
  • NC Number

  • Street number and street name

  • Suburb

  • Scope of Work performed?

  • Works Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Works Performed By? Provide Panel Member Company Name

  • PID

  • Title Reference number

Pre-Works Photos

  • Photos of property prior to works being performed

TasWater Endorsed Plans & CCW (Certificate of Certifiable Work)

  • Upload photo/s of the TasWater Endorsed Plans used to perform the customer connection

  • Upload photo/s of CCW (Certificate of Certifiable Work) *where applicable



  • Traffic Management /control needed?

  • Upload a photo of the Traffic Management Plan

  • Photo/s showing traffic management in place

  • Any Hazards on site have been added to SWMS spreadsheet & SWMS completed?

Water Connection and meter installs details (RA)

Water Connection and meter installs information for Revenue Assurance

  • Was a new water connection installed?

  • What size is the new water Connection?

  • Was a manifold installed?

  • How many meters were installed on a manifold?

  • What is the Mater meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear close-up photo showing the master meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear close-up photo showing the master meter radio number

  • Meter serviced (e.g. unit 1)

  • Is meter installation Complete?

  • Date of meter install

  • Description of land at time of Connection

  • How was the meter installed?

  • Photos showing the meter installation

  • Photo showing the meter is self draining in meter box

  • Photo showing the meter is self-draining in trafficable box

  • Photo showing the meter installation

  • Showings showing the meter installation

  • Meter details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear close-up photo showing the master meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear close-up photo showing the master meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Meter serviced (e.g. unit 1)

  • Is meter installation Complete?

  • Description of land at time of Connection

  • How was the meter installed?

  • Photos showing the meter installation

  • Photo showing the meter is self draining in meter box

  • Photo showing the meter is self-draining in trafficable box

  • Photo showing the meter installation

  • Showings showing the meter installation

  • Meter details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear close-up photo showing the master meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear close-up photo showing the master meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Meter serviced (e.g. unit 1)

  • Is meter installation Complete?

  • Description of land at time of Connection

  • How was the meter installed?

  • Photos showing the meter installation

  • Photo showing the meter is self draining in meter box

  • Photo showing the meter is self-draining in trafficable box

  • Photo showing the meter installation

  • Showings showing the meter installation

  • Meter details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear close-up photo showing the master meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear close-up photo showing the master meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Meter serviced (e.g. unit 1)

  • Is meter installation Complete?

  • Description of land at time of Connection

  • How was the meter installed?

  • Photos showing the meter installation

  • Photo showing the meter is self draining in meter box

  • Photo showing the meter is self-draining in trafficable box

  • Photo showing the meter installation

  • Showings showing the meter installation

  • Meter details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear close-up photo showing the master meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear close-up photo showing the master meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Meter serviced (e.g. unit 1)

  • Is meter installation Complete?

  • Description of land at time of Connection

  • How was the meter installed?

  • Photos showing the meter installation

  • Photo showing the meter is self draining in meter box

  • Photo showing the meter is self-draining in trafficable box

  • Photo showing the meter installation

  • Showings showing the meter installation

  • Meter details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear close-up photo showing the master meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear close-up photo showing the master meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Meter serviced (e.g. unit 1)

  • Is meter installation Complete?

  • Description of land at time of Connection

  • How was the meter installed?

  • Photos showing the meter installation

  • Photo showing the meter is self draining in meter box

  • Photo showing the meter is self-draining in trafficable box

  • Photo showing the meter installation

  • Showings showing the meter installation

  • Meter Details - repeat this section for every meter
  • Meter details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear close-up photo showing the master meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear close-up photo showing the master meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Meter serviced (e.g. unit 1)

  • Is meter installation Complete?

  • Description of land at time of Connection

  • How was the meter installed?

  • Photos showing the meter installation

  • Photo showing the meter is self draining in meter box

  • Photo showing the meter is self-draining in trafficable box

  • Photo showing the meter installation

  • Showings showing the meter installation

  • Was a new meter installed on existing water connection?

  • Was a manifold installed on an existing water connection?

  • What is the existing water connection size?

  • How many meters were installed on a manifold?

  • Meter 1 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 2 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 1 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 2 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 3 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 1 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 2 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 3 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 4 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 1 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 2 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 3 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 4 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 5 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 1 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 2 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 3 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 4 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 5 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 6 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 1 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 2 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 3 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 4 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 5 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 6 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 7 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 1 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 2 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 3 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 4 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 5 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 6 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 7 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 8 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 1 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 2 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 3 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 4 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 5 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 6 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 7 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 8 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 9 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 1 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 2 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 3 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 4 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 5 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 6 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 7 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 8 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 9 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 10 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 1 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 2 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 3 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 4 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 5 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 6 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 7 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 8 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 9 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 10 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 11 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 1 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 2 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 3 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 4 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 5 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 6 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 7 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 8 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 9 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 10 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 11 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Meter 12 details

  • What is the meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

  • Master Meter details

  • What size is the existing water connection?

  • What size is the meter?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Meter radio number

  • Clear photo showing the meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear photo showing the meter radio number

  • Date of meter install

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

Water Works Performed photos & location details

Water Connection/Upgrade/Relocations/Downsizing and meter installs & reinstatement Photos

  • Was a new water connection installed?

  • Was a manifold installed?

  • Photos showing excavation works

  • Photo showing TasWater Mains

  • Photo showing the TPFNR installation

  • Photos showing the installation of the new property connection pipework

  • Photo showing manifold construction prior to backfilling

  • Photos showing the installation of metallic detector tape

  • Photos showing backfill

  • Photos showing reinstatement of excavation area

  • Photos showing the meter/s are self-draining in meter boxes (*upload at least one photo for each meter installed)

  • Was a trafficable box installed?

  • Photos showing trafficable boxes have been installed

Location of new meter assembly and water works performed

  • The measurements from the property boundaries (e.g. 5mtrs from left boundary & 500mm from front boundary)

  • The length (in metres) of the connecting pipework from the mains connection point.

  • The depth (in millimetres) of the pipe work at the connection point.

  • Northerly bearing for plan

  • Photos showing excavation works

  • Photo showing TasWater Mains

  • Photos showing the connection upgrade from the existing TPFNR

  • Photos showing the installation of the new property connection pipework

  • Photos showing the installation of metallic detector tape

  • Photos showing backfill

  • Photos showing reinstatement of excavation area

  • Photos showing the meter/s are self-draining in meter boxes (*upload at least one photo for each meter installed)

  • Was a trafficable box installed?

  • Photos showing trafficable boxes have been installed

Location of new meter assembly and water works performed

  • The measurements from the property boundaries (e.g. 5mtrs from left boundary & 500mm from front boundary)

  • The length (in metres) of the connecting pipework from the mains connection point.

  • The depth (in millimetres) of the pipe work at the connection point.

  • Was the existing water connection upgraded?

  • Was a manifold installed on existing water connection?

  • Was a meter installed on existing water connection?

  • Photos showing excavation works

  • Photos showing the installation of the meter

  • Photos showing backfill

  • Photos showing reinstatement of excavation area

  • Photos showing the meter/s are self-draining in meter boxes (*upload at least one photo for each meter installed)

  • Was a trafficable box installed?

  • Photos showing trafficable boxes have been installed

Location of new meter assembly and water works performed

  • The measurements from the property boundaries (e.g. 5mtrs from left boundary & 500mm from front boundary)

  • The length (in metres) of the connecting pipework from the mains connection point.

  • The depth (in millimetres) of the pipe work at the connection point.

  • Northerly bearing for plan

  • Photos showing excavation works

  • Photos showing pipework installation

  • Photo showing manifold construction prior to backfilling

  • Photos showing meter installation

  • Photos showing backfill

  • Photos showing reinstatement of excavation area

  • Photos showing the meter/s are self-draining in meter boxes (*upload at least one photo for each meter installed)

  • Was a trafficable box installed?

  • Photos showing trafficable boxes have been installed

Location of new meter assembly and water works performed

  • The measurements from the property boundaries (e.g. 5mtrs from left boundary & 500mm from front boundary)

  • The length (in metres) of the connecting pipework from the mains connection point.

  • The depth (in millimetres) of the pipe work at the connection point.

  • Northerly bearing for plan

  • Photos showing excavation works

  • Photo showing TasWater Mains

  • Photos showing the connection upgrade from the existing TPFNR

  • Photos showing pipework installation

  • Photo showing manifold construction prior to backfilling

  • Photos showing backfill

  • Photos showing the installation of metallic detector tape

  • Photos showing reinstatement of excavation area

  • Photos showing the meter/s are self-draining in meter boxes (*upload at least one photo for each meter installed)

  • Was a trafficable box installed?

  • Photos showing trafficable boxes have been installed

Location of new meter assembly and water works performed

  • The measurements from the property boundaries (e.g. 5mtrs from left boundary & 500mm from front boundary)

  • The length (in metres) of the connecting pipework from the mains connection point.

  • The depth (in millimetres) of the pipe work at the connection point.

  • Northerly bearing for plan

Disconnected Water Connection/Meter Details (RA)

Water Disconnection information for Revenue Assurance

  • Was an existing water connection capped & sealed?

  • Was the pipe work removed?

  • How many existing connections were capped and sealed?

  • Disconnected Service Details - repeat this for each disconnect
  • Disconnected Service details no.1

  • What size was the existing water connection that was disconnected?

  • What was the removed meter size?

  • Meter Serial number

  • Clear close-up photo showing the removed meter serial number & meter reading

  • Clear close-up photo showing the removed meter radio number

  • Date of meter removal

  • Description of property at time of disconnection

  • Serviced Property (e.g. unit 1 or Lot 1)

Disconnection of Existing Water Connection photos & Location Details

Disconnection of Existing Water Connection photos

  • Was a water disconnection performed?

  • Photos showing the existing connection

  • Photos showing excavation works

  • Photo showing the cap and seal of existing water connection

  • Photos showing backfill

  • Photos showing reinstatement of excavation area

Location of Water Disconnection

  • The measurements from the property boundaries to the disconnection point on TasWater mains.

New Fire Plug installation & Location Details

New Fire Plug installation photos

  • Was a new fire plug installed?

  • Photos showing the excavation works

  • Photos showing the installation of a new fire plug

  • Photos showing the backfill of excavation works

  • Photos showing reinstatement

  • Photos showing fire plug road markings

  • Has a flow test been completed?

  • If you don't have flow testing equipment, please contact TasWater on 13 6992 to arrange a flow test and send a copy of the flow test results with the completion sheet pack.

  • Please upload load a copy of the flow test results.

Location of New Fire Plug

  • The measurements from the property boundaries (e.g. 5mtrs from left boundary & 500mm from front boundary)

  • The measurements from the nearest public road

  • The length (in metres) of the connecting pipework from the mains connection point to the fire plug

  • The depth (in millimetres) of the pipe work at the connection point and termination of the fire plug

New Fire Hydrant Installation & Location Details

New Fire Hydrant Installation photos

  • Was a new hydrant installed?

  • Photos showing the excavation works

  • Photos showing the installation of a new hydrant

  • Photos showing the backfill of excavation works

  • Photos showing reinstatement

  • Photos showing hydrant road markings

Location of New Fire Hydrant

  • The measurements from the property boundaries (e.g. 5mtrs from left boundary & 500mm from front boundary)

  • The measurements from the nearest public road

  • The length (in metres) of the connecting pipework from the mains connection point to the hydrant

  • The depth (in millimetres) of the pipe work at the connection point and termination of the hydrant

  • Has a flow test been completed?

  • If you don't have flow testing equipment, please contact TasWater on 13 6992 to arrange a flow test and send a copy of the flow test results with the completion sheet pack.

  • Please upload load a copy of the flow test results.


  • Upload photo/s of a map showing the locations of works performed, including disconnection and connections works.

  • Upload photo/s of the completed Water Service Disconnection & Connection Completion Form

Panel Member Sign off of Works Completed

  • Full name of Panel Member onsite Supervisor (type full name and sign)

  • Full name of Panel Member onsite Plumber (type full name and sign)

  • Comments

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.