based on brand guidelines?<br>Videos to be loaded onto digital displays include: Ascott CARES video, ASR Evergreen Video, Brand videos, property photos, to ensure that logo lock up is up to date"<br>

  • 30. "Reception desk is kept clean and organised.<br>For Ascott properties, fresh floral arrangements and a bowl of apples are placed at the Reception.<br>For Somerset properties, fresh floral decoration or floral potted plants and a bow of sweets are placed at Reception.<br>For Citadines / Oakwood properties, bowl of sweets are placed at Reception Desk"<br>

  • 31. Are the associates well groomed and dressed in the appropriate uniform reflecting brand's colour palette as per human resource guidelines?<br>

  • 32. Are the associates wearing their name badges on their left chest area and wear ASR pins on their uniforms?<br>

Check in Standards

  • 33. Is there an ASR member check-in counter plaque / signage for priority check in?<br>

  • 34. Is there any ASR enrollment digital form and DiscoverASR App download poster displayed at the Reception?<br>

  • 35. Is the property displaying the new brand poster and Ascott CARES Poster within the property?<br>

  • 36. Is the property displaying the International SOS tele-assistance Poster within the property? (Only available for Ascott / Citadines / Citadines Connect / Somerset / lyf / Oakwood / TCC and TUC properties)<br>

  • 37. Are there any DiscoverASR evergreen posters (digital/print), tent cards, lift door stickers, or ASR backdrop/pull-up banners displayed within the property?<br>

  • 38. Was guest offered assistance immediately upon check in or if a queue was present was he / she positively acknowledged with hand or facial gestures within 30 secs of approaching the desk?<br>

  • 39. If a queue was present, was guest offered assistance within 5 min of joining it?<br>

  • 40. "Is the guest provided with a welcome experience adhering to brand standard? Did Associate greet guest with a smile and use guest's name whenever possible?<br>Note: Properties with seated tables, GSO are to stand, greet the guest and wait for the guest to be seated before they sit.<br><br><br>Ascott - Experiences that reflects the brand passion for fine arts. (Eg: signature drink inspired by property's artistic theme served during check-in/ guided tour of the property highlighting artistic theme and featured art pieces/ providing art materials such as sketchbooks, paints, etc.)<br>Oakwood - Experiences that are personable and meaningful. (Eg: serving property's signature drink during check-in/ providing guests with vouchers for dining at the in-house F&B outlet or for use with in-room dining services, etc.)<br>Somerset - Experiences that are backed by meaningful sotries and gifts that are wholesome and sustainably sourced/ packaged. (Eg: plant sitting - adopting a plant in collaboration with a local nursery/ serving orange juices, kombucha, cold brew tea during check-in/ giving guests healthy nuts and dried fruits (preferable locally sourced and presented in sustainable packaging/ providing colouring sets or puzzles for guests with kids, etc.)<br>Citadines - Experiences that revolves around coffee. (Eg: serving coffee as part of the check-in experience/ serving local snacks paired with coffee/ offering guests coffee gift cards or vouchers from local partners near the property, etc.)"<br>

  • 41. Did Associate request for passport /ID (verification purpose), business card and accepted mode of payment. If guest does not have business card, did associate ask for email or mobile/phone number? (NA - If local regulations does not allow.)<br>

  • 42. Did Associate inform guest that local regulations requires a scanned/ photocopy of passport/ID before proceeding with doing it? (NA - If not applicable by local regulations)<br>

  • 43. Did Associate confirm with guest on the apartment type, total rate, duration of stay, billing instructions and number of occupants? For confidentiality reasons, Associate does not verbally mention rate and room number.<br>

  • 44. "Are ASR membership / participation recognized and benefits delivered upon; ASR enrolment offered to non-members and benefits are explained based on Brand Standards:<br>[Members] ASR members to feel recognised and valued. Make sure to acknowledge every ASR member’s arrival consistently. Welcome them by name, acknowledge their status, and express gratitude for their loyalty. <br>[Non-Member] ASR enrolment must be offered to all non-members by asking “I noticed that you don’t have a member number in your reservation, would you like to sign up for our complimentary ASR membership programme?”"<br>

  • 45. Did Associate check guest into PMS before giving out wooden keycard in a keycard holder (per brand standard) and explaining usage method?<br>

  • 46. Did Associate explain breakfast venue and timings?<br><br>

  • 47. Did Associate provide information on services and facilities available during Check In process? (E.g: Room Service, Wake Up Calls, laundry, breakfast info etc) <br>

  • 48. Is Associate able to explain the PDPA and Marketing term, policies and what to do if guest decline and refuse to accept the PDPA terms<br>

  • 49. If a pen was required, was it a Corporate Identity pen provided as per brand standards?<br>

  • 50. "Was guest informed that tele-assistance through International SOS is available?<br>(Only available for Ascott / Citadines / Citadines Connect / Somerset / lyf / Oakwood / TCC and TUC properties)"<br>

  • 51. Did the associate use the guest's name at least once during the interaction?<br>

  • 52. Did the associate offer a warm and sincere farewell at the end of the interaction? E.g. Have a pleasant stay with us.<br>

  • 53. Did the associate complete the check in process in no more than 5 mins from the time the guest joins the queue?<br>

  • 54. Was luggage assistance offered? Ensure Guest Service has a baggage trolley to assist Guests with their luggage and the trolley is clean and in a good condition. A baggage storage system is in place for early arrivals (ie. Luggage Tags must be provided for all baggage stored). <br>


  • 55. Are all elevators cleaned and well maintained (i.e. Flooring, walls, lighting) and in good working order?<br>

  • 56. Are lift panels cleaned and/or sanitised regularly?<br>

  • 57. Are there any lift directory signage placed in the lifts? (i.e. Amenity floors, restaurants, lobby etc.)<br>

  • 58. Are posters or signages include any ASR posters in good order? <br>

  • 59. Are there no ad-hoc signages in the elevator?<br>

  • 60. Are all posters neatly arranged with no spelling mistakes? <br>

2. PROPERTY QUAITY ASSURANCE: 2.3 In House Services 5%

Welcome Amenities

  • 1. "Are Standard (Short / Long Stay), VIP and ASR members welcome basket stocked according to S&G and local SOP. Pictures of proper set up are posted in the department that prepares?<br>(Reviewers must refer to the new standard.HSK - 9.2)"<br>

  • 2. Were the amenities set up according to prescribed setup by length of stay (long stay/short stay), segments (corproate/leisure) or ASR membership status?<br>

  • 3. Is there any ASR Welcome Amenity Card that highlights the exclusive membership benefits offered by the property, carefully positioned within the member's room?<br>

Long Stay Arrival

  • 4. Did GS Associate conduct a long stay check in briefing and make an appointment with guest for the apartment inventory to be signed off? (NA, if no long stay)

  • 5. Are apartment inventory checklists presented to long stay guests and acknowledgement obtained? (NA, if no long stay)<br>

Guest Events/Special Occasions/Service Recovery

  • 6. "Did property organised any social events or guest activities as per the Global Brand Standards? Property to provide photos or e-invites as supporting. For Ascott, Somerset & Oakwood properties, an event is held once every 3 months. For Citadines, an event is held once every 6 months."

  • 7. Does Guest Service have a written policy/procedure in place to celebrate guest's special occasions e.g. Guest's birthdays, anniversary, get well soon, etc?<br>

  • 8. Does property has a Service Recovery written policy/procedure and able to provide Service Recovery Records (Hard/soft copies) or equivalent to monitor service recovery done on complaints and to track service recovery items given and its value / cost? (Customer Relations 1.0 - Service Recovery)<br>

  • 9. "Are the following stationery available at the front desk?<br>A4 Letterhead - Used for guest letters<br>Multi-purpose cards - Used for adhoc birthday, get-well-soon, special occasion, greeting cards, etc"<br>

Guest Requests

  • 10. Are Extra beds clean and well maintained. Are bed skirts and head board covers used to ensure the extra beds are well presented in the apartments.<br><br>

  • 11. "Are Baby cots are clean and well maintained?<br>Specifications follow the guidelines according to S&G. (Baby Cots should have side air wraps). "<br>

  • 12. "Are Umbrellas available for loan and produced according to brand design standards? (Check umbrella condition)<br><br>For Ascott - All rooms should provide an umbrella<br>For Other Brands - Umbrellas should be provided upon request"<br>

  • 13. Was GS Associate knowledgeable with the city and nearby places of interest and surrounding area information? (Quiz Associate) E.g. Restaurants, supermarkets, money changer, hair salons, cheap massage places etc.<br>

  • 14. Did GS Associate offer to make attraction ticket booking on behalf of guest when asked?<br>

  • 15. Does Guest Service have a guest message / mail / parcel system in place with proper incoming / outgoing records?<br>

  • 16. Are the GS Associates familiar with wake-up call procedures and able to perform wake up calls professionally with an appropriate tone of voice?<br>

  • 17. Is there a Do Not Disturb Policy in place and follows the guidelines according to Policy (if DND, leave DND card after 12pm. Only call after 4pm to ask whether housekeeping services are required. If guest did not answer, inform MOD and HKP Sup or HM to check apt) Ask if cleaning is provided if guest is not present. Check DND card design and message to ensure it adheres to brand standards.<br>

  • 18. For maintenance work orders, is there a engineering service notification card adhering to brand standard? <br>

Room Service (NA - if not available)

  • 19. Is there an appropriately designed room service menu in the room? (QR code or physical)<br>

  • 20. Are room service hours, ordering instructions and payment method clearly stated on the room service menu / QR code? If charge to room is available, ensure signatures are present on room service bills. <br>

  • 21. Did the room service order deliver as per the provided estimation by the order taker?<br>

  • 22. Are room service trays with food and/or beverages covered (i.e. tray cover) when delivering dishes?<br>

  • 23. Are cutlery and/or condiments, wrapped or covered when presented?<br>

Laundry Services (NA - if not available)

  • 24. Were the laundry items picked up by linen attendant within 10 minutes of guest's initial phone call and is conducted in a professional manner? (NA, if for properties where guests brings to reception?)<br>

  • 25. Does property provide a defective laundry card adhering to brand standards?<br>

  • 26. "Were the laundered shirts to be folded, returned with a proper cover with a card paper collar stand and shirt board backing? <br>Were the buttoned shirts and pants, hung on good quality hangers and covered properly? (NA, if no laundry sent)"<br>

  • 27. Were garments properly ironed and cleaned? <br>

  • 28. Were laundry items returned on time as stated in list in a professional manner? <br>

2. PROPERTY QUAITY ASSURANCE: 2.4 In House- Facilities 5%

Gymnasium/ Fitness Corner

  • 1. Are the gymnasium/fitness corner rules and regulations present? Are the signages worded grammatically correct as per S&G with a waiver of liability clause present?<br>

  • 2. "Are the gym equipments rust free and in good condition (no sweat marks)? <br>For Somerset - Are the gym equipment energy-saving and include 1 of the following? If no, mark as 0. <br>1. Energy saving/generating gym equipment, and/or zero energy equipment/workout sessions <br>2. Eco-friendly elements in flooring and/or decorative elements<br>3. Energy efficient design (lighting system, natural light, effective insulation)"<br>

  • 3. Are the lights fully functional with no rusty covers?<br>

  • 4. Are the glass walls and ceilings in good condition, clean, and free of dusts/cobwebs? Are wall skirtings not damaged?<br>

  • 5. Are the air conditioners clean and working properly? Gym should be properly cooled.<br>

  • 6. Are available exercise mats clean and in good condition? (Min 5 present as per OES)<br>

  • 7. Are weighing scales present and clean?<br>

  • 8. Is a wall clock present and clean?<br>

  • 9. Are gym towels clean and not worn out?<br>

  • 10. Are gym towel baskets present and clean?<br>

  • 11. Are gym towel baskets cleared regularly? <br>

  • 12. Is the gym cleaned, sanitised and disinfected often? <br>

  • 13. Are self-disinfecting supplies (not harmful to equipment) available for guest to use?<br>

  • 14. "Is there a water dispenser with adequate supply of disposable paper drinking cups? <br>(Note: No plastic cups)"<br>

Swimming Pool

  • 15. Are swimming pool rules and regulations present? Are the signages worded gramatically correct as per S&G with waiver of liabilit clause present?<br>

  • 16. Are there sufficient warning signages (eg. No diving, pool depth markers, slippery)? Are they printed and worded clearly? <br>

  • 17. Swimming Pool Safety equipment are to be available and in good working condition. (NA - If no pool present).

  • 18. No glassware are sighted near the swimming pool.<br>

  • 19. Are all deckchairs/furniture at swimming pool clean and in good condition?<br>

  • 20. Is there a pool wall clock present, clean and in a good working condition?<br>

  • 21. Are pool towels clean and not worn out?<br>

  • 22. Are pool towel baskets present and clean?<br>

  • 23. Are plants by the pool area presentable and appropriately chosen? Should not appear wilted.<br>

  • 24. Is the swimming pool/jacuzzi area lit at all times for night viewing and observation from the bottom of the pool? (NA if pool area can be physically secured while pool is closed) <br>

  • 25. "At a minimum, one ""NO DIVING"" sign is prominently displayed at or <br>near a main entrance of the swimming pool / jacuzzi."<br>

  • 26. Is the swimming pool cleaned with no mould sightings? Sight pool tiles and corners.<br>

  • 27. If pool umbrellas are present, it must be anchored or tethered to a heavy base to ensure guest and associates safety. (NA - if not applicable) <br>

Changing Rooms / Jacuzzi / Steam Room / Sauna

  • 28. Are jacuzzi and /or sauna and /or steam room rules and regulations present? Are signages worded grammatically correct as per S&G with a management not liable clause present?

  • 29. Are the lockers and wet area kept clean and odour free?

  • 30. Are lockers in good condition with no squeaky sounds when opening or rusty hinges?

  • 31. All shower stalls are in good condition with no broken tiles etc.

  • 32. Do the shower stalls have hooks for towels, and a wall mounted amenity rack for guests' personal shower items?

  • 33. Are shower walls and grouting free from mould and limescale in the various facilities?

  • 34. Are shampoo and shower gel provided?

  • 35. Are the Jacuzzi / Steam room / Saunas clean and free from moulds?

  • 36. Are bath towels clean and not worn out?

  • 37. Are changing rooms free from any foul smell (e.g. urine/motion smell)?

  • 38. Do the Sauna and Steam Facilities have separate facilities for males and females? (NA – if no Sauna/Steam Facilities)

  • 39. Do the Sauna and Steam Facilities have safety features in place and are in good working condition? (Panic button, on-off button, visible temperature gauge etc.)

  • 40. Are equipment operating instructions, temperature warnings and timer (or hour glass) available and in good working condition?

  • 41. Are the changing rooms cleaned, sanitised and disinfected regularly?

Kid's Play Area (N/A if not present at property)

  • 42. Are the kids' playroom rules and regulations present ? Are signage worded grammatically correct as per S&G with a waiver of liability clause present ? (NA - if not present)

  • 43. Are the kids' area kept clean and furniture in good condition? (NA - if none present)

  • 44. "Are the Furnishings in kids' playroom flexible, durable, and able to withstand kids' physical activities? (NA – if no kids' Playroom) Somerset - Play area (either indoor or outdoor) with at least one of the below: 1. Eco-friendly elements in play structures, flooring and/or decorative elements 2. Making use of recycled materials; kids activities to learn about the environment and/or local community 3. Energy efficient design (lighting system, natural light, effective insulation)"

  • 45. Are kids' playroom safety equipment and features in place and are in good working condition? (Furniture harness, safety hinges on toy boxes, safety plugs etc.)

  • 46. Is the kids' playroom cleaned and sanitised regularly?

Business Centre / Executive lounge/ Co-Working space / Meeting Rooms

  • 47. Is the business centre / internet corner kept clean and furniture in good condition? (NA - if none present)

  • 48. Are all equipment (E.g. PC, printer, etc.) kept clean and working well? (NA - if none present)

  • 49. Is the business centre equipped with the appropriate amenities to provide a variety of services such as photocopying, printing, video conferencing etc? (NA – if no business center)

  • 50. Is there at least an associate that is able to offer IT related support for property provided equipment and offer assistance?

  • 51. Is the shared working space furnished with appropriate furniture and amenities e.g. Universal power sockets, internet service? (NA – if no Shared Working Space)

  • 52. Do the meeting rooms and business centers have provisions for AV projectors, portable speakers, data points, power sockets, USB sockets and printers?

  • 53. Do the meeting rooms provide an A4 Memo Pad (adhering to Brand Standards CI)


  • 54. Is the entrance door and signage in good condition, clean and well maintained?

  • 55. Is the usage of lauderette instructions present, in good condition and grammatically correct with a waiver of liability clause present? Did the instructions state where to get tokens, laundry powder and step-by-step instruction on how to operate the machines?

  • 56. Are the washer and/or dryer clean and well maintained? (No lint/musky smell in washer/dryer)

Car Park

  • 57. Are the carpark rules and regulations present with disclaimers? Signage is worded and grammatically correct as per S&G General with a management not liablie clause present?

  • 58. Are the carpark facilities clean and well-maintained? (i.e. lighting must be sufficient and in good working order). Visible areas should not be used as a storage area.

Public Area Restroom

  • 59. Are the restroom main doors & signage free of marks/ stains?

  • 60. Are the restroom main & cubicle doors' hardware in good condition? (no squeaky sound or rusty locks)

  • 61. Are the basins drainage ring & stopper free from stains?

  • 62. Are the basin grouting free from mould?

  • 63. Are the basin faucets not tarnished?

  • 64. Are the basin tops presentable and clean? (If marble tops - it should be shiny)

  • 65. Are liquid hand soap provided?

  • 66. Are dustbins available and not overflowing with rubbish?

  • 67. Are all the lights functional with no rusty covers? Are the covers dusty?

  • 68. All toilet bowls and urinals should not have yellow stains

  • 69. Are hand dryers in working order and/or are paper towels provided?

  • 70. Are all the floors clean and grouting for tiles not mouldy. (If marble floor - should be shiny. Cannot be dull) No oily / greasy floor?

  • 71. Are all walls and ceilings in good condition, clean, free of dust & cobwebs. Are wall skirtings not damaged?

  • 72. Are the restroom free of any foul smell? (e.g. urine/motion smell)

  • 73. Are the signages to the restrooms clearly visible from the lobby?

  • 74. Are the signages for the Men’s, Women’s and Accessible restrooms clearly indicated?

Guests' Lounge / Restaurant / Breakfast Area (Applicable to outsourced suppliers)

  • 75. "Are there food and beverage outlets on-site as per brand standards? For Oakwood - Oakbistro and Oakbar Cart should be available (ie. bistro and a bar). For Oakwood Premier- Oakbrasserie and Oakbar should be available (ie. restaurant and a bar). For all other brands - Please indicate NA as it is not mandatory by brand standards"

  • 76. Are breakfast service hours displayed and/or made known to the guests? Is breakfast made available from 0630/0700 till 0930/1030?

  • 77. Is all furniture in good condition, free of signs of wear & tear?

  • 78. Are all walls and ceilings in good condition, clean, free of dust & cobwebs? Are wall skirtings not damaged?

  • 79. Are all lights functional and no rusty covers? Are lamp shades and covers not dusty?

  • 80. Are all floors (carpet or tile) clean and/or grouting for tiles are not mouldy. (If marble floor - it should be shiny. Cannot be dull). No oily / greasy floor. Is there no bread crumbs or leftover food on floor?

  • 81. Is the guests’ lounge furnished with appropriate furniture, depending on size of area? (E.g. Wall mounted television with sound bar, chairs, tables)

  • 82. Does the breakfast area/guests' lounge smell free of grease with no unpleasant smell lingering in the air and well-ventilated? (i.e.. When leaving the Breakfast Area, one should not smell of grease on the clothes and body)

  • 83. Are the servers properly groomed?

  • 84. Are the breakfast food variety based on the TAL S&Gs?

  • 85. Are the breakfast food presentable?

  • 86. Are the breakfast provisions of reasonable quality. (Reviewers to taste the food)

  • 87. Is the Breakfast Service efficient? (Reviewers to check whether breakfast items are replenished, dirty tables are cleaned after guest leave, used plates are cleared from guest table?)

  • 88. Is the kitchen area hygienic & clean? (only in house kitchens or pantry) E.g. Free from pests.

  • 89. Are kitchen safety measures in place? (only in house kitchens or pantry) E.g. Presence of fire extinguishers, no blocking of escape routes etc.)

  • 90. Do all the Outsource Associates have a food safety/health certificate?

  • 91. Are the gas burners cleaned, and not oily ,the gas valve is turned off when no associate is present in the kitchen (after service hours)?

  • 92. Do all the food have production date and shelf life clearly indicated? None expired?

  • 93. Are raw and cooked food stored separately in different fridge?

2. PROPERTY QUAITY ASSURANCE: 2.5 In House-Room Inspections 15%

    Room Inspections. (Reviewer are expected to grade 2 or more rooms across 2 room types)
  • Date

  • Room Type

  • Apartment Number


  • 1. Corridor leading to Apartment: carpet, walls and skirting are kept clean & not dusty


  • 2. Entrance door, frame & door closure are free of dust/ marks/nicks.

  • 3. Fire escape plan is present. Layout of the floorplan in the correct orientation and escape routes to be highlighted in relation to viewer’s location.

  • 4. Entrance door lock/hardware is functional & not loose

  • 5. Carpeting/Flooring/wall skirting is free of dust/stains/well vacuumed

  • 6. All walls/cabinets/ceilings in good condition, clean, free of dust

  • 7. "Main door should have door hanger signs. i.e. (Do Not Disturb / Please tidy up - according to Brand Standard) Optional if electronic signs available.<br><br>During housekeeping services, is there a Housekeeper at Work sign present? Housekeeper at work should adhere to brand standards."<br>

  • 8. All rooms are odour free and ventilated?

  • 9. All Fridge and Kettle are in good condition. (e.g. Kettle do not have left over water)

  • 10. Is there a Ascott CARES in-room water dispenser tentcard or poster?<br>

  • 11. All utensils, crockery and trays are present

  • 12. Bin interior and exterior should be clean and present. No plastic bin to be used or to use biodegradable materials.<br>

  • 13. "Welcome amenity is professional presented and correct number of items are present. No plastic water bottles should be provided.<br>For Citadines - Is there an in-room coffee mug according to Citadines brand standards and in-room coffee equipment as per OES list? https://cl.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/dept_BrandResourceCentre/Shared%20Documents/05.%20Citadines?csf=1&web=1&e=sUeC93 <br>For ASR Members - Is there a welcome gift available fr all member tiers placed in room?"<br>


  • 14. Bed is made correctly; linen is clean and free of stains/wear & tear

  • 15. Is the Ascott CARES in-room wooden cube placed on every bed side?

  • 16. All walls/cabinets/ceilings in good condition, clean, free of dust

  • 17. All furniture is in good condition, free of signs of wear and tear (Sofa should not have dirt at internal sides of cushion)

  • 18. "Are the following brand signatures present in the room? Ascott - Are there Themed Suites in the property? (Eg. Fine Arts themed suite, gatronomy theme suites, etc)? - Mandatory for properties opened after Q4 2023. Otherwise, NA. Somerset - Are there cubbies displayed in the room and themed suites (Eg. wellness, family themed suites, etc) - Mandatory for properties opened after Q1 2023. Otherwise, NA. Citadines - Are there convertible features Oakwood - Is there an in-room work desk? - Mandatory for properties opened after Q1 2024. Otherwise, NA." such as stowaway tables, pull out furniture? - Mandatory for properties opened after Q4 2022. Otherwise, NA.

  • 19. Carpeting/Flooring/ wall skirtings is free of dust/stains/well vacuumed

  • 20. Telephone to have A6 memo pad and pen or pencil (adhering to Brand Standard) next to it.

  • 21. Property Info / House Rules manual and/or Digital Compendium.

  • 22. TV channels are clear and matches the channel guide (channel guide on TV acceptable)

  • 23. "1 laundry list & bag is provided. (List & bag to adhere to Brand Standards CI) For Ascott, Oakwood, TCC properties - Non Woven or bleached cotton For Somerset & Citadines - Non Woven or Bio de-gradable Plastic Bags as per CI."

  • 24. Wardrobe must have 4 Clip & 6 Coat Hangers. For Ascott properties: plus 2 Satin Hangers.

  • 25. 2 x Bathrobes to be placed in wardrobe for Ascott, Oakwood & Somerset. Citadines upon request & VIP). For Bathrobe: A bathrobe card adhering to Brand Standard CI is present)

  • 26. Wardrobe safe should be present, clean and working.

  • 27. 2 x Bedroom Slippers to be provided in Bedroom.

  • 28. Windows & frames are clean internally & externally.

  • 29. All lights functional/clean/dust free

  • 30. Weighing Scale present for Ascott, Oakwood, TCC & Somerset Properties

  • 31. Steam Iron & Board must be present. Iron sole plate should be clean without scratches and no water left in the iron.

  • 32. Hairdryer (min 1800 wattage) should be present and clean.


  • 33. Cabinet under sink is clean and dry, including pipes

  • 34. All cabinetry is clean and dust free. No signs of wear and tear

  • 35. Bins with lids should be present, clean and not damaged. No plastic bin to be used or to use biodegradable materials.

  • 36. Glasses, soap dish and mirrors are clean and spot free

  • 37. Toilet Bowl is clean and stain free.

  • 38. Basins drainage ring & stopper are free from stains

  • 39. Drains function smoothly

  • 40. Correct no. of corporate specified toiletries are in the proper place. https://cl.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/dept_BrandResourceCentre/Shared%20Documents/05.%20Citadines/Citadines%20Global%20Standards%20(Updated%20as%20at%205%20Apr%202024).pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=6xeY9N Page 28 and 29<br><br>(Sustainability : Biodegradable)

  • 41. All walls and ceilings in good condition, clean, free of defects

  • 42. If Bathtub present, either anti-slip rubber mat or bathtub anti-slip grooves present and clean.

  • 43. If Bathtub present, a grab bar must be installed on the wall for safety.

  • 44. Shower curtain edges should be clean. No mould and slime.

  • 45. Shower heads should be free from limescale and not broken.

  • 46. Flooring is free of dust/stains

  • 47. Terry Towels are clean, free of stains/wear & tear. (Ascott, Somerset: 2 Bath, 2 Hand, 2 Face & 1 Bath mat), (Citadines: 2 Bath, 2 Hand & 1 Bath mat) 2 x Bathrobes for Ascott & Somerset.

  • 48. Guest Amenities:<br><br>- Citadines Outside Europe properties: Tissue Box & Bedroom Slippers to be present.<br>- Citadines Europe Europe Properties: Tissue Box & Bedroom Slippers for La Clef & Long Stay Guest)<br>- Ascott properties: All toiletry items (less sewing kit on request) are to be placed in the apartments.<br><br>(Sustainability : Biodegradable)

  • 49. Grouting in good condition. No mould.

  • 50. All lights functional/clean/dust free.

  • Apartment Number


  • 1. Corridor leading to Apartment: carpet, walls and skirting are kept clean & not dusty


  • 2. Entrance door, frame & door closure are free of dust/ marks/nicks.

  • 3. Fire escape plan is present. Layout of the floorplan in the correct orientation and escape routes to be highlighted in relation to viewer’s location.

  • 4. Entrance door lock/hardware is functional & not loose

  • 5. Carpeting/Flooring/wall skirting is free of dust/stains/well vacuumed

  • 6. All walls/cabinets/ceilings in good condition, clean, free of dust

  • 7. Main door should have door hanger signs. Optional if electronic signs available.

  • 8. Main switch Green sticker is present???? CHECK ON THIS. NOT ON HOTEL ROOM TAB


  • 9. Carpeting/Flooring/wall skirting is free of dust/stains/well vacuumed

  • 10. All walls/picture frames/ceilings in good condition & free of dust

  • 11. All furniture is in good condition, free of signs of wear and tear. (Sofas should not have dirt at internal sides of cushion)

  • 12. "Are the following brand signatures present in the room? <br><br>Ascott - Are there Themed Suites in the property? (Eg. Fine Arts themed suite, gatronomy theme suites, etc)? - Mandatory for properties opened after Q4 2023. Otherwise, NA.<br>Somerset - Are there cubbies displayed in the room and themed suites (Eg. wellness, family themed suites, etc) - Mandatory for properties opened after Q1 2023. Otherwise, NA.<br>Citadines - Are there convertible features such as stowaway tables, pull out furniture? - Mandatory for properties opened after Q4 2022. Otherwise, NA.<br>Oakwood - Is there an in-room work desk? - Mandatory for properties opened after Q1 2024. Otherwise, NA."<br>

  • 13. All lights are functional/clean/dust free

  • 14. TV channels are clear and matches the channel guide (channel guide on TV acceptable)

  • 15. S-Manual / Instructions to operate appliances and equipment (can be provided digitally e.g. QR code)

  • 16. Windows & frames are clean internally & externally.

  • 17. Coffee table should have telephone to have A6 memo pad and pen next to it


  • 18. All surfaces, fixtures and equipment is free of dust / debris / oil

  • 19. Carpeting/Flooring/wall skirtings are free of dust/stains/well vacuumed

  • 20. All electrical appliances are in working order.

  • 21. All electrical appliances (e.g. Bread toaster, kettle, rice cookers do not have left overs of crumbs, water or food respectively)

  • 22. All kitchen utensils, crockery and appliances are present (Check OES List for Specs quantity)

  • 23. Is there a Ascott CARES in-room water dispenser tentcard or poster?<br>

  • 24. All kitchen utensils, crockery and appliances are clean.

  • 25. Bins interior and exterior should be clean and present. To use biodegradable materials.<br><br>(Sustainability : Biodegradable)

  • 26. 1 packet/bottle of dishwashing liquid and a sponge/non abrasive scouring pad are provided. For properties with Dishwasher, dishwashing tablets are to be provided. To use refill bottled.<br><br>(Sustainability : Biodegradable)

  • 27. All lights functional/clean/dust free

  • 28. Kitchen smells clean and fresh


  • 29 Bed is made correctly; linen is clean and free of stains/wear & tear

  • 30 Is the Ascott CARES in-room wooden cube placed on every bed side?

  • 31 All walls, picture frames & ceilings are in good condition, clean, free of dust

  • 32 All furniture is in good condition, free of signs of wear and tear

  • 33 Carpeting/Flooring/ wall skirtings is free of dust/stains/well vacuumed

  • 34 TV channels are clear and matches the channel guide (channel guide on TV acceptable)

  • 35 "1 laundry list & bag is provided. (List & bag to adhere to Brand Standards CI) For Ascott, Oakwood, TCC properties - Non Woven or bleached cotton For Somerset & Citadines - Non Woven or Bio de-gradable Plastic Bags as per CI."

  • 36 Wardrobe must have 4 Clip & 6 Coat Hangers. For Ascott, Oakwood, TCC properties: plus 2 Satin Hangers

  • 37 2 x Bathrobes to be placed in wardrob for Ascott, Oakwood & Somerset. Citadines upon request & VIP). For Bathrobe: A bathrobe card adhering to Brand Standard CI is present)

  • 38 Wardrobe safe should be present, clean and working.

  • 39 2 x Bedroom Slippers to be provided in Bedroom.

  • 40 Windows & frames are clean internally & externally.

  • 41 All lights functional/clean/dust free

  • 42 Weighing Scale present for Ascott, Oakwood, TCC & Somerset Properties

  • 43 Steam Iron & Board must be present. Iron sole plate should be clean without scratches and no water left in the iron.

  • 44 Hairdryer (min 1800 wattage) should be present and clean.


  • 45 Cabinet under sink is clean and dry, including pipes

  • 46 All cabinetry is clean and dust free. No signs of wear and tear

  • 47 Bins with lids should be present, clean and not damaged. No plastic bin to be used or to use biodegradable materials.

  • 48 Glasses, soap dish and mirrors are clean and spot free

  • 49 Toilet Bowl is clean and stain free.

  • 50 Basins drainage ring & stopper are free from stains

  • 51 Drains function smoothly

  • 52 Correct no. of corporate specified toiletries are in the proper place

  • 53 All walls and ceilings in good condition, clean, free of defects

  • 54 If Bathtub present, either anti-slip rubber mat or bathtub anti-slip grooves present and clean.

  • 55 If Bathtub present, a grab bar must be installed on the wall for safety.

  • 56 Shower curtain edges should be clean. No mould and slime.

  • 57 Shower heads should be free from limescale and not broken.

  • 58 Flooring is free of dust/stains

  • 59 "Terry Towels are clean, free of stains/wear & tear. (Ascott, Oakwood, Somerset, TCC, TUC: 2 Bath, 2 Hand, 2 Face & 1 Bath mat), (Citadines: 2 Bath, 2 Hand & 1 Bath mat)."

  • 60 Grouting in good condition. No mould.

  • 61 All lights functional/clean/dust free.


  • 62 All other amenities/items are present and in good condition.

  • 63 "Guest Amenities: Outside Europe properties: Tissue Box & Bedroom Slippers to be present. Europe Europe Properties: Tissue Box & Bedroom Slippers for TUC & Long Stay Guest) Ascott properties: All toiletry items (less sewing kit on request) are to be placed in the apartments."

  • 64 All rooms are odour free and ventilated

  • 65 Patios/balconies are clean. No cigarette butts.

  • 66 Patios/ balconies must have a disclaimer sticker on the doors.

  • 67 Utility area/closet is clean and well maintained.

  • 68 "Washer/Dryer is dry, clean and well maintained. Rubber seals should not have mould. Instructions for Washer/Dryer are posted on or near Washer/Dryer (Citadines - If not present, NA)"

  • 69 Laundry powder is present.

  • 70 "Welcome amenity is professional presented and correct number of items are present. No plastic water bottles should be provided.<br>For Citadines - Is there an in-room coffee mug according to Citadines brand standards and in-room coffee equipment as per OES list?<br>For ASR Members - Is there a welcome gift available fr all member tiers placed in room?"<br>

  • Apartment Number


  • 1. Corridor leading to Apartment: carpet, walls and skirting are kept clean & not dusty


  • 2. Entrance door, frame & door closure are free of dust/ marks/nicks.

  • 3. Fire escape plan is present. Layout of the floorplan in the correct orientation and escape routes to be highlighted in relation to viewer’s location.

  • 4. Entrance door lock/hardware is functional & not loose

  • 5. Carpeting/Flooring/wall skirting is free of dust/stains/well vacuumed

  • 6. All walls/cabinets/ceilings in good condition, clean, free of dust

  • 7. Main door should have door hanger signs. Optional if electronic signs available. "Main door should have door hanger signs. i.e. (Do Not Disturb / Please tidy up - according to Brand Standard) Optional if electronic signs available.<br><br>During housekeeping services, is there a Housekeeper at Work sign present? Housekeeper at work should adhere to brand standards."<br>

  • 8. Main switch Green sticker is present


  • 9. Carpeting/Flooring/wall skirting is free of dust/stains/well vacuumed

  • 10. All walls/picture frames/ceilings in good condition & free of dust

  • 11. All furniture is in good condition, free of signs of wear and tear. (Sofas should not have dirt at internal sides of cushion)

  • 12 "Are the following brand signatures present in the room? <br><br>Ascott - Are there Themed Suites in the property? (Eg. Fine Arts themed suite, gatronomy theme suites, etc)? - Mandatory for properties opened after Q4 2023. Otherwise, NA.<br>Somerset - Are there cubbies displayed in the room and themed suites (Eg. wellness, family themed suites, etc) - Mandatory for properties opened after Q1 2023. Otherwise, NA.<br>Citadines - Are there convertible features such as stowaway tables, pull out furniture? - Mandatory for properties opened after Q4 2022. Otherwise, NA.<br>Oakwood - Is there an in-room work desk? - Mandatory for properties opened after Q1 2024. Otherwise, NA."<br>

  • 13. All lights are functional/clean/dust free

  • 14. TV channels are clear and matches the channel guide (channel guide on TV acceptable)

  • 15. Windows & frames are clean internally & externally.

  • 16. S-Manual / Instructions to operate appliances and equipment (can be provided digitally e.g. QR code)

  • 17. Coffee table should have telephone to have A6 memo pad and pen next to it


  • 18. All surfaces, fixtures and equipment is free of dust / debris / oil

  • 19. Carpeting/Flooring/wall skirtings are free of dust/stains/well vacuumed

  • 20. All electrical appliances are in working order

  • 21. All electrical appliances (e.g. Bread toaster, kettle, rice cookers do not have left overs of crumbs, water or food respectively)

  • 22. All kitchen utensils, crockery and appliances are present and clean (Check OES List for Specs quantity)

  • 23. Is there a Ascott CARES in-room water dispenser tentcard or poster?<br>

  • 24. All kitchen utensils, crockery and appliances are clean.

  • 25. Bins interior and exterior should be clean and present. To use biodegradable materials.<br><br>(Sustainability : Biodegradable)

  • 26. 1 packet/bottle of dishwashing liquid and a sponge/scouring pad are provided. For properties with Dishwasher, dishwashing tablets to be provided. Refill bottled to be used <br><br>(Sustainability : Refill bottled to be used)

  • 27. All lights functional/clean/dust free

  • 28. Kitchen smells clean and fresh

Master Bedroom

  • 29 Bed is made correctly; linen is clean and free of stains/wear & tear

  • 30 Is the Ascott CARES in-room wooden cube placed on every bed side?

  • 31 All walls, picture frames & ceilings are in good condition, clean, free of dust

  • 32 All furniture is in good condition, free of signs of wear and tear

  • 33 Carpeting/Flooring/ wall skirtings is free of dust/stains/well vacuumed

  • 34 TV channels are clear and matches the channel guide (channel guide on TV acceptable)

  • 35 "1 laundry list & bag is provided. (List & bag to adhere to Brand Standards CI) For Ascott, Oakwood, TCC properties - Non Woven or bleached cotton For Somerset & Citadines - Non Woven or Bio de-gradable Plastic Bags as per CI."

  • 36 Wardrobe must have 4 Clip & 6 Coat Hangers. For Ascott, Oakwood, TCC properties: plus 2 Satin Hangers

  • 37 2 x Bathrobes to be placed in wardrob for Ascott, Oakwood & Somerset. Citadines upon request & VIP). For Bathrobe: A bathrobe card adhering to Brand Standard CI is present)

  • 38 Wardrobe safe should be present, clean and working.

  • 39 2 x Bedroom Slippers to be provided in Master Bedroom.

  • 40 Windows & frames are clean internally & externally.

  • 41 All lights functional/clean/dust free

  • 42 Weighing Scale present for Ascott, Oakwood, TCC & Somerset Properties

  • 43 Steam Iron & Board must be present. Iron sole plate should be clean and no water left in the iron.

  • 44 Hairdryer (min 1800 wattage) should be present and clean.

Master Bathroom

  • 45 Cabinet under sink is clean and dry, including pipes

  • 46 All cabinetry is clean and dust free. No signs of wear and tear

  • 47 Bins with lids should be present, clean and not damaged. No plastic bin to be used or to use biodegradable materials.

  • 48 Glasses, soap dish and mirrors are clean and spot free

  • 49 Toilet Bowl is clean and stain free.

  • 50 Basins drainage ring & stopper are free from stains

  • 51 Drains function smoothly

  • 52 Correct no. of corporate specified toiletries are in the proper place

  • 53 All walls and ceilings in good condition, clean, free of defects

  • 54 If Bathtub present, either anti-slip rubber mat or bathtub anti-slip grooves present.

  • 55 If Bathtub present, a grab bar must be installed on the wall for safety.

  • 56 Shower curtain edges should be clean. No mould and slime.

  • 57 Shower heads should be free from limescale and not broken.

  • 58 Flooring is free of dust/stains.

  • 59 "Terry Towels are clean, free of stains/wear & tear. (Ascott, Oakwood, Somerset, TCC, TUC: 2 Bath, 2 Hand, 2 Face & 1 Bath mat), (Citadines, lyf: 2 Bath, 2 Hand & 1 Bath mat)."

  • 60 Green Leaf card to be hung on towel rack.

  • 61 Grouting in good condition. No Mould.

  • 62 All lights functional/clean/dust free.

Bedroom 2

  • 63 Bed is made correctly; linen is clean and free of stains/wear & tear

  • 64 Is the Ascott CARES in-room wooden cube placed on every bed side?

  • 65 All walls, picture frames & ceilings are in good condition, clean, free of dust

  • 66 All furniture is in good condition, free of signs of wear and tear

  • 67 Carpeting/Flooring/ wall skirtings is free of dust/stains/well vacuumed

  • 68 Wardrobe must have 4 Clip & 6 Coat Hangers. For Ascott, Oakwood, TCC properties: plus 2 Satin Hangers

  • 69 Windows & frames are clean internally & externally.

  • 70 All lights functional/clean/dust free

2nd Bathroom

  • 71 Cabinet under sink is clean and dry, including pipes

  • 72 All cabinetry is clean and dust free. No signs of wear and tear

  • 73 Bins with lids should be present, clean and not damaged. No plastic bin to be used or to use biodegradable materials.

  • 74 Glasses, soap dish and mirrors are clean and spot free

  • 75 Toilet Bowl is clean and stain free.

  • 76 Basins drainage ring & stopper are free from stains

  • 77 Drains function smoothly

  • 78 Correct no. of corporate specified toiletries are in the proper place

  • 79 All walls and ceilings in good condition, clean, free of defects

  • 80 If Bathtub present, either anti-slip rubber mat or bathtub anti-slip grooves present.

  • 81 If Bathtub present, a grab bar must be installed on the wall for safety.

  • 82 Shower curtain edges should be clean. No mould and slime.

  • 83 Shower heads should be free from limescale and not broken.

  • 84 Flooring is free of dust/stains

  • 85 "Terry Towels are clean, free of stains/wear & tear. (Ascott, Oakwood, Somerset, TCC, TUC: 2 Bath, 2 Hand, 2 Face & 1 Bath mat), (Citadines, lyf: 2 Bath, 2 Hand & 1 Bath mat)."

  • 86 Green Leaf card to be hung on towel rack.

  • 87 Grouting in good condition. No Mould.

  • 88 All lights functional/clean/dust free

Bedroom 3 (If applicable)

  • Is this applicable?

  • 89 Bed is made correctly; linen is clean and free of stains/wear & tear

  • 90 Is the Ascott CARES in-room wooden cube placed on every bed side?

  • 91 All walls, picture frames & ceilings are in good condition, clean, free of dust

  • 92 All furniture is in good condition, free of signs of wear and tear

  • 93 Carpeting/Flooring/ wall skirtings is free of dust/stains/well vacuumed

  • 94 Wardrobe must have 4 Clip & 6 Coat Hangers. For Ascott, Oakwood, TCC properties: plus 2 Satin Hangers

  • 95 Windows & frames are clean internally & externally.

  • 96 All lights functional/clean/dust free

Bathroom 3 (if applicable)

  • Is this applicable?

  • 97 Cabinet under sink is clean and dry, including pipes

  • 98 All cabinetry is clean and dust free. No signs of wear and tear

  • 99 Bins with lids should be present, clean and not damaged. No plastic bin to be used or to use biodegradable materials.

  • 100 Glasses, soap dish and mirrors are clean and spot free

  • 101 Toilet Bowl is clean and stain free.

  • 102 Basins drainage ring & stopper are free from stains

  • 103 Drains function smoothly

  • 104 Correct no. of corporate specified toiletries are in the proper place

  • 105 All walls and ceilings in good condition, clean, free of defects

  • 106 If Bathtub present, either anti-slip rubber mat or bathtub anti-slip grooves present.

  • 107 If Bathtub present, a grab bar must be installed on the wall for safety.

  • 108 Shower curtain edges should be clean. No mould and slime.

  • 109 Shower heads should be free from limescale and not broken.

  • 110 Flooring is free of dust/stains

  • 111 "Terry Towels are clean, free of stains/wear & tear. (Ascott, Oakwood, Somerset, TCC, TUC: 2 Bath, 2 Hand, 2 Face & 1 Bath mat), (Citadines: 2 Bath, 2 Hand & 1 Bath mat)."

  • 112 Green Leaf card to be hung on towel rack.

  • 113 Grouting in good condition. No Mould

  • 114 All lights functional/clean/dust free


  • 115 All other amenities/items are present and in good condition<br><br>(Sustainability : toiletries)

  • 116. Guest Amenities:<br>Citadines Outside Europe properties: Tissue Box & Bedroom Slippers to be present.<br>Citadines Europe Europe Properties: Tissue Box & Bedroom Slippers for La Clef & Long Stay Guest)<br>Ascott properties: All toiletry items (less sewing kit on request) are to be placed in the apartments.<br><br>(Sustainability)

  • 117 All rooms are odour free and ventilated

  • 118 Patios/balconies are clean. No cigarette butts

  • 119 Patios/ balconies must have a disclaimer sticker on the doors.

  • 120 Utility area/closet is clean and well maintained

  • 121 "Washer/Dryer is dry, clean and well maintained. Rubber seals should not have mould. Instructions for Washer/Dryer are posted on or near Washer/Dryer (Citadines - If not present, NA)"

  • 122 Laundry powder is present

  • 123 "Welcome amenity is professional presented and correct number of items are present. No plastic water bottles should be provided.<br>For Citadines - Is there an in-room coffee mug according to Citadines brand standards and in-room coffee equipment as per OES list?<br>For ASR Members - Is there a welcome gift available fr all member tiers placed in room?"<br>


Check Out Standards

  • 1 Was guest offered luggage assistance while awaiting check out?

  • 2 Was guest offered assistance immediately upon check out or if a queue was present was he / she positively acknowledged with hand or facial gestures within 30 secs of approaching the desk?

  • 3 If a queue was present, was guest offered assistance within 5 min of joining it?

  • 4 Did associate greet guest with a smile and use guest's name whenever possible?

  • 5 Did associate confirm guest's name and apartment number?

  • 6 Did associate request for the return of the apartment keys and any loan items?

  • 7 Did associate ask at any one point if guest had enjoyed their stay?

  • 8 Did associate offer assistance with onward transport or reconfirm any prearranged transport? Did associate remind guest on safe box items?

  • 9 "For reservations made via OTA, GS to encourage guest to be an ASR and explain benefits.  (Quiz Associate) Note: GSO should know the key benefits"

  • 10 Did associate confirm all transactions with the guests before charging the guest?

  • 11 If a pen was required, was it a Corporate Identity pen provided as per brand standards?

  • 12 Did associate reconfirm on mode of payment before proceeding with settlement?

  • 13 Did associate highlight to guest the holding period of the pre-authorized amount should guest decide not to use the credit card provided at point of check-in?

  • 14 Associate should offer an e-invoice to the guest to be sent to their emails, unless requested by the guest to provide hardcopy invoice.

  • 15 If the guest requests for hardcopies, did associate place all invoices, receipts and payment slips in a Brand DL envelope before handing to guest?

  • 16 Did the associate use the guest's name at least once during the interaction?

  • 17 "Did the associate offer a warm and sincere farewell at the end of the interaction with a farewell experience adhering to brand standards? Are VIPs given mementos that extend the brand presence and remind them of the local experiences from their stay? Ascott - Eg: Ascott tote bag/ pen engraving service using in-room pen/ post cards featuring art pieces in the property, etc. Oakwood - Eg: mini room spray featuring signature scent/ Oakwood recipe cards for easy-to-make and familiar dishes, etc. Somerset - Eg: hand sanitiser/ cubby polaroid/ Somerset jute or tote bag/ recyclable bottles, etc. Citadines - Eg: local blend coffee/ Citadines tote bag/ Citadines Coaster/ Coffee ground for plant fertiliser, etc."

  • 18 Did the associate complete the check out process in no more than 5 mins from the time the guest joins the queue?

  • 19 Did Associate inform the guest that Guest Satisfaction Survey (GSS) will be sent to gather feedback about their stay experience for our improvement on product and services?

3. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT: 3.1Heart of Home -5%


  • 1"Property has saved set of updated Standards & Guidelines. (Soft copies via PM shared folder) include:<br>• Crisis Management Manual<br>• Introduction<br>• General<br>• Administration<br>• Guest Service<br>• Housekeeping<br>• Engineering<br>• Security<br>• Food and Beverage (If applicable)"<br>

  • 2 "Associate should have an understanding of our Company's Core Vision, Mission and Core Values. The information should be promptly framed and displayed. Quiz Associate on understanding of company's core purpose and values."

  • 3 HOH areas such staff canteen, rest areas, staff entrances, lifts, pantries and other common areas should be sanitized and cleaned regularly (Recommended once every 4 hours - property to show cleaning schedule).

  • 4 Are Property and Associate awards displayed at appropriate areas of the HoH?

  • 5 Are all Heart of Home corridors clean and in good condition?

Luggage Room

  • 6 Is the luggage room clean and well maintained, away from guest’s sight?

  • 7 Is the luggage room constantly monitored by CCTV?

  • 8 Is the luggage room clean and well maintained, away from guest’s sight?

  • 9 Are the luggages in the lugagge room taged with luggage tag with details such as guest name, room number, number of pieces, date/time of collection recorded?

Associate Canteen

  • 10 Are entrance doors in good condition, free of marks and stains?

  • 11 Are entrance doors' hardware in good condition (no squeaky sound)?

  • 12 Is the flooring clean and good condition? (No broken tiles or mouldy grouting)

  • 13 Are all walls and ceilings in good condition, clean, free of dust & cobwebs. Are wall skirtings not damaged?

  • 14 Are all lights functional with no rusty covers and not dusty?

  • 15 Are all furnitures in good condition, free of signs of wear and tear?

  • 16 Are covered dustbin available and not overflowing with rubbish?

  • 17 Associate Canteen should not have grease/oil or smoke smell lingering in the air. (i.e.. When leaving the associate canteen, one should not smell of grease on clothes and body). Associates will be serving guests after.

  • 18 Are electrical appliances in good working order?

  • 19 Do associate kitchen basins have hand soap, detergent and sponge available?

Associate Changing Rooms

  • 20 Are Associate changing room door & signage free of marks/ stains?

  • 21 Are Associate rest areas and lockers cleaned/sanitized regularly except during lull periods as many associates regularly use them?

  • 22 Are restrooms main & cubicle doors' hardware in good condition? (no squeaky sound or rusty locks)

  • 23 Are basin drainage ring & stopper free from stains?

  • 24 Are basin grouting free from mould?

  • 25 Are basin faucets not rusted or stained?

  • 26 Are basin tops presentable and clean? (If marble tops - the shine should be present)

  • 27 Are liquid hand soap provided? (should not use left over guest hand soap)

  • 28 Are dustbin available and not overflowing with rubbish?

  • 29 Are all lights functional with no rusty covers and not dusty?

  • 30 Are all toilet bowls and urinals stain free?

  • 31 Are hand dryers in working order and/or paper towels provided?

  • 32 Are all shower stalls in good condition?

  • 33 Do all shower stalls have hooks available?

  • 34 Are all shower walls grouting mould free?

  • 35 Are all shower heads free of limescale?

  • 36 Do all shower stalls have wall mounted amenity rack. i.e. for associates to place personal shower items?

  • 37 Are all floors clean and grouting for tiles free from mould? Floors should not be greasy.

  • 38 Are all walls and ceilings in good condition, clean, free of dust & cobwebs? Are wall skirtings not damaged?

  • 39 Do the changing room smell pleasant? (e.g. free from sewage smell)

  • 40 Are the lockers in good condition, with functioning locks and rust free?

  • 41 Are all furniture in good condition, free of signs of wear and tear?

Heart-of-Home Office

  • 42 Are the heart-of-home offices (include GS, Houskeeping, Engineering, Security, F&B offices) kept clean and organised? Offices should be free of clutter and documents properly filed.

  • 43 Do the housekeeping department have procedures to control the issue of keys to associates allowing them to access appropriate areas of work only? (Sign in & out for all keys are checked daily.)

  • 44 Do the housekeeping department have procedures to issue items from the store with proper stock control to avoid under / over stock. (Check Stock Cards tallies with stock, check inventory lists)

  • 45 Are Uniform Issuance Cards used to assist the tracking of uniforms accurately? Ensure appropriate signatures are present & procedure are in place for tracking. All Associates are issued 3 sets of uniform. (e.g. Men - 2 Suit Jackets, 2 ties, 3 shirts and 3 pants. Ladies - 2 Jackets (if no blouses then jacket should be 3), 3 blouses, 3 skirts or pants) For countries with winter and summer season, 2 sets of seasonal uniforms for each seson should be issued.

  • 46 Are Equipment Record files up to date and inventory checks performed quarterly?

  • 47 Are all guest rooms deep cleaned (turnover) at least twice a year? Must see past year and plan for the next 12 months. (Check records and plan)

  • 48 Do the housekeeping carts appear professional, clean and well maintained? Carts should be organised with chemicals clearly labelled.

  • 49 Is there an established Pest Control schedule in place? Pest control must be done at least once a month. See service records and guest letters.

  • 50 "Is there an appropriate par of linen maintained on property? Ascott, Oakwood, TCC: 3.5 par of linen is maintained or shown to be on order. For Ascott, Oakwood, TCC: Bathrobe 1.5 par & duvet cover 2.5 par. Somerset, Citadines, lyf: 3 par of linen is maintained. For Somerset: Bathrobe at 1.5 par & duvet cover 2.5 par. For Citadines: Bathrobe (upon request & duvet cover 2.5 par). Inventory must be done quarterly. Check last inventory and subsequent PO. "

  • 51 Are mattresses turned/flipped quarterly? Check mattress condition as well as records in housekeeping department.

  • 52 Items for Loan to Guests are clean and well maintained and tracked. Items on Loan should be shared to appropriate departments. (Ie. GS should have access to check availability.)

  • 53 Does property have an external window cleaning contract schedule? Check when the last cleaning was performed.

  • 54 Is the housekeeping office tidy, clean and not used as a store room?

  • 55 Are housekeeping attendants issued with 5 different cloths according to S&G?

3. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT: 3.2 M&E and Facilities Management-10%

Assets Register Records

  • 1. The Engineering department keeps a comprehensive asset register (with photos/pictures) in accordance with company policies e.g. Generator, Pump Motor etc. The register should be kept updated on an annual basis.

As-built drawings of all Services

  • 2. As built drawings for architectural and interior works are kept.

  • 3. As-built drawings for building services installation are kept.

  • 4. Structural inspection records for structural works including any seismic inspection reports (where the company has an equity stake) are kept. (E.g. After every 5 years)


  • 5 Check that daily log reading taken on the chillers.

  • 6 Log record for air-balancing for ductwork systems are kept.

  • 7 Log record for off coil temperature.

  • 8 Log record of hydrostatic pressure testing are kept. Check testing & commissioning documents.

  • 9 Log record of leakage tests for ductwork systems are kept.

  • 10 Log record of room temperature.

  • 11 Log record of running and starting amp. (for split unit system)

  • 12 Water quality tests for the cooling towers (laboratory test to be conducted).


  • 13 .Check inspection log for plating thickness test that is carried out 5 yearly.

  • 14. Check log book for daily boiler readings.

Domestic Water Data

  • 15. Main Water meter readings are taken daily and meter S/No. coincides with the log book.

  • 16. Records of utility bills/invoices used for monthly ETS water inputs

  • 17. There are records of chemical / bacteriological test results for drinking water. (conducted annually by recognised water testing centre)

Electrical Data

  • 18 Log record of cable insulation and electrical system earthing tests are kept.

  • 19 Main Electrical meter readings are taken daily and meter S/No. coincides with the log book.

  • 20 Records of utility bills/invoices used for monthly ETS energy (electricity / gas) inputs

  • 21 There must be a yearly thermograph reading conducted on the whole electrical system to identify any "hot" spots. There should be proper follow up action on any irregularities found.

Fuel Data

  • 22 Main fuel meter readings are taken daily and meter S/No. coincides with the log book.


  • 23 Check generator log book and how often generator runs.

Inventories Control

  • 24 The Engineering department has procedures for stock control e.g. to avoid under / over stock. (Check stock cards tallies with stock)


  • 25 Monthly servicing/inspection records are kept

  • 26 Annual number load test carried out and records kept (Eg. 3rd Party audits)

  • 27 5-yearly full load test carried out and records kept

  • 28 Official operating licenses/permit & maintenance service agreement records are kept

Maintenance Work Records Data

  • 29 Detail maintenance records for works being carried out within each task and being signed off by the respective individuals. Outstanding Work Order are tracked and monitored.

  • 30 Record of a monthly compilation of the overall status of maintenance works order received for each of the various tasks and also a record of time spent to rectify these works.

Preventive Maintenance Program

  • 31 There is an annual master preventive maintenance plan for apartments (minimum 2 cycles) & mechanical, electrical and plumbing system (MEP). AC filter cleaning shall be performed quarterly


  • 32 Records of engineering department monthly report submission to Property Manager

Swimming Pool

  • 33. Water quality tests for the swimming pool, sauna, whirlpool (at least a 6-monthly/yearly laboratory test parameters be conducted).

Fire Testing:

  • 34. Engineering Manager keeps records of yearly statutory fire inspections.

  • 35. Testing records for fire detection / alarm tests & maintenance are kept.

  • 36 Testing records for fire hose reels and sprinkler tests are kept.

  • 37 Testing records for pressurisation tests are kept.

  • 38 Testing records for smoke extract tests are kept.

M&E Plant General Area

  • 39. The areas are generally clean. (Includes No stagnant water)

  • 40 There are no flammable materials that have been unduly left that could cause a fire risk.

  • 41 There are no tools, equipment and/or materials left unattended.

  • 42 There is no rubbish or other material that can cause obstructions and danger to people.

Health & Safety

  • 43 All flammable items should be kept in a cool and well ventilated area, away from electrical points. "No smoking" sign put up.

  • No Smoking sign

    Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 3.59.39 PM.png
  • 44 Other hazardous areas such as holes and trenches are fenced off and marked with hazard warning signs.

  • 45 The movement and access in the plant rooms is safe. E.g. No slippery floors, obstructions, uneven floors, low headroom, unexpected changes in levels, steep ramps, tripping hazards.

  • 46 The relevant hazard caution and warning notices are properly displayed.

  • 47 There are no visible signs of hazardous substances such as gas and spilled chemicals.

M & E Plant/Services Room

  • Air-Conditioning

Chiller Plant Room

  • Make/Model of Chiller:

  • Year of manufacture:

  • 48 Check all temperature/pressure gauges are in placed and not damaged.

  • 49 Check chiller plantroom pumps are not leaking at the packing gland.

  • 50 Check that all drainage in the chiller plantroom is clear and there is no stagnant water present.

  • 51 Check that all electrical control panels are secure

  • 52 Check that all indicator lamps are in working condition

  • 53 Check that all lights in the chiller plantroom are working.

  • 54 Check that all pipes and insulations in the chiller plantroom are not leaking.

  • 55 Check that door to chiller plantroom is locked.

Air Handle Unit Room (AHU)

  • 56 Check all insulation are not leaking or torn.

  • 57 Check all temperature/pressure gauges are in placed and not damaged.

  • 58 Check filters are clean & dry.

  • 59 Check room is dry and dust free.

  • 60 Check that AHU housing is not rusty.

  • 61 Check that all lights in the AHU room are working.

  • 62 Check that drain water pipe is discharged to drain or floor trap.

Fan Coil Unit (FCU) in the ceiling.

  • 63 Check drip tray does not have jelly formation on tray.

  • 64 Check filter are clean & dry.

  • 65 Check insulation is not damaged and no signs of leakages

  • 66 Check that drain water pipe is discharged to drain or floor trap.

  • 67 Check that there is a drip tray and it is insulated.

Split Unit System-Condenser

  • Make/Model of Split AC System:

  • Year of manufacture:

  • 68 Check coil if clean and free of dirt

  • 69 Check condenser unit have drip tray when system is suspended on ceiling.

  • 70 Check insulation is not damaged and no sign of leakages

  • 71 Check that drain water pipe is discharged to drain or floor trap.

Split Unit System-Fan Coil Unit (FCU)

  • 72 Check insulation for leaks.

  • 73 Check that directional fins are moving up and down.

  • 74 Check that fan coil filters are clean and dry.

Air-Conditioning: Window Units

  • 75 Check that directional fins are moving up and down.

  • 76 Check that drain pipe water is discharged to drain or floor trap.

  • 77 Check that fan coil filters are clean and dry.

Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV) Condenser

  • Make/Model of VRV AC System:

  • Year of manufacture:

  • 78 Check that floor area is clean of dirt

  • 79 Check that insulation is not leaking.

  • 80 Check that protective safety guard is not removed.

  • 81 Check coil is clean and free of dirt.

Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV) FCU

  • 82 Check that drain water pipe is discharged to drain or floor trap.

  • 83 Check that drip tray is available and it must be insulated.

  • 84 Check that filters are clean and dry.

  • 85 Check that no jelly formation is found on tray.

Domestic Water Pump Room

  • Make/Model of Domestic Pump System:

  • Year of manufacture:

  • 86 Check motor safety guard is not removed.

  • 87 Check that door to pump room is locked.

  • 88 Check that motors are well maintained and not rusty.

  • 89 Check that pump is not leaking at the packing gland.

  • 90 Check that pump room is dry.

  • 91 Check that room is not used as a store.

  • 92 Check that the lights are working

  • 93 Check that all water tank inspection covers are secured/locked

  • 94 Listen to pump operation for loss or faulty bearings.

  • Electrical System

HV/MV/LV Electrical Switch room & Transformer Room

  • 95 Check that rubber mat is placed on the floor below the switch gear.

  • 96 Check that the electric shock sign is framed and hung up. (I)

  • Electric shock signs.jpg
  • 97 Check that the lights are working.

  • 98 Check that the main door is locked.

  • 99 Check that the proper sign is placed outside the door. (see image below)

  • Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 3.59.50 PM.png
  • 100 Check that the room is clean and dust free.

  • 101 Check that the room is not used as a store.

  • 102 Check that the single line drawing is framed and hung up.

  • 103 Inside all electrical switch, appropriate signs must be placed e.g. 'Danger High Voltage', and single line drawing of the switchgear system. (see image below)

  • Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 3.59.59 PM.png
  • 104 There should be no water or sewage pipes in the room.

  • 105 Outside all electrical riser and electrical switch room, appropriate signs must be placed e.g. 'Danger High Voltage', 'No Entry' (see image below)

  • Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 9.50.55 AM.png

Electrical Riser on Floor/Corridors

  • 106 Check that the lights are working.

  • 107 Check that the main door is locked.

  • 108 Check that the riser is not used as a store.

  • 109 There should be no water or sewage pipes in the room.

Fire Sprinkler Pump Room

  • Make/Model of Fire Pump System:

  • Year of manufacture:

  • 110 Check control valves are secured

  • 111 Check that motor safety guard is not removed.

  • 112 Check that room is not used as a store.

  • 113 Check that the battery is on a charger system and fully charged.

  • 114 Check that the door to pump room is locked.

  • 115 Check that the lights are working.

  • 116 Check that the motors are well maintained and not rusty

  • 117 Check that the pump is not leaking at the packing gland.

  • 118 Check that the sprinkler pump switch is put on auto-mode.

  • 119 Listen to pump operation for loss or faulty bearings.

Fuel Oil Boilers

  • Make/Model of Boiler System:

  • Year of manufacture:

  • 120 Check all boiler gauges are not damaged.

  • 121 Check boiler housing is not rusty.

  • 122 Check that the proper sign is placed outside the door. (see image below)

  • Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 3.59.43 PM.png
  • 123 Check that the room is not used as a store.

Generator Room

  • Make/Model of Generator System:

  • Year of manufacture:

  • 124 Check coolant level.

  • 125 Check last date filter was changed.

  • 126 Check oil level.

  • 127 Check that generator room is locked.

  • 128 Check that safety guard is not removed.

  • 129 Check that the battery is on a charger system and fully charged.

  • 130 Check that the lights are working.

  • 131 Check that the mandatory sign is place at the door.(G)

  • Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 3.59.46 PM.png
  • 132 Check the hearing protectors are placed at the entrance inside the room.

Lift Motor Room

  • Make/Model of Lift System:

  • Year of manufacture:

  • 133 Check that the door to motor room is locked.

  • 134 Check that the lights are working.

  • 135 Check that the motor room is not used as a store.

Pipe Shaft Riser on Floor/Corridors.

  • 136 Check no items are stored in the shaft e.g. Brooms, mops etc.

  • 137 Check pipe shaft for leakage or faulty valve with dripping water.

  • 138 Check that pipe is free of rust.

Sump Pump Room

  • Make/Model of Sump Pump System:

  • Year of manufacture:

  • 139 Check sump pit floor cover or safety barrier is in place.

  • 140 Check that pump switch should be at auto-mode.

  • 141 Check that the door to pump room is locked.

  • 142 Check that the lights are working.

  • 143 Check that water will discharge to drain when float sensor is lifted.

  • 144 Check that the pump room is not used as a store.

Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) Room

  • Make/Model of STP System:

  • Year of manufacture:

  • 145 Check that door to pump room is locked.

  • 146 Check that pump room is dry.

  • 147 Check that the lights are working

  • 148 Check that room is not used as a store.

  • 149 Check the hearing protectors are placed at the entrance inside the room.

  • 150 Check that the EHS SOP for Sewerage Treatment Plant is present & updated.

Swimming Pool Pump Room

  • Make/Model of Swimming Pool Pump Filtration System:

  • Year of manufacture:

  • 151 Check filtration tanks are not leaking

  • 152 Check filtration tanks pressure gauges are not faulty

  • 153 Check motor safety guard is not removed.

  • 154 Check that door to pump room is locked.

  • 155 Check that motors are well maintained and not rusty.

  • 156 Check that pump is not leaking at the packing gland.

  • 157 Check that pump room is dry.

  • 158 Check that room is not used as a store.

  • 159 Check that the lights are working

  • 160 Chlorine must be kept in a dry and well ventilated store with appropriate and clear signs on the door. (E)

  • Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 3.59.54 PM.png
  • 161 Listen to pump operation for loss or faulty bearings.

  • 162 Wash point provided (If chlorine is being handled within the room)

Liquefied Petroleum Gas

  • 163 Gas cylinder storage areas must have signs put up e.g. No Smoking, No Phones, and No Naked Flames. (A)

  • Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 3.59.28 PM.png
  • 164 Gas cylinder storage must be installed with explosive proof lightings.

  • 165 Gas cylinder storage must have the light switch installed outside.

  • 166 Check gas meter has a solenoid shut off valve connected to the fire alarm panel.

  • 167 Oil should not be discharged into drains, instead oil traps should be installed.

  • 168 Bottled LPG should be fitted with safety valve.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.