Title Page

  • Store Name

  • Store #

  • Address
  • Shift Manager

  • Store General Manager

  • Safety Adviser

  • Date

Food Safety Test in coordination to Happened Before?

  • 1.1: EHO/Local Authority Report available and critical items resolved.

  • 1.2: Online Kitchen Diary due diligence logs not completed ((paper records only used for emergencies),(Auditor to go into the detail of at least 10 days and ensure temperatures are being entered)).

  • 1.3: Cleaning schedules not completed or does not reflect cleaning standards observed.

  • 1.4: Online Kitchen Diary Monthly Food Hygiene Management audit completed and retained. (Paper records only used for emergencies).

  • 2.1: TM not observed working with symptoms of illness or infection.

  • 2.2: TM observed to not eat or drink in customer view.

  • 2.3: TM meet Papa John's hygiene and jewellery standards in food area.

  • 2.4: Food handling TM with plaster on hand not wearing a BLUE glove.

  • 2.5: Blue gloves and blue (not flesh coloured) plasters available/used appropriately.

  • 2.9: Handwashing sink accessible, clean, functioning properly, used only for handwashing.

  • 4.1: Food and packaging properly stored in good condition; damaged food segregated; TM food/medication segregated.

  • 4.2: Food utensils that are in use are stored properly (in food, handles up or clean surface).

  • 4.3: Utensils, smallwares and food contact surfaces clean, cleanly stored, dry, in good repair.

  • 4.4: Actual cross contamination observed.

  • 4.5: Potential cross contamination is observed.

  • 5.8: Sanitiser or disinfectant not available, the correct strength or not being applied correctly.

  • 8.1: Approved chemicals are properly labelled, stored and handled correctly.

  • 5.9: Cleaning supplies and equipment available, functional and stored clean (mops, buckets, brooms, etc).

  • 5.12: All seals are clean and in good repair.


  • Store Equipment seals observation?

  • 5.13: Ceilings and lights clean and in good repair and lights shielded and shatter proof bulbs in food and storage areas

  • 5.14: Rubbish bins sufficient, clean and well maintained (includes Toilet, BOH and FOH).

  • 5.16: Restrooms are clean and in good working order with hot water, toilet paper, anti-bacterial soap, hand dryer I hand towel.

  • 5.17: Restrooms have a pedal operated sanitary waste bin with a lid that is specifically designed for disposing of hygiene products

  • 6.1: Thermometers in use are calibrated.

Temperature record value

  • What temperature is recorded

  • 6.3: All foods must be cooked or heated to the proper internal cooking temperature.

  • *BUFFET SERVICE - Hot holding unit food at correct temperature.

  • *BUFFET SERVICE - Hot food held was 63 degrees or above.

  • 6.4: All stored ingredients ambient or cold and all cold prepped ingredients (in the production flow) are rotated and labelled properly.

  • 6.5: All stored and in production ingredients are within date and not spoiled.

  • 6.6: Frozen food defrosted according to standard.

  • *All tinned products been fully decanted.

  • 7.1: Cold holding equipment in good repair & maintains temperature standard.


  • All equipments in good use?

  • 7.3: Cooking equipment in good repair.

  • 7.4: Preparation and Production equipment in good repair.

  • 7.5: Other equipment in good repair.

  • 10.1: Hot water between 44C to 49C available in the kitchen as measured at compartment sink.

  • 10.2: Minimum of one functioning TM toilet available.

  • 9.2: Pest control contract in place (last visit within 90days/ actioned) with pest control devices installed and maintained.

Comment Inspection date

  • Under 90 days date

  • 9.3: Possible pest entry points sealed and harbourage conditions prevented, including storage sheds and landscaping.

  • 9.4: Pest controller proof of insurance available. Attach Picture. (Non-Scoring)


  • Pest controller proof

  • 9.5: State name of pest control provider (Non-Scoring)

  • 10.3: Plumbing needs repair.

  • 10.4: No sewage backup (Stores or kitchen drains).

  • 10.5: Grease traps and all drains covered, clear and functioning properly with no offensive or chemical smell.

  • 11.1: Restaurant has electric power.

  • * Auditor denied access to area(s) of the store.

  • 12.1: Team member not aware of how to answer questions about allergens or vegan products

  • 12.2: Is the QR code allergen displayed at the front counter? All other Allergen collateral should be removed.

  • 12.3: Who makes the final decision on what food to order based on the allergy data sheets ( The customer).

  • 12.4: Cross contamination risks from the 14 legally defined allergens observed in either food storage or production.

  • 12.5: Two Team Members from the store with valid Level 2 Food Hygiene training certificates available and less than 3 years old. (Designated SM should be 1 of those)

  • 12.6: All team members on the schedule registered on Pizza Academy.

  • *Quality seals used, and evidence that contact free procedures are being followed.

Heath And Safety in coordination with Happened before.

  • 13.1: Papa John's Health Compliance Folder available in store.

  • 13.2: Health and safety documentation complete to standard.

  • 13.3: Site specific fire risk assessment available (Not a Generic Fire risk assessment). Attach Picture.

Image attached

  • Site specific Fire Risk Assessment

  • 13.4: Site specific Fire Risk Assessment was undertaken by a qualified Fire Risk Assessor or Fire Risk Assessment company.

  • 13.5: Fire Alarm Test Certificate available and inspected within last 12 months. Attach Picture.

Fire Alarm Test Certificate availabe.

  • Update with date

  • 13.6: Fire panel(s) are not operational, or fault(s) identified. Attach Picture

Full functional fire alarm panel

  • Attached Image

  • 13.7: Fire alarm weekly test recorded for last 4 weeks. Attach Picture


  • Attach Image

  • 13.8: All fire call points are numbered and test key available

Call points numbered and test key available

  • Response

  • 13.9: Emergency light test certificate available and inspected within last 12 months. Attach Picture.

Comment with date

  • EL test certificate available

  • 13.10: Fire Extinguisher service records available and inspected within last 12 months. (Extinguishers replaced every 5yrs check needed). Attached Picture

Comment with date

  • Service Certificate Available

  • 14.1: Fire procedures are implemented & equipment is maintained according to standard.

All working Properly

  • Alarms, lights, panic bars and exit signs are in place and working properly.

  • 14.2: Fire routes and doors are clear and accessible, unlocked and functioning correctly.

Fire Door opening instructions (Eg: push bar to open) missing

  • Comment

  • 13.11: Plugged in items are PAT tested. (Items over 2 years). Attach Picture.

Comment date

  • Records and label on back of certificates

  • 13.19: All electrical equipment, plugs sockets and leads are in good condition and repair

  • 13.12: Fixed wire inspection has not been conducted in the last 5 years. Attach Picture

Comment with date

  • Store Under 5 years old

  • 13.13: Remedial works on fixed wire equipment as specified by contractor have not been progressed

  • 13.14: Oven ventilation canopy cleaned in the last 12 months and records available. Attach Picture.

Comment with Date

  • Certificate/Service Record Available

  • 13.15: Examination of all gas appliances records available covering all gas installation and appliances (Commercial & Domestic). Attach Picture

Comment with Date

  • Certificate available

  • 13.16: External asbestos survey available or complete. (NIA if not applicable). Attach Picture


  • Survey update

  • 13.17: Site specific asbestos management plan is available on site. (NIA if not applicable)

  • 13.18: The asbestos register is available to all contractors working on site. (NIA if not applicable)

  • 14.3: Electrical and Gas safety procedures are followed according to standard.

  • 14.4: No slip or trip hazards are present.

  • 14.5: Hazardous situations are not observed or unsafe equipment.

  • 14.6: First aid kit and safety supplies available and used according to standard.

Brand Standards in coordination to happened before.

  • 15.3.• Corrective actions from the previous NSF audit have not been completed and signed off.

  • 19.1.• Safety Advisor acknowledged within 10 seconds of arrival at the store.

  • 19.2: Quality seals used, and evidence that contact free procedures are being followed.

  • 20.7: The make line chiller correctly set out.

  • 20.8: GDPR compliance with the CCTV sticker displayed in the window.

  • 21.1. Late Night License Displayed for Stores Selling hot food or hot drink at any time between llpm and 5am (NON-SCORING) (MUST ATTACH PICTURE OF LICENSE ON DISPLAY)


  • Attached picture

  • 22.1: Is a Vehicle Check completed daily?

ROIP in coordination with Happened Before

  • 5.01: Restaurant exterior - Parking lot, building condition, windows, landscaping

  • 5.02: Signage - Approved, current signage on restaurant front

  • 5.03: Lobby - Clean and in good repair.

  • 5.04: Beverage fridge - Clean, working and properly stocked (no expired product) Damaged seal

  • 5.05: Menu/Counter/POP kit - Clean, properly displayed and current

  • 5.06: Brand identity - Approved brand imagery throughout restaurant

  • 5.07: Team member image - Uniforms, hot bags, car tops, delivery vehicles

  • 5.08: Comments on Image Overall

  • 6.01: Production area - Walls, floor, ceiling, lights and vents clean and in good repair

  • 6.02: Cut table and heat racks - Clean, organized and operating properly

  • 6.03: Walk-in - Walls, floor, ceiling and condenser coils clean and in good repair Damage to green push button

  • 6.04: Overall equipment conditions and smallware’s - Clean and in good repair

  • 6.05: Oven and exhaust hood - Temperature and belt speed within specification

  • 6.06: Cross contamination - No potential or actual cross contamination observed

  • 6.07: 3 Sink/prep/dry storage area/toilet - Walls, floor and ceiling clean and in good repair

  • 6.08: Ventilation and air conditioning - Good working order, comfortable restaurant temperature

  • 6.09: Comments on Cleanliness and Organisation

  • 7.01: Makeline (Top-Bottom), walk-in and freezer temperatures within acceptable range

  • 7.02: Product builds - Menu items properly prepared

  • 7.03: Dough management - Properly proofed, day 3 - 7 in production, no expired dough

  • 7.04: Are all dough temps in production at temperatures between 1OC - 16C (50F 60F)? 5,2c

  • 7.05: In use pizza sauce temp 1OC 29C (50F 84F)

  • 7.06: MDOG/ Ingredients Prep Sheet usage Printed and actively using cheese fluffed

  • 7.07: Food prep - Within shelf life, dated and stored properly

  • 7.08: Comments on Products and Dough

  • 8.01,• Test Pizza 1 - Double Pepperoni (Attach Picture)

  • 8.02: Bake/ Crust - Golden Crust, Clean Crust, Round Shaped

  • 8.03: Cheese Coverage - More than 75% covered with Cheese

  • 8.04: Cheese Lock - More than 75% Cheese Locked/ Sealed

  • 8.05: Toppings - # Slices with correct Amount of Toppings

  • Asked Second Pizza Quality Test

  • 8.06.• Comments on Pizza Quality

  • 9.01: OTD is available

  • 9.02: OSAT

  • 9.03: Wait Time

  • 9.04: Inaccurate Orders

  • 9.05: Customer Greeting - Customer welcomed promptly on the phone and upon entering the restaurant

  • 9.06: Hospitality - Staff is attentive with customer, smiling and thanking them for their visit with one on one attention. No distractions

  • 9.07: Comments on Customer First Always

  • 10.01: MDP certification - Minimum of two People First Leadership (ROC) and one Store Leadership (AROC) certified TMs on schedule

  • 10.02: Overall restaurant completion percentage 75% or higher

  • 10.03: Team members on shift can demonstrate competence on current station working and have record of this within their training records

  • 10.04: Team Members have general knowledge of current promotional deal

  • 10.05: Observed coaching and positive communication

  • 10.06: Comments on Training

  • 11.01: Evidence of rodents and/or other pest control issues. Auto fail and close restaurant

  • 11.02: Extremely dirty restaurant/ restaurant in extreme disrepair

  • 11.03: Any expired products found during visit

  • 11.04: Unapproved food, products and/or equipment being used in restaurant

  • 11.05: Is the manager on duty MDP certified?

  • 11.06: Handwashing observed during visit Yes

  • 11.07: Comments on Non-Negotiables

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.